和泉 浩 IZUMI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.71, pp.25-36, 2016-03-01

There has been a flurry of studies on senses, sound, hearing and listening, alongside of studies on body, inhumanities and social sciences since the early 1990s. These studies reconsider the modern visualist paradigm,hegemony of vision and modernity through excavating other senses ― hearing, touch, taste, smell ― in varioussocial, historical and cultural contexts, therefore they share aims, concepts and theoretical frameworks with postmodernism,post-structuralism, gender studies, queer studies, post-colonialism, spatial-turn. This paper outlines thesociological perspective on relationships between senses and society, sees viewpoints of recent studies on senses,especially sound studies in a sociological light, and sheds light on the problems relating to ‘alternative’ ways ofthinking and ‘reflexivity’ ― positioning and accounting for own positions and questions ― which is insisted as animportant point of sensuous scholarship and sound studies. Including this abstract, studies on senses are obsessedwith visualist concepts and metaphors, and ‘alternative’ ways of thinking and ‘reflexivity’ should confront thisthorny problem which might not be solved by constructivism, contextualism and thought of ‘in-betweenness’which apparently deny dualisms. This paper also points out that sound studies must take seriously Judith Butler’sassertion: ‘It would make no sense to define gender as the cultural interpretation of sex, if sex itself is a genderedcategory’, in order to reconsider dualisms; nature and society, sound and auditory culture, body (matter) andsociety, and sound studies should reflect its naturalistic name.
和泉 浩 IZUMI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:24334979)
vol.73, pp.11-21, 2018-02-23

The purpose of this paper is to consider Tim Ingold’s four objections to the concept of The purpose of this paper is to consider Tim Ingold’s four objections to the concept of soundscape, in order to reconsider the concept of soundscape in relation to the concepts of light, sound, landscape, related to sound studies, study of visual culture and auditory culture. Ingold thinks ‘the concept of sound scape would be better abandoned’ based on the four reasons. This paper points out six problems with Ingold’s objections. (1) Ingold defines sound as ‘I can hear’ depending on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and he also situates sound as ‘medium’, but he does not explain the relationship between Merleau-Ponty’s ‘il y a’ and James Gibson’s ‘medium’. ‘il y a’ and ‘medium’ are different. (2) Phenomenological existential conditions are fundamental in a sense, but cultural, social and historical contexts or conditions of sound, light and ontology should be considered. (3) Sound and light have different aspects. (4) His strong nostalgia for nature and past causes narrowing experiences of sound and soundscape. (5) Although he criticizes the confusion of ‘scape’ with ‘scope’, he confuses them in his argument. (6) One can explain nothing in the pure fluxes of medium, distinctions must be made to say something.oundscape, in order to reconsider the concept of soundscape in relation to the concepts of light, sound, landscape, related to sound studies, study of visual culture and auditory culture. Ingold thinks ‘the concept of sound scape would be better abandoned’ based on the four reasons. This paper points out six problems with Ingold’s objections. (1) Ingold defines sound as ‘I can hear’ depending on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and he also situates sound as ‘medium’, but he does not explain the relationship between Merleau-Ponty’s ‘il y a’ and James Gibson’s ‘medium’. ‘il y a’ and ‘medium’ are different. (2) Phenomenological existential conditions are fundamental in a sense, but cultural, social and historical contexts or conditions of sound, light and ontology should be considered. (3) Sound and light have different aspects. (4) His strong nostalgia for nature and past causes narrowing experiences of sound and soundscape. (5) Although he criticizes the confusion of ‘scape’ with ‘scope’, he confuses them in his argument. (6) One can explain nothing in the pure fluxes of medium, distinctions must be made to say something.

