加藤 陽子
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.99, no.9, pp.1507-1546, 1655-1656, 1990-09-20

What does the February 26th Incident mean in the history of modern Japan? Masao Maruyama calls it the epoch-making event that distinguished the maturity of the Fascism movement from its infancy in his "Thought and Movement for Fascism in Japan". Following the February 26th incident, power shifted quickly towards the civilian and military bureaucracies. Historians have therefore made much of the administrative decision that Hirota's Cabinet made in May 1936. In 1899 Yamagata Aritomo had arranged the issue of an imperial decree, to the effect that only generals and admirals on active duty could be appointed to hold military ministerial portfolios. In 1913, under strong pressure from parties in the Lower House, the decree was amended to permit the appointment of retired of officers. The new Cabinet organized by career diplomat Hirota accepted the Army's demands and revised the decree (gen-eki bukan sei fukkatsu) without strong opposition. Among historians it has been the popular view that the revised decree allowed the Army to control the life and death of Cabinets. Between 1913 and 1936, in fact, no retired officer was ever called upon to hold a service ministry portfolio. Did the revised decree in 1936 make much difference ? The purpose of this article is to examine (1)the reason why young officers in the Army (rikugun chukenso) sought to revise the decree; (2)their eagerness to reform the conventional council system of the Army; and (3)the struggle between the Army and political parties during the 70th Diet session. The author suggests the following. (1)The young officers under the direction of Colonel Ishiwara Kanji, insisted that the decree be restored to its original form. It was to restore the Army ministerial portfolio's authority to personnel changes. Between 1913 and 1936, the authority was shared with the Chief of General Staff (sanbo socho) and the Chief of Military Education (kyoiku sokan). The newly designated Army minister had to purge many rebellious officers and the "Imperial Way" faction of senior officers from the Army. (2)The Army persuaded the members of the Cabinet and Privy Council under a promise to abolish the council-one of the Army's institutional prerogatives-putting up a candidate for the Army ministerial portfolio.
岩瀬 英仁 姫野 龍太郎 加藤 陽子
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.3, pp.428-434, 2006 (Released:2008-05-01)

The numerical simulation system of hemodynamics has been developed for the purpose of advanced medicine. The simulation system we have developed realizes a highly efficient simulation process by adopting the voxel model of blood vessels obtained by medical images and a newly developed scheme based on VOF-FVM corresponding to voxel models. The new simulation system does not require mesh generation because of the use of rectangular coordinates. The voxel model of a blood vessel can be constructed very quickly using the voxel model builder we developed. Furthermore, we developed an input system for boundary conditions, which makes it possible for the user to input boundary conditions easily and quickly through a user-friendly interface. To certify the numerical results rapidly, software for animating the blood flow has been developed. We examined the preciseness of the hemodynamics simulation system in the case of a linear tube and a U-shaped tube. The results were in agreement with experimental results and theoretical solutions. As an example of hemodynamics simulation, we examined the blood flow of an internal carotid artery. The simulation system attained high performance compared with the result obtained using the authors' previous method. It especially improves the efficiency of modeling and mesh generation.
加藤 陽子
UP (ISSN:09133291)
vol.43, no.2, pp.14-19, 2014-02
加藤 陽子
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1995, no.109, pp.110-125,L12, 1995-05-20 (Released:2010-09-01)

At the end of the Pacific War, there were more than 6 million Japanese (this figure includes not only military and naval personnel but olso civilians) scattered in overseas theaters; Korea, Manchuria, China, the Philippine islands, and the islands of the Western Pacific. At that moment, there was no one who dared imagine that Japanese nationals overseas could get back home safely and smoothly.But in fact, 90 percent of them were repatriated by the end of 1949. In particular, 80 percent of the Japanese in former Japanese occupied territory in China, could return by May 1946.This paper focuses on how the disarmament and repatriation policies for the Japanese overseas were made, and why they could be repatriated so quickly.Who had the supreme responsibility to accomplish the disarmament of Japanese nationals and to provide for their repatriation? The Chinese National government troops under Chiang Kai-shek's rule could not carry out this mission. During the anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government moved into the western regions, far from the coastal araes, so it took time for them to reach Japanese occupied territory.Only the United States had the power and will to govern all the processes of repatriation. But at the same time, she had to solve other problems. First, she was supposed to maintain the pace of her own demobilization. There was strong pressure to bring Americans out of China. Second, she had to consider Manchurian problems. Generalissimo Chiang asked United States to transfer his army to the northern part of China, as quickly as possible, or the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party would have enterd into the vacuum.In short, the repatriation of Japanese, demobilization of Americans, and transportation of Chinese were absolutely necessary for Washington. In order to carry out all these programs, the Joint Chiefs of Staff mapped out detailed plans for navigating large numbers of LST and Liberty vessels in December 1945.
伊藤 聖子 岡山 純子 加藤 陽治
弘前大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04391713)
no.110, pp.89-92, 2013-10

バクテリアセルロースであるナタデココの微細な網目構造に着目し、その網目構造への分子の浸透性について植物セルロースと比較した。セルロースとナタデココの各試料を、0.1%グルコース溶液およびデキストランT-500(平均分子量50万)溶液100ml に浸し、20分ごとに120分経過するまでの外液の糖量をフェノール硫酸法にて測定し浸透性を調べた。微細な網目構造を有するナタデココへ低分子のグルコースは浸透するが、デキストランT-500(平均分子量50万)のような高分子の物質は浸透しにくいことがわかった。結果を基に、ナタデココの機能性と調理特性などについて考察を加えた。
サーラ スヴェン 川喜田 敦子 工藤 章 田嶋 信雄 ヴィッピヒ ロルフハラルド 加藤 陽子 石田 勇治 萩谷 順

加藤 陽一郎 五十嵐 紀子 平澤 明 辻本 豪三 小林 槇雄
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.65, no.6, pp.485-485, 1995-06-25

第6回東京女子医科大学遺伝医学研究会 1994年11月26日(土) 中央校舎4階講義室(400号室)
加藤 陽子 姫野 龍太郎
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.2, pp.115-121, 2003-06-10

MRI angiography is useful for the diagnosis of blood vessels and blood flow. The phase contrast method is suitable for quantitatively evaluating blood flow velocity because it is reflected in the phase. However, the velocity is low near the vessel wall, and the effect of the dephasing cannot be ignored in this region. On the other hand, the vessel wall is static and the effect of dephasing could be weak. The maximum velocity in the blood vessel also seems to be an accurate parameter because of the weak effect of dephasing. The static and maximum velocity regions therefore seem helpful for extraction of the vessel region, although the influence of the relaxation times and sequence parameters on dephasing have not yet been clarified. In this study we investigate the effects of these parameters on the measurement accuracy of the velocity and design a simple method for the regional extraction of blood vessels. The relaxation times, T_R, T_E and VENC, influenced the accuracy of velocity measurement. Although no dominant parameter was found among them, several combinations of parameters resulted in a significant difference in accuracy. The standard deviation of the phase in the static region increased with increasing relaxation time. We also extracted the popliteal artery region by growing the region until the phase reached a threshold value. This threshold value was set based on the standard deviation of the area in a static region. This method was found to be suitable for extracting the blood vessels from MR images obtained when using the phase contrast method.