長谷川 淳也 広木 正紀
京都教育大学環境教育研究年報 (ISSN:09193766)
vol.14, pp.63-78, 2006-03-31

長谷川 淳也
Molecular Science (ISSN:18818404)
vol.4, no.1, pp.A0031-A0031, 2010 (Released:2010-08-26)
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In visual systems and fluorescent proteins, controlling the photo-absorption/emission energy (color tuning) of the chromophore is the essentials to furnish a protein with the photo-functionality. Depending on the protein environment, the chromophores show a variety of colors, which are relevant to the character of the excited states and to the interactions between the chromophore and the environment. Here we summarize our recent studies on the spectral tuning mechanism of the human visual cone pigments and the fluorescent proteins. These studies elucidated a common feature in the color tuning, which also suggests a strategy to artificially control the color of proteins. We also explain our recent progress in developing the symmetry-adapted cluster-configuration interaction (SAC-CI) method and hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) method particularly for studying the photo-functional proteins.
西井 修 荒川 文男 石橋 孝一郎 中野 定樹 志村 隆則 鈴木 敬 橘 貢 戸塚 米太郎 津野田 賢伸 内山 邦男 山田 哲也 服部 俊洋 前島 英雄 中川 典夫 成田 進 関 光穂 島崎 靖久 里村 隆一 高須賀 知哉 長谷川 淳
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICD, 集積回路
vol.98, no.23, pp.17-24, 1998-04-24

2命令を同時に実行し、チップサイズが58mm^2のマイクロプロセッサを開発した。0.25ミクロン, 5層配線CMOSプロセスを用い、200MHz動作時の消費電力は1.2Wである。本報告は、チップ概要、低電力のための機構、および高性能化のために行った設計内容について述べる。浮動小数点演算の高性能化のため、1クロックにつき7個の単精度浮動小数点演算を処理可能なグラフィックFPU、およびサポート命令を設けた。このグラフィックFPUは2ステージ構成の4元内積(積和)演算器を有する。該内積演算器のディレイ(シミュレーション値)は3.69nsである。
豊蔵 勇 岡田 篤正 牧野内 猛 堀川 義夫 長谷川 淳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.5, pp.589-615, 1999-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Construction of the Chubu International Airport has started off Tokoname City (Chita Peninsula) in Ise Bay. Various surveys such as bathymetry, seafloor drilling, sonic prospecting, and geologic examinations of recovered borehole core samples, have been performed to reveal soil engineering characteristics, submarine topography, and submarine geology at the airport site (Chubu Kuukou Chousakai=The Chubu International Airport Research Foundation, 1994). Many fruitful results on the submarine geology have been obtained in these surveys, as follows : (1) The submarine topography is divided into the inshore “Upper submarine terrace”, “Offshore gently sloping sea floor”, and “Submarine scarp” between the two. A submarine channel is trenched southwards on the inshore submarine terrace.(2) The bay area is underlain by the A, B, C1, C2, and T Formations, in descending order. The T Formation is Mio-Pliocene Tokoname Group, the basement of the bay area. The Tokoname Group forms a buried wave-cut platform of a peninsular shape, which extends southwards. On the east side of the peninsular wave-cut platform, a submarine buried valley stretches southwards under the submarine channel and is mostly filled with the A Formation. On the west side of the wave-cut platform runs the Ise Bay Fault, and the A, B, C1, and C2 Formations thicken offshore.(3) The A Formation, which is divided into the A1 (upper), A2 (middle), and A3 (lower) Members, consists of marine muddy strata of the present bottom surface and is correlated with the Nanyo Formation below the Nohbi Plain (north of the Ise Bay). The A Formation is 25 to 35 meters thick, and the 14C ages range from 9, 400 to 5, 200 y. B.P. of Holocene age.The A3 and A2 Member intercalates the U-Oki and K-Ah tephra, respectively, both are widespread tephra layers in Japan.(4) The B Formation, which is divided into the B1 (upper), B2 (middle), B3 (lower), and B4 (base) Members, consists of sand beds and gravelly beds. The B1, B2, and B3 Members are correlated with the Nohbi and First Gravel Formations below the Nohbi Plain, respectively. The B4 Member forms a buried terrace on the west slope of the peninsular wave-cut platform and is correlated with the Toriimatsu or Ohzone Formations, Lower Terrace Deposits in the eastern margin of the Nohbi Plain. The B Formation is of late Pleistocene age.(5) The C1 Formation consists mainly of marine clay beds about 40 meters thick. The fossil pollen composition indicates that the C1 Formation is correlated with the lower part of the Atsuta Formation in the Nohbi Plain and is of middle Pleistocene age.(6) The C2 Formation consists of sand (upper) and gravelly (lower) beds and exceeds 50 meters thick. The fossil pollen composition indicates that the C2 Formation is correlated with the Ama Formation below the Nohbi Plain and is of middle Pleistocene age.(7) The basement T Formation (Tokoname Group) consists of alternating sand and compact mud beds and intercalates two volcanic ash layers, which are correlated with the Souri (upper, Sr) and Higashitani (lower, Hg) Volcanic Ash Layers from the conformity in index of volcanic glass. The Souri and Higashitani V. A. Ls are intercalated within the upper horizon of the Tokoname Group in the Chita Peninsula.(8) The Ise Bay Fault (faults and flexure zone), trending in the NNW-SSE direction, extends in the western margin of the bay area. The Tokoname Group on the east side of the fault trends northwest and gently dips northeast. The Utsumi Fault, trending in the WNW-ESE dircction, extends in the southern margin of the peninsula.The geological relationship between the Chita Peninsula and airport site in the above-mentioned results brings the following problems for further study.
吉川 茂樹 北 裕幸 田中 英一 長谷川 淳
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.125, no.12, pp.1137-1145, 2005 (Released:2006-03-01)
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The authors have proposed the Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) as a concept of future electric power systems. The concept of FRIENDS takes into account the deregulation of the electric power industry and progress of technologies such as power electronics, distributed generators (DG), distributed energy storage systems (ESS), information and communication. One of the most important characteristics of FRIENDS is that new facilities called Quality Control Centers (QCC) are installed between distribution systems and electric consumers.This paper presents a methodology for DSM based on a real-time pricing system through the information and communication network in FRIENDS. The economic use of DG and ESS in QCC is also considered in the proposed DSM. The sigmoid logistic function is used for modeling the real-time pricing system and a couple of parameters in the function are optimized by the Genetic Algorithm so that the profit of QCC is maximized. The effectiveness of the proposed DSM is ascertained by evaluating the profit or the load factor of QCC through simulations using model systems.
坂本 誠馬 長谷川 淳哉 田多 輝洋 鳴尾 丈司 溝田 武人
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 : symposium on sports and human dynamics
vol.2011, pp.532-535, 2011-10-30

