吉松 嘉代 北澤 尚 河野 徳昭 飯田 修 川原 信夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.130, no.2, pp.237-246, 2010

Illegal cannabis (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) cultivation is still a social problem worldwide. Fifty inquiries on cannabis that Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources (Tsukuba Division) received between January 1, 2000 and March 31, 2009 were itemized in to 8 categories; 1: seed identification, 2: plant identification, 3: indoor cultivation, 4: outdoor cultivation, 5: germination and growth characteristics, 6: expected amount of cannabis products derived from illegal cannabis plant, 7: non-narcotic cannabis and 8: usage of medicinal cannabis. Top three inquiries were 1: seed identification (16 cases), 3: indoor cultivation (10 cases) and 4: outdoor cultivation (6 cases). Characteristics of cannabis, namely seed morphology, germination and growth characteristics, and distinction from kenaf (<i>Hibiscus cannabinus</i> L.) that is frequently misjudged as cannabis, were studied to contribute for prevention of illegal cannabis cultivation.<br>
高橋 三雄 大沢 啓助 蔡 哲宗 阿部 昌宏
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.100, no.2, pp.221-223, 1980-02-25

Nine kinds of fatty acids, fifteen hydrocarbons, three sterols, and six amino acids were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and amino acid analysis, from the dried fruits of Capsicum annuum L. var. fasciculatum IRISH. The distribution of N-(13-methyltetradecyl) acetoamide isolated from Capsicum annuum L., and named Capsi-amide, was investigated in four varieties of Capsicum annuum L., i.e. C. annuum L. var. fasciculatum IRISH, var. grossum SENDT., var. longum SENDT., and var. minimum ROXB. Capsi-amide was detected in all four varieties.
佐野 知子 井上 元子 滝澤 理貴 島森 美光 黒澤 菜穂子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.5, pp.603-610, 2017 (Released:2017-05-01)

The Hakodate Watanabe Hospital has held pharmacist-led multidisciplinary psychiatric pharmacotherapy conferences since September 2013 in order to optimize pharmacotherapy. The effects of holding regular conferences on the correction of high-dose antipsychotic polypharmacy, prevention and reduction of adverse reactions to antipsychotics, and reduction of the drug costs were investigated in psychiatric inpatients prescribed 4 or more antipsychotics. The results revealed that the number of antipsychotics and number of all drugs were significantly reduced by 1, the chlorpromazine (CP)-equivalent dose was significantly reduced by approximately 350 mg, and the drug costs were significantly reduced by 176.5 yen/d. In regard to the effects on the laboratory test data, the blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were significantly reduced. In addition, 84.8% of the patients were assessed as “unchanged” using the Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGI-C), indicating the absence of any significant changes in the severity of the clinical psychiatric symptoms. The results confirm that psychiatric pharmacotherapy conferences are effective for promoting appropriate use of antipsychotics, reducing the incidence of metabolic adverse reactions, such as elevation of the blood glucose, and also reducing the drug costs. The above results suggest that psychiatric pharmacotherapy conferences encourage psychiatric medical teams to adjust prescriptions while sharing information, and are effective for optimizing pharmacotherapy.
山國 徹 中島 晶 大泉 康
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.130, no.4, pp.517-520, 2010 (Released:2010-04-01)
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) has become a major health burden to society. However, no fundamentally therapeutic drugs for AD have been developed. Increasing evidence suggests that the elevation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides in the brain is central to AD pathogenesis. Recently, in the course of our survey of substances having anti-dementia activity from natural resources, we have successfully found nobiletin, a polymethoxylated flavone contained in AURANTII NOBILIS PERICARPIUM which is a component of traditional Chinese medicines. In this review, we describe the beneficial effects of nobiletin on memory impairment and Aβ pathology in a transgenic mouse model introduced human “Swedish” and “London” mutant amyloid precursor protein. We also note the possible molecular mechanism underlying the protective action against Aβ-induced memory impairment provided by our studies using cultured hippocampal neurons. Namely, daily administration of nobiletin for four months rescued the memory impairment in fear conditioning, and decreased hippocampal Aβ deposit in the transgenic mice as analyzed by immunohistochemistry. PKA-dependent signaling and membrane trafficking of AMPA receptor subunit, GluR1, which are known to be required for long-term potentiation (LTP), have been demonstrated to be inhibited by a sublethal concentration of Aβ in cultured hippocampal neurons. Our in vitro studies evidently showed that a sublethal concentration of Aβ actually inhibited glutamate-induced increases in both PKA substrates phosphorylation and GluR1 membrane trafficking in cultured hippocampal neurons, whereas nobiletin reversed the Aβ-induced inhibition of such biochemical processes. The natural compound with these unique actions has thus potential to become a novel drug for fundamental treatment of AD.
松居 隆 大塚 幸 酒井 浄
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.120, no.10, pp.825-837, 2000-10-01

