久保田 真功
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.249-268, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This paper examines whether the coping behaviors of bullied children canprovide effective alternatives to bullying. In addition, the coping behaviors ofbullied children are considered to be attempts to modify the stigmatic labelsgiven by gangs of bullies.The subjects are 625 pupils in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. The findings are asfollows:(1) The majority of bullied children take actions to cope with bullyingin some way, such as consulting with others or trying to solve things themselves.This result suggests that bullied children are not simply nonresistant and passiveexistence to bullying.(2) There is a close relationship between the copingbehaviors of bullied children and the reasons why the bullying ends. This resultsuggests that the coping behaviors of bullied children can become an opportunityfor putting an end to bullying.(3) The number of supporters of bullying and thekinds of bullying affect the duration of bullying, but the coping behaviors ofbullied children do not affect the period of bullying.The coping behaviors of bullied children can become an opportunity to endbullying, but do not contribute to an early solution to bullying. These resultsshow that even if bullied children attempt to modify the stigmatic labels givenby gangs of bullies, the success or failure is not decided by their coping behaviorsbut rather by the reaction to these coping behaviors of the children in the areasurrounding the bullying.This paper reconfirmed the importance of providing instruction to childrenin the area surrounding the bullying.
ハヤシザキ カズヒコ
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.153-173, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)
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石岡 学
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.75, pp.65-84, 2004-11-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji (children in superior health), by analyzing representations of kenko-yuryo-ji in newspaper articles. The term kenko-yuryo-ji refers to children who were selected as Japan's healthiest children under the Kenko-Yuryo-Ji Hyosho Jigyo (Commendation Project).Section 1 reviews previous studies on kenko-yuryo-ji, pointing to a lack of views on the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji. Emphasis is placed on the importance of regarding kenko-yuryo-ji as symbols of the “ideal child” and examining what their bodies signify.Section 2 clarifies the fact that the increase of concern over the health of children in the 1920s generated similar projects to the later Hyosho Jigyo. It then provides an overview of the contents of the Hyosho Jigyo, which was started due to the increase of concern mentioned above.Section 3 considers how representations of kenko-yuryo-ji changed with the continuation of the project, using newspaper articles as the main historical data. The findings are as follows:(1) Due to the difficulty of selecting “Japan's no.1, ” relatively greater importance came to be given to school records and behavior in making the selection, (2) Although the main purpose of the project was to find what makes children healthy, it failed to do so;(3) Nevertheless, the project was continued and press reporting about the school records and behavior of kenko-yuryo-ji increased, (4) Consequently, the “health” of kenko-yuryo-ji not only indicates that their bodies are healthy, but has also come to refer to their innocence and excellence in terms of intelligence and character, and (5) This logic was supported by the following three points; the gymnastics view in the 1930s; “scientific” research on the connection between growth and intelligence/spirit; and the view of children in the 1930s.Section 4 presents a comprehensive consideration of the meaning adopted by the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji.(298 words)
片山 悠樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.25-46, 2014-11-28 (Released:2016-11-15)

本稿の目的は「ものづくり」言説が工業教育にいかに受容されたのか,また「ものづくり」言説にどのような理念や価値が付与されてきたのか,その経緯を分析することである。 現在,多くの工業高校では教育目標として「ものづくり」が掲げられており,「ものづくり」教育は高い評価を受けている。工業教育≒「ものづくり」という認識は教師たちに共有されているといえる。ところが,こうした認識は最近まで自明ではなかった。というのも,かつて教師たちは「ものづくり」に批判的であったためである。なぜ現在の教師の認識と,過去の認識に違いが生じているのか。本稿では工業教育で「ものづくり」がいつ「自明」となり,その背後要因には何があるのかを明らかにする。 1970年から1980年代,工業高校の社会的地位は低下していたものの,教師は「科学的/批判的能力」の養成を重視し,「技能教育」に否定的であった。だが,1980年代後半以降,工業教育の専門性はさらに弱体化し,多くの教師は工業教育の専門性を教える自信を失っていく。 このような状況のなか,工学教育の再考のため,教師は地域の中小企業との連携を模索しはじめる。1990年代後半,「ものづくり」の受容は中小企業の密集地帯で顕著にみられたが,2000年代に入ると,「ものづくり」言説に「教育的」価値が付与されることで,他の地域にも浸透していく。こうした過程を通して,工業教育のなかで「ものづくり」の「自明化」が進展したと推察される。
志田 未来
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.303-323, 2015

