鍋島 孝子
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.60, pp.13-34, 2011-08-11

For the regional integration, European Union has been a good and ideal model. But considering the different social economic actors from African ones, we are aware that European process is not the universal model that is applicable to other regions. According to the integration theory, the economic activities bring a political integration. It is a "spill over" effect from "low" politics to "high" politics. This article is aimed at verifying African social actors who haven't participated in regional integration as the integration theory supposes. European integration is based on civil society where actors, rational citizens, who understand capitalism and Nation-State, do transnational activities. On the other hand, the real African society is "fluid" and changeable in the historical situation. It changed itself and was divided into some social classes, elite-mass and sub-nationalistic or ethnic groups during modernization. That kind of society is out of Nation-State integration. The integration theory has never discussed about the "fluid" social actors. Authoritarian political regime tried to integrate such a divided society with power and control. I hypothesize that African society keeps distance from State policy, so the actors have not brought the regional integration "from the bottom" in Africa. But many regional organizations exist in Africa. Why? This article explains these histories. Organization of African Union was begun by African independence elites, "from top". OAU became a symbol of African cultural rehabilitation and tried to realize "African tradition" in the agricultural politics of rural community. Indeed, it drew out the artificial nationalism. The other regional organizations were established as heritage of neocolonial geopolitics. They also were paralyzed by superpowers strategy during the Cold War. They are capable to change their functions by themselves. Some of them whose objectives must be economic cooperation and integration assure a regional security. It is characteristic that they try to rebuild Nation-States for regional integration. It is contrary to European Union, which reduces national sovereignty. This case study is ECOWAS politics in Liberia civil war. Another characteristic point of African integration is the social "fluid" actors' networks. These actors make internal and external networks beyond the national frontiers in the era of Globalization. We have to watch out the informal and violent networks. But in Madagascar political crisis in 2002, peasant network, mediation diplomacy and international investment prevented ethnic secessionism. Including such social actors, civil society in Africa has a wider concept than in Europe. It is important to investigate how this civil society participates to nation-building and regional integration in Africa.
鍋島 孝子
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.61, pp.35-55, 2011-11-25

This article aims to apply risk concepts to the international politics. Though the preventive diplomacy has never been discussed in this discipline, the international society has dealt with it in conformity with UN peacekeeping operations, PKO. In 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, General Secretary of United Nations at the time, reported "An Agenda for Peace". According to this agenda, the Peace Enforcement Unit can have a mandate to enforce its order, using some stronger weapons than PKO. The United States interpreted this "Agenda for Peace" to bring a multinational army to Somalia. But this mission ended in failure, because this multinational army looked down on African social groups (lineage, clan, ethnic and tribe) and their relationships with the state power. Risk concepts allow us to have a large point of view on preventive diplomacy and peace building after the conflicts. According to Niklas Luhmann, risk is an uncertainness and a contradiction that come from multiple social systems' communications. His theory guides us to have multiple approaches for settling and preventing ethnic conflicts in Africa. That is to say that we have to adopt intercultural education, security police, impartiality of ethnic groups, transparency of administration system, etc. to implement the preventive diplomacy. These are human safety elements that are larger concept than national military safety investigated by traditional way of international politics. But international society failed at prevention of the genocide in Rwanda. In this article, we can find multiple reasons of this failure, for example, discrimination between Tutsi and Hutus ethnic groups, propaganda and manipulation of media, bad process from one-party dictatorship to democratization, arms dealing and strategies among big powers in the context of globalization. After all, the international society was too much benumbed to avoid these risks. This article will be useful to increase the knowledge of ethnic conflicts in Africa to promote the preventive diplomacy. And we can prevent the prejudice against the stereo-typed image of "violent and barbarian Africans". Taking many elements of risks at a conflict in account, we can see that African people is involved in the structure of violence and animosity. In this article, I verify this structure and at the conclusion show that a simple-minded thought about the citizenship that is an opposition to ethnic groups cannot bring a settlement. African citizenship is a larger concept than general one involving peasants, lineage, clan, ethnic and tribe who practice traditional customs. Now, African countries, which confront with a new style of Nation State, try to integrate these African social actors to establish their own democratic state.
佐藤 美希
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.57, pp.1-20, 2009-11-09

