横内 吾郎
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.88, no.4, pp.576-603, 2005-07-01

夫馬 進
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.89, no.5, pp.645-677, 2006-09

長谷川 博史
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.76, no.3, pp.p346-378, 1993-05

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり鎌倉期守護の系譜を引く室町期塩冶氏は、その基盤である出雲国最大の河川水運の要衝を確保して、特に出雲国西部において強大な政治的実力を有し、十五世紀末には杵築大社両国造家など周辺諸領主と結集して、自立性の極めて強い地域秩序形成を企図している。しかも塩冶氏は幕府奉公衆を務めており、京極氏の守護権がほとんど及びえない存在として、出雲国内において最も特徴的な位置を占めていたと言える。尼子経久は、このような性格と動向を示す塩冶氏について、十六世紀のかなり早い段階で実子興久に家督を継がせ、やがてこれを武力討滅することにより、その権力基盤と歴史的性格の大部分を継承し、一国支配権の確立に不可欠な出雲国西部における権力の浸透を実現している。本稿においては、大名としての尼子氏権力形成過程における最大の画期であると考えられるにもかかわらず、従来非常に軽視されてきた塩冶氏掌握の歴史的意義を明らかにしていきたい。The main purpose of this paper is to make clear how important it was for the Amago to eliminate their rivals within Izumo 出雲 province, the Enya, on their way to becoming daimyo. Concerning the historical characteristics of the Enya in the Muromachi period we can indicate three main points : First, the Enya were the most powerful in the western part of Izumo. Their position was based on the financial strength derived from the area under their rule, which was located at a strategic location for river transportation in Izumo. Second, because the Enya were members of the hokoshu 奉公衆, the direct army of the shogun, they were thus independent of the authority of the shugo of the province, the Kyogoku 京極 family. So even after the Amago succeeded to the estate and the authority of the Kyogoku, they were unable to thereby control the Enya. Third, at the close of the fifteenth century, the Enya were allied with other adjacent lords (kokujin) against the Muromachi shogunate. This military alliance was a great force within the province and aimed at establishing an independent local order. Thus the most important problem facing the Amago at the close of the fifteenth century was how to eliminate the Enya and bring the entire province of Izumo under their control. The process was begun early in the sixteenth century when Amago Tsunehisa 尼子経久 made his son Okihisa 興久 the heir to the Enya, and completed in the 1530s when the Enya were wiped out by military force. The Amago succeeded to the Enya power base in western Izumo and to their connection with the neighboring kokujin. This was the crucial step in bringing the entire province of Izumo under Amago control.
谷岡 武雄
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
vol.49, no.2, pp.203-233, 1966-03-01