本稿の目的は,子どもの視点からひとり親家庭研究に新たな理論的視角を提示することにある。これまでのひとり親家庭に関する研究は,彼らの生活を経済的な不利に収束しがちであったこと,子どもを主体として捉えることがなされてこなかったことなどの課題を残していた。そこで本稿はひとり親家庭の子どもに対する聞き取りから得られたデータを基に,ひとり親家庭という構造の中で子どもが主体としてどのように生き抜こうとしているのかについて検討した。<BR> 調査より明らかにされたのは以下の二点である。第一に,彼らは自己の家庭経験にアンビバレントな感情を持ちながらも自己の家庭経験を肯定的に理解しようとしている。第二に,同居親との関わりには多様性があったが,同居親以外のつながりを豊富に持ち,それを活かしながらうまく生き抜こうとしている。<BR> このことから二つの次元における承認の重要性が導き出された。第一に,ひとり親の子どもたちにとって,自己の複雑な家庭経験を正当なものとして理解するために自己・他者からの承認を要している。そしてその役割を果たしているのが,同じひとり親の子どもであった。第二に,ひとり親家庭であることに対して周囲から承認を得ることによって,彼らは家庭外の豊富なつながりを持つ基盤を獲得している。<BR> 以上より,本稿は従来から指摘されてきた経済的な再配分に加え,承認の観点が必要であることを提示した。
内田 康弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.197-217, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

本稿の目的は,高校中退経験を持つ私立通信制高校サポート校(以下,サポート校)生徒の大学進学行動の事例に着目し,サポート校を経由した非直線的な大学進学行動(教育達成)の実態とその構造を明らかにすることである。そのため,本稿ではサポート校X学院V校生徒の大学進学行動に焦点を当て,「前籍校の履歴現象効果」という観点から分析を試みた。 本稿の主な知見は以下の3つである。第1に,高校中退経験を持つ生徒によるV校経由の大学進学行動の際,葛藤を経て離脱した前籍校という特性が,V校において残存効果を持ち,新たな仲間集団での相互作用を通じて大学進学アスピレーションの(再)加熱を支える独自の資源として機能していたこと。第2に,V校での進路指導場面においても前籍校という特性が機能し,スタッフは各生徒の前籍校の履歴現象効果を巧みに活用して志望大学のランクをそれぞれ調整し,V校の進路資源を傾斜的に配分しながら,生徒を皆「納得」させて大学進学へと導いていたこと。第3に,そうしたV校での学校経験を経て大学合格を達成した生徒たちには,高校中退経験そのものを各個人の描く「成功物語」獲得のための進路変更として積極的に捉え直すという自己再定義過程があったこと,である。 これらの検討を通じて,サポート校が教育達成のためのオルタナティブ・トラックの一つとして機能している現状を明らかにするとともに,残された課題を考察した。
児島 明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.69, pp.65-83, 2001

The aim of this paper is to describe the moment when Japanese school culture changes by accepting" newcomer" children, from the point of view of the politics of "borders." The paper is based on observational data obtained in a Japanese class in a particular junior high school. The author focuses on the "border strategies" which a Japanese teacher worked out in order to position herself within the school or classroom, and explores the possibility that they changed the Japanese school. There exist various given "borders" within the Japanese school. Teachers often cope with newcomer children by depending on these given "borders." This can appear in a variety of forms, such as "marginalizing" the special Japanese class and Japanese teacher, "institutionalizing" the relationship with newcomer children, and permitting deviant behavior by newcomer children. All of these contribute toward maintaining the existing school culture. While teachers who teach Japanese in special Japanese classes for foreign children also often use the given "borders" to cope with newcomer children, they find themselves confronted with the contradiction that they themselves are marginalized by these same "borders." This experience can prompt them to reconsider the existing "borders" which they have depended on. The Japanese teacher whose experience is described in this paper positioned herself anew as a "mediator" able to provide a place where different "borders" crossed one another, by becoming aware through the experience of conflict that she did not fit any of the existing "borders" in the school culture. It gave her the chance to try to create a site for overcoming the given "borders" of the school culture within the Japanese class and in her relationship with other teachers.
古川 千絵
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.77, pp.27-46, 2005-11-15

