屋良 健一郎
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.11, pp.1839-1874, 2012-11-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The island of Tanegashima, which is located south of the Osumi Pennisula of southern Kyushu is best known as the portal for the initial entry of firearms into Japan and the first manufacturer of Japanese-made firearms and has in the research to date been studied almost exclusively in that light, including studies of the Island's feudal lords, the Tanegashima Clan. Although there is some very specialized research on the Tanegashima Clan as locally based land proprietors (kokujin 国人) who went through a process of subjugation to the Shimazu Clan, the characteristic features of the Tanegashimas have yet to be sufficiently explored. The Tanegashimas, who occupied a territory between the ruling feudal lords of Satsuma Province, the Shimazu Clan, and the kingdom of the Ryukyu Islands, should be considered as having a unique character in the light of such geographical circumstances. The present article is an attempt to place the Tanegashima Clan within the context of the southern Kyushu maritime world as it existed during the late medieval period. By virtue of their military alliance with the Shimazu Clan which resulted in their consequent control of the islands to the south of Kyushu, the Tanegashimas were given the opportunity to engage with merchant ships and Chinese junks and participate in trade with the Ryukyu Kingdom. Consequently, the Tanegashimas were able to obtain foreign manufactures; and following their conversion during the latter half of the 15th century to the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism, came to enjoy personal contact and exchange with figures in the capital region, and in the process of fostering ties of mutual friendship, the leading aristocrats and samurai commanders residing in Kyoto found a new source of foreign goods. It should be specially noted that those who came to the islands from the capital region were enthusiastically recruited as vassals by the Tanegashima Clan. This "Kyoto connection" was invaluable in negotiating and securing Shimazu Takahisa's appointment to the prestigious post of Shuri Daibu (Minister of Public Works) in 1551. In the background to the Tanegashima Clan's intimate "Kyoto connection" and its knowledge and technical know-how regarding arms production lay its close relations to the Shimazu Clan, but such relations were by no mean exclusionary, as the Tanegashimas actively sought contact with other feudal lords. Regarding the Ryukyu Kingdom, it was during the reign of its second king, Shoshin (1477-1526), that the monarch assumed an attitude of superiority over the surrounding islands, but continued to trade with the Tanegashimas, despite their "inferiority". In the background of Tanegashima Tadatoki's trade relations with the Ryukyus probably lay the desire to obtain from that kingdom goods that the Hosokawa Clan was importing to the Ming Dynasty, as evidenced by the alliance formed with Hosokawa Takatoki, who was an important figure in the promotion of Sino-Japanese trade relations. The author is also of the opinion that the socalled attempt by Ouchi Yoshitaka to blockade Tanegashima's ships should rather be interpreted as an attempt to intercept the ships being sent to China by Hosokawa Harumoto. From the standpoint of the family as a force in maritime foreign trade due to its geographical location, the Tanegashima Clan should be considered in the light of its multilateral diplomatic ties to the other powerful players in Japan's southern maritime region.
稲垣 春樹
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.127, no.1, pp.1-34, 2018 (Released:2019-01-20)

大井 知範
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.2, pp.177-209, 2015-02-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

This paper attempts to elicit the reality of the Hapsburg Empire's global seafaring prowess despite its reputation as a mainly continental power, in light of historical findings that an Imperial warship had been stationed in the seas of East Asia approximately 100 years ago. Research regarding Western navies stationed overseas has in the past focused largely on their use as a means of military competition or imperialistic ambitions toward the non-Western world. However, here the author points to another purpose with which warships were deployed overseas; namely, to serve as media for promoting international relations within the daily routine of peacetime conditions. After outlining the deployment system of warships outside of the region of Europe, and the reasons, circumstances and substance of the Hapsburg Empire's stationing of a warship in East Asian waters, the author turns to the specific duties of the ship, in particular, how it performed the very important duty of any Western navy in protecting its country's citizen and commercial interests in the region. However, since the Hapsburg Empire had no overseas interests or citizens to protect in East Asia, it was impossible for the Austro-Hungarians to set up a system of direct protection like that of the other major powers, due mainly to its unique position in having only a single warship to accommodate such needs. The author then addresses the subject of goodwill exchange, which he considers to be the most important daily routine of the Hapsburg warship, and looks there for the ultimate reason for stationing it in East Asian waters. Finally, he focuses on the military band on board the ship, in order to clarify the fact that the Hapsburg Empire was concerned in identifying with maritime coastal society in East Asia through the medium of music. The Hapsburg Empire thus intended to adapt to the imperial order as a major power in East Asia by carefully cultivating various daily peacetime routines.
田中 美穂
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.111, no.10, pp.1646-1668, 2002-10-20
紺谷 由紀
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.6, pp.1-36, 2016 (Released:2018-10-05)

