5 0 0 0 OA コーチの本質

内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.677-697, 2013 (Released:2013-12-07)
7 3

The present study was conducted to clarify the roles of coaches in sports instruction and the essentials of these roles. Up to now, there has been no unified definition of coaching, and the conditions and grounds for selecting coaches and analyzing them collectively have remained unclear. In addition, logically, “induction” rather should be “extracted,” and the existing intelligence of the contents (intension) of the concept can be logically assumed. Accordingly, this approach seems inappropriate for revealing the essence of coaching. In order to overcome this problem, this research classifies into occasions of entities and consistence of existence. Under the subject of existence, entities theoretically transcend this through individualization, and this method is used to reach the existence of entities. As a result of this consideration, coaches first “tame” athletes to a system of physical techniques in order to address specific items, and then they endeavor to maintain the same level of play. It was clarified that coaches are specialists who are able to help athletes “transcend” from their current conditions. Moreover, coaches can using external force to compel a “physical change” in athletes, as leaders who can control athletes intelligently and actively, using a process that consists of and production based on theoretical knowledge. Thus, coaching involves the use of “compelling power” to rise from restrictions under specific conditions, and to encourage constant excellence.
内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14038, (Released:2014-09-09)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the norm for supporting play by athletes in team sports, which has so far lacked implicitness, having been regarded spontaneity. The investigation involved analysis of the “authority” of Michael Jordan (hereinafter shortened to “MJ”), who has had a reputation as being one of the best athletes in history. Initially we tried to extract a sense of values from MJ himself and references to his reputation. From this, we clarified a standard of value judgments, and then finally produced a suitable universal normative principle common to all athletes. Although there were insufficient data to draw firm conclusions, the sense of values derived by an athlete appeared to be derived from evaluation of “whether one can utilize one's own talents.” It became clear that while this leads to “correct” play, this evaluation standard contributes to the formation of an “independent strong self” that can “exert positive freedom.” On the other hand, it was also concluded that not only did this “positive freedom” control the evaluation standards of athletes, but also functions as the “normative principle” that one should acquire by forming one's own creativity and identity. At the same time, it was suggested that “positive freedom” is the driving force that allows athletes to become “ignorant” through independent and strong self-belief, The present findings indicate that disregarding any mystique or secrecy about the underlying ability in athletes, and transcending the rule of thumb can contribute to execution of play by athletes in team sports, acting as a signpost when confronting any problem that is complicated, erratic or filled with uncertainty.
内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16078, (Released:2018-07-23)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.
牛来 千穂子 水落 文夫 内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.961-981, 2022 (Released:2022-11-18)

This study aimed to develop a “Scale for Teamwork in Sport” (STS) and examine its reliability and validity. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 432 athletes from 45 university sports teams across Japan. Based on exploratory factor analysis, 4 upper factors, 10 lower factors, and 40 items were extracted. The 4 upper factors, “team orientation”, “team leadership”, “team process”, and “communication” corresponded to Dickinson and McIntyre's (1997) conceptual model. The following results were obtained regarding the reliability and validity of the STS: 1) Its reliability was confirmed via sufficient internal consistency and temporal stability of Cronbach's alpha and retest reliability coefficients. 2) A significant correlation was found between the STS and factors of an existing scale. The average score for each STS factor of the team with high competition level was significantly high. Therefore, the criterion-related validity of the scale was supported. 3) As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit of the model found in all 4 scales corresponded to the upper factors. In addition, covariance structure analysis was conducted on the validation model, and its goodness-of-fit was acceptable. Furthermore, significant path coefficients were confirmed among the elements, which excluded the path from “monitoring” to “coordination”. These results support the construct validity of the STS. These findings indicate that the STS has high reliability and validity and can evaluate teamwork in sports from a comprehensive and process perspective. Hence, a new simplified scale was developed that conformed to Dickinson and McIntyre's (1997) teamwork model and could be used in sports. These results provide new insight on team building.
牛来 千穂子 水落 文夫 内山 治樹
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.36, no.2, pp.177-188, 2023-03-20 (Released:2023-03-31)

