中尾 茂 八木原 寛 平野 舟一郎 後藤 和彦 内田 和也 清水 洋

The earthquake (JMA Magnitude 7.1) occurred on November 14, 2015 in the area of west off Satsuma peninsula. The epicenter is located in Okinawa Trough where is in about 160 km west from Makurazaki City in Kagoshima Prefecture. This earthquake is one of the largest earthquakes in this area. Seismicity in this area is low in last twenty years. Two continuous GNSS sites are operated by Kagoshima University, one is UJIS site in Uji island which is 84 km to east from the epicenter and the other is MESM site in Meshima island which is 121 km north from the epicenter. At UJIS seismic observation is also operated by Kagoshima University and it is operated by Kyushu University at MESM. We went to those sites in order to get GNSS and seismic data because GNSS and seismic data are not telemetered at those sites. In this research, co-seismic crustal deformation and activity of aftershocks are reported.We relocated the main shock and aftershock until 10:00 on November 16. Length of aftershock area is about 60 km. Its Strike is the same of Okinawa Trough. The epicenter of the main shock is located at the south-west end of the aftershock area and maximum aftershock, which is occurred on November 15, is at north-east end. Activity of aftershock in northern part of aftershock area is high. However, in southern part it is low except aftermath of occurrence of the main shock.GNSS data analysis is by Bernese GNSS software Ver. 5.2 with CODE precise ephemeris. Daily site coordinates of UJIS and MESM are calculated with GEONET sites. Coseismic deformation is estimated by the difference between two days averages before and after the main shock. Displacement at UJIS and MESM is 0.82 cm and 0.65 cm, respectively. The theoretical coseismic deformation is estimated by a strike slip fault model (Okada, 1992). Fault length, strike, dip angle and fault position are estimated by the length of aftershock area. Fault width is assumed a half of the fault length. Amount of fault slip is estimated by the relationship between earthquake magnitude and moment (Sato, 1979). JMA moment magnitude 6.7 is used (JMA, 2015). Theoretical displacement at UJIS and MESM is 1.3 cm and 1.1 cm. Direction of observed displacement is coincident with that of theoretical displacement. However, amount of observed displacement is smaller than theoretical one.
角田 寿喜 後藤 和彦 宮町 宏樹 平野 舟一郎 清水 力 岩切 一宏 中辻 剛 立山 清二
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.4, pp.476-485, 1997-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

A shallow earthquake of MJMA 6.7 on October 18, 1995, at about 50km southeast off Kikai-jima in the Ryukyu Islands caused slope landslides, subsidence of concrete slabs at fishing ports and collapses of walls piled up with coral ragged stones. Several fishing boats moored to wharves were damaged by tsunami; four boats were turned over at ports in Amami-Oshima.From May 19 to 30, 1995, earthquakes of MJMA≤4.1 had occurred in the focal area after a long seismic quiescence since the 1911 Kikai-jima Earthquake of M=8.0. Some of them were felt in JMA intensity 1 or 2 at Kikai-jima. Numerous felt shocks also struck the island immediately after the main shock; 62 and 125 shocks on October 18 and 19, respectively. Numbers of aftershocks decreased rapidly, though they lasted through the end of 1996.The damage distribution of the 1911 event being compared with that of the 1995 event, their focal areas were considered to overlap with each other. It was, however, possibly an interplate earthquake of a thrust fault type in contrast with the 1995 event of a normal fault type in the subducting plate, because the first motions of P wave at Naze and of tsunami wave at Kikai-jima were reversed between the two events.
八木原 寛 角田 寿喜 宮町 宏樹 後藤 和彦 平野 舟一郎 日野 亮太 金澤 敏彦 海宝 由佳 塩原 肇 渡邊 智毅 望月 将志 根本 泰雄 島村 英紀
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.49, no.2, pp.227-239, 1996-08-23 (Released:2010-03-11)
1 1

We investigated seismic activity around Tokara Channel north off Amami Oshima, Nansei Syoto (Ryukyu) Islands of western Japan, using 12 ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS), as well as two temporal stations at Yaku Shima and Amami Oshima islands, operated from April 16 to May 10, 1992. One-dimensional velocity structure and station corrections were inverted from P and S times of 51 events provisionally well-located in the OBS network. We then relocated precisely 239 events in the studied region, using the inverted velocity structure and station corrections.Seismicity was highest in an area of about 10km×10km near the trench axis northeast off the OBS network: the largest event of MJMA 5.6 and other 40 events (probably aftershocks) were located at shallow depths. A mechanism solution of normal fault type with a T-axis of NW direction for the largest event was concordant with bending process of the Philippine sea plate. On the other hand, 18 events at depths of about 30km in a small area north of the OBS network were presumably due to interplate thrusting, because a composite mechanism solution for three events was of reverse fault type with a P-axis of ESE direction. A cluster of 17 events at depths from 10km to 25km was found in a southwest area of the network. These shallow events were probably crustal earthquakes within the Eurasian plate.We found an area of very low seismicity in the southeast of the network during the period studied. It is also identified at the nearly same location in the epicenter distribution from 1984 through 1991 obtained by Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) and possibly corresponds to the aftershock area of the 1911 Kikaijima Earthquake (M 8.0).Although we could not confirm any discernible alignments of shallow earthquakes along the Tokara Channel which is a notable tectonic line, the dipping angle of the intermediate-deep seismic zone changes discontinuously from about 65° on the north of the channel to about 40° on the south.
木股 文昭 石原 和弘 植木 貞人 内田 和也 小山 悦郎 佐藤 峰司 鈴木 敦生 高山 鐵朗 竹田 豊太郎 辻 浩 寺田 暁彦 中坊 真 浜ロ 博之 平野 舟一郎 松島 健 宮島 力雄 森 済 八木原 寛 山本 圭吾 渡辺 秀文
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.35-43, 1999-04

1998年以降, 火山活動が活発化している岩手山火山において, 火山活動に伴う地殻上下変動とその圧力源を議論する目的で, 水準路線を設置し, 1998年7, 9, 11月に精密水準測量を実施した。1998年9月3日, 水準測量実施中に, 直下でM6.1の地震が発生し, 20cmに達する断層運動を水準測量で検出した。岩手山南麓ではこの4ヶ, 月間に4cmに達する山側隆起の上下変動が観測され, その圧力源は岩手山西方に深さ3km前後と推定される。Earthquake swarm is observed around the Iwate-san Volcano, Northeast Japan since 1998. The leveling route with distance of 36 km was set up around the volcano and the precise levelings have been repeated to discuss the crustal deformation four times in July, September, September and November in 1998. When the precise levelingis doing in September 3, 1998, earthquake of M6. 1 was occurred close to the volcano. One leveling team was making leveling in the epicenter area, Re-levelings were repeated since the next day of the earthquake, and coseisimic deformations of 20 cm are detected along the leveling route. However the precursor of the vertical movements is not recognized in the leveling data made just before the earthquake. Uplift of the Iwate-san Volcano is observed and which amounts to 4 cm in the period of July to November in 1998. The pressure sources of the vertical deformations are estimated to be under the west side of the volcano with depth of 3 kim, which is the almost the same location of the pressure estimated by GPS measurements and the DInSAR (Differential Interferometric SAR).