高橋 正紘
Japan Otological Society
Otology Japan (ISSN:09172025)
vol.18, no.2, pp.126-130, 2008-05-25 (Released:2011-06-17)

Patients with Meniere's disease who suffer for long, rarely show complete recovery of advanced hearing loss. I reported a 67-year-old patient with a history of 24 years, whose 60 dB hearing loss lasting for 8 years was cured by continuous aerobic exercise. From the start of exercise, it took 4 months to the beginning of recovery and 7 months till normal hearing, respectively. Although the hearing temporarily became worse when he caught cold and stopped exercise for three weeks, it recovered completely to normal hearing 4 months later, and tinnitus disappeared. This state has been preserved for 8 months. I presumed that aerobic exercise increased local blood flow and prompted restoring processes of the inner ear function.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本耳科学会
Otology Japan (ISSN:09172025)
vol.25, no.5, pp.828-835, 2015 (Released:2019-02-13)

高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.73, no.3, pp.158-166, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-08-01)

I analyzed 33 patients with mal de debarquement who visited my clinic in the past 7 years and 8 months. The ratio of female to male patients was 3: 1; 78.8% of the patients who became sick were in their 20s to 40s; 45.4% of the patients had suffered longer than a year. Symptoms were first provoked following travelling on ships in 10 patients, boarding airplanes in 5, taking trains in 3, getting on vehicles in an amusement park in 2, getting in high-speed elevators in 1 (all the above comprised 63.6% of the patients), huge earthquakes in 3, shaking in the building in 1, and giving shows with a grampus dolphin in an amusement aqua-park in 1. Excepting sensuous or visible continuous body sways, patients often complained of brain fatigue, photophobia, having sleepiness in the daytime, headache, and discomfort related with changes in the atmospheric pressure and temperature. Past histories such as dropping, falling down or heavy brows on the neck were found in 48.5% of the patients. Since 4 patients were finally diagnosed to have suffered from cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia, patients who are suspected as having mal de debarquement should be examined to rule out this disease. The peculiar phenomena associated with the syndrome may be explained by supposing that the brain maintains the illusion of existing in a moving space even after the body has returned to a standstill, or to terra firma, because the brain had been in anomalous or exhausted states.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.80, no.3, pp.195-199, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-08-04)

To clarify the dynamic changes in the membranous lesions of Meniere's disease, the effects of aerobic exercise on different symptoms were analyzed. Out of a total of 351 patients with Meniere's disease who performed aerobic exercises for 6 months or longer who were enrolled, 338 showed improvement of one or more symptoms: disappearance of vertigo in 97.6% of cases; complete resolution of ear fullness in 60.1% of cases; improvement of hearing impairment in 38.5% of cases; complete resolution or marked decrease of tinnitus in 29.6% of cases. On the other hand, complete recovery of hearing was noted in 29.5% of the 78 patients with low-tone loss, 12.5% of the 96 patients with high-tone loss, and only 4.1% of the 170 patients with hearing loss across all frequencies. More than half of the patients with high-tone hearing loss and hearing loss across all frequencies failed to show any change in the degree of hearing loss. Considering the findings of temporal bone pathology, it seems probable that the Reissner's membrane, being ballooned and highly distended by endolymphatic hydrops, disturbs conduction of low-frequency waves by the perilymph, and the membrane, once it loses tension, is not resonant with either high-frequency waves or indeed waves of any frequency. Although aerobic exercise is effective to cure hydrops and improve membranous tension by activating homeostasis, its effect worsens with decreasing membranous tension.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.67, no.3, pp.170-181, 2008 (Released:2008-08-01)
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The purpose of this paper is to give an account of the vestibular nuclei from the point of view of phylogeny, behaviors, and neural networks of the vestibular nuclei. In the early vertebrates, the vestibular endorgans developed by isolation of the lateral line organ from the body surface. Although vestibular control based on inertial inputs works ideally under a stationary space, it breaks down in moving spaces. To compensate for the shortcoming, discomfort (motion sickness) was utilized to avoid moving spaces. Along with progress of locomotion, the vestibular cerebellum developed as a supplementary route of the vestibular nuclei to stabilize the gaze and posture; the flocculus for visual-inertial integration, and the uvula-nodulus for gravito-inertial integration. Further, the vestibular cerebellum (vermis) and the somatically arranged lateral vestibular nucleus developed for coordination of posture and four-limb locomotion. The superior vestibular nucleus is distributed centrally by the canal fibers and flocculus fibers of visual origin, and peripherally by the uvula-nodulus fibers of otolith origin. The nucleus carries spatial rotation with gravito-inertial axis to the ocular motor nuclei. Body balance is maintained by a somatic-to-spatial transformation of the coordinates, that is, transfer of contents of the cerebellum-fastigial-and-vestibular nuclues routes to the vestibular nucleus-motor nucleus routes. Thus, gaze and posture are stable when spatial coordinates remain still in space, but they become unstable when the coordinates are moving in space.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.67, no.3, pp.213-221, 2008 (Released:2008-08-01)
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From numerous clinical investigations and questionnaire surveys, I have obtained the following results regarding Meniere's disease. 1. Patients with Meniere's disease, as compared to the control population, differ little in lifestyles or daily anxieties, but possess significantly (p<0.01) stronger self-inhibition and engrossment. Meniere's disease may be caused by discontent with others' expression of gratitude or appraisal. 2. Low-tone sensorineural hearing loss, which resembles Meniere's disease except in not being associated with vertigo, is a milder form of Meniere's disease that occurs when the causative factors, both personal and environmental, are less severe or more transient. 3. Methods for prevention and therapy of Meniere's disease have been provided by our studies. Patients should be instructed (1) to understand the causative factors, (2) to decrease self-inhibition and not be concerned about others' expression of gratitude or appraisal, (3) to sleep well and to perform aerobic exercises, and (4) to enjoy chatting, singing or hobbies. 4. Long-lasting 60-dB hearing loss recovered to normal hearing in a 66-year-old patient with Meniere's disease after he performed aerobic exercises three times a week for several months. The results in this case suggest that the most important aspect in the treatment of Meniere's disease is increase of the local blood flow, which can be achieved by continuous aerobic exercises.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本耳科学会
Otology Japan (ISSN:09172025)
vol.20, no.5, pp.727-734, 2010 (Released:2012-08-31)

