田嶋 玲奈 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.758, pp.871-881, 2019 (Released:2019-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the history of the development in Chiba Newtown and the process of the generation of non-dwelling facilities through the interviews on the developers and analysis of the physical change of living environment. Through the research, followings were identified:  1)The transition in Chiba NT development for 45 years ChibaNT has been developed for 45 years, and the plan was changed several times. At first, the project aimed to supply housings and it registered as the “new housing and urban development project”. Thus, residential area occupied a large proportion of area in masterplan. However, the plan and its concept changed and the development area were shrunk, and it had decisive influence on forming today’s living environment. Especially, the number of commercial and business facility estates has increased based on the change of plan which introduces specific business facilities and multiple land use. And also the developers actively attracted private enterprises by introducing “Limited-term land rent right.” In addition, the change was influenced from rapid change of housing demands and the attack of expropriation committee in Chiba by citizens who are protesting against Narita Airport construction.  2)Emergence process and accumulation of non-dwelling facilities Huge part of the area for residential estate change to the area for the commercial and business facilities, under the influences of the change of the plan including the shrinking of the development area, extension of planning period, and introducing of the estate of specific business facilities and multiple land use. Especially, the ratio of commercial and business facility estates in Chuou district and Makinohara district became large, and a lot of non-dwelling facilities were built between 1995 and 2015. And this change overlaps with the change on the masterplan. In 1995, small commercial facilities located near ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. and at neighborhood centers and a business concentration area were being formed on the north side of ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. On the other hand, in 2015, large commercial facilities located near ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. and along the main road, and the new residential areas are constructing. Laboratories and offices accumulated in "business mall", and logistics facilities were being formed in the northeastern part of the Chuou district. As described above, there are two types of accumulation trend in the commercial and business facility estate, which was changed from residential estate. One is the accumulation of large commercial facilities, another one is that of logistics and business facilities.
吉江 俊 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2231-2241, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)
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The purpose of this research is to identify the spatiotemporal characteristics of values of living environment, based on the analysis of housing advertisements within the Tokyo metropolitan area from 1980 to 2010. (1)Firstly the values were sampled as 102 groups based on their meanings, and their tendency of increase and decrease was revealed. (2) Secondly the housings were classified into 7 types and their geographical characteristics were identified. (3)And finally the qualitative changes of the values which reflect the transformation of the center of tokyo metropolitan area were revealed, which were represented as “being high-rised” of housings, “being imageable” of the nature, “being security - biased” of safeties, and ”being individual - biased” of families. At the same time in the whole metropolitan area, “being indoor“ of the comfortableness and diversification of families were also identified.
吉村 佳津司 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1365-1371, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)

近年、子ども達の遊びの貧困化や受動化が進み、子ども達の心身の成長に悪影響を及ぼす事が危惧されている。本研究では子どもの成長の観点から、非認知能力の一つである自己効力感に着目し、自己効力感と遊びの関係性を検討した。その結果、地域で活発に展開されている外遊びが自己効力感と強い正の相関関係を持つことが明らかになった。また、該当する外遊びと遊び場の関係性を検討した結果以下の2点が明らかとなった。 1)遊び場に対して単に物理的要素だけではなく、「遊び場に行けば友達がいる」や、「友人と集合しやすい」等社会的要素が重視されている。 2)子どもが遊び場に対して多様な解釈を行い、自分なりの遊び方や遊び場を創造している。
中岡 暖 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.235-242, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)

下山 萌子 後藤 春彦 馬場 健誠
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.52, no.3, pp.1074-1080, 2017-10-25 (Released:2017-10-25)

木田 恵理奈 後藤 春彦 佐藤 宏亮
The City Planning Institute of Japan
都市計画論文集 = Papers on city planning (ISSN:1348284X)
vol.46, no.3, pp.481-486, 2011-10-25
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杉友 ジョージ 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.517, pp.215-222, 1999
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This paper aims to clarify the park occupation by homelesses and the mechanisms in Toyama park Tokyo, through the study of their lifestyles. The results are the fallowings 1) The homelesses in Toyama Park could be divided into six groups according to thier attribution, dwelling, employment and diet lifestyles 2) Their reason for occupating the park come from mental and phisical, space and social conditions 3) The park mechanisms of occupation differ according to their lifestyles but the sufficient water supply, free housing expenses and weakness in enforcement are common conditions among all homelesses.
坂本 泉 後藤 春彦 髙嶺 翔太 林 廷玟
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.57, no.3, pp.713-720, 2022-10-25 (Released:2022-10-25)

