平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.45, pp.1-37, 1992-12-25

平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.66, pp.5-24, 1996-02-29

平野 修 河西 学 平川 南 大隅 清陽 武廣 亮平 原 正人 柴田 博子 高橋 千晶 杉本 良 君島 武史 田尾 誠敏 田中 広明 渡邊 理伊知 郷堀 英司 栗田 則久 佐々木 義則 早川 麗司 津野 仁 菅原 祥夫 保坂 康夫 原 明芳

平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.118, pp.253-281, 2004-02-27

平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.35, pp.p67-130, 1991-11

古代の集落遺跡から出土する墨書土器は,古代の村落社会を解明する有力な資料である。また,これまで墨書土器は文字の普及の指標としてとらえてきた。その検討も含めて,これからは集落遺跡における墨書土器の意義は何かという大きな課題について新たな視点から考察する必要があるであろう。そこで,前稿(「古代集落と墨書土器」)では,特定した集落遺跡の分析を試みたが,本稿では,墨書土器の字形を中心に,より広域的見地から分析した。その検討結果は,要約するとつぎのとおりである。1)墨書土器の文字は,その種類がきわめて限定され,かつ東日本各地の遺跡で共通して記されている。2)共通文字の使用のみならず,墨書土器の字形も,各地で類似している。しかも,本来の文字が変形したままの字形が広く分布している。3)中国で考案された特殊文字―則天文字(そくてんもじ)―さらには篆書体(てんしょたい)などが日本各地に広く普及し,しかもそれに類するような我が国独自と思われる特殊な字形の文字を生みだしている。限定された共通文字は,東国各地の農民が会得した文字を取捨選択して記したものでないことを示している。また変形した字形や則天文字(そくてんもじ)・篆書体(てんしょたいなどの影響を受けた我が国独自に作成した特殊文字が広範囲で確認されている。以上の点からは,当時の東日本各地の村落において,土器の所有をそうした文字―記号で表示した可能性もあるが,むしろ一定の祭祀や儀礼行為等の際に土器になかば記号として意識された文字を記す,いいかえれば,祭祀形態に付随し,一定の字形なかば記号化した文字が記載されたのではないだろうか。このように,字形を中心とした検討結果からは,集落遺跡の墨書土器は,古代の村落内の神仏に対する祭祀・儀礼形態を表わし,必ずしも墨書土器が文字の普及のバロメーターとは直接的にはなりえないのではないだろうか。"Bokusho Doki", or earthenware with characters written in Chinese ink, excavated from the remains of ancient villages, is a valuable source of data for shedding light on village communities in ancient times.Until now, Bokusho Doki has been taken as an indication of the level of diffusion of characters in olden times. A new perspective has been lent to consideration of the major question concerning the significance of Bokusho Doki in the remains of ancient villages. In my previous paper, an analysis was made of specific village remains, and in this paper, an analysis is given from a broader viewpoint, focused on the shape of the characters on Bokusho Doki.The results of the analysis are outlined as follows:1) A very limited number of common types of Bokusho Doki characters are found on remains from various parts of Eastern Japan.2) Not only are common characters used, but there is a similarity between the shapes of the characters on Bokusho Doki found in various places. Furthermore, widespread distribution of modified original characters can also be seen.3) Special characters developed in China, such as "Sokuten-Moji", and "Tensho-Tai" are widely diffused in various parts of Japan, giving rise to similar characters of a distinctive shape thought to be unique to our country.The limited number of common characters shows that they were not selected by peasants in Eastern Japan from among the characters they had acquired to put on Bokusho Doki. Also, modified characters and special characters unique to Japan produced under the influence of "Sokuten-Moji" or "Tensho-Tai" have been identified over a wide area.From the above findings, it is presumed that in villages in Eastern Japan at the time, they used the characters almost consciously as symbols on the earthenware on the occasion of certain religious services or ceremonial activities. In other words, fixed forms of characters or semi-symbolic characters, incidental to the religious formalities, were put on the earthenware.In conclusion, the results of analysis focused on the shape of the characters would appear to show that Bokusho Doki excavated from the remains of ancient villages reflects a form of religious or ceremonial service to God or Buddha in the communities, and cannot always serve as an indicator of the level of character diffusion.
平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.153, pp.129-168, 2009-12