In this paper I examine the current 'boom' in Japanese literary retranslations, in which translators and publishers alike promote alternative theories, strategies and publication policies. I also consider various criticisms and readers' responses. In order to fathom out this current boom in retranslation, I scrutinize external discourses such as reviews and critiques, as well as consider what translation norms are suggested and how those norms are constructed. The external discourses consist of critiques and reviews of the recently published Japanese retranslations of Le Rouge et Le Noir and The Brothers Karamazov. These critiques highlight not only the conflicting ideas on translation, but a shift in the paradigm, in which the actual competing elements of the conflict are different than those of the past.
眞崎 睦子
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.65, pp.47-60, 2013-11-01

Drinking is a part of Japanese college life,with many young people in Japan starting to drink in their late teens,despite the fact that they are not legally permitted to purchase alcohol until age twenty. The author began surveying Japanese college students about alcohol consumption in 2002. More than ten years have passed since the first survey was administered, but the results have continuously shown a lack of practical information about alcohol’s risk as a gateway drug. For example, more than ninety percent of students are not aware of Danshukai, a self-help group for alcoholics in Japan. Over the years, the lack of practical information has manifested in deeply tragic ways. At Hokkaido University, for example, seven students have passed away due to college drinking since 1984. Unfortunately, an eighth victim of acute alcohol poisoning passed away in July, 2013. As with many other college drinking cases in Japan, the media reported the official statement by the college,that “no one compelled the student to drink” suggesting that the incidents were the result of individual choice, rather than an institutional problem. Given the threat of such tragedies, what kind of practical information about drinking should be given to students and how should colleges manage the risk of drinking in Japan?The author who recently published To you, a teenager who is about to hold a can of alcohol: twelve letters from Danshukai explains the atmosphere of college drinking as “quiet hazing”and introduces examples of alcohol related policies and risk management tactics of colleges in North America.
高橋 吉文
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.61, pp.57-108, 2011

