藤原 泰之 来栖 花菜 高橋 勉 三木 雄一
日本毒性学会学術年会 第43回日本毒性学会学術年会
pp.P-156, 2016 (Released:2016-08-08)

【目的】マクロファージは、外来性異物や異物的自己成分を認識し、除去する機能を有する貪食細胞である。我々はこれまでに、多機能性タンパク質であるヌクレオリンがマクロファージ表面のスカベンジャーレセプターの一つとして機能し、変性タンパク質や変性LDL、アポトーシス細胞などを認識・除去することを明らかにしてきた。アミロイドβ(Aβ)は、神経変性疾患、特にアルツハイマー病の発症に深く関与するとされているが、脳血管壁にも沈着することが報告されている。本研究の目的は、マクロファージによるAβの認識・除去機能へのヌクレオリンの関与を明らかにすることである。【方法】Aβは、monomer Aβ40、monomer Aβ42および線維化させたfibril Aβ40およびfibril Aβ42を用いた。各種Aβとリコンビナントヌクレオリン(rNUC)の結合能をsurface plasmon resonance(SPR)法により検討した。フローサイトメーターを用いて、蛍光標識した各種Aβとマクロファージとの結合性を測定した。また、ヌクレオリンアプタマーであるantineoplastic guanine rich oligonucleotide(AGRO)および抗ヌクレオリン抗体を用いた競合拮抗実験を行った。【結果・考察】固定化したrNUCに対し、monomerおよびfibril Aβ40は結合しなかったが、monomerおよびfibril Aβ42は結合することが確認された。蛍光標識したmonomerおよびfibril Aβ42は腹腔マクロファージと濃度依存的に結合すること、これらの結合はAGROおよび抗ヌクレオリン抗体の共存により阻害されることが確認された。また、共焦点レーザー蛍光顕微鏡観察により、蛍光標識したmonomerおよびfibril Aβ42はマクロファージに貪食されることが観察されたが、その貪食作用は抗ヌクレオリン抗体によって有意に阻害された。以上より、マクロファージ表面のヌクレオリンは、Aβ40は認識しないが、monomer Aβ42およびfibril Aβ42の両方を取り込むレセプターとして機能していることが示唆された。
加藤 学 高橋 勉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.849, pp.17-00007-17-00007, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

The technique to measure planar elongation viscosity from both mechanical and optical measurements by using two-dimensional opposing jets nozzle flow has been developed. This technique generates planar elongational flow between both nozzles and simultaneously measures reaction force acting on the nozzle and flow birefringence at the stagnation point. The correctness of elongational viscosity measured by this technique was verified from experimental results for Newtonian fluid and Maxwell fluid. Starch syrup aqueous solution and CTAB/NaSal surfactant solution are used for the Newtonian fluid and the Maxwell fluid respectively. As the results, transient behavior of nozzle reaction force and flow birefringence for Maxwell fluid show good agreement. It indicates that this technique can evaluate planar elongation viscosity for not only fluids that obey stress-optical rule but also fluids have flow birefringence property. In addition, Trouton ratio of optical results become 4 and it indicates the results from optical technique are accurate. On the other hand, the data from mechanical technique provide Trouton ratio with range 15 to 20. Trouton ratio of Newtonian fluid also shows 10 ~ 20 and these results conclude that mechanical data should be limited for qualitative evaluation. However, Trouton ratio of mechanical technique is independent from sample viscosity and elongaitonal rate. Therefore, it can provide quantitatively valuable result by using correction factor.
高橋 勉 吉武 裕美子

仲田 翔太 石川 亮太 佐藤 靖徳 高橋 勉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.906, pp.21-00369, 2022 (Released:2022-02-25)

A prediction model of the fluid force on a cylindrical blade driven by the Necklace vortex is developed and verified by experiments when the yaw angle is given. Based on the measurement results of the velocity ratio of blade and wind velocity and the fluid force coefficient at zero yaw angle, a prediction model for the relationship between the rotation angle of the cylindrical blade and the fluid force coefficient considering the yaw angle was derived from the analysis of the two-dimensional velocity components acting on the cylindrical blade. The validity of the predictive model was demonstrated by experimental verification. From the comparison, it was found that there was a time delay in the formation and disappearance of the Necklace vortex. Based on the experimental results, the characteristics of the fluid force acting on the cylindrical blade were classified into five angular regions and based on the characteristics of the effective velocity ratio considering the yaw angle, the classification was made into 12 angular regions. Depending on the yaw angle, wind speed, and rotational speed of the blade, all of these regions may appear or only some of them may appear. Therefore, the yaw angle characteristics of the cylindrical blade wind turbine driven by the Necklace vortex are very complicated.
仲田 翔太 佐藤 靖徳 高橋 勉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.907, pp.21-00349, 2022 (Released:2022-03-25)

In a circular cylinder blade wind turbine driven by a longitudinal vortex, the torque characteristics of the turbine are greatly affected by the flow field at the blade tip. In general, wind turbines reduce drag by making the blade tips thinner. However, because this wind turbine uses a cylinder as a blade, it is important to control the flow field at the blade tip. From the experiments, it was found that the torque coefficient can be increased by attaching the endplate to the blade tips, and the rotational force can be obtained stably up to very low rotation speeds. The installation of fairing or endplates in circular cylinder blade wind turbines enables stable rotation at low speeds even under high loads, and also reduces drag at high speeds and increases the maximum speed. In the case of a disk-shaped endplate, the torque coefficient can be increased by up to 20 % by attaching an endplate with a diameter 2.5 to 3 times the diameter of the cylinder to the outer blade tip only. The L-type endplate has the effect of shifting the characteristics to the higher rotation side than the disk-type, and increases the torque coefficient at the same tip speed ratio. However, the lower limit of stable rotation becomes higher, and as a result, the value of the maximum torque coefficient obtained at high load decreases. If the endplate attached inside has a negative effect on the stable formation of the necklace vortex, it will inhibit the rotation at a low speed due to high load, making it difficult to obtain high torque.
高清水 奈央 安達 裕行 伊藤 誠人 高橋 勉 太田 翔三 新井 浩和 下田 勇樹 三浦 広志 佐藤 朗
vol.44, no.1, pp.51-55, 2017-06-30

