吉田 昌幸 小林 重人
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.38, pp.144-160, 2016 (Released:2021-04-01)

This paper presents the results of a gaming simulation study into how people change their consciousness and behavior as a result of using different forms of community currencies. In recent years, some studies have examined the effect of community currency use in promoting the local economy and community. These studies suggest that, in order to promote the use of community currency, it is important to form a positive feedback system between consciousness and behavior. However, these existing studies have not considered the difference of the effects brought about by different forms of community currency. In this study, we consider changes in consciousness and behavior that relate to two forms of community currency: paper currency and LETS (Local Exchange and Trading System) currency. We initiated a Community Currency Game, in which we analyzed subject behavior and subjects completed questionnaires. The results are as follows: Paper currency has a larger amount of flow and participants are encouraged to circulate. However, this type of community currency does not form the value of monetary diversity and community oriented value so much. LETS currency forces participants to create opportunities in order to use community currency and create value based on their regional contribution and monetary diversity. However, this type of community currency tends to lead to a closed circle.
小林 博志
社会学研究 (ISSN:05597099)
vol.102, pp.123-146, 2018-12-28 (Released:2021-11-24)

小林 一穂
社会学研究 (ISSN:05597099)
vol.100, pp.61-82, 2017-09-14 (Released:2021-12-12)

現代農村では担い手の問題が重要になっている。本稿では、農業者の主体的な起動力となる行動理念のあり方を模索することによって、現代農村の困難な状況を突破する糸口を見出そうとする。 これまでの農本主義論を再検討して、農業者の日常意識である農本意識の契機として、自然との融和、勤労の重視、家族中心、地域的協同を抽出した。農本意識を体系化させ固定化したイデオロギーである農本主義においては、この諸契機が、自然没入主義、勤労至上主義、家父長主義、「共同体」主義、へと変質させられる。この実例として現代の農本主義者をとりあげて検討した。 農業者の生産と生活に妥当しつつ体系化されて不断に再構成される農本思想は、自然、勤労、家族、協同、という諸契機から構成される。この農本思想が農業者の行動理念として機能することが、現代農村の家族経営と村落社会の立て直しにとって重要である。
小林 博志
社会学研究 (ISSN:05597099)
vol.99, pp.157-180, 2017-02-28 (Released:2021-12-18)

小林 文治
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.130, no.4, pp.1-37, 2021 (Released:2022-04-20)

本稿は巴蜀地域と洞庭・蒼梧両郡への遷徙傾向の比較を出発点に、統一秦における洞庭郡遷陵県の開発の状況を検討する。岳麓書院蔵秦簡や里耶秦簡を見ると、巴蜀地域と洞庭・蒼梧両郡への刑徒や「従人」の遷徙例では①遷徙目的、②移動の禁止、③移送方法が共通している。これは洞庭・蒼梧両郡が置かれると、戦国秦において成立した巴蜀地域への遷刑が両地に援用されたことを示す。言い換えれば、新領土に外部から労働力を供給して開発を行うというモデルが巴蜀において完成し、それが洞庭・蒼梧郡に援用されたということになる。 洞庭郡遷陵県の移入人口を見ると、巴郡と南郡からの移入が多数を占める。この傾向は周辺郡がすでに秦の習俗が浸透して久しく、同時に土着の習俗が洞庭郡のそれに近いので、洞庭郡の開発に便利であり、さらに秦による新領土経営の経験が洞庭郡経営に利用できることが反映されていると言える。 刑徒の移入傾向を見ると、その多くが反秦行動に加担した者で、労働力として送られてきた者たちであった。彼らが遷陵県で主に従事していたのが公田の開発である。遷陵県の公田収入は県内で消費されていたが、消費量に対して遷陵県全体の生産量が少なく、他地域からの搬入に多くを頼らざるを得ない状況であった。洞庭郡への刑徒移送と公田経営は秦の六国統一後の「戦後処理」と統一秦の「新領土経営」を結びつける政策であるが、計画に比して実際は効果が上がっていなかった。本稿の検討結果はある地域における秦の統治過程を検討する際、郡を超える広域的な地域を想定し、検討することが重要であること、その時の歴史的事情が地域のさまざまな「活動」に影響を及ぼすことを示唆する。
小林 大州介
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.62, no.2, pp.1-25, 2020 (Released:2021-08-27)