紀元後四世紀以降の後期ローマ帝政期の皇帝たちは、発達した宮廷機構の内部に多くの宦官―去勢者―を有した。このような去勢者に関して本稿は、法史料、特にユスティニアヌス一世(在位五三七~五六五年)治世の法集成である所謂『ローマ法大全 Corpus Iuris Civilis』に収録された紀元後二―六世紀の法学者の見解や勅法を分析し、去勢者や生殖不能者の法的位置付け、起草者たる法学者、皇帝、中央行政の去勢認識の明確化を試みた。中でも、従来看過されてきた去勢者と奴隷・被解放自由人という法的身分との関連、並びにユスティニアヌスの法典編纂事業に伴う規定の変化に注目し、用語(一)、去勢奴隷に関する規定、帝国内の去勢を禁止する勅法(二)、そして被解放自由人に関しては婚姻や養子、相続をめぐる去勢者の法的能力(三)の問題を考察した。 結論は以下の二点に集約される。第一は、過去の規定の整理や新しい勅法の発布を伴う大規模な編纂事業が去勢の規定の変化に大きな影響を及ぼしたという点である。中でもユスティニアヌス治世には奴隷・解放奴隷の法的地位の向上が確認されるが、この傾向が同じ身分に属する去勢者の規定を左右する背景の一つであったと指摘した。二点目は、去勢に対する立法者の多様な認識である。去勢行為は、その死亡率の高さから殺人や傷害、隷属化の手段として認識される一方、去勢者は、生殖不能の一種として生殖器の損傷を受け、将来的に実子を持ち得ない者とみなされた。他方、法史料における去勢者の評価に関しては、叙述史料の非難、偏見にみられるような否定的なものではなく、むしろ一定の帝国内の去勢者の存在を許容する寛容なものであった。以上の法史料の分析は、去勢者が、先行研究で強調されるような宮廷宦官という社会的役割でなく、生殖器の損傷や生殖不能という根本的な身体の状態に第一に結び付けられていたことを明らかにし、結果としてより広範な帝国社会の去勢者研究を喚起する。
金子 龍司
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.12, pp.25-46, 2016 (Released:2018-01-28)

本稿は、太平洋戦争末期の娯楽政策について考察する。具体的にはサイパンが陥落した一九四四年七月に発足した小磯国昭内閣期以降終戦までの政策に注目する。 小磯内閣期の思想・文化統制については、先行研究により、東條内閣期の言論弾圧が見直されて言論暢達政策が採用され、思想・言論統制の緩和によって戦意昂揚を目指したことが指摘されている。娯楽統制についてもこの枠組みで語られ、従来強化一方だった統制がサイパン陥落・同内閣の成立を契機として一転して緩和されたと整理され、その画期性が指摘されている。 しかし、この統制緩和は小磯内閣が娯楽に対して講じた措置のひとつに過ぎないし、画期といっても、この統制緩和に限らなければ、娯楽への積極的な措置は小磯内閣発足以前からすでに講じられていた。つまり先行研究は、統制緩和の画期性を重視するあまり、小磯内閣の娯楽政策の全容を明らかにしておらず、しかも従前の政策との連続性も見過ごしているきらいがある。 したがって本稿は、小磯内閣期の娯楽政策をできるだけ詳しく分析することで右の二点を明らかにし、同政策を歴史的に位置づける試みを行う。具体的には、当事者たちの問題認識や政策決定過程や政策の実効性を検討材料とする。 本稿が明らかにするのは以下の事柄である。第一に、娯楽統制史上、小磯内閣期の統制緩和は個別の措置としてはたしかに画期的であったが、娯楽に対する積極的な姿勢や問題認識に関してはむしろ前内閣との連続性が目立っていたこと。第二に、政策の実効性といった観点からは、個別具体的な措置については一定の成果が見られ、戦争末期にあっても興行の機会は確保され盛況も珍しくなかったこと。第三に、それにもかかわらず、政策全体の評価としては、絶望化する戦況下で観客や興行者たちが娯楽を供給・享受して戦意昂揚に結びつけるだけの精神的余裕を失っていたため、失敗に終わったと結論せざるを得ないことである。
北川 誠一
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.87, no.6, pp.1007-1033,1097-, 1978-06-20 (Released:2017-10-05)