Despite a negative result for syphilis in a maternal serological test in the first trimester, we experienced a case of congenital syphilis. The mother was a 23-year-old primipara who had been undergoing regular prenatal care since early pregnancy ; a serological syphilis test at 10 weeks of gestation was negative. She was admitted to our hospital with preterm labor, fever, liver dysfunction, and skin rash at 29 weeks of gestation. Her fetus had ascites and hepatomegaly, although the cause was unclear. The mother delivered a male infant by emergency C-section at 32 weeks of gestation due to concerns over fetal status. The neonate had severe persistent pulmonary hypertension. He also had epidermolysis, hepatomegaly, and thrombocytopenia. CRP value and serum IgM level were abnormally elevated. Considering the clinical findings, and the mother’s previous medical history, we checked the serological syphilis tests for both infant and mother. As both tests were positive, we made a diagnosis of congenital syphilis and commenced treatment with penicillin. Treatment was effective and the patient was discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit at 75 days of age ; developmental follow-up is ongoing. Our case shows that even if a syphilis test is negative during the first trimester, it is important to consider congenital syphilis in infants with suspicious clinical findings.
恒岡 弥生 富田 幸一朗 高橋 勉 篠田 陽 藤原 泰之

【目的】メタロチオネイン(MT)はカドミウム(Cd)や亜鉛などの重金属の曝露により肝臓をはじめとする様々な組織で誘導合成されることが知られているが、血管周囲脂肪組織(PVAT)におけるMT誘導合成に関する知見はない。そこで今回、PVATのMT発現誘導に対するCdの影響を検討し、PVATのMT発現誘導における基礎的知見を得ることを目的とした。【方法】8週齢雄性C57BL/6JマウスにCd(1 mg/kg)を腹腔内投与し、3時間後に肝臓およびPVAT付き胸部大動脈を摘出した。さらに胸部大動脈は内膜画分、中膜と外膜画分、PVAT画分の3つの画分に分けた後、それぞれの組織からトータルRNAを抽出し、各遺伝子のmRNA量をリアルタイムRT-PCR法により測定した。【結果・考察】Cd投与3時間後の肝臓におけるMt1 および Mt2 mRNA量は、対照群に比べて約10倍と5倍にそれぞれ有意に増加した。このとき、胸部大動脈から分画した内膜画分ではMt1および Mt2 mRNA量が対照群と比較してそれぞれ約15倍と8倍、中膜と外膜画分ではMt1 mRNA量が約5倍、さらにPVAT画分ではMt1および Mt2 mRNA量がそれぞれ約5倍と4倍に有意に増加していた。以上の結果から、Cdは肝臓と同様に胸部大動脈の内膜組織並びに中膜と外膜組織、加えてPVATにおいても曝露後速やかにMTの発現を誘導することが明らかとなった。MTは有害金属の解毒作用や活性酸素種の消去作用などを示す生体防御因子の一つであることから、PVATをはじめとする血管組織でのMT合成誘導は、Cdによる血管毒性発現の防御に寄与している可能性が考えられる。
小出 瑞康 関崎 敬広 山田 修一 高橋 勉 白樫 正高
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:18848346)
vol.77, no.775, pp.702-714, 2011 (Released:2011-03-25)
5 4

The target of this research is to develop a micro electric power generator for a low cost small river monitoring device. First, the power generation by VIVs, its efficiency coefficient and the optimum condition of the generator were estimated from energy balance analysis based on the assumption that VIVs can be regarded as a resonance oscillation of a linear system. Second, water tunnel experiments were carried out and it was confirmed that the trailing vortex induced vibration (TVIV) occurs on a cruciform circular-cylinder/strip-plate system over a velocity range about 15 times wider than that of Karman vortex induced vibration (KVIV). Finally, power generation experiments were carried out by utilizing TVIV. The generator circuit consists of coils mounted on the circular cylinder vibrated by TVIV and magnets fixed on rigid supports. The generator is shown to extract energy from the water flow in the same way as a viscous damper over the expected velocity range. Although the efficiency coefficient of TVIV is lower than that of KVIV, it is more appropriate for natural rivers of which flow velocity changes greatly.
高橋 勉 坂本 夏澄 Withun HEMSUWAN 吉武 裕美子
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2016 (ISSN:24242896)
pp.0617, 2016 (Released:2017-06-19)

A newly developed innovative wind / water turbine mechanism that is driven by longitudinal vortex is introduced. The blades of a conventional propeller type windmill with a horizontal rotation axis are replaced to the simple circular cylinders and a ring shaped plate is placed in the wake region. Once the propeller starts to rotate a certain direction, the longitudinal vortex appears stably behind the cylinder and the steady lift force is generated. It can rotate to the CW or CCW direction and the rotation direction is decided by the initial rotation direction. This new turbine is the simple structure, toughness and high torque feature. Therefore, it has a great possibility to use as a wind turbine to generate electricity even in the high speed wind without the pitch controller. It can apply for wider purposes, such as a turbine with high corrosion resistance and temperature resistance. We can also manufacture a micro-size turbine easier.
高橋 勉

高橋 勉
岐阜経済大学論集 (ISSN:03865932)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-25, 2009-09