稲葉 伸道
史学会 ; 1889-
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.129, no.1, pp.37-39, 2020-01
吉田 満利恵
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.4, pp.1-33, 2017

大正二年、司法部刷新のための五法案が成立し、全国で 312 の区裁判所の内 128 の廃止、1510 人の判事及び検事の内 232 人の休職が定められた。また、裁判所構成法に判事の反意転補を可能にする規定が追加された。本稿の目的は、この司法部大改革を巡る議論を通して、この時代における司法問題の扱われ方とその影響を明らかにすることである。<br>判検事の休職法では、本来定員が別に定められ、その身分保障に差のあった判事と検事が同列に扱われ、休職となる判検事の合計数しか規定されなかった。その結果、判事の定員が大幅に削減されたのに対して検事の定員は微減に止まった。また、検事の精選が行われ、定員の減少数を大幅に上回る数の検事が休退職処分となった。<br>休職法と裁判所構成法改正案は裁判官の独立を侵害する危険を持っていたが、区裁判所廃止という人民の利害に直接関わる問題に議論が集中したことで、議会での審議は低調のまま終わった。判事の身分保障を脆弱にする危険のある新法律・条項案が提出されても、議会で争点となりやすい他の論点の存在によって、十分に審議されない傾向があった。<br>そして、当該法案がほとんど批判のないまま成立したことにより、判事の身分保障を規定する憲法五八条二項の「職」という文言を「官」の意味であると解し、裁判「官」であることさえ免じなければ「職」を免じても良いとする解釈が、大正十年に採用された。<br>明治憲法下において司法権の独立が不十分であったのは、裁判所構成法に、裁判所に対する司法省優位の性質があったからだけでなく、行政によって漸次的に法律解釈が変更されたことや 、新法律・条項が追加されたこと、また、それに抵抗する議員や判事、在野法曹が少なくなったことにも要因があるといえる。大正二年司法部大改革は、司法省、議会、そして法曹界自身によって、裁判官の独立の形骸化が促進された事例の一つであった。
飯島 渉
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.102, no.11, pp.1915-1946,2071, 1993

This article attempts to examine the background, content and results of the Cailijiasui (裁釐加税) problem in the Mackay treaty negotiations of 1902, and tries to point out a special feature of the financial structure of late Imperial China. Cailijiasui means abolishment of the lijin tax (釐金税) and an increase in tariff rates. This problem existed from the 1860s to 1930s between China and Powers. Many foreign merchants regarded the lijin tax as a barrier to Chinese inland markets, and demanded the tax be abolished in exchange for increases in tariffs as a alternative fiscal source. However, Cailijiasui was also a policy of Chinese central government for reconstruction of its fiscal system through maritime customs. From a this viewpoint, the Cailijiasui policy was a method of converting China's fiscal system in the true sense. Zhang zhi dong (張之洞) opposed Cailijiasui, because it would have caused local government's loss of its main fiscal source. After the negotiations, he succeeded reserving the right of local government to impose a consumption tax (銷場税). Finally, Article VIII of the Mackay Treaty provided abolishment of the lijin tax partially and increased tariffs. The United States, Japan and Portugal agreed with the tariff rates of the Mackay Treaty, but Germany and the other powers opposed it, so, the internationalization of Cailijiasui was lost, despite the Chinese government's demand for its realization. The Cailijiasui problem is part of a Chinese historical tradition of confrontation between the central government and the local government.
澤田 典子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.114, no.2, pp.184-206, 2005-02-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The Harpalus affair was a crisis which involved many prominent Athenians and caused the exile of Demosthenes, in connection with money embezzled by Harpalus, Alexander's imperial treasurer, who sought refuge in Athens in 324 B. C. In previous studies, it has been generally assumed that the confrontation of political groups over policy toward Macedon was a fundamental element of Athenian politics during the reign of Alexander. Regarding the Harpalus affair, the arguments have centered upon a political confrontation between the radicals and the moderates among the anti-Macedonians. This paper attempts to analyze the Harpalus affair, focusing on an examination of the alleged political confrontation among the anti-Macedonians, in order to shed some light on Athenian politics during this period. It examines (1) the Athenian political situation surrounding the Harpalus affair, (2) the alleged political confrontation between Hypereides and Demosthenes, and (3) other prosecutors and defendants in the trials arising out of the affair. In conclusion, the author refutes the picture of political confrontation between the radicals and the moderates among the anti-Macedonians in the affair. The Harpalus affair, which involved various personal confrontations, is a good example to show unsoundness in grasping Athenian politics during this period within a simple scheme of political confrontation dominated by Macedonian issues. It would be possible to assume that within the context of the good state of relations between Macedon and Athens under the Pax Macedonica, personal confrontation among politicians often played a more important role than political confrontation over the Macedonian question and was a dominant factor in Athenian politics of this period.
橡川 一朗
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.58, no.4, pp.20-42, 1949-10
増渕 徹
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.95, no.4, pp.474-501,591-58, 1986