One century has passed since fugu toxin was named tetrodotoxin (TTX) by Tahara. Chemical problems such as crystallization of tetrodotoxin and subsequent structure determination were solved by research groups headed by Tsuda, Hirata, Woodward, and Mosher. The International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products in Kyoto (1964) was well known as symposium which the structure of TTX was internationally clarified. Since the first isolation of toxin from taricha torosa (imori) as natural source except for fugu fishes, distribution of toxin in nature has been widely investigated. And, it was proved that toxin is not produced by fugu fishes, but rather is formed by sea bacteria (30 sp.) such as Alteromonas sp, Vibrio sp, Shewanella. However, it seems to be difficult to explain the tetrodotoxin accumulation at high concentration in fugu by only toxin production by bacteria. TTX analogues were isolated from natural origins such as crabs, fish, annelids, and algae. Based on the structure of these toxin analogues, the biosynthesis of toxin and the structure-activity relationship (Na^+ channel) were proposed by Yasumoto-Yamashita. The findings of wide distribution of toxin in nature may be attributed to development of highly sensitive detection method for toxin. The interesting proposal for the biosynthesis and the structure activity, and the detection method for toxin are outlined in this review.
石﨑 純子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.1, pp.9-12, 2017 (Released:2017-01-01)

Professors and teaching staff in the field of pharmaceutical sciences should devote themselves to staying abreast of relevant education and research. Similarly those in clinical pharmacies should contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical research and the development of next generation pharmacists and pharmaceuticals. It is thought that those who work in clinical pharmacies should improve their own skills and expertise in problem-finding and -solving, i.e., “clinical skills”. They should be keen to learn new standard treatments based on the latest drug information, and should try to be in a position where collecting clinical information is readily possible. In the case of pharmacists in hospitals and pharmacies, they are able to aim at improving their clinical skills simply through performing their pharmaceutical duties. On the other hand, when a pharmaceutical educator aims to improve clinical skills at a level comparable to those of clinical pharmacists, it is necessary to devote or set aside considerable time for pharmacist duties, in addition to teaching, which may result in a shortage of time for hands-on clinical practice and/or in a decline in the quality of education and research. This could be a nightmare for teaching staff in clinical pharmacy who aim to take part in such activities. Nonetheless, I believe that teaching staff in the clinical pharmacy area could improve his/her clinical skills through actively engaging in education and research. In this review, I would like to introduce topics on such possibilities from my own experiences.
宮田 健
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.123, no.12, pp.987-1006, 2003 (Released:2003-11-29)
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Disturbance of the normal mucociliary clearance due to hyperproduction of mucus and modification of its physicochemical characteristics is a common finding in airway diseases. Drugs that affect airway secretion have been developed and used to cleanse the respiratory tract for many centuries and in many countries. On the basis of the mechanism of their actions, the mucoactive drugs are classified into several groups. Some mucoactive drugs have direct effects on the production or composition of airway secretions, resulting in increased effectiveness of mucociliary clearance. Other mucoactive drugs do not have a specific action on mucus, but have beneficial effects on airway structure and function, which lead to correction of the pathophysiologic mechanisms that result in abnormal secretions. However, since many drugs have overlapping effects, it is difficult to classify these drugs into groups based on their major actions. Taken together with previous findings on mucoactive drugs, it appears that an antioxidant effect is a common property of mucoactive drugs and that it is a crucial action to exert their effects against airway diseases. In light of this idea, we must use specific experimental models to simulate pharmacologic events in airway inflammation. The development of new techniques has made it possible to identify and measure the mucus components, measure the rheologic parameters more accurately, and evaluate mucociliary clearance precisely in animals and humans. Therefore, with modifications of methods, we have investigated airway-cleansing drugs from various points of view to reflect actions in inflammatory states for more than two decades. Here, I introduce the methods we have used to study many of the parameters involved in airway clearance, including cough reflex, and describe some of the mucoactive-antitussive drugs that we have studied recently. There is an increasing usage of traditional Chinese herbal medicines in clinics and hospitals, because they tend to have moderate side effects and sometimes remarkable efficacy. To renormalize overall defects in airway disorders, Chinese medicines may be adequate, because they are composed of various herbs with weak but ubiquitous pharmacologic activities. We have been investigating Bakumondo-to. Bakumondo-to has been used for the treatment of bronchitis and pharyngitis accompanying severe dry cough. We found that unlike codeine Bakumondo-to had a notable antitussive activity against the cough associated with bronchitis and the cough increased by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Recently, we have found that, in alveolar type II cells, Bakumondo-to attenuated phosphatidylcholine secretion increased by oxygen radicals from activated PMNLS. In addition, we found that Bakumondo-to itself stimulated phosphatidylcholine secretion and increased β-adrenoceptor gene expression in rat alveolar type II cells. We studied the mechanism of action and clarified that Bakumondo-to increased glucocorticoid-sensitive promotor activity. The effect may contribute to its ubiquitous effectiveness in the treatment of airway diseases. Various parameters (chemical properties, physical properties, mucus production, surfactant phospholipid production, and mucociliary clearance) are considered to be important for the dynamics and mobilization of airway secretions. Pharmacologic investigation, with appropriate techniques, of the ability of an agent to modify these parameters can provide useful information about its mechanism of action. However, since these parameters are interconnected, it is very complicated to elucidate the precise mechanisms of action of mucoactive drugs. This means that the goal of treatment cannot always be achieved by the modification of a single parameter, but should, more realistically, be aimed at a renormalization of several parameters. On the basis of this idea, glucocorticoids are ideal mucoactive drugs because they exert various…
山下 良子 神山 秀一 山本 明日香 加納 宏樹 結城 祥充 上田 晃 川本 由加里 後藤 仁和 山本 聡
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.12, pp.1641-1649, 2016 (Released:2016-12-01)