This study aimed to develop a “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team”, based on the classification of shared mental models by Cannon-Bowers et al. (1993), and examine its reliability and validity. We conducted a questionnaire survey with 453 players from university basketball clubs in Japan. Based on an exploratory factor analysis, four factors and 16 items were extracted. The four factors corresponded to the classification of the shared mental models. The following results were obtained regarding the reliability and validity of the “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team”: 1) Its reliability was confirmed via sufficient internal consistency, temporal stability of Cronbach's alpha, and retest reliability coefficients. 2) A significant correlation was found between the developed scale and factors of an existing scale. The average score of each factor of the team with a high competition level was significantly high. Therefore, the scale's criterion-related validity was supported. 3) As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit of the model was recognized. Additionally, the validity of the construct of the developed scale was supported. Thus, the “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team” had high reliability and validity. Furthermore, it appropriately evaluated shared mental models in basketball. In conclusion, we developed a new simple scale that conformed to the classification of shared mental models by Cannon-Bowers et al. (1993) and could be used in the field of competition. The results of this study provide a new perspective on team building in basketball.
仲澤 翔大 吉田 健司 内山 治樹
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.35, no.2, pp.201-212, 2022-03-20 (Released:2022-05-09)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the level of organizational commitment and the social power of sports coaches, and to identify the social power that coaches can rely on to increase organizational commitment based on that relationship. An online-questionnaire was used in this study, and 464 basketball players enrolled in the Division 1 of Kanto Collegiate Basketball Federation was a target for this study. A total of 166 basketball players participated in a self- administered questionnaire between the 29th of July and the 9th of August, 2020 (response rate: 35.8%). A multiple regression analysis was performed with the level of organizational commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990) as the dependent variable and the five types of power resource (Mori, 2005) as the explanatory (Independent) variable. It was suggested that in order to increase organizational commitment, it is important for coaches to provide guidance that relies on the passion for coaching power and the expert powers.
内山 治樹
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-13, 1998-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

Successful offense in basketball depends on each player's leaming and execution of a set of skills fundamental to offensive plays. Regardless of the type of team offense used, we can expect little success if the players do not have the individual tactics needed to perform one-on-one offense within an offensive system. However, in the present situation we find players given techniques and tactics too difficult, too complex, or too numerous for their talents and abilities. In additon, so far as the author has been able to uncover, very little literature exists in which clear definitions of the terms “technique" and “tactics" are given, and how much relationship and interdependence they have has not yet been made clear. The purpose of this study is to provide a trail plan on the classification of “fundamentals" and “individual tactics" in offensive basketball from the viewpoints of the careful selection and structurization by analyzing Basketball Canada and Shiro Yoshii's theories.    The main results may be summarized as follows : (1) Offensive fundamentals can be roughly classified into “body control" , “ball handling" and “shooting".  1) Body control consists of “body balance" and “footwork".  2) Ball handling consists of “ball handling",“reception" “passing" and “dribbling".  3) Shooting is organized from the following four steps of shots : “one handed set shot",“jumping set shot",“jump shot" and “lay-up shot". (2) Individual tactics can be divided into two parts: player with the ball and player without the ball.  1) Individual tactics of player with the ball is triadically classified into the exeution of fundamentals, “one player maneuvers" and “faking" depending upon whether or not they are under direct pressure from a defender.  2) Individual tactics of player without the ball is classified into “getting open" and “faking" depending upon whether or not they are under direct pressure from a defender.    From the results described above, we may conclude that we have been able to give a guideline for the investigation of the careful selection and structurization of offensive techniques and tactics in basketball.
池田 英治 内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.263_3, 2019

<p> 本研究の目的は、Collective Efficacy Scale for Basketball for Offense(CESBO、Ikeda et al.、2014)と有意な関係性を持つバスケットボールにおける「パフォーマンス指標」について検討することであった。対象は、国内の大学バスケットボール部及びトップリーグに在籍するチームのうち、それぞれのカテゴリーでのリーグ戦におけるパフォーマンス指標が収集できるチーム(37チーム)及びその対象チームに所属するリーグ戦に出場機会のあった選手(414名)とした。分析に際しては、得られた個々のデータをチームの値として合計し、1つのチームを1サンプルとして捉え、計37チーム(37サンプル)のCESBO及びパフォーマンス指標を算出した。パフォーマンス指標については、単純なゲーム・スタッツの項目以外に、複雑な回帰式等を用いた詳細な客観的指標(アドバンスド・ゲーム・スタッツ)を求め、相関分析の項目として採用することとした。分析の結果、「シュートに関する項目」、「勝敗に関する項目」、「客観的で精度の高い指標」(Bray and Whaley, 2001)が、バスケットボール版CE尺度(CESBO)との強い関係性を表すパフォーマンス指標として導出された。</p>
大神 訓章 日高 哲朗 内山 治樹 佐々木 桂二 浅井 慶一
山形大学紀要. 教育科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Educational Science
vol.12, no.4, pp.59(427)-72(440), 2001-02-15