Kageyushi-kanpan-sho 勘解由使勘判抄 (a selection from the judical precedents of Kageyushi) is practically the only historical text that embodies activities of inspectors charged with investigation of governmental transitions (Kageyushi 勘解由使) in the first half of the 10th century, and is one of the important selections of legal precedents during the Fujiwara regency government (Sekkan seiji 摂関政治) period in Japan. The main purpose of this article is to criticize Kageyushi-kanpan-sho historically in order to identify changes in the political system of this period and to grasp some idea of the characteristics of the Sekkan government system, by pursuing the consistent principle in judgements (Kageyushi-kanpan 勘解由使勘判) on non-issuance of proof of Smooth transition (fuyogeyujo 不与解由状), by searching out changes in their logic and by tracing the process of Kageyushi-kanpan-sho compilation. The consistent principle of Kageyushi-kanpan is that theft and fraud by government officials (mainly provincial governors -zuryo 受領) is constituted by two factors -false testimony (mujitsu 無実) and unclearness as to the cause of loss. In all cases of actual commission of theft/fraud compensation will be paid in accordance with the criminal law (ritsu 律), and in cases of negligence of duty compensation only will be rendered. The focus of judgements was placed on how to interpret the statements made by outgoing and incoming officials (mainly zuryo) in connection with fuyogeyujo, and whether the so convicted outgoing official should be granted an amnesty or not. But while the aforesaid principles of judgement to be made by Kageyushi remained unchanged, after the late Engi era the logic of actual judgements began to change arbitrarily even though they were in accordance with administrative transition regulations (kotaishiki 交替式), administrative regulations (kyaku 格), and criminal law (ritsu 律). Also, in this period, judgement-operations of Kageyushi began to be remarkably delayed, and the function of Kageyushi began to decline in the midst of political change characterized by a decline in the leadership of Emperor Daigo and the subsequent seizure of power by Fujiwara Tadahira in the later years of the Engi era. One of the political features of Fujiwara Tadahira's regime was the creation of private connections with zuryo by taking advantage of the existing administrative code system. Such a method was necessary for sublating a private connection into an official one. But since such connections were established not on the basis of a new system but on the basis of the existing system, there was a limit to such a privatization. In Fujiwara Tadahira's regime the function of Kageyushi made a remarkable change. By the Imperial command (senji 宣旨) under the date of Tengyo 天慶8. 正.8, Kageyushi started to take part directly in provincial government efficiency-ratings (zuryo-koka 受領功過) by drawing up documents on the basis of fuyogeyujo. Together with the change in function from the inspection of official transitions to efficiency-rating, Kageyushi-kanpan-sho was also compiled. In compiling Kageyushi-kanpan-sho, each precedent was extracted from the official documents preserved in Kageyushi's office (choan 長案). According to circumstances, some governmental directives (senji and kanpu) were quoted for pointing out clearly the legal grounds for the judgement of Kageyushi. Criterion-examples derived deductively from the administrative transition regulations were arranged, and a device to show the settled interrelation between the kind of amnesty and the judgement was invented. All these things contributed to giving it a character worthy of the name a selection of precedents. Compiling such a selection, however, meant that not only the formalization of control over zuryo but also the nature of the relation between the central government and the local gevernment by zuryo was settled.
黒岩 高
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.111, no.9, pp.1499-1521,1588, 2002

Known as the greatest incident in Chines Muslim history, the Muslim rebellion in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces (1862-1878) has also attracted attention as being one of the peasantry rebel. lions near the end of the Qing dynasty. However, by analyzing the outbreak and spread of the rumors frequently occurring before and during the rebellion, a different image of the Muslim re bellion can be conceived, There was orderly discipline between Han and Hui in the Wei River area before the rebellion, even though occasional strife, such as feuds, and a strong sense of having a different culture and society among each other existed. Focusing on the change of content of the rumors, the Muslim riots in the Wei River area in 1862 was the outbreak of the Han and Hui differentiating each other and destroying the order that had existed between them. Each society fighting for its survival, it can be said that this rebdlion had the characteristic of an "ethnic conflict". Also taking into account of the impact and spread. ing process of the "Wash away Muslims" rumors on the Han and Hui societies, this rebellion was closely related to the formation of militias. Occurring a midst of the militarization process, the Muslim rebellion of the Wei River area shared aspects similar to the other rebellions occurred all over China in this period.
服部 英雄
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.111, no.9, pp.1470-1499,1589, 2002-09-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