本論「その1」は、ルーマンの『社会システム理論』(1984)の意味論とダブル・コンティンジェンシー(二重不確定性)のトリックを明らかにする続編「その2」への前編にあたるものである。ルーマンのシステム論は〔システム/環境/世界〕の三区分を基本とするが、それと通底し照応関係にあるリスク論も、表向き提唱されている〔リスク/危険〕の二項対立図式ではなく、実際には〔リスク/危険/破局〕の三区分が基本となっている。本論は、ルーマンのそうしたリスク考察やシステムを、破局世界に距離をとり、その巨大な災厄の襲撃をそらしすり替える(=縮減する)ための抽象的な多重隠蔽装置として明らかにする。その隠蔽の極意は、無限の不確定性・未規定性を有限で僅かの擬似的な不確定性へと根拠なくすり替える操作にあり、その後に初めて、疑似的な不確定性(毒抜きされ馴致されたリスク)が可視化され、それを基底として意識(個人・心理システム)やコミュニケーション(社会システム)が産出される。絶望的な暗黒世界の中で、人は、そのような根拠なきシステムを仮象として虚構する(Hypotheses fingo)ことで初めて生き延びるのである。Das Erdbeben vom 11.3.2011 in Ostjapan stellte uns sowohl die ungewöhnliche Gewalt der Natur als auch die Ohnmacht und die Arroganz der Menschen bloß, die das schwer Kontrollierbare zu bändigen wagten. Die europäische Welt postuliert dort jenseits der Phänome auf der Erde eine übernatürliche Sphäre der himmlischen Ideen, die über die Herrschaft der dionysischen Gewalt hinaus für das Unveränderliche garantiert, und wünscht sich dadurch eine Erlösung und Sicherheit. Einer der größten Denker der heutigen Zeit, Hans Blumenberg, der unter dieser Welt den "Absolutismus der Wirklichkeit" versteht, welcher uns schließlich nichts als Katastrophen mit sich bringt, orientiert sich auch am platonischen "Höhlengleichnis", wie der schweizerische Dramatiker Friedrich Dürrenmatt, dessen Komödien sich unter den apokalyptischen verzweifelten Visionen entfalten. Der deutsche Soziologe Niklas Luhmann, dem es in erster Linie anliegt, um der Sicherheit der menschlichen Bereiche willen angemessene Maßnahmen gegen die gefährliche Welt zu ergreifen, stützt sich ebenfalls auf das "Höhlengleichnis", wo man sich blindlings in der Finsternis der äußersten Komplexität der Welt und aus der Furcht davor verirrt. Sind uns dann nur Katastrophen und Gefahren, keine Zukunft, gegeben? Jeder der drei Gigantsterne am Himmel der Finsternis, Blumenberg, Dürrenmatt und Luhmann, gewinnt in seiner besonderen Art und Weise zur gefährlichen Welt Distanz, Blumenberg mit (absoluten) Metaphern und Mythen ("Arbeit am Mythos") und Dürrenmatt mit Einfällen und Hypothesen. Denn die einzige Methode, sich gegen die Welt und den "Absolutismus der Wirklichkeit" einen gewissen Abstand zu erschaffen, liegt nicht im Konkreten, sondern nur allein im Abstrakten, falls die Welt aus der konkreten äußersten Komplexität besteht. Diese abstrakte Strategie, die der deutsche Kunsthistoriker Worringer in seiner "Abstraktion und Einfühlung" von 1908 die "Abstraktion" nennt, beschwört zuerst eine schmale Ritze, dann aber einen unabhängigen freien künstlichen fiktiven Raum, der die Menschen auf die Beine stellt. Solch eine Abstraktion wird bei Luhmann durch Systeme geschaffen, indem man die äußerste Komplexität zur begrenzten kleinen Komplexität reduziert. Man tauscht nämlich die Komplexität der Welt heimlich mit der Pseudo-Komplexität aus, die von der Zahl her weit abstrakt reduziert wird, so dass sie nun als zähmbare Risiken und wenn auch mühsam, aber irgendwie von Menschen kontrollierbare Unsicherheiten erscheinen könnte. Erst nach der abstrakten willkürlichen Wende und auf der unbegründeten Urbasis der Abstraktion wird die neue Unterscheidung der Welt/Umwelt/System eingeführt und das System als Sicherheitsnetz in Gang gesetzt, was zur großen Entwicklung der apollinischen Kultur der Sicherheit führt. Nur die Zauberkunst ohne Begründung vermittels der Pseudo-Unsicherheiten, die Luhmann in "Soziale Systeme" von 1984 die Kontingenz oder die doppelte Kontingenz tauft, hintergeht die Welt und schützt Systeme. Ein System, das sich fast mit dem Selbst des Subjektes identifizieren könnte, umgibt sich mit einer Umwelt als einem tiefen Schlossgraben mit vielen gefährlichen Risiken, welche uns zwar einigermaßen anstrengen, uns aber auch damit die Sicht auf die Gefahren so versperrt, als seien echte Gefahren und Katastrophen nicht mehr vorhanden. Der strategischen Unterscheidung entspricht das Luhmannsche berühmte Schema des Risikos, d.h. das Risiko/Gefahr-Schema. Es tritt erstmals am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts an die Stelle des früheren Paares in der Risiko-Forschung, Sicherheit/Risiko, und ist jetzt schon weit anerkannt, weil es in heutiger Zeit nichts Sicheres mehr, sondern nur relativ scheinbar Sicheres und echte Katastrophen gibt. Die Strategie des Systems zielt vor allen darauf, die Gefahr der Welt aus der Sicht verschwinden zu lassen und vor sich selbst die gefährliche Wirklichkeit zu verbergen. Auch die Operation der Verheimlichung in der Urphase muss aber den Mitgliedern des Sozialsystems geheimgehalten werden. In diesem Sinn enthüllt sich das Luhmannsche System im Grunde nicht als Risiko/Gefahr-Schema, sondern als eine doppelt-verbergende Vorrichtung, im Urproblem gegenüber der Welt und auch im sekundären Problem der apollinischen Erweiterung und Erhaltung des Systems. Diese vorliegende Abhandlung, Teil I, der eine Einführung und Vorschau ist, schließt sich an den Teil II an, in dem ich den Trick der Pseudo-Unsicherheit in den 2. und 3. Kapiteln der "Soziale Systeme" von Luhmann erörtere.
高橋 吉文
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.58, pp.57-122, 2010-05-25

