藤井 範久 森脇 俊道
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.11, pp.167-178, 1992-05-20 (Released:2016-12-05)

In order to improve human performance in competitive sports, human motions have been analyzed from various viewpoints. One of the well-known methods is to compare the patterns of joint torques with those of top athletes during the motions. However, such comparisons are not necessarily sufficient to evaluate human motion, since individual differences in muscular forces and anatomical characteristics are not taken into consideration. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump (squat jump) motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular forces. The vertical jump motions of four male subjects were analyzed; their anatomical characteristics are similar, but the muscular force characteristics are different. Each subject performed a squat jump, in response tothe command "jump ashigh as possible," from an initial squat position with 90°hip and knee angles. The reaction force from the platform, the motions of the limb and the body, and the electromyographic (EMG) data were recorded. In order to estimate the optimal control for vertical jump motion under various conditions, a simulation system is applied which is based on the musculoskeletal model with the mean characteristics of muscular forces and the anatomical parameters of the four subjects chosen. In order to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular force, a series of simulations was carried out by varying the parameters of the musculoskeletal model, such as the force-velocity relationship and the maximum contraction force. The following conclusions are derived from the results of the experiments and the simulations. (1) Change in the force-velocity relationship of human muscles results in a change in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that the contraction velocity of muscles does not become extremely large. (2) Changes in maximum contraction forces of some muscles result in changes in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that each muscle contracts under the optimal condition for the vertical jump. (3) The firing pattern of muscles is governed by the relationship between the anatomical characteristics and the muscular forces, and the timing of firing is determined by the relationship between the firing patterns and the maximum muscular forces. (4) The maximum contraction forces and the force-velocity relationship have to be improved in order to improve vertical jump performance.
森脇 俊雅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.58, no.1, pp.344-321, 2007-04

The purpose of this paper is to explore the power relationship between mayor and local assembly in pre-war Japan. It is often said that mayor is more powerful than local assembly in contemporary Japan. However, it had been said that local assembly was more powerful than mayor in pre-war Japan. Why local assembly was so dominant in pre-war Japan? This paper attempts to explain the relationship by studying the selection process, term and background of mayor. 1 The Purpose of This Paper 2 Local Government System of Pre-war Japan 3 Selection of Mayor 4 Governors and Mayors of 6 Prefectures in Kinki Area 5 National Trends 6 The Cases of Conflict between Mayor and Local Assembly 7 Conclusion
森脇 俊雅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.30, no.3, pp.313-343, 1980-02-29

I Introduction II Analytical Framework for Exit-Voice Approach III Its Applications to Political Problems 1. Regional Problems 2. Party Competition 3. State IV Conclusion
岩田 一明 森脇 俊道 川野 常夫
一般社団法人 日本人間工学会
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.17, no.5, pp.239-247, 1981
1 1

椅子から起立し再び着席する動作について動力学的観点から解析を行い, 動作に及ぼす加齢の影響について検討を加えた. 動作の撮影には16ミリシネカメラを用い, グラフィック・タブレットにより運動情報をミニコンピュータ内に取り込み, 人体の2次元数学モデルに基づいて身体各関節に作用する力やトルクを計算した.<br>実験は22歳から80歳までの男性被験者19名について行い, 解析の結果, 加齢と共に身体各関節運動における協調性の欠如から動作に滑らかさがなくなることが定量的に求められた. 動作中腰に作用するトルクの最大値は加齢と共に若干減少するが, 特に目前のテーブルに手をつくことにより平均20%低下することなどが得られた.
本屋敷 美奈 杉原 亜由子 永井 仁美 高山 佳洋 森定 一稔 柴田 敏之 森脇 俊 笹井 康典 田中 英夫
保健医療科学 (ISSN:13476459)
vol.70, no.2, pp.174-185, 2021