本研究の目的は、地元住民と地域外企業による「地域価値共創事業」の実態とそれを円滑に進めるための体制について明らかにすることである。 はじめに、瀬戸田町における「地域価値共創事業」を概観した。次に、「地域価値共創事業」に対する地元住民と地域外企業の評価を明らかにした。調査の結果から、自治体と地域マネジメント企業が、地域のコーディネーターとして「フィルター」「ハブ」「バッファ」の3つの機能を果たしていることが明らかになった。両者は密に連携を取り、地元住民や地域外企業と良好な関係性を構築する必要がある。今後の「地域価値共創事業」においては、自治体がこのような体制を可能にする原資を提供すること、地域マネジメント企業の存在、さらには事業開始までに十分な準備時間を確保することが必要不可欠である。
富樫 遼太 後藤 春彦 森田 椋也 山崎 義人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.806, pp.1259-1270, 2023-04-01 (Released:2023-04-01)

Conventional architectural discussions have mainly focused on human living spaces. However, it is also a reality that spaces abandoned from living spaces are expanding. Those spaces are called ‘brownfields’, for example, and seen as problematic, but is there no significance in those actual state? This paper aims to clarify abandoned spaces that oppose human living spaces such as architecture by mixing the real image of mine sites and discussions of environmental philosophy. Specifically, the following characteristics of abandoned spaces were identified: [Multilayered traces] [Delocalization of traces] [Prosperity of industrienature] [Awaken senses of inconsistency].
下山 萌子 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.54, no.3, pp.405-412, 2019-10-25 (Released:2019-11-06)

山村 崇 後藤 春彦 田島 靖崇
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.773, pp.1447-1457, 2020 (Released:2020-07-30)

In recent years, a large number of new office buildings are continuously being constructed in the central business district (CBD) of Tokyo, stimulated by the latest deregulation policies. Conversely, office centers that are relatively far from the city center face a tough market environment: many facilities are over 30 years old, and reinvestment is needed. However, there are many cases where large-scale reinvestment cannot be expected in office centers that are outside of the city center, because the convenience of railways is inferior to that of the CBD.  In such a context, this study analyzes the renewal cases of business districts led by private companies in Tennoz, Shinagawa city, Tokyo Metropolis. In Tennoz, the value of the area has increased through the continual small-scale incremental reinvestment by private companies without relying on large-scale reinvestment (hereinafter referred to as “small-scale continuous upgrading”). We examine the effect of small-scale continuous upgrading on the reconstruction of area value from the three aspects of “tenant industry”, “average rent”, and “area image”. The findings obtained are as follows:  1) Tennoz can be divided into two areas: “Bond Street Area” where small-scale continuous upgrading efforts has been concentrated and “Large Office Area” where it has not. In “Large Office Area”, reinvestment has been mostly limited to those related to the hardware performance of office buildings. On the other hand, reinvestment in the “Bond Street Area” has actively promoted maintenance that is not directly related to business functions, such as beautification of facades and pavements, enhancement of planting and art, and attraction of commercial facilities.  2) We compared tenant industry changes and rent changes between the two areas. In the “Large Office Area”, the main tenant industry has changed from manufacturing to wholesale and retail. Although the rent was high at the beginning of development, rents have been sluggish since then, as large companies representing the region moved out. On the other hand, in the “Bond Street Area”, rents were low at the beginning of development, but recently creative businesses such as advertising design firms have flowed in, so rents have risen.  3) Tennoz was recognized as a modern and high-quality office area until the late 1990s. In the 2000s, key tenants flowed out of the area, and the image of a declining office area became prevalent. In the 2010s however, upgrading activities at Bond Street were widely recognized, and the local image as an artistic quarter spread and became established.  From the above results, it was confirmed that the small-scale continuous upgrading process in Tennoz improved the regional value in all aspects of “tenant industry”, “rent” and “area image”.
髙嶺 翔太 後藤 春彦 林 書嫻 山川 志典
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.807, pp.1690-1701, 2023-05-01 (Released:2023-05-01)