要旨 : 本研究は,日本女子バスケットボールリーグ(WJBL)に所属する12チームを分析対象として,チームの平均身長を数学的手法により数量化・細分化し,それらを身長力として捉え,チームの身長力が戦力及び得点に及ぼす影響について分析したものである。 本稿で捉えたチームの身長力とは,各プレーヤーの出場率を加味し,併せて長身プレーヤーのチームに対する貢献率を考慮して数量化したものである。そして,その身長力について,回帰係数及び回帰直線を求め,その数値及び直線の傾きからチーム戦力を評価し,また,対戦した2チーム間の身長力の差並びに得点比を算出し,戦力比較を試みた。 その結果,チーム身長について,数学的手法による数量化,それに基づく身長力の細分化は,チーム戦力を捉える有効な手段のひとつであると考えられ,算出された数値は,体格的側面からみて,各チームの戦力をより適正に評価し得る数値であると思われる。また,チーム間における身長差と得点比には,高い信頼性と強い相関が認められ,それは,今後のチーム指導の示唆を得るものと考えられる。 The purpose of this study is to analyze the numerical terms on basketball player's height in detail and the effects on fighting power of team. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. Quantification of the baskeball player's height in detai1 can provide an effective means to understand the ability of each team. 2. It is shown that the ability of height can be valued for rate of contribution on strength of team. 3. It is shown that CK and JE are highly scores in S, CK is ah = 8.2, JE is S - ah = 9.7 in regular season, and CK is ah = 11.l, JE is S - ah = 5.2 in playoff, and that the difference in both teams are observed through the different of scores. 4. The regression line was analyzed, are a 2 = 1.68, σ = 5.0, r = 29.8 in regular season, and therefore it is recognized that between the difference of height and the rate of points have reliance and highly correlation.
内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.19061, (Released:2019-11-15)

The purpose of this study was to clarify guidelines for cooperation within an entity known as a “team” that transcend the individual, based on the theory that universal validity criteria and norms that are inherent in them play an important role in team victory. For this purpose, procedures were taken to outline team values and then formulate guidelines that are universally valid by extracting value criteria and normative principles from the analysis. The study results were as follows. 1) It was suggested that criteria allowing distinction between acceptable and nonacceptable actions performed by the team are essential for collaboration among individual athletes, and that conversely, a convergence of various values occurs among athletes. 2) The success or failure of collaborative acts should be based on 2 criteria: “whether or not team performance can be improved,” and “whether or not individual athletes can be satisfied.” In addition, it was clarified that teams and individuals acted in a binary manner, allowing the team to inspire individual athletes, while at the same time individual athletes inspired the team. 3) Finally, it was concluded that team victory is supported and ordered by 2 criteria with a normative principle that “personal assets accumulated through standard value judgments of ‘whether or not personal talents are utilized’ do not reside with the individual as a right of nonaggression, but must be used for the team as a whole in accordance with its needs.” It is anticipated that the present findings will not only help to solve practical problems in team sports, but will also contribute to the debate over athletic capability, which plays an important role in establishing team performance.
内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.605-622, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.
山田 幸雄 松本 光弘 内山 治樹
体育科学系紀要 (ISSN:03867129)
vol.28, pp.175-179, 2005-03

ジタル技術の革新によって情報・著作物等のコピー、改変、融合等が高度かつ簡便に行えるようになった。しかも、そうして作成された新たな情報や著作物はインターネットなどのネットワーク技術を用いて、低コストで ...
大神 訓章 日高 哲朗 内山 治樹 佐々木 桂二 浅井 慶一
山形大學紀要. 教育科學 (ISSN:05134668)
vol.12, no.4, pp.427-440, 2001-02-15

要旨 : 本研究は,日本女子バスケットボールリーグ(WJBL)に所属する12チームを分析対象として,チームの平均身長を数学的手法により数量化・細分化し,それらを身長力として捉え,チームの身長力が戦力及び得点に及ぼす影響について分析したものである。 本稿で捉えたチームの身長力とは,各プレーヤーの出場率を加味し,併せて長身プレーヤーのチームに対する貢献率を考慮して数量化したものである。そして,その身長力について,回帰係数及び回帰直線を求め,その数値及び直線の傾きからチーム戦力を評価し,また,対戦した2チーム間の身長力の差並びに得点比を算出し,戦力比較を試みた。 その結果,チーム身長について,数学的手法による数量化,それに基づく身長力の細分化は,チーム戦力を捉える有効な手段のひとつであると考えられ,算出された数値は,体格的側面からみて,各チームの戦力をより適正に評価し得る数値であると思われる。また,チーム間における身長差と得点比には,高い信頼性と強い相関が認められ,それは,今後のチーム指導の示唆を得るものと考えられる。 The purpose of this study is to analyze the numerical terms on basketball player's height in detail and the effects on fighting power of team. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. Quantification of the baskeball player's height in detai1 can provide an effective means to understand the ability of each team. 2. It is shown that the ability of height can be valued for rate of contribution on strength of team. 3. It is shown that CK and JE are highly scores in S, CK is ah = 8.2, JE is S - ah = 9.7 in regular season, and CK is ah = 11.l, JE is S - ah = 5.2 in playoff, and that the difference in both teams are observed through the different of scores. 4. The regression line was analyzed, are a 2 = 1.68, σ = 5.0, r = 29.8 in regular season, and therefore it is recognized that between the difference of height and the rate of points have reliance and highly correlation.
内山 治樹

筑波大学博士 (体育科学) 学位論文・平成24年3月23日授与 (乙第2590号)