遠江国松尾神社領池田荘に関する嘉応三年の立券状は、散居景観の起源を知るうえできわめて重要なものである。このことはすでに故藤田元春博士によって指摘された。ここは天龍川下流の乱流地域に属し、しばしばはんらんを受けたため、居住の連続性を立証することは容易でなく、また関係史料もほとんど消失して、過去の景観を復原することは非常にむずかしい。われわれは最近の数年間文書の検討にとどまらず、空中写具の解読、種々なる計測を含むフィールド・サーヴェーを続けて、荘域の推定、地形環境と居住景観の復原に努めてきた。ここにひとまず従来の成果をまとめて報告し、今後の研究の発展に資したいと思う。この池田荘域は、天龍川の沖積作用がいまなお進行中の平野を占め、そこは北高南低、西高東低の沈降性ブロックをなし、河川が乱流して網状の流跡が著しく、本流の変化もしはしは行なわれたところてある。そういうなかに、旧中洲・自然堤防群が微高地をなしている。現在の大甕(おおみか)神社あたりを本拠地とした池田荘は、かかる微高地をまず開発の対象となし、したいに流跡やバックマーシュのごとき低地に進出して行ったものと思われる。遠隔地荘園の領有体制において、『在家』としてその末端組織を支えたのは、かかる微高地を疎状に占居した社会集団のリーダー格のものである。しかしそれは、最大といえども一反の屋敷地をもつにとどまり、東北の辺境のごとく、支配力が強くて多数をその下に隷属させたタイプとは考えられない。池田壮では在家を中心に疎状に集まり、小村(ワイラー)もしくは小規模な疎集村形態(ロツケレス・ハウヘンドルフ)をとり、数戸のほぼ同族から成る集団が、微高地を占居して集落の単位を構成していたものと思われる。これが畿内・その周辺と辺境との漸移地帯における在家集落の一つの特色ではなかろうか。The document registered in the 3rd year of Kaô 嘉応 (1171) about the Ikeda 池田 manor, under the rule of the Matsuo 松尾 Shrine, in the Tôtômi 遠江 province, was very important to know the origin of the dispersed settlements in Japan, as already pointed out by the late Dr. M. Fujita; but as this manor was situated on the flood plain in the lower part of the Tenryu 天龍 river, and suffered from frequent inundation, it is difficult to prove the succession of settlement, and to reconstitute exactly the past landscapes with very few related sources. These several years, through the examination of documents, the interpretation of aerial photographs and the field-survey, we have tried to make elear the limit of the manor and to reconstitute the old physical environment and the medieval settlement. This paper is a report of our latest result. The area is situated on the plain under the alluvial action, forming a subsidence block, high in the north and west and low in the south and east, having the remarkable netted traces of abandoned channels made with frequent variation of the main current; in which the old central sandbanks and natural levees formed a lower highlands. The development of the Ikeda manor is thought to be a result of cultivating at first this lower highlands and then advancing into the lowlands such as current trace and back marsh. Those who maintained the terminal organ as 'Zaike 在家' in the ruling system of a remote manor, were the leader class of the social groups which occupied separately the lower highlands; but 'Zaike' organized only a small community, not ruling many serves of his own with his strong power like in the other remote land of medieval Japan. In the Ikeda manor people seemed to live separately around the Zaike, forming a hamlet or a small scale of the thinly housed village as a unit which consisted of several families of almost the same origin occupying the lower highlands.
伊藤 之雄
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.77, no.1, pp.p1-31, 1994-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり元老は慣例として形成され、後継首相推薦などの重要な国務について天皇の諮問を受ける役目を果たした。本稿は元老制度に関し、宮中関係者の手になる「徳大寺実則日記」などの史料を初めて本格的に用いて、制度の形成や運用過程における明治天皇と元老との関係や元老根互の関係など、元老制度の構造と機能について考察しようとするものである。元老制度は、日清戦争前後に明治天皇によって作られ始めたが、一八九八年に確立したときに主導権を握っていたのは、伊藤博文らの元老であった。天皇の厚い信任を得ていた伊藤は、元老中最も高い位置づけを得た。山県系官僚閥を率いる山県有朋でさえ、伊藤の格式に並ぶことはなかった。しかし日露戦争後は、元老の政治力の衰退が現れ、明治天皇が制度運用の実権を握った。その天皇の信任を背景として政治的に台頭していくのが、桂太郎である。そのことが山県有朋ら元老の反発を買い、大正政変で桂が失脚させられていく重要な背景となった。The Genro 元老, or elder statesmen, in positions established by convention, acted as consultants to the Emperor concerning important matters of state, such as the recommendation of candidate to succeed as prime minister, etc. In this paper, using Completely for the first time historical sources including "Sanenori Tokudaiji Dairy" 徳大寺実則日記 by a central participant in court affairs, I will examine the formation of the Genro system, and the relationships between Emperor Meiji and the Genro, and among the various Genro in the working of the system. Emperor Meiji began to form the Genro system around the time of the Sino-Japanese War. However, it was Genro such as Ito Hirobumi 伊藤博文 who acquired control over the system with its establishment in 1898. Ito Hirobumi was the most respected amongst the Genro because of the degree of trust which the Emperor placed in him. Even Yamagata Aritomo 山県有朋, who was the leader of the Yamagata Faction in the bureaucracy had less authority than Ito. However, after the Russo-Japanese War, the power of the leading Genro was greatly weakened, and Emperor Meiji was able to gain greater control over the system. Subsequently, Katura Taro 桂太郎, favoured with the trust of the Emperor, emerged as a major political force. The offence felt at this by the leading Genro, in particular Yamagata, was a principal factor in Katsura's loss power in the political upheavals of the early Taisho period.
黒岩 康博
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.94, no.1, pp.125-153, 2011-01