百済の都の東北部・扶餘双北里遺跡から出土した木簡は、「那尓波連公」と人名のみを記した物品付札である。本木簡の出土した一九九八年の調査地は、百済の外椋部とよばれる財政を司る役所の南に展開する官衙と考えられる一帯であり、白馬江の水上交通を利用した物資の集積地の一角であったとされている。「那尓波」は〝難波〟を指し、当時難波は対外交流の玄関口であり、外交にたずさわる人々は、ウジ名または名に難波を好んで用いた。一般的には、「連公」は文字通り「連+公」、「公」は尊称と解されている。しかし、奈良県石神遺跡木簡は「大家臣加□」などの人名とともに、「石上大連公」と連記され、『先代旧事本紀』・『新撰姓氏録』では連にのみ公が付されていることから、「連公」のみが連に対する尊称という解釈を下すことはできない。おそらくは「連公」はのちの天武八姓(六八四年)の「連」の前段階のカバネ表記であったと考えるべきであろう。木簡の年代も、七世紀半ば頃とされる石神遺跡木簡や法隆寺命過幡「山ア名嶋弖古連公(~~)過命時幡」と同様の時期と考えられ、一九九八年の双北里遺跡の発掘調査の所見(七世紀半ば頃)と合致するものであろう。また八~九世紀に作成された史書・説話集・文書および時期は異なるが系譜書などの場合は、例外なく「連公」表記は氏姓・系譜の〝祖〟に限定されている。これらは、各氏族に伝わる旧記のようなものをもとに作成されたと考えられる。本木簡は、七世紀半ば頃の倭国と百済との密接な関係からいえば、百済の都泗沘に滞在した倭系官人が作成した木簡という可能性もありえよう。しかし、本木簡は大きくは次のような三つの特徴を有している。①古代日本に数多く類例のある名のみ記した小型の付札である。②「那尓波」の表記は『日本書紀』に収載された古代歌謡にほぼ同じ「那你婆」とある。③「連公」は、古代日本における七世紀半ば以前のカバネの特徴的表記である。以上から、倭国で作製され、調度物などに付せられた荷札が物品とともに百済の都にもたらされ、札がはずされた可能性の方がより高いであろう。いずれにしても、倭人(日本人)名を記載した木簡がはじめて古代朝鮮の地で発見されたことの意義はきわめて大きい。The wooden tablet excavated from the Hyeonnae-ri site in Paekche's northeastern capital Buyeo is a baggage tag inscribed with just the name of the person "Naniwa no Muraji-no-Kimi". The archaeological site where this wooden tablet was excavated in 1998 was a government office in an area south of the office which administered Paekche's finances, itself situated in a commercial hub which benefited from the use of the Penmagan waterways for the transport of goods."Naniwa( 那尓波)" refers to "Naniwa( 難波)". In those days Naniwa was the gateway to the outside world, and people involved with foreign diplomacy liked to use Naniwa as their first or family name.Generally speaking, the meaning of " 連公" (Muraji-no-kimi) is as the characters suggest: " 連 + 公"— "Muraji" was a name used by the Yamato royal family and "kimi" is an honorific title. However, wooden tablets from the Ishigami site in Nara Prefecture feature inscriptions of names such as "Ohoyake-no-Omi KaXX" ( 大家臣加□ ) alongside "Isonokami Oo-Muraji-no-Kimi", while for "Sendai Kuji Hongi" and "Shinsen Shojiroku", "Kimi" is only ever attributed to "Muraji", making it impossible to interpret "Muraji-no-Kimi" solely as an honorific name relating to "Muraji". It is perhaps best to consider that "Muraji-no-Kimi" was an insignia from a previous historical stage to the "Muraji" of 684. The era of the wooden tablet can also be argued to be the same period as the wooden tablet of the Ishigami site and "Meika-ban" (ancient Buddhist banner) of Horyuji Temple, which are considered to be from the middle of the 7th century, which tallies with the observation of the archaeological excavation from the 1998 Hyeonnae-ri site (that it is mid-7th century). In the case of history books, literary collections and documents produced during the 8-9th centuries, as well as genealogical documents from different eras, the "Muraji-no-Kimi" insignia relates without exception solely to the family's nominal or genealogical "ancestor", so it can be argued that it was created as a kind of record to be handed down to each clan.If one considers the close relationship between Japan and Paekche of the mid-7th century, the possibility would seem to exit that this wooden tablet was made by a Japanese official resident in the Paekche town of Sabi. However, the wooden tablet clearly exhibits the following three characteristics: 1. It is a small baggage tag with just a name inscribed on it, of which numerous other examples exist from ancient Japan. 2. The inscription "Naniwa" ( 那尓波) is more or less the same as the "Naniwa" ( 那你婆) which appears in ancient ballads collected in the "Nihon-Shoki". 3. "Muraji-no-Kimi" is a characteristic insignia of a name from before the middle of the 7th century in ancient Japan.Taking the above into account, I would argue that there is a greater probability that the tablet was made in Japan, was attached to some commercial goods as a baggage tag and brought to Paekche, and that the tag became detached after arrival.Whatever the case, there is enormous significance to the fact that for the first time a wooden tablet with a Japanese name inscribed on it was discovered at an ancient Korean site.
石川 日出志 七海 雅人 中野 泰 佐藤 信 平川 新 平川 南 千田 嘉博 川島 秀一 浅野 久枝 竹井 英文 八木 光則 安達 訓仁 宇部 則保 菅野 智則 斉藤 慶吏 佐藤 剛 菅原 弘樹 高橋 憲太郎 千葉 剛史 福井 淳一 室野 秀文 小谷 竜介 辻本 侑生 藤野 哲寛

