泉 喜和子 下田 恒久 下田 哲也 香川 豊宏 池邉 哲郎 大関 悟
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.56, no.4, pp.261-265, 2010-04-20 (Released:2013-10-19)
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This report describes the feasibility of posterior-superior repositioning of the maxilla by Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy with a pterygoid process fracture, while preserving the descending palatine artery. We examined movement accuracy and stability in 3 patients in whom maxillary protrusion with vertical maxillary excess was treated by moving the maxilla backward more than 4 mm. The postsurgical positions of the maxilla were more posterior than the presurgical expectations, but the differences were within 1 mm. Cephalometric analysis revealed that the differences in each measurement between immediately and one year after surgery were within 1 degree. Without mandibular osteotomy, maxillary protrusion can be satisfactorily treated with Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy alone.
池邉 哲郎 大関 悟
福岡歯科大学学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850064)
vol.35, no.1, pp.1-10, 2009-03-31

An increasing number of cases for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) have been reported since the first publication regarding it in 2003. Bisphosphonate, a drug to inhibit osteoclast activity, is administered intravenously or orally to the patients suffering from multiple myeloma, cancer bone metastasis and osteoporosis in order to treat the pathological bone resorption. In BRONJ, however, this drug is thought to impair bone turnover and angiogenesis of the jaw, leading to bone necrosis as an adverse side effect. Bone necrosis is occasionally triggered by dental surgery such as tooth extraction, promoted by bacterial infection, and exposed out of gingiva. The incidence of BRONJ in the patients taking oral bisphosphonate is very rare, but there have been considerable numbers of BRONJ occurring. Because the population of osteoporosis patients taking oral bisphosphonate increases year after year, dentists and oral surgeons must be careful at treating such patients for BRONJ. In this review, the recent findings, concepts and management for BRONJ are presented. The occurrence of BRONJ seems to clarify the critical role, osteoclasts play in the bioregulation mechanism of the jaw.
高木 潤吉 大関 悟 後藤 圭也 大石 正道 小林 家吉 藤村 義秀 本田 武司
一般社団法人 日本口腔腫瘍学会
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 (ISSN:09155988)
vol.10, no.3, pp.128-134, 1998

Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (以下PLGA) は口腔内, 主に口蓋に発生する小唾液腺癌である。本腫瘍は比較的均一な細胞からなるが, 組織像は多彩な浸潤増殖像を呈する。今回著者らは3例のPLGAを経験したので報告する。<BR>症例1ではPLGAは右側舌下面に発生し, 症例2, 3では口蓋に発生していた。症例1では右側顎下リンパ節への転移が認められたため, 舌部分切除術および肩甲舌骨筋上頸部郭清術を行った。症例2, 3では原発巣の切除のみが行われた。症例1は術後7年, 症例2は術後4年経過するが, 再発, 転移は認めていない。症例3は術後8か月で老衰のため死亡した。これらの症例の病理組織学的所見では, 細胞は小型から中型で, 均一な円形の核を有するものの, 充実性, 管腔状, 篩状, 梁状, 小葉状構造などの多彩な増殖像がみられた。分裂像はほとんど認められなかった。<BR>免疫組織学的所見では, 症例1ではcytokeratinとS-100蛋白が一部の細胞に陽性を示し, 症例2, 3ではcytokeratin, S-100蛋白, vimentin, actinが陽性を示した。carcinoembryonic antigenとepitherial membrane antigenは3症例とも陰性であった。
大関 悟 大部 一成 田代 英雄
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.33, no.3, pp.627-634, 1987-03-20 (Released:2011-07-25)
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Thermotherapy by 2450 MHz microwaves was performed on oral cancer patients and its effectiveness was analyzed and evaluated.Subjects were 7 primary oral cancer patients (4 lower gum cancer, 2 buccal mucosa and 1 oral floor) and 5 recurrent cancer patients (3 with cheek lesion and 2 with neck lesion). Heat was generated by a microwave apparatus of 2450 MHz.Seven cases which received intraoral thermotherapy on primary lesions were treated in combination with radiation and bleomycin. Thermotherapy was performed twice a week, up to 5-8 times in total, applyied immediately after the radiation therapy. Intraoral applicator was a flexible leakage-type coaxial applicator 2-4 mm in diameter and 40-90 mm in length. It was modified depending on each tumor size and shape. Tumor surface was heated to 42-45°C for 30-50 minutes and the heat distribution pattern of each modified applicator was checked using Phantom Model. Of the seven lesions, 6 (85.7%) showed complete regression (CR) and one showed partial regression (PR). Histological examination was made on five cases which received surgical tumor resection. Among them, one was grade III and the rest were grade IIb by Simosato's criteria. Tumor necrosis and mucosal reaction were seen at the heated site from the early stage of treatment and the thermotherapy was obviously effective.Five recurrent cancer patients received extraoral thermotherapy without radiotherapy on the cheek or neck lesions using the non-contact type applicator. Tumor necrosis was limited to the surface area and the regression effect was minimum which might be due to the lack of combination therapy of radiation.Thermotherapy seemed effective for the oral cancer when used in combination with radiation. However, more clinical experience is needed to evaluate the usefullness of this treatment.
前田 顕之 大関 悟 有地 榮一郎 出雲 俊之 大鶴 洋 岡部 貞夫 小村 健 川辺 良一 桐田 忠昭 草間 幹夫 迫田 隅男 佐々木 朗 篠原 正徳 田中 陽一 中村 太保 野口 誠 又賀 泉 山城 正司
Japanese Society of Oral Oncology
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Oral Tumors (ISSN:09155988)
vol.19, no.3, pp.163-175, 2007-09-15
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舌癌治療ガイドラインの作成にあたり, 日本での舌扁平上皮癌治療の現状を把握するためアンケート調査を行い, 75回答の集計結果から本邦における舌扁平上皮癌治療の現状を報告した。<BR>有効回答の得られた75施設の過去10年間 (1995-2004) における総症例数は5, 906例であった。T, N分類ではT2が2, 700例 (45.7%) , N0が4, 367例 (73.9%) と最も多かった。<BR>手術療法では原発巣の切除範囲の適応基準, 頸部リンパ節転移に対する頸部郭清術および舌癌切除後の再建術における適応と術式については, 各施設とも適応基準がほぼ共通しており標準的な治療ガイドラインの作成は可能であるように思われた。<BR>一方, 原発巣や頸部の放射線や化学療法による, 術前・術後の補助療法の目的と適応が各施設それぞれに基準があり, その標準化はガイドライン作成の大きな問題点になると思われた。いずれにしても質の高いエビデンスを持つ治療法をガイドラインに盛り込む必要がある。