The efficacy of cefepime (CFPM) is known to depend on the ratio of the time that the serum levels exceed the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to the dosing interval (%T>MIC). The objective of this study was to clarify the relation between %T>MIC and clinical outcome of CFPM, and to identify the optimal dosage regimen. We investigated the outcome of CFPM treatment for febrile neutropenia (FN) patients with normal renal function. Treatment success was defined as the completion of FN therapy with CFPM only. And we calculated %T>MIC for each case based on population pharmacokinetic parameters. The MIC value for simulation was set as 8 μg/mL. In logistic regression analysis, treatment success was significantly associated with the elevation of %T>MIC in the group with persistent neutropenia, yielding a receiver operating characteristic curve with an optimal cutoff value of 73.1%. Next, we simulated %T>MIC for each case under various dosing regimens. For patients whose creatinine clearance (CLcr) exceeded 100 mL/min, it was found to be difficult to attain the objective under the current regimen. In contrast, it was calculated that treatment with 2 g three times a day (t.i.d.) could attain the objective for most of the patients with 3 h of infusion. These results suggest that CFPM treatment under the current regimen is ineffective for FN patients with normal or augmented renal function, and that 2 g t.i.d. is necessary in quite a lot cases, although such use is off-label.
鈴木 勉
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.12, pp.1325-1334, 2015 (Released:2015-12-01)

The World Health Organization has reported that when morphine is used to control pain in cancer patients, psychological dependence is not a major concern. Our studies were undertaken to ascertain the modulation of psychological dependence on morphine under a chronic pain-like state in rats. Morphine induced a dose-dependent place preference. We found that inflammatory and neuropathic pain-like states significantly suppressed the morphine-induced rewarding effect. In an inflammatory pain-like state, the suppressive effect was significantly recovered by treatment with a κ-opioid receptor antagonist. In addition, in vivo microdialysis studies clearly showed that the morphine-induced increase in the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens (N.Acc.) was significantly decreased in rats pretreated with formalin. This effect was in turn reversed by the microinjection of a specific dynorphin A antibody into the N.Acc. These findings suggest that the inflammatory pain-like state may have caused the sustained activation of the κ-opioidergic system within the N.Acc., resulting in suppression of the morphine-induced rewarding effect in rats. On the other hand, we found that attenuation of the morphine-induced place preference under neuropathic pain may result from a decrease in the morphine-induced DA release in the N.Acc with a reduction in the μ-opioid receptor-mediated G-protein activation in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Moreover, nerve injury results in the continuous release of endogenous β-endorphin to cause the dysfunction of μ-opioid receptors in the VTA. This paper also provides a review to clarify misunderstandings of opioid analgesic use to control pain in cancer patients.
藤田 直希 鍋谷 伸子 梅村 紀匡 菊池 千草 鈴木 匡
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.15-00277, (Released:2016-06-28)

