浅見 裕 横山 直也 百鬼 史訓 田中 幸夫 田中 秀幸 大矢 稔 山神 眞一
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.27, no.1, pp.12-19, 1994-08-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

For the purpose of determining the technical characteristics of the Kendo strike with the Jodan-no-Kamae in Kendo, we measured the impact force of the one-hand Shomen-and Kote-uchi using as subjects five college Kendo club students. And analyzed the data by a motion analysis system with a video tape recorder. We also measured the impact force of the two-hand Chudan-no-Kamae strike for comparison. The following are the results obtained from a biomechanical examination of the data.1. The downward maximum magnitude of the impact force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi (150.03 ± 21.35kgf) was greater than that of the one-hand Shomen-Uchi (120.99 ± 11.55kgf). This difference was a characteristic of the one-hand strike but not of the two-hand strike.2. The angular motion at the left shoulder, from which the Shinai is brought down, was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi. This will explain why the vertical component force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi was greater than that of the one-hand Men-Uchi.3. With respect to the vertical movement of the Kensen, the maximum speed was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi while the opposite was the case with respect to the forward movement. This was in accord with the observation that the maximum magnitude of the impact force was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi with respect to the vertical movement whereas the opposite was the case with respect to the forward movement.4. The correlation coefficient between the impact time and the maximum magnitude of the impact force was small whereas the correlation coefficient between the impact time and the impulse value was great.5. There was not an appreciable difference in the magnitude of the impact force between the one-hand and two-hand Men-Uchi. However, with respect to the right Kote-Uchi, the maximum magnitude of the impact force was greater in every direction for the one-hand strike than for the two-hand strike. Most notably, with respect to the downward movement, the maximum magnitude of the impact force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi was greater than that of the two-hand Men-Uchi.
横山 直方
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.30, no.3, pp.243-250, 1995 (Released:2010-02-25)
横山 直也 大矢 稔 百鬼 史訓 田中 秀幸 浅見 裕
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.28, no.2, pp.26-36, 1995-11-30 (Released:2012-11-27)

For the purpose of determining the technical characteristics of the striking motion from Nito-no-Kamae in Kendo, we measured the impact force of the striking motion with DAITO (long-shinai) and SHOTO (short-shinai) using as subjects three male university teachers, who are majoring in Kendo, and analyzed the data by a motion analysis system with a video tape recorder.For comparison, similar measurements were performed on the striking motion with the two-handed striking motion from Chudan-no-Kamae and the one-handed striking motion from Jodan-no-Kamae.The following results were obtained from a examination of the data.1. The maximum downward magnitude of the impact force and the downward impulse value of three kinds of the striking motions with SHOTO from Nito-no-Kamae were greater than that of the two-handed Shomen striking motion from Chudan-no-Kamae. However, the maximum downward magnitude of the impact force and the downward impulse value of two-kinds of striking motion with DAITO from Nito-no-Kamae were smaller than that of two-handed Shomen striking motion from Chudan-no-Kamae.2. The impact time of all the striking motion from Nito-no-Kamae were shorter than that of the two-handed striking motion from Chudan-no-Kamae.3. The motion of shinai in the striking motions from Nito-no-Kamae were chiefly made using the left elbow and the left wrist.4. The angular velocity of shinai immediately before impact using Hikikote striking motion with SHOTO of Nito-no-Kamae was the largest, and that using the Shomen striking motion with DAITO of Nito-no-Kamae was the smallest.
小野 直亮 横山 直己 黄 銘 Md. Altuf-Ul Amin 中本 雅俊 太田 大策
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry (ISSN:13458647)
vol.18, pp.110-116, 2017 (Released:2017-08-01)

マイクロアレイや次世代シーケンサーを用いた網羅的発現変動解析において、多数の実験条件の組み合わせの中から有意に細胞の表現型に影響を与えているものを見つけ出す必要があり、そのためには分散分析(ANOVA)を始めとする多変量解析のための統計分析手法が必要となる。本研究ではRNA-seqを用いたユーグレナ(Euglena gracilis)の発現解析のデータをもとに、Bayes ANOVAを用いた発現変動解析により代謝経路のなかで有意に変動している遺伝子を抽出するアプローチを紹介する。培養条件の変化(好気環境から嫌気・微好気への変化)及び、増殖フェイズの変化(指数増殖期から定常期への変化)に応答して発現の変動した遺伝子を解析した。置換検定にもとづいてベイズ因子の分布を計算することにより、一般には検出の基準が不明瞭なベイズ因子によるモデル比較に対し、有意水準やFDRによる定量的な検出の基準を与えることを可能にしている。
藤田 直孝 平澤 大 横山 直記 大友 泰裕
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.65, no.11, pp.2283-2289, 2023 (Released:2023-11-20)