高橋 吉文
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.56, pp.1-53, 2009-07-31

江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.57, pp.55-74, 2009-11-09

Wissenschaftliche Beurteilungen des um vier Jahre jüngeren Bruders von Max Weber sind sehr unterschiedlich. Besonders scharf kritisieren die heutigen Soziologen seine kultursoziologischen Werke des „praktizierenden“ Sozialwissenschaftlers und haben dessen akademische Spuren nach seinem Tod fast in die Vergessenheit geraten lassen. Trotzdem genießt Alfred Weber seit den 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts eine gewisse Renaissance. Als Früchte der akademischen Bemühungen von damals wurden schließlich sogar seine Gesamtwerke herausgegeben. In Japan haben einige Philosophen und Soziologen vor und nach dem letzten Weltkrieg Alfred Weber als den Wegbereiter der Kultursoziologie noch zu seinen Lebzeiten entdeckt und dementsprechend als einen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungsgegenstand behandelt. In der Folgezeit fand man leider daran kaum einen wissenschaftlichen Anschlußmehr, wie es in Europa ebenso im allgemeinen der Fall war. Zum einen, um Alfred Weber noch einmal im Zusammenhang mit der Wissenssoziologie zu lokalisieren, werden hier als Ausgangspunkt erneut seine Biographie und eine seiner frühesten kultursoziologischen Überlegungen vorgestellt. Zum anderen sollte dies als ein Anfangsversuch dienen, den vielfältig aktiven Soziologen, der immerhin jahrzehntelang die geisteswissenschaftliche Welt in Deutschland ohne Zweifel mitprägte, erst richtig in Japan vorzustellen.
鈴木 純一
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.58, pp.39-56[含 ドイツ語文要旨], 2010

In dieser Abhandlung geht es um die Beziehung zwischen Metapher und Meta-Denken in europäischen literarischen und philosophischen Texten. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Analysen der neuzeitlichen Texte als Beispiele, denn dort kann man die besonderen Eigenschaften der europäischen Metapher erkennen. Als ein Gesichtpunkt der theoretischen Analyse wird die Systemtheorie Luhmanns berücksichtigt. In den ersten beiden Abschnitten wird zuerst Luhmanns Kritik an den Metaphern Husserls im Bezug auf Zeit-Begriff überprüft. In der Folge wird klar, dass die abendländischen Metaphern hauptsächlich die Neigung haben, durch das Konkrete das Abstrakte sichtbar zu machen und damit auf der Meta-Ebene das Begriffe-System zu konstruieren. Auf diese Weise haben die Metaphern zur Hierarchie zwischen dem Metaphysischen und dem Physischen beigetragen. Dass man in der Literatur diese Hierarchie manchmal dekonstruiert hat, zeigt sich in den dritten und vierten Abschnitten, wo die Metaphern von Th. Mann, Kafka und Proust analysiert werden. Anschliessend wird der theoretische Grund für diese gegensätzlichen Richtungen der Metaphern betrachtet. Dies führt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Erscheinung dadurch ermöglicht ist, den Wortsinn verdoppelt zu machen. Die Verdoppelung kann man als eigentliche und grundsätzliche Funktion der Metapher ansehen. Dabei wird auch die Hierarchie zwischen Meta-Ebene (Begriffe-System) und Objektebene als eine anscheinend unvermeidliche Struktur betrachtet. Es gibt darum eine Genealogie der Kritik, die diese Hierarchie als Unterdrückung anklagt, z.B. die Kritik Nieztsches oder die Dekonstruktion Derridas. In den letzten beiden Abschnitten zeigt sich zuerst die Ungültigkeit dieser Kritiken, weil sie sich eine Paradoxie der Selbstreferenz bilden müssen. Stattdessen kann man in der Systemtheorie Luhmanns eine andere Möglichkeit finden. Luhmanns Theorie betont, dass jede Betrachtung unbedingt von der Meta-Ebene (in der zweiten Ordnung) zur Objekt-Ebene übergehen muss. Diese Übergang wird in den späteren Aufsätzen Luhmanns als Oszillation (fortdauerndes Wechseln zwischen Selbstreferenz und Fremdreferenz) ausgedrückt. Zum Schluss wird die funktionale Gleichartigkeit dieser Oszillation mit der Metapher überhaupt gezeigt.
鈴木 純一
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.68, pp.95-108, 2015-03-20