In this paper, the author examines the contents of lectures given by A. C. Haddon, E. Westermarck, and Sydney Webb that Schumpeter attended at the London School of Eco-nomics (LSE) in 1907. This paper uses as references the syllabus of the LSE at that time and written works by the lecturers. Most research on the sources of Schumpeterʼs ideas on economic development and socioeconomics has been conducted based on discussions of Marxist economic thought, the German historical school, and American economists. Little attention has been accorded to the LSE lectures attended by Schumpeter. Consequently, essential parts of Schumpeterʼs history of economic thought have been ignored. This paper addresses that deficit. It has been established that Schumpeter attended lectures at the LSE on ethnology and sociology given by, respectively, Haddon and Westermarck. However, Schumpeter not-ed in a footnote in his posthumous History of Economic Analysis that he also attended Webbʼs lectures on “methods of social investigation.” The present author has previously demonstrated that the LSE lectures delivered by Haddon and Westermarck may have enabled Schumpeter to overcome outmoded ideas of “evolutionism” (which assumed autonomous development and unilineal developmental stages derived from the Enlightenment) and thoughts of “natural law.” Close examination of the lectures delivered at the LSE support the authorʼs previous hypothesis. Further, that examination reveals that Webbʼs lectures delivered in October 1907 could have exerted a defining impact on Schumpeterʼs thoughts on economics. For example, in Webbʼs lecture plans, such items as “The great man as a ferment” and “Possibility of predicting effects of a given social environment on average humans in the immediate future” can be found. Those lectures at the LSE include many key points related to Schumpeterʼs basic as-sumptions about dynamics and economic development. JEL classification numbers: B25, B31, Z13.
小林 周
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2022, no.205, pp.205_94-205_107, 2022-02-04 (Released:2022-03-31)

The paper analyzes Middle Eastern countries’ foreign aid and military activities in African countries through the lens of Economic Statecraft (ES), the art of employing economic means to exert influence over other countries and thereby pursue geopolitical and strategic goals. Due to changes in the strategic environment, such as the United States’ withdrawal from the Middle East and the escalation of intra-regional conflicts, Middle Eastern countries have pursued foreign and security policies that place greater emphasis on their national interests. Arab states in the Gulf and Turkey are upping their foreign aid to Africa and establishing military bases at geopolitical chokepoints to expand their spheres of influence. The economic and military expansion of Middle Eastern countries into Africa also intensifies competition among various state and non-state actors.There have been studies on foreign aid to African countries and on the establishment of military bases by Middle Eastern countries. By examining these regional dynamics from the perspective of ES, this paper seeks to decipher the complex and multi-dimensional competition, confrontation, and cooperation. Additionally, the paper investigates the effectiveness of the ES as practiced by non-major powers, which is often overlooked, the impact of ES on regional politics and security, and the linkage with international order and international security.ES is frequently discussed in the context of great power politics and strategic competition, such as the US-China rivalry. However, the same is true for regional and middle powers that use economic means to pursue their geopolitical objectives. The distinction is that great powers such as the US, China, and Russia are exceptional in the scale of their military and economic clout in international politics. Therefore, to better understand ES, it is necessary to focus on tactics being employed at the regional level and the geopolitical shifts that arise. This paper outlines the debate on ES in/towards/from the Middle East and examines the trends and background of the pursuit of geopolitical goals linked to foreign aid, which has accelerated in recent years. Then, as a case study, this paper focuses on the Middle Eastern countries’ intervention in Sudan and the Horn of Africa region, as well as the competition among the regional countries. The intervention of Middle Eastern countries in Somalia and Libya is also analyzed to demonstrate that ES involves various actors, including unrecognized states and non-state actors.
小林 昭三 興治 文子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.52, no.268, pp.200-210, 2013 (Released:2021-07-12)

We found varieties of students' notebooks on science in Middle Meiji Era(MME) in various regions of Japan. By investigating these historically valuable primary documents, i. e. "Buturi Hikki and Kagaku Hikki", we gained a deep insight into Japanese science education and clarified those real situations in MME. We also revealed what and how science was taught by using science text books and experimental tools shown in those notebooks in MME. Especially important results of those are verification of the real usage of the "Shogakko Seitoyo Butsurisho" "Physics for Elementary School" Students in English, by various note or memo written by pupils (or teachers) of primary school of Niigata, Saitama, Gunma, etc. in 1885-1897 of MME. Furthermore, we found how Japanese teachers developed their own styles of science teaching based on Japanese culture and how they cached up to the top level of the worlds by worldwide connections and by using hands-on tools in MME for learning actively.
興治 文子 小林 昭三
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.52, no.268, pp.240-248, 2013 (Released:2021-07-12)

Modern science education was started in early Meiji era. It is said that the purpose of science education at the compulsory education level had changed qualitatively in middle Meiji Era. Public laws and published text- books were used to study this change, but it was not still clear what happened in the real science classrooms. We discovered students' science notebooks at middle Meiji Era in various regions on Japan. These notebooks are primary resources to reflect on science classes in middle Meiji Era. We analyzed these notebooks and found that teachers were using inventive approaches to promote students' understanding of science concepts.