This paper aims to clarify the association between subjective well-being and quantity of environmental cognition of neighborhood. Online questionnaire for about 2,600 residents in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefecture has been conducted. The results of the analysis show the following:1) According to multi regression analysis, quantity of environmental cognition, academic record and household income were independently associated with subjective well-being. People recognizing more places, higher academic record and more household income tend to be better subjective well-being.2) Psychological distress, loneliness, sense of coherence was also associated with quantity of environmental cognition of neighborhood.
松永 幹生 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.760, pp.1411-1421, 2019 (Released:2019-06-30)
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Edward Relph, a Canadian geographer said that there are psychological connections named “sense of place” between people and place, and they are important in terms of making good places. In Japan, It is said that the urban developments without consideration of psychological connections have destroyed places and their social memory. The purpose of this research is to analyze the character and inheritance of “sense of place”, by observing habitual use of places inherited in university students in Takadanobaba. There were three investigations and followings were obtained: 1) The whole picture of places where university students usually use It became clear that the places where university students usually use can be divided into fifty four groups based on the industry classification. University facilities, Izakaya, Ramen shop etc. were the most popular places. And it became clear that the places where university students usually use can be roughly divided into nine groups through analysis of purpose for using place. There are the places for intellectual activities, cultural activities, sports, shopping, drinking parties, eating, gathering, killing time and rest. Moreover, it became clear that university students were relating nine places with each other to be network. 2) The target youth’s formation process of Local-oriented mind 162 habitual uses of places are gained through the survey. They can be roughly classified into two actions. One is action done by using necessary items already prepared in the places, and the other is actions done by bringing necessary items from other places by themselves. The latter is done in the outdoor space, and it became clear that it is done outside of university more than inside of university. It is confirmed that most places where habitual use of places are done were located around each campus and Takadanobaba Station. And it became clear that many habitual uses of places are done in three types of places; places for leisure activity, places as node, and places for moving. 3) Actors for inheritance of “sense of place” 134 habitual uses of places are inherited beyond school grade. Groups or people keeping on planning events and the groups with multi-generation members are main actors for inheritance of the habitual use of places, thus they are considered to be one of the actors for inheritance of “sense of place”. And it became clear that two environments were important for the inheritance of “sense of place”; appropriate urban space for purpose and the experience of seeing behavior of others.
田島 靖崇 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.51, no.3, pp.960-965, 2016-10-25 (Released:2016-10-25)

初期に開発された日本のニュータウンは現在、人口減少や施設の老朽化などの問題を抱えている。とりわけ、これらのニュータウンの商業施設として計画された「近隣センター」は苦境に立たされている。そこで、周辺エリアを含めて、商業環境の変化を丁寧に読み解き、生活拠点としての近隣センターの役割を再定位することは重要であると考えられる。 本研究では、以下の3点を明らかにした。1)ニュータウン内部に加えて、隣接地域を含めた商業施設立地から、当初近隣センターが担っていた商業機能の一部が外部に移っていること。2)近隣センターの機能変化として、小売店舗数が減少し、新たにNPOや福祉が新規参入している傾向があり、近隣センターによって、機能変化の程度に差があること。3)住民は距離的近接性を重視して近隣センターやコンビニを選んでおり、こうした実態は近距離施設の重要性を指摘していること。
髙嶺 翔太 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.147-157, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

These days, "a place for community" is attracting more attention. "A place for community" is the place operated flexibly, mainly as a cafe with a various activities such as class of hobby, exhibition or retailing. As the concern about social isolation growing, the place come to be expected to be a solution for the issue. However, with taking consideration of characteristics of group such as "bonding", the relationship made by "a place for community" may be have exclusiveness to outgroups. Especially because a bonding group strengthen common trait of group members in general, risk that individual trait causing isolation might be strengthen after group composed by " a place for community", and the group itself will be estranged from local society as a result. With this respect, this paper aims to clarify the actual condition and background of group isolation of "a place for community". Three following focusing point has set and different survey has conducted ; 1) "Visitor record analysis" to grasp situation that some of users have characteristic as a group and get “bonding”. 2) Questionnaires and interviews to frequent users of the case facility to grasp situation that the group members have trait harming relationship with local society, in common. 3) Questionnaires to the people familiar with local society and analysis about events held in the case facility to grasp the situation that the group is estranged from local society. As a result, following findings were obtained. 1) The number of frequent users has a steady state and frequent users tend to be fixed. The existence of steady state reveal the aspect of frequent users as a group, and fixed users means the exclusiveness of the group. These findings suggest that the frequent users of the case is "bonding" as a group. 2) Most of the frequent users have negative feelings to communication among neighbors and health problems in common. On the other hand, those frequent users are not necessarily the patient of clinic which operates the case, and their housing situation is almost same as the average in the district where the case locate. This finding suggests that the number of potential users is not so small, and a lot of "place for community" can get into the situation of group isolation. 3) Only about half of the target person from local society know the existence of the case facility and less than 30% people has understood what the case is doing. In addition, according to the analysis about events held in the case facility, it clarified that the large number of events held with medical and nursing association, and the number of events held with neighborhood or ordinary association in neighbor (e.g. restaurant, general store and NPO) is small. These findings suggest that the situation of case facility being estranged from local society, and have connection with medical and nursing association in contrast. 4) Findings about the common trait of frequent users and social relationship with outgroup of the case facility, correspondence between common trait of users and relationship with outgroup can be seen. This correspondence seem to be caused by the flexibility of “a place for community”, which is important characteristic of “a place for community” to make relationships among users and get users “bonding”. The important point of group isolation is that a factor preventing communication with local society plays a role during this process of “bonding”. 5) As a whole, "a place for community" has a risk that small group get “bonding” toward refusing communication with local society.
津島 英征 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.746, pp.659-669, 2018 (Released:2018-04-30)