奈良の言語研究者宮武正道は、従来マレー語の専門家と考えられていたが、残された旧蔵資料を見ると、彼がマレー語に至るまでに辿った「語学道楽」の跡が明らかになった。中学校時代、切手蒐集の延長として始めたエスペラントに対する熱意は、奈良エスペラント会を発足させ、機関誌『EL NARA』を生み出す。該語を飽くまで社交の道具と見倣す宮武主宰の同会には、パラオよりの留学生エラケツも参加していたが、宮武は彼からパラオ語で多くの民話を聞き取り、『南洋パラオ島の伝説と民謡』を上梓する。この一時期は土俗の研究へと傾いたが、昭和七年七月のインドネシア旅行以降、マレー語を本格的に研究し始める。当初はマレー語の新聞・雑誌を読むことを念頭に置いていたが、日本の南進政策がマレー語圏にも及ぶと、カナの普及やローマ字綴りの日本風改革を提唱するようになる。こうして書斎から出た好事家は、最後タガログ語辞書の完成を待たずに夭逝した。
谷川 道雄
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.68, no.6, pp.p966-979, 1985-11

本庄 総子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.1, pp.7-40, 2020-01

マクニール・モデルとは、集団間に支配・被支配が成立する背景を、疫病への免疫力格差によって説明する理論型である。本稿では、この理論を踏まえつつ、日本古代における疫病の構造的理解を目指す。日本古代の疫病には大きく分けて二つのタイプがある。一つは、国外からの伝播ではないかと推定される大宰府発生の疫病である。このタイプは、非常に高い致死性をもつが、発生は稀である。もう一つは、京から伝播するタイプの疫病で、比較的致死性は低いが、頻繁に発生し、京から徒歩一〇日圏内からやや西に偏る範囲に伝播する。両タイプとも、飢饉の結果として発生するだけでなく、さらなる飢饉の誘因ともなった。奈良時代以前の疫病は、大きな被害を被った場合でも、一定期間内に復興が見込めたが、平安時代の最初期、復興に遅延が生じるようになった結果、疫癘間発という疫病の連鎖が発生し、律令国家の掌握する人口と田地に大きな損害を与えた。According to William H. McNeil the determining factor separating the rulers and the ruled is the gap in their level ofimmunity to pestilence or epidemics. This gap is the product ofthe discrepancies between the population and the degree ofits contact with outsiders. It has been claimed that because there was little contact with the outside world in ancient Japan, immunity to pestilence was weak and the society was subject to severe outbreaks ofharmf ul pestilence. Certainly, it is true that the view that invasive pestilence originated from abroad was deeply rooted in Japan, and religious rites were developed to protect the capital from disease. In addition, it is highly likely that the epidemics that struck in Tenpyô 7 and 9 (735 and 737) did spread from abroad, and were responsible for a remarkable level of harm seldom seen in the history ofepidemics in Japan. However, it was generally the case that epidemics in ancient Japan were centered instead on the capital and spread from there. The area within tendays ofwalking from the capital (however tending toward the west) was the typical target area. And in addition, when an epidemic struck, areas within the capital with the greatest population density were severely struck, and the Kinki region around the capital was struck next. Generally speaking, it has often been the case that outbreaks of an epidemic are triggered by lowered levels ofresistance due to famine, but in the case of ancient Japan, it was frequently the case that famine brought on epidemic instead. Because ancient Japan operated on the principles ofan agricultural society, paddy land where rice could be grown was invested with the greatest share oflabor, and when a labor shortage was caused by an epidemic, the paddies were left to ruin and further famine and epidemic ensued. In ancient Japan the harmful effects of famine and epidemics were closely linked. Even so, after the outbreak of an epidemic during the years roughly corresponding to the Nara period, the fixed level of the population was usually maintained after recovery was achieved. Some theories suppose that a great population increase occurred in the meantime However, from the beginning of the 9th century, there was a slowdown in the recovery rate following the outbreak of an epidemic. Even in the years ofabundant crops recovery from epidemics continued to be incomplete. In the 30 years before and after the turn of the century outbreaks of pestilence struck frequently throughout Japan and there was no stopping the series of famines and epidemics. As a result, population decline and ruined fields greatly increased. Because the populace and paddy lands were the fundamental capital for the ritsuryo-governed state ofancient Japan, one can say that the very foundations of the ritsuryo state itselfwere being undermined by the frequent outbreak of epidemics. Furthermore, as ifoperating in concert with these, in the first halfofthe 9th century, it was often the case that local officials did not provide accurate reports ofthe outbreaks ofthese epidemics. In order to reduce the amount of tax collected by the central government, local officials would attempt to over-estimate the damage caused by an epidemic. The central government at first tried to strictly restrain this tactic, but by the middle of the 9th century it had lost its fervor to police local officials. The rise ofthe risk ofepidemic due the concentration ofthe populace shook the foundations of the society but also had the effect of increasing mobility. As the McNeil model views regions with concentrated populations with many interactions as naturally dominant, it is an argument characterized by anticipated harmony, but given concentrated disturbance of the dominant area by epidemics, it is necessary to reevaluate the historical significance possessed by pestilence.
根津 由喜夫
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.74, no.2, pp.260-293, 1991-03-01

