長尾 秀行 山田 洋 小河原 慶太 有賀 誠司 小金澤 鋼一
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.23, pp.161-172, 2016 (Released:2017-08-01)

本研究の目的は, 力発揮能力改善を目的としたトレーニングであるクイックリフト (以下QL) 動作時の力発揮特性とそのメカニズムを検討することである. 代表的なQLであるパワークリーンを対象に挙上重量が大きい者と小さい者各6名の動作分析の結果, 最大挙上重量が大きい者は, 下肢関節最大トルクとセグメント間のエネルギの流出入量が大きく, 特有の反動動作が見られた. さらに, 最大挙上重量が大きい者と小さい者各10名の筋電図分析と動作分析の結果, 挙上重量が大きい者と小さい者間の下肢関節伸展筋の筋活動度は同等で, 屈筋と伸筋の筋活動から推定した関節剛性と関節トルク立ち上がり速度は挙上重量が大きい者の方が反動動作の前後において大きな値を示した. このことから, QL時の大きな力発揮には下肢関節の剛性を巧みに制御し, エネルギ伝達の効率化を図る必要があることが示された.
田中 彰吾 小河原 慶太
人体科学 (ISSN:09182489)
vol.19, no.1, pp.69-82, 2010-05-30 (Released:2018-03-01)

Embodied knowledge is a type of knowledge in which the body knows how to act (e.g., how to touch type, how to ride a bicycle, etc.). One of the important features of embodied knowledge is that the body knows how to act in a given situation; that is, the body, not the mind, is the knowing subject and the procedures for the performance are embodied. To investigate the process of embodiment and to clarify the steps of how the body becomes the knowing subject, we conducted a learning experiment on ball juggling. In this experiment, volunteer participants (n=8; 5 men and 3 women) with no prior juggling experience were encouraged to learn the three-ball cascade juggling over four weeks. We examined how the participants acquired the juggling skill, from the first person, subjective perspective, as well as from the third person, objective one. Only three participants attained the learning goal of catching the ball more than an average of 100 times, but we observed notable changes common for all the participants, in the ball trajectories, upper limb movements, and the postures. Moreover, through qualitative analysis of interviews with them, we found three general techniques used for cascade juggling; (1) finding the spatial point for focusing the eyes, (2) refraining from thinking during the action, and (3) getting into the rhythm of movements. Based on these results, we reached a conclusion that discontinuous changes occur through the process of learning motor skills. There is a moment of emergence at which the body schema gets transformed and several body parts start to coordinate differently from before. This moment is experienced as an occasional correspondence between intention and action, or, as Merleau-Ponty pointed out, 'the motor grasping of a motor significance'. It is suggested that this is the process by which the body becomes the knowing subject.
山田 洋 小河原 慶太 内山 秀一 伊藤 栄治 宮崎 康文 宮崎 誠司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.72, no.3, pp.201-213, 2023-06-01 (Released:2023-05-10)

This study aimed to examine the effects of college baseball pitching on movement, performance, physical strength, and physiological and psychological functions of pitchers. The participants were 10 right-handed male pitchers from the University baseball team. The number of pitches were 15 per inning and 135 per nine innings. Ball speed and accuracy were measured for each pitching. The grip strength, back muscle strength, and standing long jump were measured before and after all pitches. Blood lactate levels were measured before pitching, at the end of the 5th and 7th innings, and at 3rd, 6th, and 9th minutes after pitching. The participant’s heart rate and subjective exercise intensity were measured at the beginning and end of each inning using the Borg scale measurement. Five high-speed cameras were used to capture the pitching motions. The displacement of the center of gravity, lower and upper limb joint angles, and the speed of each segment were calculated. The baseball speed and accuracy did not change with the increased number of pitches. However, the grip strength decreased. Although blood lactate and heart rate were not altered, subjective exercise intensity was increased. The lower limb kinematics remained unchanged; however, elbow height was reduced in the upper limb. These results suggest that highly competitive pitchers experience subjective fatigue with the increased number of pitches, however, they maintain pitch performance, speed, and accuracy without altering whole-body physiology and lower-body function and form.
小西 康仁 植村 隆志 西 葉月 小河原 慶太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.238_1, 2017

<p> リオデジャネイロで行われた第31回オリンピック競技大会の男子体操競技において、日本は団体総合優勝、個人総合優勝という素晴らしい成績をおさめた。しかし、前年の世界体操競技選手権大会で好成績を残し、メダルの期待が高まっていた種目別鉄棒においては、決勝進出を果たすことができなかった。そこで本研究は、種目別鉄棒における上位選手の演技構成が、世界的にどのような傾向であるか明らかにすることを目的とした。調査の対象を、2013年から2016年までに行われた世界体操競技選手権大会とオリンピック競技大会の種目別鉄棒における上位3名とした。各大会の映像から公益財団法人日本体操協会公認1種審判員免許を有する審判員がDスコアとEスコア、組み合わせ加点、決定点、手放し技の難度点などを算出し、各得点の推移と演技構成の傾向について分析した。その結果、DスコアとEスコアが年々低下しており、それに伴い決定点も僅かながら低下している傾向がみられた。しかし、手放し技の難度点については、2015年から2016年にかけて得点が高くなっていた。このことから、種目別上位選手は、高難度の手放し技を演技構成に積極的に取り入れている傾向が明らかになった。</p>