朴澤 泰男 白川 優治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.321-340, 2006-05-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
1 1

This article explores factors that affect rates of financial aid receipt among private institutions of higher education in Japan, with the aim to understand whether academically well-prepared and needy students are awarded financial aid in those institutions. Using a survey dataset of chief financial officers of Japanese private four-year colleges and universities, an ordered logistic regression analysis of the rates of institutional aid receipt including tuition waivers and a linear multiple regression analysis of the percentage of recipients of Japan Scholarship Foundation (JSF) Scholarship Loans were conducted. The regression results are as follows:(1) the rates of institutional aid receipt are related to the age of the institution and the selectivity of students, but not to regional income levels or tuition amounts. The percentage of aid awardees is also not related to instructional costs. In institutions where many students receive institutional aid, there are a significant number of students who borrow JSF Type I Scholarship Loans (Interest-Free Loans).(2) While the rate of JSF Type IScholarship Loan recipients is related to the historical background of the institution, selectivity of students, and regional income levels, there is no correlation between JSF Type I Loan recipient rates and tuition. The type of departmentsand schools in an institution is also not relevant to that figure.(3) While the rate of JSF Type II Scholarship Loan (Interest Bearing Loan) recipients is not related to the historical background of an institution, the selectivity of students, regional income levels, tuition, and instructional costs affect it. The percentage of JSF Type I Scholarship Loan awardees is positively correlated to that of JSF Type II Scholarship Loans.
橋本 鉱市 伊藤 彰浩
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.64, pp.55-74, 1999-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
1 2

The Association of Sociology of Education in Japan was established in 1950. In the fifty years since that time, membership in the association has grown to nearly 1, 300 members. In this paper, we attempt to analyze the process of the institutionalization of Sociology of Education in Japan. We will attempt to reinterpret the factors which contributed to the formation and integration of the researchers of Sociology of Education into one field of study, and examine the ensuing process of institutionalization up to the present day, taking into account a broader viewpoint of the context at each stage of the development. We will focus on certain aspects of the institutionalization process, such as the “association”, the “teacher-training course”, the “chair system in experimental course.”First, we examine the Association of Sociology of Education as a group emerging out of the Association of Education and the Association of Sociology. Next, we define typology of the foundation of the Association, its significance, its organization, and its social features, and attempt to analyze the issues that were present at the start of the Association and the surrounding factors which contributed to its institutionalization. We then trace the movements surrounding the establishment of teachertraining courses and the chair system in experimental course in and out of the Association to the present day. This later became the institutional basis of the development of the Association.
岡田 敬司
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.123-135, 1988-10-03 (Released:2011-03-18)
北澤 毅
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.5-23, 2012

ある出来事が問題視されることが起点となって,その出来事をもたらした原因探求が開始される。原因探求は,問題事象を理解し解決策を検討するためであると同時に,問題事象をもたらした責任の所在を特定するための試みと考えられている。それゆえ原因探求に躍起となるのだが,そうした試みはしばしば泥沼化し,問題事象は混迷を深め悲劇をもたらすことがある。<BR> 本稿では,いじめ自殺と水俣病という,ほとんど無関係と思われる社会問題を対比させることで,「責任の根拠としての原因」という認識に導かれた言説実践がどのような現実を生み出してきたか,そして今も生み出しているかを明らかにしようと試みた。そのためにまずは,「意志と責任」「年齢と責任」「カテゴリーと責任」「偶然と責任」という視点から「因果関係と責任」の論理関係を検討することで,「責任の根拠として原因」という認識の論理的矛盾を明らかにした。と同時に,私たちの社会のなかで原因解明と責任追及がいかに実践されているかを言説分析の視点から解明することで「実践と認識の二重性」を指摘し,そうした二重性がもたらす困難を描き出すために,いじめ自殺と水俣病に見られる構造的同型性(=原因究明言説の隘路)を論じた。<BR> そして最後に,「責任の根拠としての原因」という認識がもたらす困難から脱却するための二つの方向性を示唆した。一つは,無過失責任論の可能性であり,もう一つは責任言説の再編可能性である。
仲野 由佳理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.99, pp.27-46, 2016-11-30 (Released:2018-03-26)