平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.133, pp.317-350, 2006-12-20

平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.96, pp.351-391, 2002-03

今,歴史学に対して新たな研究視点として,日本の歴史における自然と人間の交渉史の実像を明確に示すことが求められている。そこで,本稿は,自然環境としての河川との関わりを通して地域支配の実態を明らかにしたい。以下,本稿では,地域支配と河川について,次の四つの視点から究明を試みた。① これまでの地理的関係から内陸部とみられた地域の中に,外洋に面する河口と同様に,直線的に河川が外洋につながり,"第二河口"と位置づけられた地域が存在したのではないか。② 宮都や城柵のような国家施設造営にあたり,それらの施設は水運の便を十分に活用するために宮都や城柵内部に河川を引き込む形で占地している。しかし,それは洪水という災害を同時に抱え込むことを意味している。いいかえれば,これまで長岡京や志波(しわ)城について,その廃都や廃城は水害を直接的理由としてきたが,それは造営当初から十分に予測できたのではないか。③ 律令体制下に,郡の津(つ)(港)として外洋に望む河口部や津を管理する「津司(つのつかさ)」が設置された。その津司では「津長(つのおさ)」が責任者として,津に出入する客などに応じたのであろう。④ 9世紀後半から10世紀にかけて,各地で新たに台頭してきた豪族層の拠点施設は,河川を取り込み,船着場を設け,施設内では手工業的生産や農業経営が活発に行われたことが近年の発掘調査の成果から知ることができる。さらに付け加えて,古代の河川の運行においても,近世同様,曳船(ひきふね)方式が活発に実施された点を強調した。The current state of Japanese historical studies is one which strives to show an accurate representation of the history of interaction between man and nature. In this paper, the author tries to identify the circumstances of regional control through man's involvement with rivers as a natural environment. The writer investigated the following four points in terms of regional control and rivers. 1. Among places that have been considered inland areas, there existed locations that had rivers that connected directly to the ocean, and were in reality considered "secondary estuaries", the same as estuaries facing onto the ocean. The Kitakami River in the Iwai region of the ancient province of Mutsu and the Futohi River in the Shimotsuke Samukawa region are such examples. 2. Facilities constructed by the nation, such as at Kyuto (Place of Royal Authority) and Josaku (fort), were located inland to draw rivers in to fully utilize water transport. However, that raised the problem of the natural disaster of flooding at the same time. In other words, up to this point flood damage has been thought to be the direct cause of the disuse of the old capital in Nagaokakyo or Shiwajo Fort. However, this potentiality for flooding could have been enough estimated from the start of construction. Thus, it is possible to consider that it was expected from the construction planning stage that this was a sequenced undertaking in which a transfer would occur from Nagaokakyo to Heiankyo and from Shiwajo Fort to Tokutanjo Fort. 3. "Tsu no tsukasa" (the port office) was established to control harbors and estuaries that looked out on the ocean and functioned as district ports, was established under the Ritsuryo system. The activities of "Tsu no Osa" (head official of ports) who was responsible for overseeing those entering and leaving the ports are known from the mokkan (wooden tablets with official message) excavated from sites located in the Iwaki county of Mutsu province and the Kaga county of Echigo province. 4. Results of excavation surveys in recent years from the Kadoshin Sites in Niigata Prefecture and the Furushida Sites in Yamagata Prefecture show that from the latter half of the ninth century to the tenth century, facilities that were the bases for powerful clans appeared in various places. Rivers were rerouted, boat docks were built and agricultural administration and handicraft production activities took place within the facilities. In addition, it was emphasized that movement along the rivers in ancient times was, as in modern times, conducted by tug-boats.In this paper, the writer has outlined the points above concerned the relationship between regional control in ancient time and rivers. In the future, he hopes to further analyze the various conditions of rivers as natural environment and to further investigate how the rivers were involved in the formation of regional society.