In this study, we took continuous measurements of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels and conducted lifestyle checks in three cases to determine if these parameters were effective in improving overall wellness. We selected three young men with relatively high HbA1c levels. During the 12-weeks study periods, we regularly measured each participant's HbA1c levels and monitored their lifestyle habits every two weeks at the community pharmacy once every 2 weeks using specific guidelines. The first participant, a 23-year-old man, had a HbA1c level of 5.7% at his first measurement. His HbA1c level decreased to 5.2% at the last measurement. The second participant, a 19-year-old man, had an initial HbA1c level of 5.7% and a final HbA1c level of 5.4%. The third participant was a 22-year-old man with an initial HbA1c level of 5.4%. His HbA1c level had decreased to 5.1% by the last measurement. The lifestyles of all three men improved with respect to exercise and diet. Based on these results, we surmise that continuous measurements of HbA1c and regular lifestyle checks may contribute to reducing the risk of lifestyle-related disease.
出口 弘直
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.7, pp.973-979, 2016 (Released:2016-07-01)

A major difference in medical flow between acute and nonacute medical care is the urgency of diagnosis and treatment. In the acute medical setting, diagnosis and treatment sometimes must be done almost simultaneously. Learning clinical management in the acute-care setting can be the basis of drug therapy in other clinical settings. When infusion is performed in emergency medicine, stabilization of blood pH is achieved through kidney and lung functions. At the same time, the oxygen transport capacity is monitored using blood gas analysis. One medical intervention can lead to multiple diagnostic and treatment processes in the emergency medical field. Most pharmacists rarely have the opportunity to learn about the reasoning process in which different body functions are linked together such as heart, lung, and kidney functions when performing infusions in emergency medicine before starting to work in the clinical setting. Learning from emergency medicine can be applied to drug therapy in other clinical settings as it teaches how to link different body functions and understand the relationships between those functions and the results of medical tests. These are considered to be necessary reasoning skills to understand patients' conditions in various clinical situations, including management in intensive care and the treatment of chronic disease. Knowledge of emergency medicine can be the foundation of drug therapy in other clinical settings, for example, the meanings of vital signs.
福島 紀子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.7, pp.993-999, 2016 (Released:2016-07-01)

Among private Universities of Pharmacy in Japan, Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy was the first to introduce courses in social pharmacy in 1991. Social pharmacy is a discipline driven by social needs. By studying the relationship between pharmacy and society, particularly through case studies, the impact of drugs and changes in societal expectation of them, as well as through historical background studies and surveys of current trends, this discipline acts to determine the roles of pharmacists and pharmacies expected by society. Social pharmacy requires a basic knowledge of pharmaceutical science, but an understanding from economic viewpoints of the current systems and structures in which healthcare functions is important as well. Once these are understood, the goal is to identify social problems, and to create and apply models for their resolution which connect pharmacy and society. So far, social pharmacy has played an important role in training programs for community-based pharmacists essential for a hyper-aged society, for community pharmacies' health management programs aimed at promoting the health of residents, and educational programs for elementary and middle school children.
山本 哲也 長谷川 香子 小野田 誠 田中 啓一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.6, pp.905-911, 2016 (Released:2016-06-01)
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Iguratimod (IGU), a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug launched in September 2012, has been reported to carry a risk of severe hemorrhages through a suspected interaction with warfarin (WF) in the all-case surveillance and early postmarketing-phase vigilance. To elucidate possible mechanisms of adverse interaction between IGU and WF, we analyzed the effects of IGU on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of WF in rats. IGU was orally administered to male Wistar rats once daily for 5 d at 10 or 30 mg/kg in combination with WF at an oral dose of 0.25 mg/kg. Coadministration of IGU 30 mg/kg enhanced the anticoagulant activity of WF; prolonged blood coagulation time (prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time) and decreased levels of vitamin K (VK)-dependent blood coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, and X) were observed. On the other hand, the pharmacokinetic parameters of WF including maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC0-24 h) were not affected by the combination with IGU. IGU alone did not change blood coagulation time at doses up to 100 mg/kg, while VK-dependent blood coagulation factors decreased slightly at 30 and 100 mg/kg. These results suggest that the pharmacodynamic effect of IGU on VK-dependent blood coagulation factors is involved in the mechanism of drug-drug interaction of IGU with WF.
古川 綾 浅田 美子 森 貴幸 井上 岳 厚田 幸一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.2, pp.251-258, 2016 (Released:2016-02-01)