横山 直也 百鬼 史訓
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.24, no.1, pp.35-44, 1991-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this study was to obtain the fundamental data of impact force on the Shomen-Uchi movement in Kendo. Four Kinds of Shomen-Uchi movements were analyzed by motion analysis system using the video tape recorder and impact force was measured simultaneously. The subjects for this study were 5 male Kendo players,33 to 42 years of age, with 20 to 30 years of training experience and 5 to 7dan degree.The results were summarized as follows:1. The downward maximum magnitude of impact force on movement A was greatest among four kinds of Shomen-Uchi movements (movement A: 144.41±41.07Kgw, movement B 144.25±35.78Kgw, movement C: 120.80±36.74Kgw, movement D: 127.81±32.23Kgw).2. The forward maximum magnitude of impact force on movement C was greatest among four kinds of Shomen-Uchi movements (movement A: 46.45±15.48Kgw, movement B: 61.45±20.90kgw, movement C: 80.80±24.05Kgw, movement D: 74.93±17.96Kgw).3. It was shown that the larger the maximum Shinai angle (the angle between Shinai and horizontal line) on the phase of backswing of Shinai is, the more the maximum magnitude of impact force (Fz) of the Shomen-Uchi movement increases.4. At the impact, a significant relationship between the trunk angle (the angle between trunk and horizontal line) and the forward impact force was seen.5. In the phase of downswing of Shinai on the Shomen-Uchi movement, a significant relationship between the impact force (Fz) and the downward maximum velocity of the top of Shinai was observed.
百鬼 史訓 横山 直也 有田 祐二 久保 哲也 山神 眞一
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.37, no.3, pp.1-11, 2005-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

横山 直人

報告番号: ; 学位授与日: 2015-03-24 ; 学位の種別: 修士 ; 学位の種類: 修士(工学) ; 学位記番号:
西口 遼平 進藤 吉明 石塚 純平 上野 知尭 横山 直弘 齋藤 由理 田中 雄一
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.34, no.7, pp.1389-1393, 2014-11-30 (Released:2015-02-27)

症例は76歳,男性。2010年4月に上行結腸癌,腸回転異常症の診断で右半結腸切除術を施行した。2013年10月,慢性腎不全で血液透析導入中に腹痛,腹部膨満感を訴え当科を受診した。発熱,下腹部の圧痛,反跳痛を認めたものの筋性防御は認めなかった。血液検査所見ではアシドーシスや凝固障害は認めなかった。腹部CT検査で小腸の拡張および液体貯留を認め,癒着性イレウスと診断した。保存的加療で経過観察していたが,症状が増悪したため緊急手術を施行。下行〜横行〜上行結腸間膜,小腸間膜,後腹膜に連続する袋状の膜様構造物が形成され,その中に小腸が嵌頓しており,abdominal cocoonによる内ヘルニアと診断した。膜様構造物を切除し小腸を解放したが小腸壊死を認めなかったため小腸は温存可能であった。abdominal cocoonによる内ヘルニアの1例を経験したので報告する。
横山 直也 百鬼 史訓 久保 哲也 川上 有光
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.33, no.3, pp.39-50, 2001-03-30 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this study is to reveal the degree of individual motional difference and to discover the situations and parts of the body where there appears motional difference and to gain basic hints in instructing Shomen-Striking-Motion, as well as to discover implicit motional process common in Shomen-Striking-Motion of a Kendo player and to establish a model of standard Shomen-Striking-Motion by analyzing Kendo Shomen-Striking-Motion using 3-D Motion Analysis Method.The subjects of the study were sixteen males (age: 24.6±5.8years old, Kendo experience: 16.2±5.2years, ranks in Kendo: 4.0±1.3 dan, height: 174.9±6.0 cm, weight: 76.0±8.0 kg) consisting of the current students and the graduates of a university where is a specialized Kendo course.Videotaping of Shomen-Striking-Motion of the subjects was done by using two high-speed VTRs from diagonally to the right-front and left-front of the subjects with shooting speed of 250 frames per second and the shutter speed of 1/2000 second.3-D coordinates in 29 points were calculated in total with the use of DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) Method, consisting of 25 segment endpoints of a subject and 4 measuring points of Shinai.The Shomen-Striking-Motion were divided into two phases in this study; Back-Swing phase (BS phase) which is from the starting time until the ending time of Shinai to be lifted up and Forward Swing phase (FS phase) which is from the starting time until the ending time of Shinai to be struck down. Then,3-D coordinates and angle data of each subject were standardized with phase time being 100%, and the data were averaged per 1% of standard time accordig to the method of Ae et al. Coefficients of variation were calculated to compare standard deviation of each joint angle that was averaged.The following are the acquired conclusions from this study.(1) 3-D model of the standard Shomen-Striking-Motion was acquired that shows implicit motional process common in Kendo players through standardizing and averaging all the coordinate data of sixteen subjects.(2) The standard motion of each joint of Kendo players in fifteen points was exhibited through standardizing and averaging the changes of joint angle of all the subjects. Simultaneously situations that have large and small individual motional difference were observed from the standard deviation.(3) The parts were revealed where there is large individual motional difference by calculating coefficients of variation in the standard deviation of joint angles.
横山 直也 百鬼 史訓
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.16, no.2, pp.18-26, 1984-02-29 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the left foot outward angle in Chudan-no-kamae on the Shomen-uchi.A force platform was used together with 16 mm cine camera to investigate synchronously the mechanics of take-off motion during the Shornen-uchi in Kendo.The records of the force components of foot pressure on the floor of the male Kendo players were obtained at the take-off motion during Shomen-uchi. Subsequently, the records were taken with the body movements shown in 16 mm film.The subjects for this study were 9 male students of the Tsukuba University,20 to 23 years of age,12 to 15 years of experience and 3 to 4 dan degree.The results obtained are as follows:1. The leftward and the backward components of foot force increase with the change of the left foot angle (from 0° to 50°). The tendency above mentioned is clearly observed over 30° and especially at 50°.2. The larger the left foot angle at Chudan-no-kamae is, the more the maximum magnitude of leftward force (Fx) increases. On the contrary, both of the backward (Fy) and vertical (Fz) forces during take-off motion at Shomen-uchi decrease.3. A larger and sharper peak in the force curve of the backward and vertical components is observed at the angle under 20° and especially usual foot position.4. The angle of forward inclination of body (∠f) decreases gradually with the increase of the left foot angle. The angle of trunk (∠a) decreases as the result of an inadequate left foot action, which causes delay of the posture recovering after striking motion.
横山 直人 高岡 正憲
一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会
応用数理 (ISSN:24321982)
vol.26, no.4, pp.15-23, 2016-12-22 (Released:2017-03-25)