Looking over the updating of urban space such as advanced use of space and function update is highly suggestive in reading social issues of each age and the consciousness of planners. Nowadays, with the relocation of the Olympic games and Tsukiji Market, interest in urban space renewal is increasing. It is not a regional fragmentary discussion, but it is required to summarize the whole picture of space updating and designer's awareness that has gone through in Tokyo and to critically discuss future updating methods. In this paper, taking the 77 districts of urban redevelopment as an example, we examined what kinds of areas have been subject to renewal in Tokyo and how the new city image has been drawn for those areas in a timely manner. Through this investigation, the whole picture of the renewal of urban space that has been done so far was identified based on the statistical analysis. 1) The typology of existing environment and building change We classified the former land use targeted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for redevelopment projects and analyzed the renewal of building use and building coverage by development on a timely basis for each type. As a first result, seven types of conventional land use were obtained, and it became clear that they are changing to biased use. Secondly, at the initial stage of redevelopment, the pension rate of business facilities has been on an upward trend, but in recent years a wider open space has been added. On the other hand, it was found that the building peculiarity is planned to increase in the redevelopment of the residential area in recent years. 2) The transition of aims of district plan by administration We categorized the development goals that Tokyo Metropolitan Government gave to each district plan and analyzed their regional differences and transitions. As a result, four types of aim were obtained. While the "Cutting-edge development driving type" that forms a new city has decreased, it is clarified that "Habitability raising type" that improves the basic performance for living in the area tends to increase mainly in the three central wards of Tokyo. 3) Planner's discourses about concept of area update and interpretation of existing environments By analyzing the narratives on architectural specialty magazines that argued about the plans in the areas targeted for redevelopment, we revealed the transition of discussions that occurred with redevelopment. In the early stage of redevelopment, despite the immature debate, there was a tendency to tell the consciousness for new age and forming of new urban images. In recent years the discussion has matured, and development has been discussed from various viewpoints. However, the trend of new age consciousness and urban images tends to be decreasing, and it became clear that the explanation of the problems rooted in the community and the necessity of urban renewal are becoming the main story for urban update, instead of creating the new vision of Tokyo.
小島 摂 後藤 春彦 佐久間 康富 上原 佑貴 山崎 義人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.611, pp.101-107, 2007
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This study aims to clarify the actual conditions about dwelling unit combined with other use. By forcusing on process and distribution of non-dwelling function in Tama Newtown, we clarified the following things. 1. In Tama Newtown, non-dwelling function has been inserted to dwelling unit (we call 'dwelling unit combined with other use' on this paper) because there is a flexibility in respect of space and management inside of dwelling unit. 2. Generation of non-dwelling function needs the passage of time. 3. Residents who operate non-dwelling function feel the merit and demerit. Some of them want to transfer to the outside because of the need for wider space.
李 永桓 後藤 春彦 李 彰浩 福武 洋之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.598, pp.101-108, 2005
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This research has clarified the characteristic of the lighting environment that composes the night cityscape which is an another face of the city. The commercial district (Kabukicho in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), the typical place that various lightings are consolidated, was selected to analyze the lighting environment as sum of public lightings and shop lightings. Analyze was advanced by using the evaluation axis of the intensity of illumination and the color temperature. As a result, the intensity of illumination fairly filled the standard in a large-scaled, high density commercial district like the Kabukicho, and the need of new evaluation axis like the color temperature were clarified. It also became clear that in the commercial district, the shop lightings do influenced the intensity of illumination of the street, while public lightings effects the color temperature of the street. At the end, it became clear that the light that leaked from the entrance of the building increases both the intensity of illumination and the color temperature of the shop lightings.