本稿の目的は,少年院の演劇活動の分析から「更生」という目的にむけた教育的行為としての物語化の技法を検討し、物語行為がもつ教育的意義を考察することだ。 矯正施設における言語化の実践として,A女子少年院で毎年上演される創作オペレッタに着目した。創作オペレッタは,非行に至る経験などから脚本を作成する。脚本は,矯正教育上の望ましさに規定された〈変容の物語〉であり,更生の足場として施設内/社会内での生活で機能することが期待される。この〈変容の物語〉が物語環境に応じて変化すると考えた場合,物語化の技法に関する学びは矯正教育上の重要な課題のひとつとなる。 参加少年と指導者へのインタビュー及び参加少年への自由記述式アンケートの結果,(1)自己理解のための言語資源の獲得,(2)物語化を契機としたコラボレイティヴな関係の構築,(3)社会への再統合にむけた「昇格儀式」的役割,という3つの技法がみてとれた。いずれも,矯正教育が目的とする「改善更生」「社会復帰」を目指して行なわれる物語化の技法である。 さらに,教育的行為としての物語化には(1)矯正教育が目指す“あるべき変容イメージ”を具体化するという意義,(2)〈変容の物語〉を基盤として,少年院という空間におけるナラティヴ実践に緩やかな共通性/共同性が与えられるという意義,(3)〈変容の物語〉がドミナント化し少年の価値や行動を規制するという意義を指摘した。
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection; (2) rational selection; (3) subjective selection; (4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture: (a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted "capital culturel", i.e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD ("Champ") that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as "PATRIARCHAL FIELD", and its correlated capital as "PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL". The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function. Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of "the reproduction of gender" by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.
山田 昌弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.44, pp.80-84, 1989-04-30
田原 宏人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.91-112, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

苅谷 剛彦 Kariya Takehoko 東京大学大学院 Graduate School University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.63-73, 1981-09-12

The problems of "school as organization" have been studied mainly from the viewpoint of school administration and education administration, in the field of educational research in Japan. But such studies have taken interest in the organization of school staff to rationalize school administration. Therefore they have not treated the more elemental problem - How do schools organize the behaviour and learning activities of their pupils ? This article aims to explore its elemental mechanism of school organization, forcusing on Japanese high schools. In the social context which contain the school organization objectively, the school staff members organize the educational activities subjectively. How do they organize the school ? It is the problem for me to explore the mechanism. At the first, I review the study of Ronald Kings "School Organization and Pupil Involvement". Then I point out the important point of his study. It is that he treated organizing schools as teachers' subjective "action". And I point out the limit of his study. It is that his analysis was based on the static bureaucratic model. To get over the weakness, I look into the decision-making process about organizing educational activities. For this purpose, I review the study of March, J.G. &amp Simon, H.A.s' Organization". They pointed out that the decision-making is based on staffs "definition of situation". And based on the study of Becker, H.S. et al., I point out that "group perspective" orientate "definition of situation". So I can say that teachers' group perspectives control the decision-making process about organizing educational activities. After reviewing such studies, I propose the hypothetical model which can explain the mechanism of Japanese high school organization in the schools' hierarchical structure dynamically.
福永 安祥
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.137-149,en234, 1971-10-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

There live two hundred and sixty million people in Southeast Asia. It isdivided into peninsulas and islands from the geographical point of view. Accordingto the various religions (Mahayanist Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism, Islam) and the differences in historical backgrounds as colonies, Higher Education ineach country is quite different. But, in general, we can indicate some points:1.Old suzerain's cultural influence still survives.2.They direct great efforts to foreign language education and they are rewardedwith good fruits.3.They are apt to attach much importance to law.4.On the whole, Science Faculty, specially the department of technology, ispoor in its educational facilities and contents.The following universities can be named as the representatives in Southeast Asian Countries. We explain a little abut these.1.Viet Nam-Saigon University.2.Thailand-Chulalongkon University. Thammasart University.3.Malaysia-University of Malaya.4.Laos-University Sisavang Vong.5.Indonesia-University of Indonesia. University of Padjadjaran.University of Gadja Mada.6.Singapore-University of Singapore. Nanyang University.
伊藤 茂樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.89-103, 2002