<p><b>目的</b>:大阪府における自殺未遂者相談支援事業(以下同事業)を評価し,自殺未遂者本人(以下本人)の支援者との関係の改善につながる効果的な支援方法と内容を明らかにする.</p><p><b>方法</b>:本研究は二段階で実施した.第一段階ではフォーカスグループインタビューにて介入の効果についての仮説とアウトカム指標を定義した.第二段階では仮説に基づく評価を行った.調査対象は2014年 4 月から2015年 6 月の間に府内 5 つの保健所において同事業への同意が得られた自殺未遂者192人のうち,支援が終了した113人の中で,支援記録が入手できた102人とした.調査期間は2015年10月から12月とした.調査方法としては支援記録からケースワーカーが情報を抽出した.分析方法では,援助希求行動,信頼関係,支配性を個々の支援者との関係に影響を与える要素と定義した上で,個々の本人と支援者との関係について各要素を0-4点で数値化し,得点の合計が 6 点以上の場合を支援者との良い関係があるとした.過去の自殺未遂歴や精神科受診歴,保健所相談歴,年齢,性別を調整した上で支援(方法・内容)を説明変数とし,支援者との良い関係の介入後の増加を従属変数としてロジスティック回帰にて分析を行った.</p><p><b>結果</b>:対象者の平均年齢は40.7歳,女性は67.6%であった.良い関係を持つ支援者の数が増えた対象者は64人(62.7%)であった.ロジスティック回帰分析にて有意となった支援は,方法では本人・家族両方への面接(調整オッズ比(以下AOR)13.33;95%信頼区間(以下95%CI)2.44-72.81),内容では本人心理支援の内,ニーズの傾聴(AOR5.87;95%CI2.00-17.22),支援方針の説明と合意形成(AOR5.69;95%CI1.88-17.23),心理教育(AOR3.26;95%CI1.13-9.36),医療機関に関する支援では治療継続支援のみを行った場合(AOR4.72;95%CI1.42-15.71)であった.受療支援・治療継続支援両方ありに該当した 5 人の対象者全員に良い関係のある支援者数の増加が見られた.</p><p><b>結論</b>:仮説及びアウトカム指標の設定は本人の支援に関しては妥当であった.保健所での支援において,本人・家族両方との面接,本人との共同した意思決定,丁寧な受療支援の必要性が示唆された.今後は自殺未遂者・支援者関係の質的評価や対照を設けての評価が課題である.</p>
森脇 俊尚 小林 牧人 会田 勝美 羽生 功
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.57, no.1, pp.41-43, 1991-01-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
8 9

Changes in plasma gonadotropin (GtH) and steroid hormone levels were investigated during ovulation induced by human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in female goldfish. Sexually mature female goldfish maintained at 20°C under 14L10D (lights on at 0430hr) were injected with HCG at a dose of 10IU/g BW at 2100hr. Twenty-one fish out of 28 ovulated between 9 and 18 hours (0600 to 1500hr) after injection. In ovulatory fish, there was neither a significant increase nor surge in plasma GtH levels after the injection, whereas plasma testosterone and 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one levels showed changes similar to those occurring in spontaneous ovulation. These results suggest that injected HCG acts directly on the ovary without accelerating endogenous GtH secretion, and therefore induces ovulation in a similar manner as does the ovulatory GtH surge in spontaneous ovulation.
森脇 俊雅
Japanese Association of Electoral Studies
選挙研究 (ISSN:09123512)
vol.23, pp.82-90,213, 2008-02-28 (Released:2011-05-20)

「平成の大合併」により自治体数は激減し, それに伴い議会数も大幅に減少するとともに議員数も削減された。合併は地方議会活動にも大きな影響を与えている。本論文は合併が地方議会や議員の活動にどのような影響を及ぼしたのかについての議員アンケート調査結果を分析したものである。まず,「平成の大合併」の先駆といわれる兵庫県多紀郡4町合併によって成立した篠山市議会議員に対して2000年4月に実施したアンケート調査結果の分析を行い, つづいて2006年11月に実施した近畿地方2府4県の31合併議会議員に対するアンケート調査結果の分析を行った。これらの調査結果から, 議員たちは合併自体については肯定的であるものの, 合併の評価については厳しい見方をしていること, 合併後の議会についての評価も低いことがわかった。
小村 弘 河原 亥一郎 茂本 友貴枝 松田 健一 阿野 理恵子 村山 洋子 森脇 俊哉 吉田 長弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.125, no.1, pp.121-130, 2005-01-01 (Released:2005-01-01)
3 5

