星文彦 山中 雅智 高橋 光彦 高橋 正明 福田 修 和田 龍彦
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.19, pp.43-48, 1992

椅子からの立ち上がり動作の運動学的解析を行い, 各筋群の機能的役割を考察した。計測方法:ビデオ, 床反力計, 表面筋電図, 及び殿部の離床を記録するためのマットスイッチ(自作)を用いて椅子からの立ち上がり動作を記録した。またビデオ, 床反力計, 表面筋電図は自作のトリガー発信器を用い同期記録した。分析結果:床反力は, 動作開始直後下降, その後急上昇し, 姿勢及び重心位置の変化を忠実に反映していると思われた。またその時の筋活動から立ち上がり動作開始時に体幹を前傾させることと重心位置を前下方へ移動させる原動力となっている筋群として縫工筋, 大腿直筋さらに前脛骨筋が重要な役割を果たしていると考えられた。
福田 修
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.62, no.8, pp.1845-1862, 1959-08-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

The author measured the diameter, the length and the capacity of external auditory meatusand middle ear cavity in 34 different species of vertebrates including 2 amphibians, 4 reptiles, 6birds, and 22 mammals, to study the mutual relationship of each measurement and also studied the morphology of the middle ear cavities.The conclusions were as follows:-1). The length of the external auditory meatus was always in proportion to the size of theskulls, but not to the breadth. The larger animals had longer meatus. The ratio of the length tobreadth of meatus was 11.4 in ox, 13.7 in pig, but in small animals like bat or rat, was nearly 1.0.In animals which behave in water, for example, otter, sea-lion and fur-seal, the ratios wereremarkably large. The partially closed meatus observed in whale was an extreme case.2). The external auditory meatus is essential for fine perception of air conduction sound.Moreover, the resonance effect of the meatus which is determined by the length of it may profitthe hearing acuity of the animal, when awared of the close relationship between tbe resonanceeffect and animal's cry.3). The capacity of tympanic cavity was always larger than those of external meatus, and theratio dividing the former by the latter was very much constant in each mammal, for example, 3.0_??_3.4 in dogs. and 3.7_??_4.1 in cats.4). In general, the capacity of the tympanic cavity was proportional to the size of the head, mainly due to the capacity of the tympanic bulla. On the other hand, the mesotympanum contain-ing the tympanic membrane, ossicles and windows showed a little variation.I have observed also this tendency among the different mammals. The ratio of tympanic cavityper 1mm2 of ear drum was 4 in rat, 6 in mole and 435 in ox.5). The tympanic cavity of bird was uniform in shape as well as external meatus, exceptsome variation in shape and size of air cells fully developed in the skull.6). The form of accessory air spaces of vertebrates were classified into several types accordingto the"order"or "family", such as single bulla with or without bony septum (rodentia, chiro-ptera, some uugulates and cetacea), and cellular structure developed in the bulla (ox, pig andhorse), in the mastoid process (some primates), or in the basis of the skull (insectivora).7). But certain irregularities of the structures of the auditory organs were noted, because ofthe adaptation to the circumstances. For example, Barary sheep, classified in bovidae, had a singlebulla and large epitympanum with large Schrapnell's membrane as seen in cervidae.8). Accessory air spaces are thought to have significance in four points, that is, making the tympanic membrane easily vibrate by the low frequency sound waves, reducing the weight of theskull, and the effect of reservoir action and acoustic dissipation. The resonance or insullation effect are doubtful.9). The size of the air sinuses in the skull has a tendency to change according to the size of the skull. Therefore we must consider the relation of the both when the air sinuses are discussed.
星 文彦 山中 雅智 高橋 光彦 高橋 正明 福田 修 和田 龍彦
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.19, no.1, pp.43-48, 1992-01-10 (Released:2018-10-25)