1 0 0 0 OA 音楽の合理化

和泉 浩
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.53, no.1, pp.54-69, 2002-06-30 (Released:2009-10-19)

音楽という芸術を, 合理化の視点からとらえることはできるのであろうか.もしそれが可能であるとすれば, 音楽の合理化の西欧近代における固有の特性とはいったいどのようなものなのであろうか.未完の草稿として残された『音楽社会学』においてマックス・ウェーバーが探求しようとした, この西欧近代音楽の合理化の過程を, 西欧音楽における二重の合理化という視点から読み解くことが本稿の試みである.ウェーバーが音楽を社会学の対象にしたのは, 音楽に用いられる音組織が歴史的に構築されるなかで, 理性がきわめて重要な役割をはたしてきたことを見出したためである.ウェーバーは, この音組織を歴史的に構築してきた原理を, 間隔原理と和声的分割原理という2つの原理に区別する.この2つの原理にもとづき, 音組織は間隔的に, あるいは和声的に合理化されてきたのである.この2つの合理化は互いに対立するものであり, 他方のものに非合理, 制約, 矛盾をもたらす.ウェーバーの議論は一見, 近代の西欧音楽を和声的合理化においてとらえ, それ以外の音楽を間隔的合理化において特徴づけているようにみえる.しかし, 西欧近代の音楽の合理化の特性は, この対立する2つの合理化の交錯においてかたち作られているのである.この西欧近代音楽の合理化の矛盾した関係を明らかにすることこそ, ウェーバーの音楽社会学の試みである.
早雲 孝信 東 健 中島 正継 安田 健治朗 趙 栄済 向井 秀一 水間 美宏 芦原 亨 水野 成人 平野 誠一 池田 悦子 加藤 元一 徳田 一 竹中 温 泉 浩 井川 理 青池 晟 川井 啓市
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.88, no.8, pp.1539-1544, 1991 (Released:2007-12-26)

ras遺伝子は, そのpoint mutation により活性化される癌遺伝子として知られている. 今回, われわれは oligonucleotide hybridization assay を用いて,大腸癌86例における K-ras codon 12, 13のpoint mutation の有無について検索した. その結果, codon 12に32例, codon 13に1例の33例 (38%) に point mutation を認めた. 変異の比率を腫瘍の存在部位, 組織型, 深達度, リンパ節転移, ステージ分類別に検討したが, 有意な関係は認められなかつた. しかし, 深達度mやsmといつた早期の癌においても高頻度に変異が検出され, ras遺伝子の point mutation が癌の進行過程というよりも発癌の過程に関係していることが推察された.
石井 亘 藤井 宏二 飯塚 亮二 下間 正隆 泉 浩 竹中 温
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.68, no.12, pp.2969-2973, 2007

症例は72歳, 女性. 左乳房のしこりを自覚. 初診時, 左乳房D領域にしこりを1個, 同側腋窩リンパ節腫大を認めた. CT上, 腫瘍本体の長径は34mm, 乳頭腫瘍間距離は30mmであった. 同側腋窩リンパ節の長径は, 25mmであった. informed-consentを行った結果, 経口抗癌剤併用療法を術前に3コース行い, CT上の腫瘍は長径8mmと著名な縮小を認め温存手術を可能にしえた. 以前より当院では, 乳癌患者の経口併用抗癌剤として, DMpC療法 (Doxifluridine+Cyclophosphamide+Medroxyprogesterone acetate) を行ってきた. TS-1がこれまでの経口フッ化ピリミジン系抗癌剤と比較して抗腫瘍効果が高く, 外来治療が可能であるため, DoxifluridineをTS-1に置き換えることによってより高い治療効果が期待される. 現在われわれは, 進行・再発乳癌に対する経口併用化学療法 (TS-1+Cyclophosphamide+Medroxyprogesterone acetate) の第I/II相臨床試験を進行中である.
片山 美和 今泉 浩幸 野尻 裕司 伊東 晋
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.22, no.19, pp.19-24, 1998-03-17

This paper reports the results of a subjective assessment for stereoscopic HDTV coding using MPEG2 MVP@HL, which is a standard for stereoescopic television coding. The results of assessment for coding images of MVP are compared with those of coding images of simulcast, left and right image of which are each coded using conventional MP@HL. The image quality of MVP coding is almost as same as, or is higher than that of simulcast coding. According to the test of bit allocation to left and right images, an adaptive bit allocation depending on image contents can improve the subjective image quality.