油布 佐和子 Sawako Yufu 東京大学大学院 Graduate School Tokyo University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.40, pp.165-178, 283, 1985-09-30

Recently, it has been pointed out that the studies about the process of schooling is very important. Especially since Pygmalion in the Classroom was published, it has been argued that teachers have much influences upon their students. However, in Japan there are few studies that refer to the relevance of teachers' perceptions to educational problems. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formation of teachers' perceptions for the analysis of the Japanese educational problems. First of all, I reviewed some American and English studies which are concerned with teachers' perceptions and their formation. Then I examined the variables which seem to be useful when the educational problems are analyzed. I pointed out the significance of societal prejudice (social consciousness) that shapes the perceptions of students. Nevertheless we couldn't perfectly explain the formation of teachers' perceptions in Japan from the point of societal prejudice. Secondly, I investgated two educational trends that affected the teachers' perceptions: 1) the transformation of school function, 2) specializations of teacher's work. In conclusion, I can consider that teachers' perceptions based on their students' achievements are formed under these educational trends.
山本 雄二 Yuji Yamamoto 京都大学大学院 Graduate School Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.40, pp.126-137, 280, 1985-09-30

There are many articles about the conflicts or dilemmas with which teachers confront. In these studies, conflicts are treated from two aspects: the one is structural conflicts which include status conflict or role conflict (Ambivalence), and the other is conflicts on the level of action (Dilemma). They treat dilemmas, however, just as the restatement of ambivalences, that is, they do not examine the particular features of dilemmas. This paper focuses on the dilemma itself with which teachers confront in the face-to-face situation. Such dilemma should be caused when teachers find out no response from their students (situational dilemma). When one tries to resolve a dilemma in one situation, it might bring out another new dilemma. In some cases, this causes a vicious cycle. There are very few sociological studies on the features of such a vicious cycle and the mechanism by which it is created. This paper analyzes, using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy," the problematic face-to-face situation and the vicious cycle which comes out in the effort of the resolution of dilemma. Firstly, I describe the features of the dilemma with which teachers confront in the interaction with their students (situational dilemma). Secondly, I explain the significance of strategies teachers use as a means of avoiding such a dilemma. By using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy" as the core of the study, we shall be able to make clear the process of the reproduction of teachers' alienated situation. Furthermore, it should provide a new perspective for the studies of staffroom culture, occupational socialization and deviance of teachers.
橋爪 貞雄 Hashizume Sadao 愛知教育大学 Aichi University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.35, pp.60-72, 1980-09-20

The supply of qualified teachers to compulsory education has undergone various difficulties since the end of World War II, and it was especially true during the period of economic prosperity in 1960's. But the situation seems to be changing gradually after this prosperity began to decline in l970's. The consequent "over-supply" of teachers can even be recognized these days. Main factors influencing this "over-supply" may be listed up as follows: (1) The comparative easiness for university graduates to get teacher licences (especially of secondary education) under the present Teacher Licence Law. (2) A steady increase of university graduates applying for government officials including public school teachers. (3) A remarkable raise of teacher salaries in compulsory education was made possible through the promulgation of a special law in 1974. School teachers are now paid more than average local government officials graduated from universities. (4) A longer leave given to female teachers after every child birth. This has made teaching a more attractive and secure job for female graduates. (5) The decrease of younger population expected in the near future and the consequent decrease in the demand for school teachers, although the total situation will be made a little easier by the long-range plan of improving class-size. Recent dicussions on teacher training have been more or less influenced by this "over-supply" as well as by theoretical opinions about education and teaching profession in general. Four viewpoints or trends can be identified in the discussions: (1) That any kind of teacher training should be given by a "university". This means that a teacher training institution must maintain an acadmic standard at the level as high as any other institutions of higher education. (2) That teaching even at the elementary level is a "profession" which can be trained and recruited only in a curriculum emphasizing the inevitable interrelation between academic study and educational practice. (3) That a more strict enforcement of regulations on teacher licences is urgently needed in order to exclude inappropriate teacher applicants. (4) That some "realistic" measures must be taken in response to the recent increase of teacher applicants. These four trends cutting across each other also form different opinions on the division between pre-and in-service training of teachers. Two examples, i. e. the so-called "peak system" in pre-service education for elementary school teachers and the student teaching are referred to briefly.
伊藤 敬 Ito Kei 静岡大学 Shizuoka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.50-63, 1979-09-30

In this paper I attempt to clarify the characteristics of works of 4 "sociology of teachers". Then, they are restricted to the following papers. That is, they are, (1) papers that applied sociological viewpoints, frameworks and ideas to analysing teachers, (2) papers that were classified into the next areas of "sociology of teachers", namely (a) teachers as educational workers and professionals, (b) occupational socialization of teachers, (c) educational organization and autonomy of teachers, in connection with educational research of teachers, and (3) papers that had proceeding ones in each area. I pay attention specially to the intentions or aims and the viewpoints expressed in papers and point out significant results to "sociology of teachers" and educational research.
永井 聖二 Nagai Seiji 筑波大学大学院 Graduate School Tsukuba University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.32, pp.93-103, 1977-09-30

The study of teacher socialization has been relatively neglected in the field of educational sociology in Japan. In this paper, the author aims to delineate teachers' culture as a first step of the study of teacher socialization. According to the data of questionnaire survey administered to the primary school teachers in Tokyo metropolitan area (613 respondents), following findings were obtained: (1) The outstanding criterion with which teachers are ranked high by their colleagues is skillful teaching performance in their classrooms. (2) And much more notably, the criterion without which teachers are evaluated low by their colleagues is to act in concert with them. It can be pointed out that teachers working in such cultural situation can scarcely have chance to make use of originality in their schools.
伊藤 敬 Itoh Kei 静岡大学 Shizuoka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.152-167, 1971-10-15