This is a study of the role Sadun of the house of Artsruni and his son Khutlu-Bugha played in the expansion of the Il-Khanid rule over the Georgian Kingdom in the 13th century. Sadun was a great grandson of Amir K'urd (Abulasan), the governor of Tbilisi during Queen Tamar's reign in Georgia. In 1258 (or 1259), he won a wrestling match in the presence of Hulegu Khan and received the honorable status of t'arkhan. He joined Hulegu's Syrian campaign, which began in the autumn of 1259 and was placed in the vanguard. He distinguished himseif during the conquest of Sasun and the seizure of the citadel of Allepo. For these services, Sadun was awarded with an official commendation from Hulegu and was granted the district of Sasun. Sadun was originally a vassal of Avag Zak'arean, a Georgian King's prince (eristavi, or ishkhan in Armenian), and a seignior of Haghbat and Mahkanaberd. Around the time of the above promotions, he was an at'abak of Avag's heiress Khoshak but later, he became her chamberlain or khejub to guard and assist her. Under Hulegu, Sadun was never given any official titles of the Bagratid Kingdom. However, after the enthronement of Abaqa as the Il-Khan, Sadun received the titles of atabegi (or regent) and amir-spasarali (or commander in chief), and gained administrative power over the Batratid Kingdom. He was entrusted by the Kings with the power to control the royal domains of T'elavi, Belakani and Kars. In addition, he purchased the district of Dmanisi from King Dimitri II. Together, Sadun's estates made up the fourth political unit in Georgian Armenia in addition to the three units belonging to the branch families of the Zak'areans. we can assume that he was able to acquire wealth because he was a t'arkhan, After Sadun's death in 1282, one of his two titles, the amir-spasarali was given to his son Khutlu-Bugha, but the other, the atabegi was given to his rival Tarsayichi of the house of Orbelean. In 1289, Khutlu-Bugha recommended that Il-Khan Arghun kill King Dimitri (who had been arrested for being implicated in the plot of Bugha) and put Vakhtangi, the son of King Daviti IV on the throne. His plan succeeded. Under Vakhtangi, Khutlu-Bugha became both the atabegi and the amir-spasarali and secured political power over the Georgian Kingdom. In 1292, however, both Arghun and Vakhtangi died. As soon as Daviti, the son of Dimitri, ascended to the throne, Khutlu-Bugha was put to death by the order of the new khan Geikhatu. With his death, the power of the Artsrunis was eradicated from the entire Bagratid territory. The rise of Sadun Artsruni is a good example illustrating the pattern of socio-political control the Il-Khans had over the native dynasties. The Il-Khans' system of appointments as kings, vassals or arriere-vassals, of those who were faithful and useful to them, had worked effectively. They ruled over the Bagratid territory through the kingship, which was never handed outside the royal family of Bagratid and through the offices of the atabegi and the amir-spasarali. These latter were not confined to any one family, but were easily given to those, like Sadun, who were useful to the Il-Khans.