Until the 1980s, adolescent culture in Japan was, for the most part, a student subculture, formed in school and differentiated in relation to students' attitudes toward school. However, in the 1990s this tendency weakened. During this period : (1) Adolescent culture strengthened its character as youth culture in relation to the mass-consumption society and the media ; (2) Adolescents' interests shifted from the society, or their status within it, to their inner selves or the human relationships around them ; and (3) Establishing an identity became more difficult and adolescents' identities showed a tendency to diffuse. These changes were caused by schooling and the society surrounding it. Schooling came to emphasize the instant satisfaction and individuality of students rather than their future accomplishments or conformity (This can be described as the "Consumerization of Schooling"). Moreover, it was becoming more difficult for students to realize the merit of schooling, because of the universalization of higher education. As a result, school became just a "place of living, " where students spent long periods of time. As for the society outside school, adolescents were celebrated as independent consumers in the mass-consumption society. On the other hand, with the progress and spread of personal media such as cell-phones, the Internet and e-mail, it became easier for adolescents not only to greatly expand their relationships, but also to have several characters and to present any of them depending upon the context. Consequently, the basis of adolescence and adolescent culture was greatly weakened. This is bound to make the purpose and meaning of schooling more ambiguous in the twenty-first century.
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.51-62,en214, 1981

In 1970s a lot of critical works on the Human rCapital Theory which has been a theoretical framework of the economics of education have been raised in the U.S.A. Among them, the Segmented Labor Market Theory, especially the Internal Labor Market Theory and the Screening Device Hypothesis seem to be very suggestive from a view point of the sociology of education. This paper aims at reviewing these new views and acquiring implications about school education systems.<BR>The Internal Labor Market Theory insists as follows: There are barriers to entry in the internal labor markets. Employment of workers is restricted to entry jobs and they are promoted internally. They acquire their vocational skills not by school education but by On the Job Training (OJT). By acquiring these skills they are promoted to the higher rank jobs. If these skills are enterprise-specific, employers must bear the training costs. To minimize the hiring and training costs, employers prefer to promote workers internally rather than hire them from outside the enterprises. The more skills are enterprise-specific, the more the labor markets are internalized.<BR>The Screening Device Hypothesis insists as follows: Education does not contribute to raising productivity, but serves as a means to sorting people for jobs. Employers do not have enough information about work performances of workers. So they use education as an indirect proxy measure of workers' abilities.<BR>In the internal markets, the more skills are enterprise-specific and training needs long time, the more employers use education as a Screening Device and become indifferent to vocational skills acquired by school education and skills are acquired by OJT. Thus in the internal labor market school education is used as a Screening Device and the transmission function of vocational skills by school systems is weakened. Moreover, some economists declare that school education develops personalities which are correspondent to hierarchical work relations in enterprises.<BR>Japanese labor markets characterized by a life-time employment system seems to be well explained by the Internal Labor Market Theory. In the internal labor markets the utilities of vocational knowledge and skills acquired by school education are denied. Some empirical research evidences support this conclusion.
有海 拓巳 Takumi ARIKAI 浜銀総合研究所 Hamagin Research Institute Ltd.
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.185-205, 2011-06-10