The Asheville Project® began in 1996 in Asheville, North Carolina, where community pharmacists, in collaboration with physicians, provide health coaching to patients with lifestyle diseases to accomplish their improved self-management of the disease. The project has now widely expanded across the United States. With periodical coaching by pharmacists, according to the reports of these programs, patients have been reported to show improvements in self-management and laboratory data, including the number of doctor visits, medication adherence and the number of foot examinations. Economically, the total medical costs for this disease have decreased 34% over a 5-year period by complying with the Asheville Project. In implementing this model in Japan, various questions, such as the feasibility for busy pharmacists to expend 30-60 min for meeting individually with patients, effective collaboration between pharmacy and physician, patients' acceptance of support by pharmacists to modify their behavior, etc. had to be answered. Thus, we developed a program entitled, “A Health Coaching Program by Community Pharmacists in a Collaborative Practice,” aimed at preventing the aggravation of lifestyle diseases; we evaluated its feasibility for the above mentioned concerns. The content of this coaching program has been prepared with reference to the Asheville Project® and with the support of Kitasato University School of Pharmacy and the Iowa Pharmacy Association, USA. We herein introduce this coaching program, as well as what the pharmacists have learned through this program.
近藤 あゆみ
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.1, pp.89-94, 2016 (Released:2016-01-01)

The increasing number of law-evading drug users in Japan is becoming a serious social problem. Previous studies have shown that law-evading drug users are younger, more educated, and less antisocial than methamphetamine users. They also tend to have some type of psychiatric disorder before starting drug use; therefore one of the reasons that they start using drugs may be to alleviate certain psychiatric symptoms. Furthermore, if drug users are successful in avoiding arrest, they often lack the motivation to stop, which makes treatment difficult. Therapists are required to be non-confrontational, to keep pace with their patients, and to take their patients' other existing disorders into account. Recently, the Matrix Model has shown promise as a new treatment strategy for drug abusers in Japan. The Matrix Model, which was originally developed in response to the 1980s cocaine epidemic in the USA, is an intensive outpatient treatment approach for drug abuse and dependence. The Matrix Model integrates cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, motivational interviewing, 12-step facilitation, family involvement, and so on, with a directive, non-confrontational approach, and this style of therapy seems to fit with law-evading drug users. A Matrix Model-based treatment program was first established in Japan in 2006. The aim of this report is to introduce and assess the benefits of the TAMA Mental Health and Welfare Center Relapse Prevention Program, a Matrix Model-based treatment program established at the Tama Mental Health and Welfare Center in 2007.
石川 岳志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.1, pp.121-130, 2016 (Released:2016-01-01)

Recently, ab initio quantum mechanical calculations have been applied to large molecules, including biomolecular systems. The fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method is one of the most efficient approaches for the quantum mechanical investigation of such molecules. In the FMO method, dividing a target molecule into small fragments reduces computational effort. The clear definition of inter-fragment interaction energy (IFIE) as an expression of total energy is another valuable feature of the FMO method because it provides the ability to analyze interactions in biomolecules. Thus, the FMO method is expected to be useful for drug discovery. This study demonstrates applications of the FMO method related to drug discovery. First, IFIE, according to FMO calculations, was used in the optimization of drug candidates for the development of anti-prion compounds. The second example involved interaction analysis of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease and a drug compound that used a novel analytical method for dispersion interaction, i.e., fragment interaction analysis based on LMP2 (FILM).
春木 祐人 萩谷 英大 佐久間 晶子 春木 麻衣 岡 泰江 杉山 哲大 川上 恭弘 近藤 祥代
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.8, pp.987-990, 2015 (Released:2015-08-01)