金 玄耿
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.4, pp.465-490, 2017-07
松下 涼
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.91, no.4, pp.694-727, 2008-07

合田 昌史
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.90, no.1, pp.92-122, 2007-01-01

近世の二大海洋帝国スペインとポルトガルは「発見」されていない非キリスト教世界を二国間で排他的に分配し領有する「世界分割」(分界) の言説を展開した。本稿はこの言説の起源と成立と展開を扱う。分界の起源のひとつは一二〜一三世紀のレコンキスタにおける未征服地分配の諸条約と「回復」の理念にあるが、成立の直接の契機は両国がアフリカとアメリカへ進出する一五世紀後半にある。回復の限界を超えた進出を第三国向けに正当化するために「発見」の理念と教皇の「贈与」勅書が拠り所とされ、両国間で利害調整が行われた結果、仮想の分界線が引かれた。成立当初の分界は東西へ漸進するふたつのフロンティアを意味していたが、マゼランの大航海を契機に、世界の二等分割の解釈が両国間で共有されるようになり、アジアにおける対蹠分界線の在処が議論された。占有主義の第三国を排除する未征服地分配の言説は近世を通じて保持された。
高橋 克壽
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
vol.71, no.2, pp.259-294, 1988-03-01

仲丸 英起
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.6, pp.838-870, 2015-11