本研究では,「地方/中央都市部の進学校に通う生徒の学習・進学意欲がいかにして維持されているのか」について,そのメカニズムの一端を明らかにすることを目的とし,(1)生徒が置かれている学習環境に差異があるなかで,それぞれの生徒の学習・進学意欲はどのようにして維持されているのか,(2)それぞれの生徒の学習・進学意欲には,いかなる達成動機(志向性)が作用しているのかという2点に着目し,分析を行った。分析の結果,地方の生徒については,学習塾等の教育機会が中央都市部と比べて乏しい学習環境にあるなかで,逆に,そのような環境に置かれているからこそ,入学した学校の教師との間の信頼関係が強くなることがわかった。さらに,地方の生徒に関しては,教師によって強調される「社会的な自己実現」といった志向性が,学習・進学意欲に作用していることが明らかになった。一方で,中央都市部の生徒については,周囲に学習塾や大学等の教育機会が多くあることから,学校の教師の積極的な介入が無くとも学習・進学意欲が維持されうる状況にあることがわかった。また,その際,学習・進学意欲に対しては,地位達成志向が強く作用していることが明らかになった。本研究を通じて,階層・高校ランク上位グループの学習・進学意欲がいかにして維持されているのか,地方/中央都市部という区分において,その説明図式には質的な差異が見られることを明らかにすることができた。The aim of this paper is to explain how academic high school students in rural/urban areas are motivated for learning and for higher educational achievement. This study focuses especially on differences in the learning environment and differences in the effects of value orientations among students in rural/urban areas. There are a number of gaps in learning environments between rural/urban areas. For example, students in rural areas have to make a geographical transition from their home town to central cities to go to "good" universities, and there is also a difference between rural/urban schools in the ratio of students who study at "juku." In the different learning environments, how are students in each area motivated for learning and for higher educational achievement? Are they motivated in the same way (with the same value orientations)? To answer these questions, we administered a survey to 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their area, and interviewed some of the teachers. The main findings are as follows. (1) The relationships between students and schoolteachers are different in rural/urban schools. In rural areas, students (and their parents) tend to have complete trust in their schools and teachers. On the other hand, urban school students tend to have a stronger relationship with their parents and/or "juku." (2) Teachers' attitudes toward their students differ between rural/urban schools. In rural schools, teachers try to motivate their students by emphasizing a type of value orientation known as "contribution to society." (3) Student motivation for learning and for higher educational achievement is associated with different value orientations in rural/urban areas. The motivation of rural students is positively associated with making a "contribution to society," while urban students are motivated more strongly by "status attainment." These results show clearly that students in rural/urban areas are motivated differently for learning and for higher educational achievement.
新富 康央
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.33, pp.153-164,en221, 1978-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper attempts to analyse the structure of discipline in Pedagogy, with reference to T. S. Kuhn's ‘Paradigm’ theory. The sociology of scientific knowledge or science is an undeveloped research area in the sociology of higher education.Theory and/or methodology in the sociology of science have been chiefly carried out through the Mertonian/Kuhnian debates. The key concept in Merton model is the four scientific norms (‘Ethos’) which characterise'scientific community' as a self-regulatory system. In this model science is described as “a particular sort of behaviour”. On the other hand, Kuhn, sociologically-minded historian of science, has argued that the actions of scientists in all mature sciences are directed by mono-paradigm. In this model science is described as “a particular sort of knowledge”.The term ‘Paradigm’ has given considerable influence upon the sociology of science, especially as the theoretical tool and background for the criticism on the Merton model. Four points are suggested: (a) comprehension of science within an intellectual rather than a socio-cultural context of scientific community, (b) development of the perspective and framework on ‘scientific change’, (c) emphasis on the endogenous or internal factors in the scientific development and the emergence of scientific discipline, and (d) presentation of the socialization theory, that is, the methodology of the sociology of scientific authority and commitment.In my view, however, empirical investigations of ‘paradigm’ theory have almost remained a question. In this paper the discussion is restricted to the case of pedagogy. The points of view of the analysis are as follows: (a) mono- or poly-paradigm?, (b) the neglect of institutional and organizational perspectives, and (c) the double structures of scientific recognition and identity within scientific discipline.Formal communication in sciences is primarily carried on through articles, appearing in scientific journals. Thus, a set of papers cited in scientific journals of four specialties (sub-disciplines) in pedagogy is chiefly analysed: philosophy of education, sociology of education, educational administration and adult education.