This study is based on the functional similarity of metaphor and media. On the other hand both of them connect the various meaning, and on the other hand both of them also separate the connected meaning. The first purpose of this paper is to analyze the interdependency of these two functions theoretically, and the second purpose is to make the relation between these mechanism and text interpretation clear. Several text about philosophy, thought, literature, aesthetics and criticism is analyzed here. In particular text of German sociologist LUHMANN plays the double (recursive) roles as a theory of analysis and as a target of analysis. This duality seems to be a tautology or a paradox. But it makes the function of media by metaphor and also the metaphor-like function by media possible. Though logical contradiction is included, this relation supports the paradoxical structure by metaphor and media.
堀田 真紀子
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.54, pp.19-33, 2008-03-17

In this paper I try to make a clear difference between the mass media’s attitude toward images (which I call ‘spectacle’ in accordance with Guy Debord) and that of artists. In the highly information-oriented society of today the ‘spectacle’ influences people so deeply that we tend to take that attitude when we treat arts, which damages transmission of its essence. The main difference between the two attitudes consists in how they treat the moral context of the images. For artists the appearance of images, their effects or beauty are never depicted for their own sake. The effect or the beauty only comes after as the results or mere byproducts of his or her quest for a new reality. The quest is what matters. And it has a moral nature: the artist tries to discover something valuable to him or her and to other people. If the artist directly chooses effective or beautiful images without this quest, he can only produce ‘kitsch’ in the sense of Hermann Broch. For the mass media, only the fixed appearance of the image matters. And the media often refers to images ignoring their moral context, using them for different, often spectacular purposes which often contradict their originally moral contexts. In that way the mass media transforms every great art work into kitsch as it separates its appearance from its original moral contexts. An art gallery should be a countervailing power against this prevailing trend. And I examined the form of gallery which emphasizes the moral context of art works.
石川 克知 高橋 吉文
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.66, pp.1-57, 2014-03-31

本論は、グリム兄弟が『グリム童話集(KHM)』の個々のメルヘンを彫するに際して、数字もまた重要な役割をはたしていたのではないか、と考え、それを作品内在論理解析方法と、 デジタルデータの検索方法とを結合して、考察しようとしたものである。 第一章は、数字3と数字2が要となっているKHM 中の名高いメルヘンKHM55「ルンペルシュティルツヒェン」とKHM21「灰かぶり」の2篇を、作品内在分析によって構造解析し、そ の内在論理と数字との緊密な関係を証明する。 第二章は、一転してKHM の全ての版(草稿から第七版まで)における数字使用頻度を、それ用に特別に作成したKHM 全版のファイルに基づいてコンピュータによって検索し、その一 覧を作成した。その検索結果の中で特に注目すべきは、数字3の総体的減数と、それと反比例する数字2の圧倒的多数状況および版改訂に伴いふくれあがっていく数字2の激増事実である。 続く第三章は、数字2の覇権への動きというその検索結果を、KHM 中最も分量が多くかつグリムたちの最自信作であり、メルヘン史上およびグリムたちにとって『グリム童話集』の要といえるメルヘンで、題名にも数字2を冠しつつも、各種の数字が入り乱れるため数字的意味等の解読の著しく困難なKHM60「二人兄弟」において、内在分析の側から検証する。 だが、そこに現れる全ての数字と数字的事象(明示されないが、数字が意識されている現象)を順次列挙していく時、内在分析からは、数字2が諸数の乱数表的状態という森の中を冥界として経巡り、最終的には数字1へ、正確には2にして1である[2・1融合状態]へと収斂かつ帰還し蘇る、という「V字プロセス」(高橋)軌道の潜在が析出されてきた。 この時、第二章でのKHM 全体へのデジタル数字検索結果(数字2の覇権と拡大への傾向)と、第三章での詳細な内在分析が明らかにした数字2の冥府行およびその1との融合経緯とは、みごとな対応関係を見せる。その対応事実の確認からはさらに、KHM 全体において、またその双子たちのように親密なグリム兄弟やドイツ・ロマン派自身にとって、数字2に秘かに託されていた深甚な遍歴と融合の機能の潜在もまた、浮かびあがってくるように思われるのである。
クリース ヨハネス・フォン 山田 吉二郎 江口 豊
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.59, pp.137-189, 2010-11-15