本稿は、準男爵位を通じて近世イングランド社会における名誉と称号の意義を再検討するものである。一六一一年、王権は財源不足の解消を目的として男爵位とナイト位の間に準男爵位を設置し、その販売を開始した。従来の研究では、初期スチュアート朝期におけるこうした爵位の販売ないし過剰な供給が、名誉の価値を低下させると同時に、社会階層間の移動を容易にしたと論じられてきた。本稿ではこの点を実証的に探求するため、準男爵位被授与者全体の社会層、およびケント・ノーフォーク両州における同称号被授与者の州内における地位を総体的に検討した。その結果、準男爵位を授与された家系の社会層は、たしかに全般的には低下傾向を示していた。その一方で、称号を保有する意味について地域的な差異が存在し、また称号の獲得は従来想定されたほどには社会階層間の流動性を促進していなかったという状況も判明したのである。In 1611, James I created the order of the baronet. However, the gentry shunned this honour from its initiation up to the Restoration. What was the reason for this? By investigating the process by which a baronetcy was established and the social strata of its purchasers, this paper re-examines the significance of titles for political society in early modern England. While some historians such as J. Aylmer and J. Brewer have studied offices sold by monarchs, there have been few studies focusing on the titles of honour. L. Stone's The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641 is the only authoritative study on this subject. He argues that the rapid increase in conferring titles by James I and Charles I diminished their prestige and this inflation of honour helped promote social mobility. This book was written to refute the thesis by H. Trever-Roper, who criticized R.H. Tawney's idea of 'the rise of the gentry'. Later, it was shown that there were serious faults in the assumptions of both sides in the 'gentry controversy', and the dispute ended without a clear resolution. However, consideration of social strata during this period has not lost their significance. This paper will critically review Stone's assertion, focusing on the baronetcy. Since his succession to the English throne, James suffered from a lack of funds. Baronetcies were originally introduced and began to be sold to make up the deficit, but the official stated aim of this policy was to contribute to promoting the plantation of Ulster. At first, the King and his councillors intended to set the maximum number of titles at 200 to prevent their deterioration in value. However, in the 1620s, this promise was broken and peerages also began to be sold. Moreover, the original scheme of a direct cash payment of £1095 to the Exchequer was abandoned, and the virtual authority to make baronetcies was granted to courtiers to be resold. As a result, the actual lowest selling price for this title fell to about £200. We first must inquire how this downward trend in prices affected the social strata of the purchasers. The results of a survey using the Complete Baronetage edited by G.E. Cokayne shows that the social estates of families that purchased baronetcies overall began to decline. On establishment of the order, the chief purchasers were holders of knighthoods, but this trend gradually shifted to esquires. While a large proportion of early purchasers were already MPs before acquiring the title, many of those acquiring a title from 1615 to 1624 were elected MPs afterwards, and few of those who obtained one from 1626 to 1630 got parliamentary seats at some point in their lives. How did the depreciation of this title affect local communities? To examine this problem, we take up two counties, Kent and Norfolk, and investigate herald visitations and a preceding topographical survey. The result shows that although in the 1620s the status of families who were granted a title dropped according to the fall in the title's value, there was not a great social gulf between the purchasers in 1610s and those in the 1620s. The acquisition of the baronetcy enhanced mobility to a certain extent within these social strata, but it should not be imagined that acquiring a baronetcy gave esquires, let alone yeomen, a great opportunity to achieve advancement in social rank. Still, it is necessary to consider regional variations in the influence of obtaining a baronetcy. In Kent, where the conflicts among families of the gentry rarely occurred in the later 16th century, the pressure to acquire a baronetcy did not increase. On the other hand, in Norfolk, where prominent families had been struggling for power since the 1570s, more applicants aspired to the honour. This survey seems to show that situations peculiar to each region had an influence on the extent to which the social and political value of baronetcy decreased. Even if these regional differences are considered, it can be confirmed that an inflation of honour occurred on the whole. However, we cannot affirm whether this comprehensively accelerated social mobility. In the early modern period, the easier it was to obtain titles, the lower their usefulness was as a means to achieve social promotion. As a result, the inflation of honour did not necessarily give lower-status gentry a great chance to rise to a higher social position. In the long run, the establishment of a baronetcy might even have enhanced the control of the landed gentry by increasing the number of title-holders.
桂川 光正
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.91, no.2, pp.355-380, 2008-03-31

尾下 成敏
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.1, pp.36-70, 2010-01

天正十三年(一五八五) 冬、羽柴(豊臣) 秀吉は島津義久に対し、九州における戦闘停止を命じたが、この出来事は秀吉の全国統一過程、すなわち戦国争乱の最終過程を論じる際に注目され、「平和」の実現を狙った政策か否かは今日重要な論点となっている。本稿は、天正十四年七月の対島津戦開戦以前の政治過程を復元し直すことで、上記の九州停戦命令を再考しようとしたものであり、(1)停戦命令は九州派兵が困難な情勢下で採られた方策で、「和戦」双方を視野に入れていた。そして畿内近国・東国・西国の情勢に規定されながら、ある時期は「和」の比重が、また、ある時期は「戦」の比重が高まり、遂には対島津戦突入へと至った。(2)「平和」の実現という切り口から、停戦命令を惣無事令として捉える学説には賛成できない。(3)島津攻めが既定方針であったことを強調する学説は、九州政策の変遷を踏まえた主張とは言い難い点などを主張している。
田中 秀樹
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.1, pp.44-82, 2018-01