The application of combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening to biological targets has led to efficient identification of lead compounds in wide therapeutic areas. However, the physicochemical properties of some lead compounds are lipophilic with low water soluble. Since these parameters determine in vivo absorption, we established robust screening methods for solubility and Caco-2 membrane permeability which are applicable to our screening strategy based on the structure-pharmacokinetic parameter relationship (SPR). Of test compounds with different core structures, turbidimetric solubility and apparent solubility as determined by HPLC-UV analysis after dilution of aqueous media from DMSO stock solution was overestimated in comparison with the corresponding thermodynamic solubility obtained using a traditional shake-flask method. A new powder-dissolution method providing thermodynamic solubility similar to that in the traditional method was developed using 96-well plates for equilibrium dialysis. The throughput of the method was the almost the same as that using the apparent solubility method. In a conventional Caco-2 assay, membrane permeability (Papp) of some lipophilic compounds was underestimated due to low solubility in the apical site and adhesion to the device, resulting in a poor relationship between the in vivo absorption fraction and the Papp values. The addition of 0.1% Gelucire 44/14 into the apical site and 4% bovine serum albumin into the basolateral site improved the relationship. These newly developed methods are therefore useful to optimize lead compounds with less water solubility and high lipophilicity on the basis of SPR.
森脇 俊雅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.36, no.2, pp.201-240, 1985-06-20

Introduction I. What Is Collective Action Problem? II. Discussions of Collective Action Problem (1) Political Entrepreneur (2) Game Theoretic Analysis (3) Some Criticisms III. Political Implications of Collective Action Problem
小村 弘 茂本 友貴枝 河原 亥一郎 松田 健一 阿野 理恵子 村山 洋子 森脇 俊哉 吉田 長弘
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.125, no.1, pp.141-147, 2005-01-01
1 2

コンビナトリアルケミストリーの発展により化合物ライブラリーの数は百万を越え, 週に何十万もの化合物が多くの生物学的ターゲットに対してスクリーニングされている. これに伴い多くのリード化合物が見出されている. さらに開発候補品のディベロッパビリティにおいて動態代謝特性が重要な要因の1つであるとの認識が深まり,優れた薬物動態プロファイルを伴った開発候補品を見出すため探索動態グループに対する要求が年々高まってきている.このような状況下において, 溶解性, Caco-2膜透過性及び代謝安定性試験などについてハイスループットスクリーニング(HTS)への取り組みが行われてきた. しかしながら, 探索動態試験におけるHTSは時間と労力を必要とし, 評価できる化合物の数は最大でも生物学的ターゲットに対するHTSの1/100から1/10000と限られている. 近年, 合成化合物の体内動態特性を予測するためのin silicoモデルが検討されている.特にpolar surface area(PSA), molecular weight(MW), 脂溶性(logP)及びhydrogen bonding(HB)の数などの種々のパラメータが用いられ, 薬物の膜透過性又は経口吸収性の予測が試みられている.
小村 弘 松田 健一 茂本 友貴枝 河原 亥一郎 阿野 理恵子 村山 洋子 森脇 俊哉 吉田 長弘
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.125, no.1, pp.131-139, 2005-01-01
1 3

肝臓での代謝安定性は経口吸収性とともに生体内利用率に影響する重要な因子であり, その最適化は多くのプロジェクトにおける最重要課題の1つである. 一般に代謝試験には肝ミクロソーム系又は単離肝細胞系が用いられている. 肝細胞系はphaseI及びII代謝活性, さらに肝取り込みや胆汁排泄に関与する膜輸送系を有しており, 開発候補品を初め薬物の詳細な代謝検討に使用されている.しかし非凍結及び凍結ヒト肝細胞の場合コストが高く付くこと, またロット間の代謝活性の個体差が大きいこと, そしてロボットへの適応が難しいことから, 創薬の初期スクリーニングには適していないものと考えられる. 一方, 肝ミクロソーム系では細胞質の酵素によるphaseI及び硫酸抱合活性などのphaseII代謝を測定することができないが, 主代謝酵素であるcytochromeP450(CYP)活性が存在し,いずれの種についてもミクロソームを容易に入手できる. 特にヒトではハイスループットスクリーニング用として多くのドナーから調製されたミクロソームが市販されている.
小村 弘 河原 亥一郎 茂本 友貴枝 松田 健一 阿野 理恵子 村山 洋子 森脇 俊哉 吉田 長弘
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.125, no.1, pp.121-130, 2005-01-01
2 5