In 1888 Johannes von Kries (1853-1928), a physiologist and neo-Kantian logician, published the well-known treatise "Über den Begriff der objektiven Möglichkeit und einige Anwendungen desselben" ("On the Concept of Objective Possibility and Some of its Applications"), which caused intense discussions of methodology among young social scientists: M. Weber (1964-1920), an Ukrainian jurist B. Kistiakovsky (1868-1920), a Russian statistician A. Chuprov (1874-1926), a Polish statistician L. Bortkiewicz (1868-1931) and a German jurist G. Radbruch (1878-1949). As M. Weber wrote in his work "Kritische Studien auf dem Gebiet der kulturwissenschaftlichen Logik" ("Critical Studies in the Field of Logics of Cultural Sciences"), specially in its footnotes, he had carefully read the papers of the above-mentioned scholars on von Kries. It seems that Weber, as well as his younger friends, was expecting that von Kries's original concepts ('objective possibility,' 'nomological knowledge,' 'adequate causation,' etc.) could be firm bases they were eagerly searching for new social or cultural sciences. J. von Kries's important and difficult work will provide knowledge of the indispensable context in which M. Weber and his contemporaries had made up their own methodologies.
小川 泰寛
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.55, pp.1-38, 2009-03-25

We may be given to understand that the story of the three caskets in The Merchant of Venice has a remarkable affinity with a folk tale of marriage proposal involving difficult questions in which a beautiful princess puts riddles to a suitor who will lose his life on the spot in case he turns out to be incapable of solving them. While in the Shakespearean canon the initial portion of Pericles most exactly fits in with this motif, our story seems to be a disguised and yet impressive variation upon it. Considering that they are deprived of the opportunity of begetting legitimate heirs thereafter, the lifelong celibacy to which Portia subjects unsuccessful suitors corresponds, in a symbolic way, to the deadly disaster that awaits the losers of the game in the folk tale as well as in the Shakespearean romance. The supposedly puzzling inscriptions attached to the caskets manifest themselves as difficult questions in the tale of marriage proposal in question. Each suitor actually addresses himself to deciphering them one by one. What is crucial with this schematized picture is that riddling is latent in the controversial episode of a song about "fancy" being sung. As is notorious, only Bassanio, the hero of this story, with whom Portia has fallen in love at first sight, is blessed with this vitally important musical design. By appropriately taking the cue offered in the shape of a sort of a riddle, he succeeds in choosing the correct casket. Portia proves inventive enough to solve her own dilemma where her desire to break the rule of the game and her absolute obligation to follow it clash with each other. Since she did not directly inform Bassanio of the correct casket, she is no way to blame. Riddling functioned as a clever stratagem to circumvent the strange will of the late lord of Belmont. At any rate, Bassanio wins, growing aware of the entrapping danger of deceptive. ornament, which ironically enough, he assumes himself, masquerading as something of a prince, while he is in actuality financially nothing, even less than nothing, as he has avowed to Portia. This nothing will organically relate to the nothing to which Antonio, his benefactor is to be financially brought, causing the pound of flesh court to be held.
網谷 壮介 稲村 一隆 金 慧 斎藤 拓也
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.74, pp.59-83, 2021-03-30

山田 悦子
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.71, pp.187-203, 2018-03-26

