須藤 康介 Kosuke SUDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003. It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method, homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods. Firstly, looking at two of the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement, " the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the "New Views on Academic Achievement, " may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an additional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined. Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard "New Views on Academic Achievement" and "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of "new" and "traditional" teaching methods.
角 能 高橋 幸裕 Yoku KADO Yukihiro TAKAHASHI 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 尚美学園大学総合政策学部 The University of Tokyo Shobi University
尚美学園大学総合政策論集 = Shobi journal of policy studies, Shobi University (ISSN:13497049)
vol.24, pp.1-16, 2017-06-30

本稿は認可保育所運営への株式会社の参入という保育の準市場化が、公立保育所と私立保育所との間の対自治体関係の違いに与える影響を、自治体の保育担当職員と私立(民営)保育所の園長に対する聞き取り調査の結果に基づいて分析した。株式会社が認可保育所運営に参入している自治体では、株式会社運営の保育所は、公立保育所や社会福祉法人運営保育所に比べて保育行政への参加において劣位に置かれている一方、障害児や処遇困難ケースは公立保育所と私立保育所とで等しく引き受けていることを明らかにした。対照的に、株式会社が認可保育所運営に参入していない自治体では、私立保育所の圧力団体の力が強く、障害児や処遇困難ケースの引き受け等の自治体からの負担の重い要請は公立保育所が優先的に引き受けていた。This paper analyzes how quasi-market, for-profit companies running authorized nursery schools, influences structural relations between public nursery schools and private ones against local authorities, based on interview for nursery staff at private schools and local government workers.At local authority, for-profit companies run nursery schools, they have more disadvantageous position than public ones and those run by shakai-fukushi-houjin on participating in government as nursery care. On one hand, they accept offer from local authorities about nursery care of child with disabilities or difficult cases at the same extent as public ones.In contrast, as local authority, with no nursery school run by for-profit company, as strong lobby group between private nursery schools against local authority, public nursery school mainly accept nursery care of child with disabilities or difficult cases.
大井 奈美 Nami OHI 東京大学大学院学際情報学府 Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies The University of Tokyo
情報文化学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Information-culture Society (ISSN:13406531)
vol.19, no.1, pp.7-15, 2012-08-31

本稿は,俳人,俳句結社などの俳句共同体,俳句メディアという多様な存在の相互関係から生じるコミュニケーションの観点から,俳句現象を包括的に理解しようと試みるものである。このように個々の自律的な存在のはたらきに留意しながら,同時にそれら個々の存在のはたらきのみには還元しきれない現象の全体(「システム」)にも目を向けようとする分析視角は,従来,「セカンド・オーダー・サイバネティクス」と総称されてきた研究分野に含まれる。本稿ではそのうち,とくに「基礎情報学」にもとづいて,新傾向・無季自由律俳句と伝統派俳句とをとりあげ,俳人,俳句共同体,俳句メディアなどによる複合的な影響を考慮しながら通時的分析をおこなうことで,豊穣な近現代俳文学史の一端を多層的観点から再考した。その結果,俳文学史は,俳句コミュニケーション創出機構の変遷,すなわち「俳句システムの進化」として理解された。その核心にあったのは,俳句批評の創出や俳句理論の変容などとしてあらわれた,俳句コミュニケーション創出機構の自覚化(俳句システムによる「二次観察」)であり,それには,作家のみならす,メディアや結社制度もまた大きな役割を果たしていたことが明らかになった。This study aims to understand haiku phenomena inclusively, from the viewpoint of communication, which emerges from reciprocal relationships among haiku poets, haiku societies, media on haiku, and other establishments relating to haiku. Such an analytic point of view, which tries to consider both operation of each autonomous agent and that of a whole system consisted by the agents, is included in the realm of second order cybernetics. The operation of a system cannot totally be reduced to that of a system's components and that is why such a viewpoint is required. Fundamental informatics, which in the same study field is employed as a theoretical framework and two haiku movements, which include Shin-keiko-haiku (the new trend haiku) and Dento-ha-haiku (the Hototogisu school haiku) forming an important part of modern haiku history, are focused in this study. As a result, modern haiku history is considered to be the evolution of a haiku system, whose main incentive is awareness of production mechanism of haiku communication, which is occurred through second order observations by a haiku system. This study also illuminates how haiku poets, haiku societies and media on haiku take part in the evolution of a haiku system.
阿部 誠 Makoto Abe 東京大学大学院経済学研究科・経済学部
日本統計学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Statistical Society (ISSN:03895602)
vol.29, no.3, pp.271-297, 1999-12-01
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多項ロジット型の離散的選択モデル(Multinomial Logit Model of Discrete Choice)の効用関数に使われる説明変数は通常, 線型または関数変換後の和として設定されるが, この研究では効用関数を個々の説明変数による1次元のノンパラメトリック関数の和とし, 変数の非線的な反応をよりフレキシブルに推測する.このモデルは二項従属変数を対象とするGeneralized Additive Modelsによるロジスティック回帰(logistic regression)を一般化し, 3つ以上の値をとる多項従属変数に対処する.シミュレーションによると, 様々に設定された変数の非線型反応が復元された.このモデルの応用として, スーパーマーケットからバーコード・スキャナーで収集された2種類の商品カテゴリーの世帯別購買パネルデータを用いて, 消費者がマーケティング変数にどのような非線型的反応をしているかを検討した.また, マモグラム経験の医学データにも当てはめられて, モデル構築と診断にどのように役立つかを示した.