Elastic-wave turbulence has been used for a testbed for the weak turbulence theory, since it can be examined by numerical and laboratory experiments. The elastic-wave turbulence has distinctive characteristics as a wave turbulence system, one of which is the coexistence of the weak and strong turbulence. Recent researches on the elastic-wave turbulence are reviewed, not restricted to the weak turbulence properties, with focusing on energy transfers under large-scale external forcing.
横山 直子
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.17, no.2, pp.109-125, 2016-03

Tax consciousness has a huge influence on tax compliance costs. Tax compliance costs have a large influence on tax consciousness. That is to say, tax consciousness and tax compliance costs influence each other. As tax consciousness get higher are more likely to be large tax compliance costs, and also characteristics of tax compliance costs become clear because of a specific character of tax consciousness to be clarified. Characteristics of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are significant and profound. The features of this paper are to clarify characteristics of tax compliance costs and tax consciousness for income tax and local income tax and consider what influence tax consciousness and tax compliance costs. Tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are closely and deeply related to each other, furthermore this paper clarifies factors of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs, and in addition, considers the process of clarification of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs from various angles.Tax consciousness has a huge influence on tax compliance costs. Tax compliance costs have a large influence on tax consciousness. That is to say, tax consciousness and tax compliance costs influence each other. As tax consciousness get higher are more likely to be large tax compliance costs, and also characteristics of tax compliance costs become clear because of a specific character of tax consciousness to be clarified. Characteristics of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are significant and profound. The features of this paper are to clarify characteristics of tax compliance costs and tax consciousness for income tax and local income tax and consider what influence tax consciousness and tax compliance costs. Tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are closely and deeply related to each other, furthermore this paper clarifies factors of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs, and in addition, considers the process of clarification of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs from various angles.
横山 直子
vol.18, no.3, pp.79-102, 2017-06-30

Characteristics of tax consciousness for income tax, consumption tax and local incometax are many and various. The features of this paper are to clarify characteristics of taxconsciousness for income tax, consumption tax and local income tax, and compare thesetax consciousness, and in addition, consider what influence tax consciousness. This paperclarifies characteristics and direction of tax administration systems for income tax,consumption tax and local income tax, and also elucidate features of tax consciousnessfor income taxpayers, withholding income taxpayers, local income taxpayers, employerswho are obliged to withholding income tax, consumption tax payers, and consumers( whopay taxes) . Tax consciousness and tax compliance costs influence each other. That is to say, taxconsciousness and tax compliance costs are closely and deeply related to each other.Furthermore this paper clarifies factors of tax consciousness, and in addition, considersthe process of clarification of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs from variousangles. Characteristics of tax consciousness are significant and profound.