鈴木 純一
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.68, pp.95-108, 2015

This study is based on the functional similarity of metaphor and media. On the other hand both of them connect the various meaning, and on the other hand both of them also separate the connected meaning. The first purpose of this paper is to analyze the interdependency of these two functions theoretically, and the second purpose is to make the relation between these mechanism and text interpretation clear. Several text about philosophy, thought, literature, aesthetics and criticism is analyzed here. In particular text of German sociologist LUHMANN plays the double (recursive) roles as a theory of analysis and as a target of analysis. This duality seems to be a tautology or a paradox. But it makes the function of media by metaphor and also the metaphor-like function by media possible. Though logical contradiction is included, this relation supports the paradoxical structure by metaphor and media.
西 昌樹
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.62, pp.51-58, 2012-05-25

To provide an insight into Japanese culture through Japanese modern novels, I give a class "Japanese modern literature" for international students. In this class, students read a variety of Japanese novels and then examine various aspects and styles of Japanese literature as presented in these novels. I give here the last version of this program, using novels based on the weekly themes listed below. Course Description. Week 1. General Introduction: Change of Style: Banana Yoshimoto, Ryu Murakami, Rieko Matsuura, Makoto Shiina, Yoshio Kataoka, Eto Mori. Week 2. Origin of New Style: Motoko Arai. Week 3. New Colloquial Expression 1: Saeko Himuro. Week 4. New Colloquial Expression 2 (Girl's monologue by a male author): Osamu Dazai, Haruka Takachiho, Osamu Hashimoto. Week 5. Light Novel, Historical Review: Ryo Mizuno (Record of Lodoss War), Hajime Kanzaka (Slayers), Nagaru Tanigawa (Haruhi Suzumiya), Kouhei Kadono (Boogiepop), Masaki Okayu (Dokuro-chan), Daisuke Goya (A-kun(17)). Week 6. Great Hit: Kyoichi Katayama, Yoshi (Deep Love). Week 7. From Light Novel 1: Kazuki Sakuraba. Week 8. From Light Novel 2: Hiro Arikawa. Week 9. From Light Novel 3: Honobu Yonezawa. Week 10. Character Novel: Yoshiki Tanaka, Sunako Kayata. Week 11. Fantasy: Fuyumi Ono (Twelve Kingdoms), Nahoko Uehashi. Week 12. Playing with Words: Ishin Nishio. Week 13. Girl's Monologue today: Eimi Yamada, Tetsuya Honda, Nobara Takemoto, Miho Toyoshima. Week 14. Otaku: Shion Miura. Week 15. Today's Best: Risa Wataya and Mieko Kawakami.
鍋島 孝子
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.61, pp.35-55, 2011

This article aims to apply risk concepts to the international politics. Though the preventive diplomacy has never been discussed in this discipline, the international society has dealt with it in conformity with UN peacekeeping operations, PKO. In 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, General Secretary of United Nations at the time, reported "An Agenda for Peace". According to this agenda, the Peace Enforcement Unit can have a mandate to enforce its order, using some stronger weapons than PKO. The United States interpreted this "Agenda for Peace" to bring a multinational army to Somalia. But this mission ended in failure, because this multinational army looked down on African social groups (lineage, clan, ethnic and tribe) and their relationships with the state power. Risk concepts allow us to have a large point of view on preventive diplomacy and peace building after the conflicts. According to Niklas Luhmann, risk is an uncertainness and a contradiction that come from multiple social systems' communications. His theory guides us to have multiple approaches for settling and preventing ethnic conflicts in Africa. That is to say that we have to adopt intercultural education, security police, impartiality of ethnic groups, transparency of administration system, etc. to implement the preventive diplomacy. These are human safety elements that are larger concept than national military safety investigated by traditional way of international politics. But international society failed at prevention of the genocide in Rwanda. In this article, we can find multiple reasons of this failure, for example, discrimination between Tutsi and Hutus ethnic groups, propaganda and manipulation of media, bad process from one-party dictatorship to democratization, arms dealing and strategies among big powers in the context of globalization. After all, the international society was too much benumbed to avoid these risks. This article will be useful to increase the knowledge of ethnic conflicts in Africa to promote the preventive diplomacy. And we can prevent the prejudice against the stereo-typed image of "violent and barbarian Africans". Taking many elements of risks at a conflict in account, we can see that African people is involved in the structure of violence and animosity. In this article, I verify this structure and at the conclusion show that a simple-minded thought about the citizenship that is an opposition to ethnic groups cannot bring a settlement. African citizenship is a larger concept than general one involving peasants, lineage, clan, ethnic and tribe who practice traditional customs. Now, African countries, which confront with a new style of Nation State, try to integrate these African social actors to establish their own democratic state.
高橋 吉文
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.55, pp.39-118[含 英語文要旨], 2009