奥田 稔 高坂 知節 三宅 浩郷 原田 康夫 石川 哮 犬山 征夫 間口 四郎 新川 秀一 池野 敬一 松原 篤 稲村 直樹 中林 成一郎 後藤 了 小野寺 亮 遠藤 里見 亀井 民雄 室井 昌彦 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 舩坂 宗太郎 大橋 伸也 鄭 正舟 小澤 実佳 八木 聰明 大久保 公裕 後藤 穣 服部 康夫 上野 則之 柏戸 泉 大塚 博邦 山口 潤 佃 守 池間 陽子 坂井 真 新川 敦 小林 良弘 佐藤 むつみ 山崎 充代 藤井 一省 福里 博 寺田 多恵 小川 裕 加賀 達美 渡辺 行雄 中川 肇 島 岳彦 齋藤 等 森 繁人 村上 嘉彦 久松 建一 岩田 重信 井畑 克朗 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 竹内 万彦 増田 佐和子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 松永 喬 上田 隆志 天津 睦郎 石田 春彦 生駒 尚秋 鈴木 健男 涌谷 忠雄 宮國 泰明 夜陣 紘治 森 直樹 田頭 宣治 宮脇 浩紀 青木 正則 小林 優子 高橋 正紘 沖中 芳彦 遠藤 史郎 池田 卓生 関谷 透 奥園 達也 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 恒冨 今日子 増山 敬祐 浅井 栄敏 土生 健二郎 中崎 孝志 吹上 忠祐 角田 憲昭 渡辺 隆 野口 聡 隈上 秀伯 吉見 龍一郎 茂木 五郎 鈴木 正志 大橋 和史
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.42, no.5, pp.633-658, 1996-09-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

通年性アレルギー性鼻炎患者211例を対象に, KW-467910mg/日 (KW群) の有効性, 安全性および有用性をoxatomide 60mg/日 (OX群) を対照薬として多施設二重盲検群間比較試験により検討した.最終全般改善度の「改善」以上は, KW群61-6%, OX群57.6%で, 両群間に有意差は認められなかつたが, 同等性の検証を行った結果, KW群はOX群と比較して同等ないしそれ以上と考えられた. 概括安全度の「安全性に問題なし」と評価された症例は, KW群68.0%, OX群61.4%で, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった. 主な副作用症状は両群とも眠気であった. 有用度の「有用」以上は, KW群54.9%, OX群50.5%であり両群間に有意差はなかったが, KW群の方がやや有用率が高かった.以上の成績より, KW-4679は通年性アレルギー性鼻炎に対して, 臨床的に有用性の高い薬剤であると考えられた.
高橋 正紘
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.70, no.3, pp.204-211, 2011 (Released:2011-08-01)
1 2

I have investigated lifestyles, behavior patterns, causative factors, and progression of hearing loss in many patients with Meniere's disease, and found that lack of recompense for pressure of business, patience or service is responsible for the onset or progression of the disease. Further, aerobic exercise proved very effective to stop vertigo and improve fixed hearing loss. Three years ago, I advocated a new therapy for Meniere's disease consisting of aerobic exercise and countermeasures to remove the harmful factors in daily life (aiming at good sleep, omission, and relaxation). Because the new therapy has been far more effective than any conventional therapies, we must renew the treatment concept of and therapeutic strategy for Meniere's disease. I suspect the possibility that the CNS emotional center, stimulated by lack of recompense against stress in activities of daily living, influences the hypothalamus, which in turn reduces blood flow to the inner ear, and produces endolymphatic hydrops. Aerobic exercise, together with correction of irregular or inactive lifestyles, removes unhealthy factors, improves the subject's general physical condition, and finally cures endolymphatic hydrops.