15 0 0 0 OA 九州探題考

黒嶋 敏
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.116, no.3, pp.328-361, 2007-03-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The Kyushu Tandai was a post set up by the Muromachi Bakufu to govern the island of Kyushu. From the end of fourteenth century, the post was held by successive members of the Shibukawa family branch of the Ashikaga clan. The research to date has held that the power of the Tandai quickly declined after the defeat of Shibukawa Yoshitoshi at the hands of the Shoni family in 1425 and eventually became limited to the eastern portion of Hizen Province. This is why the Kyushu Tandai has not been seen as a significant political force in the region during the late medieval period. The present article reexamines the process of the Shibukawa family's decline and fall in order to relocate the place of the Kyushu Tandai within the historical context of late medieval Japan. The above-mentioned decline of the Shibukawa family, which supposedly began with the defeat of 1425, was in fact the result of policies implemented under the Muromachi Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori, which aimed at a new way of governing Kyushu centered around the Ouchi family, and in the process reduced the authority of the Kyushu Tandai. Nevertheless, the Tandai still retained a high level of military leadership in the region. Then, during the sixteenth century, when civil strife shook northern Kyushu as the result of the weakening of shogunal power in the region, the Shibukawa family split into Ouchi and Otomo family factions. Even then, the Tandai remained influential and was considered an important element within the strategy of any feudal lord (daimyo) in the region. The author concludes that the Shibukawa Kyushu Tandai family did not decline and fall, but rather lost importance as a regional Bakufu administrative organ due to a change in shogunate politics. On the other hand, the Shibukawa family's high level of political influence remained an important, unwavering element within the regional political order throughout the period. The same phenomenon can be observed in the case of the Muromachi Bafuku's Oshu (Northern Honshu) Tandai. Placing the post of Tandai within its rightful place in regional politics alongside the Bakufu and daimyo now reveals a brand new aspect of the political structure characterizing fifteenth and sixteenth century Japan.
谷口 雄太
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.12, pp.2019-2042, 2013-12-20

This article addresses a number of questions about the Ashikaga Clan that have remained unclarified in the research to date: namely, Who made up that Clan? What is meant by the Ashikagas being as a "clan" (ichimon 一門) ? What does "the Ashikagas becoming a clan" mean? By reexaming these questions, the author hopes to better understand how the Ashikaga period came to a destructive end. The author begins by showing that the heretofore vaguely used term Ashikaga-shi Goikka 足利氏御一家 has been used in the two different senses of Ashikaga Gosanke (Three Branches of the Ashikaga Family) and Ashikaga Ichimon. And about the comment by the Tokis of the Sengoku period--After the Goikka, I am the leader of the all the other families, the author shows that "Goikka" means Ashikaga Ichimon. Secondly, the author reexamines the similarly vague term "Ashikaga Ichimon" by identifying its members from the available medieval historiography. One characteristic feature that has not been noticed to date is that both the Nitta Branch of the Minamoto Clan and the Yoshimi Family were included among its members. In particular, 1) the Nittas regarded themselves as members from the very beginning, since the Ashikaga Clan was essentially part of "the Yoshikuni branch of the Minamoto Clan"; and 2) the perception that the Nittas did not consider themselves part of the Ashikaga Clan can be traced back to the exclusive self-identity "ware-ware 我々" consciousness described in the Taiheiki 太平記. Next, after stating that there is yet no piece of research that has tried to present the Ashikaga Clan in a holistic fashion, but should be, the author shows from the medieval historiography that the above-mentioned perception of the Tokis that the Ashikaga Clan surpassed in status and prestige all other warrior clans was universally widespread during the Ashikaga period. Finally, the author inquires as to why such families as the Miyoshis and Odas of the Sengoku Period tried to debunk and alter the above-mentioned perception of the Ashikaga Clan's superiority, concluding that it was necessary to first switch the prerequisite for "changing the system from above" from kinship (i.e., membership in the Ashikaga Clan) to actual organizational ability as one indispensable step in the destruction of the existing order.
堀川 康史
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.12, pp.1-24, 2016 (Released:2018-01-28)