本論は朱子『四書章句集注』の解説書、いわゆる四書疏釈書が南宋で登場したその要因を考察した。宋代の経書注釈書の特徴は「議論」形式であるのに対し、『四書集注』は簡略を宗とする「訓詁」を重んじた。そのため該書は読者には理解が難しく、朱子は口頭での解説を積極的に行い、その結果多くの語録が残された。四書疏釈書はそのような語録を引用した書物であるため、朱子の意に反し「議論」形式に逆戻りしたものである。一方、経書を言葉で論理的に説明する方法を批判した陸象山も、自説拡大のためには時に多言を費やし、門人達も語録を編纂するなど師の言葉を多く残そうと務めた。しかし陸学派は朱子学との対抗上、「文字言語」を用いない学問として自己規定することで、自派の純化を図ったが、その勢力は朱子学に及ばなくなっていった。つまり、知識人の底辺が拡大した南宋社会にあって、大量に生み出された初学者たちは、言葉による丁寧な解説がなければ理解できず、四書疏釈書はそのような人々の需要に応じて登場したのである。The second section addresses the chief causes of the appearance of the Collective Commentaries. Because Zhu Xi made efforts to reduce the number of words in Sishu zhangju jizhu, he conversely became concerned that readers would misunderstand his thought. He wrote Sishu huowen 四書或問 in order to ease these concerns and carefully explained either orally or by means of his letters the gist to novices who did comprehend this work. These were then compiled as the Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類and the Zhuzi wenji 朱子文集. In other words, the Sishu zhangju jizhu commentary was difficult to comprehend without reference to the many other works of Zhu Xi. The Collective Commentaries are works based on many citations from the Zhuzi yulei or Zhuzi wenji etc. and thus without exploring the many works of Zhu Xi, one could learn the important points of his thought. Therefore, considering the commentarial tradition in the Song dynasty, the Collective Commentaries were writings that reverted to "discussion studies." They became annotations for annotations, which Zhu Xi had criticized. But why did such books become widespread despite Zhu Xi's intentions? This comes down to the fact of the demand for them after the death of Zhu Xi and his disciples. But this was thought by some to be a contradiction between, on the one hand, the idea of Neo-Confucians who insisted on the limitations of words in attaining experiential learning that would transcend comprehension by language to realize the way of saintly masters and the idea that one must use many words (language) to spread the master's thought. In order to analyze this contradiction, the third section focuses on the scholarly tradition of Lu Xiangshan 陸象山, who was an opponent of Zhu Xi and who most severely confronted this contradiction. As is well known, Lu Xiangshan criticized word-by-word interpretation (xungu) of the Classics and verbose logical explanation, and he did not leave many writings behind. Yet, he logically refuted Zhu Xi's interpretation of words in debate and was devoted to spreading this through the medium of letters. In addition, after Lu Xiangshan's death, his disciples strove to preserve as many of his words as possible, compiling collections of his writings and his analects. However, such a media strategy by the scholars in the tradition of Lu Xiangshan obviously went against his teachings, and in competing with the scholars in the tradition of Zhu Xi, they were unable to expand as a school or to write new books due to their self-discipline and effort to purify themselves as a school without "written language". In short, the scholars of the Lu Xiangshan school abandoned the way of compiling writings that the scholars of Zhu xi school had done in producing the Collective Commentaries. As a result, their influence never equaled that of the followers of Zhu Xi. Given the above argument, it was novices who could not comprehend Zhu Xi's Sishu zhangju jizhu who first called for the Collective Commentaries. The Southern Song is said to be an era when the bottom rung of the intellectual class expanded. During such a period, a considerable number of novices whether they were scholars of the tradition of Zhu Xi or that of Lu Xiangshan, could not comprehend the teachings well unless clear explanations were provided. Accordingly, the scholars of Zhu Xi's school responded to such demands with the Collective Commentaries and thereby increased the number of students in their school. In contrast, it was likely the case that the scholars of Lu Xiangshan's school failed to take in new disciples due to their loyalty to the teachings of their teacher.
藤井 學
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.41, no.6, pp.520-541, 1958-11-01

近世初頭の京都町衆の法華信仰について、 (一) その信仰形態 (二) この信仰が彼等の生活や意識に如何に投影されるかを紹介したいのが本稿の趣旨である。信者の例として本阿弥・狩野・後藤・茶屋・尾形・佐野家等を取上げる。彼等は何れも代表的な京都上層町衆であり、宗門規制が影響して互に姻戚であり、一族「皆法華」であつた。法華宗寺は彼等「惣族」団結の精神的支柱として存し、実生活の規範もここに求められた。彼等は宗義を理論的に理解し、一族中より碩僧を輩出させた。町衆は教化する側に上昇したのである。本阿弥一門が支配経営した洛北鷹ヶ峰は、芸術家聚落であると共に町衆信者の集りであり、住民は実生活と合致した信仰生活を送り、此地は法華経支配の地域=「常寂光土」なる宗義的意義を持つていたのである。かかる町衆の法華信仰或はその止揚であつた鷹ヶ峰は、内には反幕府的要素を多分に含み乍らも、その存在した社会的条件と宗門宗義の変質によつて、質的変化を遂げ、近世封建社会の中に次第に解消して行つた。