I 複数の文章の集合からなるテキストは、配列によってその総体的な意味を構築し、発信する。本論は、まず新聞の多様な記事を分析素材として、テキストの配列や諸要素の関係、構成原理を解析し、〔I問い、II事情説明、III転換・新説、IV答え〕の四分節構成法を析出し、その基本的原理を東洋の古典的配列である起承転結と重ねあわせる。II だが、〔序論、本論、結論〕の三分節構成原理を古典古代より継承する西洋近代の論構成が主流となっている現代、その起承転結構成は転における論の破綻、首尾一貫性の欠落が災いして、強く忌避されている。III それは、しかし、従来の転に対する理解に難があったからで、その転調を先行研究に対する新機軸や新実験と解する時、災いは論理的に不可欠の必然へと一変する。IV つまり、I II III IVから構成されるテキストをIIIを中心に配置した問答装置として読み替えることによって、起承転結構成は、科学論文のみならずあらゆるテキストを秘かに律している物語と思考の母型回路であることが明らかになるのである。I. A text that consists of multiple sentences constructs and creates its meaning through the order and composition of those sentences. In this paper I examine EastAsian rhetorical organization, the four-part framework for composition Ki-Shoo-Ten-Ketsu 起承転結, and make clear that it is an essential framework, not only for narrative, but also logic. II. First, I analyze several articles from Japanese newspapers with regard to their composition and the relationships between paragraphs. I demonstrate that the four-part order is a fundamental logical principle. It is composed of: I. a beginning (Ki); II. the subsequent progression (Shoo); III. change (Ten); and IV. the conclusion (Ketsu). But, because of a lack of a coherence caused by the introduction of unexpected elements at the third stage (change), recently this ancient Chinese framework has been regarded as an unlogical pattern and does not play an important role in writing in Japan. III. However, if we define a text as a collection of sentences that constitutes a Question-Answer-System, every text should begin with an explicit or implicit question. The question or unsolved problem presented in the first section is explained in detail in the second part II. At this point, the problem has still not been solved, so the linear logic reaches a dead end. It is the third part, III. the change, where changes in the inadequate linear logic show us new ideas and perspectives for finding a solution. That is the reason why we have the introduction of unexpected elements into the normal logical progression in the third part. The Ten (change) section is a turning point and has the function of critiquing and overturning inadequate existing research. The revolutionary function of the Ten section is the most important and indispensable part of the Question-Answer-System within the text. The final fourth part, IV conclusion (Ketsu) depends on the third part and summarizes its results and implications. The newly reinterpreted model of the ancient four-part-order, Ki-Shoo-Ten-Ketsu, therefore, creates the following thinking-matrix:I. Question, II. Explanation of circumstances to III. Turning point and Proposal of new Ideas and IV. Answer and Solution. While I.and II.belong to the Question-dimension, III. and IV. constitute symmetrically the Answer-dimension. In this new order, III. (Ten) leads the final part IV. (Ketsu) to an answer to the question posed in I. (Ki). In other words, III. (Ten) is literally located at the center of the text and it is the other parts I., II. and IV.,that serve to provide the context for the Ten (Change) part. IV. The logical and revolutionary function of Ten (Change) has been overlooked in the past in the Western history of rhetoric and writing theory. But, a clear comprehension of the fundamental matrix for narrative and logical thinking, the four-part-framework Ki-Shoo-Ten-Ketsu, will bring about a number of new perspectives and innovations in our cultural texts, both Asian and European.