経口吸収性は生体内利用率に影響する重要なファクターの1つであり, ヒトでの低い吸収率さらにはその個体間の大きなバラツキは, 開発候補品のディベロッパビリティーを大きく低下させる. 近年コンビナトリアルケミストリー及びハイスループットスクリーニング(HTS)の導入は幅広い生物学的ターゲットに対して効率的にリード化合物の創出を可能にしてきたが, リード化合物の経口吸収性を初め体内動態に関わる物性を悪化させた. したがって, 創薬において吸収性に優れた開発候補品を創製するためにはリード化合物の最適化が必要となる. 吸収性は主に水に対する溶解性と膜透過性が大きく関わっており, これらのスクリーニング系が開発されてきた.近年その処理能力を上げるため, より簡便な比濁分析法や溶液沈殿法を用いた溶解性試験, さらにはCaco-2細胞の短期間培養法, N in one 及び96 well formatを用いた透過性試験系が採用されている.
小村 弘 松田 健一 茂本 友貴枝 河原 亥一郎 阿野 理恵子 村山 洋子 森脇 俊哉 吉田 長弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.125, no.1, pp.131-139, 2005-01-01 (Released:2005-01-01)
2 3

Metabolic screening using liver microsomes of rats and humans is an indispensable tool to optimize a lead structure and to select compounds for in vivo study. Elucidating the relationship between in vitro intrinsic clearance (CLint, app) and in vivo clearance (CLb) is a prerequisite for screening. We investigated the relationship between CLint, app in rat liver microsomes and CLb after intravenous administration in rats in eight projects. No relationship between these two parameters was found across all of the projects examined. However, there was a certain relationship in the same core structure of six projects, but not in the other two projects. The poor correlation in the projects was improved by considering serum protein binding or microsomal binding in the estimation of in vitro clearances. Although the binding assay was labor intensive, unlike metabolic screening, the introduction of the equilibrium dialysis method using a 96-well format increased the throughput. Optimization of metabolic stability was conducted on the basis of the structure-metabolic stability relationship (SMR) in one of the projects, showing a good correlation without the binding factors. The replacement of the piperazine with a homopiperazine moiety improved metabolic stability in the rat and human liver microsomes. The compound also showed a desirable in vivo pharmacokinetic profile in rats, suggesting that the SMR study on the confirmed in vitro and in vivo correlation is essential to the optimization.
森脇 俊雅
Japanese Association of Electoral Studies
選挙研究 (ISSN:09123512)
vol.9, pp.40-52,139, 1994

Since the end of September in 1992 Amagasaki city council had been severely criticized by citizen groups due to the council members' mismanagement on their official observation trips to other cities in the past. At that time the council members denied their wrong doings and attempted to hide their official records on the trips despite citizen's strong request. Citizen groups accused them and required them to make all the records public. A neutral, independent and special investigation committee was organized in the end of January, 1993. This committee intensively investigated the records and interviewed individual council members in the spring. Finally the committee concluded most of their reports on the trips were false and inappropriate. Then, the committee suggested council members should return the money and resign from the council.<br>At first, the council members resisted resignation, but were forced to dissolve before overwhelming criticism on May 25. New council members were elected on June 27. In this election almost half of the former members were forced to retire from the council. Then, two-thirds of the city council were new members. The number of women doubled. The members from new party and citizen movements increased. Thus Amagasaki city council drastically changed after the election. The new city council organized subcommittee for reform and began to make reform plans. Now, traditional style of politics or the so-called boss control disappeared. New democratic politics has jnst started in Amagasaki city council.<br>The process and activities in Amagasaki were similar to the tide of national politics in recent Japan. In other words, Amagasaki city council election in 1993 was a harbinger of the drastic change of Japanese politics in the summer of 1993. More important is that this structural change was brought by citizens' participation.
森脇 俊道 杉村 延広 MARTAWIRYA Yatna. Y. 蜷川 達也
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.58, no.549, pp.1674-1679, 1992-05-25

This paper deals with an object-oriented modeling of an autonomous distributed manufacturing system and its application to the production scheduling. The architecture of the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems is discussed from the viewpoint of information processing in the manufacturing system. An object-oriented modeling method is applied to describe the decision-making activities and the communication activities of the components, such as the manufacturing devices and the workpieces. The activities of the objects are discussed in detail from the viewpoint of the production scheduling. The contents of the objects are clarified, and the part-of relations and the is-a relations between the objects are also established. A distributed production scheduling method is proposed on the basis of the autonomous decision making of the individual components and their coordinations.