The new NPB Ball was adapted to the Japanese NPB from this year. Compared with the old NPB ball and new one, seem height and width became 0.2[mm] lower and 1.0[mm] wider respectively. In this report, aerodynamics characteristics are measured by using wind tunnel tests. Some calculations of flight trajectory for pitcher's throwing ball and batter's hitting one are conducted.
吉野 純 北 裕幸 田中 英一 長谷川 淳 久保 宏 世永 茂
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society (ISSN:03854213)
vol.124, no.5, pp.723-732, 2004-05-01
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Recently, a number of electric consumers have concerned about the reliability of electricity to be served. For example, some consumers need the electricity with a higher reliability by the automation of manufacturing processes. On the other hand, some consumers need the electricity of a cheaper price even if the reliability becomes a little worse. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that power suppliers evaluate the needs of every consumers precisely and propose the most desirable measures for meeting their requirements. This paper develops a tool to analyze the reliability for high-voltage supplied consumers quantitatively. Further, this paper presents a method for evaluating the outage cost of consumers to help them choose the most appropriate measures for maintaining the reliability. The proposed method applies the fuzzy reasoning approach. The validity of the proposed method is ascertained through some numerical simulations.
長谷川 淳一 市橋 秀夫
社會經濟史學 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.67, no.6, pp.689-704, 2002-03-25

Until the late 1980s, the British Labour Party under the leadership of Gaitskell and Wilson was perceived to have been much less successful than the Party had been under Attlee. But in recent years, with the emergence of 'New Labour', more sympathetic analyses have gained ground. This article will reassess the various interpretations through surveying both old and recent writings on the Labour Party of the 1950s and 1960s. In particular, we will look closely at the much questioned attempts by Gaitskell and Wilson to modernise the Party : the removal of Clause IV, the widening of the Party's electoral appeal, and the modernising of Britain through a 'scientific revolution'. Overall, faced by the increased affluence of the 1950s and 1960s, it became more and more difficult for the Labour Party to continue an interventionist stance. On balance, we accept the view that modernising projects were inevitable and necessary. However, Labour revisionists failed to show their own coherent version of a socialist Britain. We also find some difficulty in rehabilitating Wilson and his governments. Although he successfully united the Party traditionalists and modernisers with a new vision of a socialist society, once elected his priority was to remain in office rather than to make and implement policy.