Intravenous azithromycin (AZM) was approved for use in December 2011 in Japan. In general, intravenous AZM injections are diluted to 1 mg/mL, with a total infusion volume of 500 mL to avoid phlebitis. Patients in intensive care units (ICUs) require small infusion volumes. We retrospectively evaluated the total AZM infusion volume in 65 ICU patients receiving AZM treatment from December 2011 to August 2014. Thirteen patients (20.0%) received a reduced volume [100 mL (5 mg/mL) or 250 mL (2 mg/mL)] using an infusion pump over 2 h. No peripheral phlebitis was observed in any patient. Based on this result, it is assumed that AZM can be safely administered to ICU patients even though the volume of solvent is reduced. AZM is widely recommended for the treatment of community-acquired respiratory infections and is used in patients with severe infections. Further investigation is required in additional patients to understand the effects of AZM volume reduction in greater detail.
大谷 壽一 今岡 鮎子 秋好 健志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.3, pp.529-534, 2015 (Released:2015-03-01)

In Japan, it is illegal to sell pharmaceuticals on Internet auction sites, although a considerable number of pharmaceuticals are listed on such sites. We investigated the current situation regarding the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on Japanese Internet auction sites and the responses of site administrators to such transactions. We searched for pharmaceuticals and “gray” items that were suspected of being pharmaceuticals on Yahoo-oku! (Yahoo! Auctions, Japan) over a 37-day period and then submitted violation reports indicating that selling pharmaceuticals is illegal or that the description of an item was insufficient. The reports were directed to the site administrators and forwarded to the sellers. One hundred and six pharmaceutical products and 34 gray items were identified during the study period. After the submission of the violation reports, only 28 of the pharmaceutical products and one of the gray items were deleted by the administrator, while 18 of the pharmaceutical products and 7 of the gray items were withdrawn by their sellers. However, 41 pharmaceuticals and 20 gray items were sold. Most of the gray items were listed using characteristic terms or abbreviations without photographic images. More than 70% of the identified pharmaceuticals had a contraindication(s) other than hypersensitivity. In conclusion, the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on Internet auction sites remains a serious problem in Japan, and the responses of site administrators to such transactions are inadequate. The government and pharmaceutical industry may have to take measures such as providing public and administrative guidance to stop the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on the Internet.
青山 道夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.2, pp.149-154, 2014 (Released:2014-02-01)

Before the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant 1 (FNPP1) accident, environmental 137Cs was already detectable originating from nuclear weapon tests conducted in the late 1950s and early 1960s. In the western North Pacific Ocean, 90Sr and 137Cs activities in surface water were 10-100 Bqm−3 in the late 1950s and early 1960s, then this parameter decreased gradually; 137Cs activity in surface water subsequently decreased to around a few Bq m−3. After the FNPP1 accident, 137Cs and 134Cs were released into the North Pacific Ocean by two pathways, direct discharge from the Fukushima NPP1 accident site and atmospheric deposition off Honshu Islands of Japan, east and northeast of the site. High-density observations of 137Cs and 134Cs in the surface water were carried out by 17 VOS cruises and several research vessel cruises between April 2011 and March 2012. The main body of radioactive surface plume of which activity exceeded 10 Bqm−3 traveled along 40°N, and reached the International Date Line in March 2012, 1 year after the accident. The radioactive plume was confined along 40°N when the plume reached the International Date Line. Zonal speed of the radioactive plume was estimated to be about 8 cm s−1, which is consistent with zonal speeds derived by Argo floats at the region.
望月 眞弓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.12, pp.1315-1318, 2013 (Released:2013-12-01)

Teaching the three health principles and proper use of medicines are the basis of education on medicines. Before seeking prescription drugs, day-to-day health management is important. It is also important to understand that if a minor ailment persists, self-treatment with over-the-counter medications should be attempted. Since medications are double-edged swords, their proper use is the responsibility of patients to minimize the risk and maximize the effectiveness. This awareness should be taught during education on how to use medicines. A better understanding of medicines and fostering awareness through education on medicines will contribute to reductions in healthcare costs and promote the health of patients when they participate in their own care and learn how to self-medicate.