椅子からの立ち上がり動作の運動学的解析を行い,各筋群の機能的役割を考察した。計測方法 : ビデオ,床反力計,表面筋電図,及び殿部の離床を記録するためのマットスイッチ(自作)を用いて椅子からの立ち上がり動作を記録した。またビデオ,床反力計,表面筋電図は自作のトリガー発信器を用い同期記録した。分析結果 : 床反力は,動作開始直後下降,その後急上昇し,姿勢及び重心位置の変化を忠実に反映していると思われた。またその時の筋活動から立ち上がり動作開始時に体幹を前傾させることと重心位置を前下方へ移動させる原動力となっている筋群として縫工筋,大腿直筋さらに前脛骨筋が重要な役割を果たしていると考えられた。
福田 修 遠藤 俊郎
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.13, no.2, pp.89-95, 2004
9 1

近年,スノーボードの流行には目をみはるものがあるが,スキーも従来型スキーからカービングスキーが主流となり,また極端に短いファンスキーの愛好者も増えている.スノーボード頭部外傷は,その構造上の特性から,スキーに比べ5〜6倍の発生頻度があり,緩斜面での転倒やジャンプにより後頭部を打ちやすい特徴がある。重症例に関しては,スキーでは衝突により頭蓋骨骨折や脳挫傷を,スノーボードでは転倒により急性硬膜下血腫を起こしやすい.同血腫は脳挫傷を伴うことが少なく,架橋静脈の破綻によるpure subdural hematoma であり,メカニズムとして回転外力が想定されている.スキー・スノーボードによる頭部外傷の現状・予防策など,自験例および文献報告から報告する.
福田 修 小山 新弥 黒田 敏
一般社団法人 日本脳神経外傷学会
神経外傷 (ISSN:24343900)
vol.38, no.1, pp.9-13, 2015-09-10 (Released:2020-04-27)

Severe head injuries with organic lesions in skiing were characterized. We reviewed the patients, backgrounds, the situations of 30 head traumas (6.0%) with organic lesions, out of 504 skiing-related head injuries from 2004/05 to 2012/13 winter seasons in Niigata, Japan. The patient ages were from 8 to 75 (average 37.0 ± 19.0). They were 27 men and 3 women. 30 lesions consisted of 16 cranio-facial fractures, 7 acute subdural hematomas, 3 subarachnoid hemorrhages, 2 brain contusions, an epidural hematoma and a chronic subdural hematoma.The predominant feature of ski-related severe head injuries in this period is that expert or intermediate skier hit forehead by fall or jump or collision at a gentle slope. Craniotomies were performed in 2 subdural hematomas and the outcome was GR in 59-year-old woman and was MD in 75-year-old man, respectively.In comparison with the past nine seasons (1994/95-2003/04) study in this area, the characteristics in this period is that the number of patients, the number of severe head injuries, the number of operation were decreased. The average age of the patients increased. The predominant feature of ski-related severe head injury in the past period is that intermediate skier hit a forehead by collision at a middle slope. There were differences in the pattern, situation and mechanism between those two periods. Greater awareness may be needed to ensure safety, especially helmet use and manner observance.
中川 照彦 土屋 正光 勝崎 耕世 小原 洋一 諏訪 清史 福田 修一 福島 芳宏
臨床整形外科 (ISSN:05570433)
vol.37, no.6, pp.685-692, 2002-06-25

1997年~2001年の5年間に,SLAP lesionに対し鏡視下上方関節唇修復術を行った野球選手の投球障害肩17例17肩を対象とした.全例男性で,手術時年齢は平均25.1歳(16~51歳)であった.ポジションは投手11例.野手6例.レベルはプロ野球3例,社会人野球3例,大学野球1例,高校野球5例,草野球5例であった.鏡視下上方関節唇修復術はSnyderの手技に準じて行い,後療法では特に術後3カ月以降の投球メニューについて詳述した.徒手検査ではcrank test,anterior apprehension肢位での疼痛,三森テスト.O'Brien testが有用であった.12カ月以上フォローアップできた13例中11例(85%)で完全復帰を果たした.術後復帰までの平均期間は.投手8.4カ月,野手6.8カ月であった.鏡視下上方関節唇修復術の手術成績は良好であり,上腕二頭筋長頭腱関節唇複合体の解剖学的修復という面からも,本術式は推奨できるものと考える.
福田 修 藤田 真治 辻 敏夫
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151923)
vol.J88-D2, no.1, pp.105-112, 2005-01-01