After World War II, the idea of education and teaching profession changed completely in Japan. The old concepts were replaced by the new ones, chiefly of professionalism and unionism. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes toward 'professionalism' which the present-day teachers assumes. Our questionnaires were sent to 1,085 teachers of senior and junior schools and primary schools in three prefectures. Our aim of this questioning was to explore the three aspects which we thought to be the most important as the elements of the profession. They are (I) autonomy in teachers' instructional activities, (II) autonomy of the professional organization, and (III) professional ethics and belief. We received 736 auswers from the teachers. And as a whole, (I) showed the most remarkable result and (II) the least. Teachers are discreet enough to think it important to select textbooks freely and adopt his own teaching methods, but they considerably allow for the role of their principals. There are few who think that the professional organization should participate in the decison of the criteria of the teacher's certificate. Most teachers assume that they are performing an essential function of the society, but not many regard the belief in public service as of importance. There is a close relation between attributes of teachers and (I) and (II). It is the teachers lower in rank-members of Japan Teachers Union (JTU) and of its friendly organizations, graduates of national or municipal universities or collges, and teachers from twenty to thirty-nine years of age-who constantly demand their professional autonomy; whereas it is the head teachers and those next to them in rank-members of anti-JTU associations, graduates of normal schools, and teachers over fifty years of age-who are committed to (III). On the whole, their professional consciousness is inferior to that of the former. And we proceed to examine the relation between the conception of profession and morality, for it functions as a standard of demmand in teaching. These analysis give the result that the morality of the teacher more attached to professionalism is lower than that of those less attached.
天野 正子 Amano Masako 東京教育大学大学院 Graduate School Tokyo University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.24, pp.140-157, 1969-10-10

This article aims to grasp the process of professionalization of teaching as an occupation from two aspects: specialization and autonomization. Conclusively, teaching is regarded as an occupation still "in the process of professionalization" or "marginal" among various occupations aiming at professionalization, or as a "semi-profession," because two important features of professional occupations, highly specialized knowledge and techniques and a considerable autonmy for occupational activities of individual teachers and of teachers as a group, are still unsubstantial. If teaching is to be professionalized, it is not sufficient to provide only institutional guarantee for specialization and autonomization, but teachers themselves should also be determined to turn this institutional guarantee into a reality. This realization led me to analyze the structures of consciousness of teachers who are the most immediate professionals to assume the responsibility for realizing the specialization and autonomization of teaching, on the basis of the findings of the survey administered by myself to 374 elementary and lower secondary school teachers in K City of K Prefecture.
教師集団研究会(牧野巽代表) Human Relation Research Group (Tatsumi Makino Chief Investigator) Teachers 東京大学 University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.17, pp.2-49, 1962-10-10

I The Significance of the Study and Its Viewpoint II The Consciousness of the Teachers in their Daily Life III The Process of Organization of the Teachers' Group and Its Morale In this report are summarized the results of the study conducted since 1959 by some of the members of the Japanese Association of Educational Sociology living in Tokyo. An attempt has been made to analyze the teachers' group of a school as a unit, which forms the core of the school administrative organization and so-called the system of educational movements, in relation to school administration, teachers union movement and to the school board. Theoretical explanations have been made concerning the significance of the study of teachers' group which is regarded as an integrating subject in educational practice. Both in urban and rural areas 52 primary find junior high schools were sampled in terms of the size of the schools, and individual teachers in those schools were asked to answer the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 1961. The following are the summarized results of the study. First of all, if the collectivity of the teachers is compared with other occupational groups, the teachers' consciousness in their daily life is very similar to that of the ordinary white-collar workers. In their informal human relations emotional influence is strong, particularly among women teachers. It seems that teachers are burdened with miscellaneous clerical duties which handicap their educational practice and fail to uplift their morale. Also assignment of duties in accordance with seniority seems to disturb the unity of the teachers group. Secondly, in observing the process of organization of teachers' groups, some of them are being organized smoothly, while others are not; at the same time there are some undifferentiated groups. In primary schools there are more undifferentiated groups than in junior high schools, in which almost half of the groups are smoothly organized, while the others are not. The types of principals in terms of both personal and administrative position, (for instance, bureaucratic type) influence the process of the organization of teachers groups and the morale of the teachers' groups to a great extent. In this respect it can be stated that the status of the organization of the teachers groups is closely related to the morale in education.

1 0 0 0 IR 教員養成

潮木 守一 Ushiogi Morikazu 名古屋大学 Nagoya University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.78-90, 1973-10-15

After the World War II, the teacher training system in Japan was reorganized and all of the higher education institutions including junior colleges were authorized to issue the centificate for teacher under the condition to claim students a few units for the professional studies of the principle of education and educational psychology, and a few weeks for teaching practice. This system is called "open system". Besides this open system, however, teacher training colleges still exist and have supplied most of teachers in the elementary schools and some in the lower secondary schools. This open system has been criticized mainly by governmental committees, for instance, Central Advisory Committee for Education and Advisory Committee for Teacher Training System, because of the overissue of teacher's certificates and the loose and less substantial training of teachers. Although Governmental Committees have tried several times to level up and to make strict the minimum standard of certification, these trials have always failed with the opposition of various interest groups including teacher's unions. They have insisted that those reforms should lead to increase of the governmental control over the higher education, to less opportunities for students of universities and colleges other than teacher training colleges to obtain certificates for teachers, and as a result to the revival of the normal school in the pre-war period, which had been under the strict governmental jurisdiction. The main problem seems to find how to coordinate the contradictory interests between teacher training college and other institutions of higher education by avoiding the governmental control over the higher education, especially over the teacher training colleges.