Inu-Oumono 犬追物, the sport of shooting dogs with bow and arrow, was a popular martial art during the Middle Ages in Japan. Its popularity among not only the warrior elite of the shogunate and provincial magistrates (Shugo 守護) but also ordinary samurai during the Muromachi period is attested to by the large number of place names, Inu-no-Baba (the gaming field for the sport), that still exist in Japan. today. Inu-oumono has been mainly studied as a traditional custom among the samurai class but in this paper the author discusses it as a social phenomenon, dealing in particular with the role played by groups of social infe- riors, kawara-no-mono 河原ノ者, who were diseriminated against, in staging inu-oumono events. The task given to kawara-no-mono groups was to supply on the average 200-300 (sometimes as many as a thousand) target dogs for each event, manage the dogs during the game, then dispose of the wounded animals afterwards. They became involved in the sport due to the fact that the samurai promoters could not supply such large amounts of dogs on their own at such short notice. So they turned to kawara-no-mono who worked keeping streets clean and safe, which included capturing stray dogs. During the events, kawara-no-mono were put in charge of surrounding and freezing dogs that jumped out of the roped-off target circle running wild all over the 70 × 70-meter field. Despite that fact that the bamboo sticks that they carried marked them as inferior "dog-catchers" kawara-no-mono were well-paid for 'their services : in one case 350 kan 貫 (equivalent to about 50 million yen today). This was ample recognition of the hard work required to catch and keep enough dogs for muoumono events that could attract as many as ten thousand spectators and make large profits for the samurai who held them.
髙杉 洋平
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.4, pp.34-58, 2017

後藤 敦史
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.9, pp.1583-1606, 2015-09-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The research to date on the fleet of the United States North Pacific Exploring and Surveying Expedition (NPSE), which visited Shimoda in May 1855, has concluded that the fleet's aim was to test the effectiveness of the treaty of peace and amity between Japan and the United States, known as the Kanagawa Convention (concluded 31 March 1854), under direct orders issued by the US Secretary of the Navy, despite the fact that the Convention had not yet been concluded when the NPSE departed from Norfolk, Virginia, in June 1853. The purpose of this article is to reveal more concrete detail the diplomatic purposes and reasons behind the NPSE's visit to Japan. It was in August 1852 that the NPSE was scheduled to be dispatched to survey the North Pacific maritime region, as part of US Navy and State Department policy aimed at challenging British hegemony and protecting whale fisheries in the region. While these objectives were similar to those of Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan, the NPSE also intended to negotiate with countries that Perry had not visited. This means that both Perry's expedition and the NPSE were equally important to US diplomacy regarding the North Pacific region. However, the two expeditions did not always cooperate. For example, the NPSE had to suspend its surveying activities when it arrived at Hong Kong in May 1854, because Perry had concentrated his vessels in Japan, leaving no US ships in the South China Sea to protect American merchants during the confusion created by the Taiping Rebellion. Finally, the author shows that when the NPSE did arrive in Shimoda, its aim was to open negotiations with Japan, not on the orders from the Navy, but on the decision of the NPSE Commander John Rodgers himself. Before heading for Japan, the NPSE visited the Ryukyu Kingdom, where Rodgers judged that the treaty between the Ryukyus and the United States, which had been concluded by Perry, was being violated by the government of the Ryukyus, a perception that probably influenced his decision to proceed to Japan. Contrary to the widely held view, the author shows that the Secretary of the Navy did not order the NPSE to visit Japan with the purpose of testing the effectiveness of the Convention of Kanagawa and calls for a reconsideration of the character of US diplomacy regarding the Pacific Ocean region, in general, and Japan, in particular during the mid-19th century.
山田 徹
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.9, pp.1644-1669, 2014-09-20 (Released:2017-07-31)

Goryosho 御料所, which are thought to have been the feudal estates under the direct jurisdiction of the Muromachi Bakufu shoguns, have been the focus of historians interested in medieval affairs beginning from regime of Ashikaga Yoshimasa on and have been characterized as being placed in the charge of the Bakufu's direct military vassals (hokoshu 奉公衆) and managed by its Bureau of Household Affairs (Mandokoro 政所). Due to this rather unbalanced image, it has become difficult to proactively evaluate various important aspects of Goryosho, such as its fiscal revenues. To begin with, if we focus on Goryosho during the Muromachi period as estates entirely prioritized as feudal holdings totally exempt from taxes and duties, the conventional characterization of them all having been placed in the hands of hokoshu becomes too limited, for such holdings had also been bestowed on kinsfolk of the Muromachi Shogunate Family, the patriarch of which the author of this paper refers to as Muromachi-dono 室町殿. Moreover, not only the Bakufu's hokoshu, but also its military provincial governors (shugo 守護) were the recipients of Goryosho holdings; and when we consider the Bakufu's golden age from the regime of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, through that of Yoshinori, focusing exclusively on the estates managed by the Mandokoro becomes very problematic. Bringing into view such inconsistencies in the research to date, the author of this article attempts to reexamine what is known factually about Goryosho during the Bakufu's Yoshimatsu-Yoshinori golden age, in order to show that among Goryosho, there existed estates that were huge in terms of both capacity and the revenue they generated. The author also argues that the importance of Goryosho among the provinces should be reevaluated, indicating that the large scale revenues from its estates (shoen 荘園) were also generated in even the remotest regions, making the Ashikaga Shogun Family one of the elite among all shoen proprietors. Finally, turning to the fact that Goryosho estates were also bestowed upon kinsfolk of the Ashikaga Family, and often replaced and redistributed by each Muromachi-dono, the author again points to the importance of the Ashikaga Shogunate Family as a full-fledged shoen proprietor, a characteristic that has not been given sufficient attention in the research to date.