応永2年(1395)閏7月、九州探題今川了俊は京都に召還され、翌年2月までに解任された。室町幕府の九州政策の大きな転換点となったこの解任劇は、足利義満期の政治史や地域支配を論じるうえで不可欠の事件として知られているが、その政治過程、とりわけ解任に至った理由・経緯については不明な点が少なくない。本稿は、1390年代前半の九州情勢との関わりを重視する立場から、これらの点について検討を加えるものである。 検討の結果、解任の理由は了俊と九州大名との協力関係の断絶とそれにともなう九州経営の崩壊に求められることが明らかになった。その経緯は以下の通りである。 まず両島津氏との関係について見ると、長く対立関係にあった了俊と両島津氏は、明徳2年(1391)に和平を結んだものの、探題派国人の権益保護と両島津氏との和平は両立せず、和平の成立後まもない時期から南九州では局地的紛争が発生した。了俊は反島津氏を掲げる南九州国人一揆の意向もあって和平の破棄を決断し、明徳5年(1394)2月以降、再び両島津氏との戦いに突入していった。 ついで大友氏との関係に目を転じると、応永初年に大友親世と有力庶家の田原・吉弘両氏の間で内訌が生じた際、了俊は反親世派を支援したことで親世と断交した。親世は大内義弘・両島津氏と結ぶことで了俊に対抗し、結果として応永2年までに了俊は大友・大内・両島津の三者と敵対関係に陥った。この九州大名との協力関係の断絶が、了俊の九州経営を崩壊に導いていくことになった。 最後に足利義満はというと、通説とは異なり京都召還の直前まで了俊を支援していた様子が読みとれる。しかし、有力大名が揃って了俊に敵対し、九州経営の崩壊が徐々に明らかになったことにより、最終的に義満は了俊の解任を決断したと考えられる。応永3年(1396)2月、渋川満頼の探題就任が九州諸氏に報じられ、20年以上に及んだ了俊の九州経営はここに終わりを迎えることになったのである。
林 遼
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.130, no.12, pp.1-33, 2021 (Released:2022-12-20)

本稿は、室町幕府における武家祈祷体制の確立過程を考察するものである。その際、京都を活動の拠点とする門跡が武家祈祷に編成された契機と、醍醐寺三宝院の武家祈祷における役割の再検討という二つの視点を軸に議論を進める。 第一章では、南北朝期武家祈祷の人的基盤が変化した契機を検討する。南北朝初期の武家祈祷は、鎌倉期武家祈祷の経験者を中心として行われた。しかし京都争奪戦の中で、幕府は所領・所職の安堵を求めて武家祈祷へ積極的に参加した門跡と、密接な関係を構築した。その結果、義詮期には京都を拠点とする門跡が新たに武家護持僧に補任され、武家五壇法にも参加するようになった。 第二章では、南北朝期武家祈祷における三宝院の役割の再検討を試みる。まず南北朝期の三宝院院主賢俊・光済・光助が、武家祈祷上でどのような活動をしていたかについて整理した。そして三宝院は、修法の日程や供料に関する幕府と門跡との交渉に介在する役割を持ったことを明らかにした。また三宝院の立場は、幕府奉行人の勤める祈祷奉行を支える「内々の祈祷奉行」に相当すると示した。 第三章では、義満期武家祈祷の変容過程に注目する。義満による祈祷への強制的動員や門跡の安堵を通して、義満期には武家祈祷に諸門跡全体が編成された。そこで京都の門跡が、武家護持僧・諸門跡として武家祈祷に編成された義満期を、武家祈祷体制の確立期と評価した。また義満期武家祈祷では、三宝院・幕府奉行人に代わって、室町殿家司・家礼が祈祷奉行として活動したことも指摘した。 したがって室町幕府における武家祈祷体制は、武家護持僧や武家五壇法の人的構成が変化した義詮期と、諸門跡全体が武家祈祷に編成された義満期の二つの段階を経て成立したといえる。また武家祈祷体制の確立は、三宝院の活動とは無関係に進展したものであり、幕府と門跡との直接的な関係形成を通して達成されたと結論付けた。