Many people living in advanced countries have sympathy for the desire for self-realization or self-discovery. However, particularly in Japan, society does not provide any support for the process of jibun-sagashi (finding oneself) or the negative consequences of the process. Given this situation, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of institutional support for jibun-sagashi. For this purpose, the gapyear in the U. K. is chosen as a subject of a case study, since it is an institutionalized support system that allows mainly young people to take time off for a process of self-discovery, with a time limit. The contents of newspaper articles during the past fifteen years are used to examine the social awareness that is said to be the basis for the popularity of the gapyear. From an analysis of the contents of newspapers, it is clear that positive expectations have long been placed on the gapyear, although many problems, which in some cases threatened its viability, have also been revealed during these fifteen years. These problems have included a deterioration of the financial situation of students led by the introduction of university tuition, and the excessive institutionalization and commercialization of the gapyear. There are two aspects of the expectations toward the gapyear : it is seen as a period for finding oneself, and as a period for learning new skills and gaining new experiences. The two are not separate, but rather are related to each other. These findings confirm the fact that it is important for society to support people in taking a gapyear or similar period in response to these expectations. Yet, on the other hand, it seems that expectations are thrown at the gapyear in an uncritical manner, and there is a need to accurately grasp this situation. How do people experience the gapyear or other similar self-discovery, what needs do they feel that makes such a period necessary, and how do these experiences bring actual benefits in their future careers? It is critical to find answers to these questions. In addition, it is possible that the gapyear has resolved the problems resulting from the distortions of the educational system or employment situation, rather than rectifying these systems themselves. These points are essential when thinking about the possibility of institutional support for jibun-sagashi in Japan as well.
白松 賢
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.49-64, 2009-05-31

This paper attempts to determine a method for making use of the "image of deviation," which we fieldworkers possess and typically regard as a bias contaminating our research, as a resource for interpretation, and by doing so open the door to the field of "deviation." Among qualitative studies of educational sociology, only a handful have focused on the self (involvement, attitude, etc.) expressed in the "image" held by researchers. One of the reasons for this situation seems to be the long-standing perception among quantitative studies in educational sociology that the "image" (involvement and attitude) introduced by the researcher is "a potential contaminant" that should be "separated out, neutralized, minimized, standardized, and controlled" (Fine et al. 2000, p. 108) In this paper, we begin by examining barriers to fieldwork in the area of "deviation" (the problem of fieldworkers being regarded as contamination) and, through research and study in the "narrative mode," offer direction in shifting to a closed field. Secondly, we develop a method of description that transforms the fieldworker's "image" into a resource for research and interpretation. In order to achieve this goal, the "practice of interpretation" must first be described in words, through a transformation of the fieldworker's "image" into a resource for interpretation; the method of description must also be properly set out and organized, in order to avoid becoming trapped in a "dead end of self-reflection." We opt to focus on the "writing mode" and "reading mode" (Emerson et al. 1995, p. 63) as methods of description, and adopt a technique by which we avoid the "dead end of self-reflection." In transforming the "image" into a resource for interpretation, we focus our attention on the distinction between "content" (experience lived and experience described: what is described) and "method" (way of description: how to describe) (Gubrium and Holstein 2000, p. 496). By carefully describing "first person narrative" and "third person narrative," we also explain in this description the process of interaction-based meaning construction. Thirdly, based on results of actual fieldwork (follow-up survey on persons who have experienced taking magic mushrooms), we discuss ways to move toward practical applications in problem solving. (1) The process described in this paper is the same as the "interpretation technique" (process of interpretation practice) of "those who have experienced magic mushrooms," re-emphasizing that this practice may be referred to as a reason why people take magic mushrooms, and offering hints, though limited, toward answering the larger question of "why people take magic mushrooms." (2) Our next step will be in the direction of initiating a dialogue with the findings of previous studies. The dialogue between "cause approach" and "process approach" is important in terms of practical aspects of this research. For example, we can propose that, based on the results of this paper, the concepts of "neutralization" and "drift" can be reconstructed as ideas corresponding to situation-dependent interpretation practice applied to the deviation category.
藤原 翔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.29-49, 2012-11-30 (Released:2014-02-11)
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現代日本の高校階層構造は,社会経済的背景と高校選択との関係を明確にしてきたといえる。このような実態を背景として,本稿ではなぜ高校選択の社会経済的格差が生成・維持されるのかについて,Richard Breen and John H. Goldthorpe(1997)の合理的行為理論に基づく相対的リスク回避仮説と吉川徹(2006)の学歴下降回避仮説に注目した。そして,2002年に行われた高校生とその母親に対する社会調査データ(N=545)を用いて,その妥当性を検証した。分析の結果,経済的資源や中学3年時の成績をコントロールしても,親の職業や学歴は高校ランクに対して直接影響を与えていること,また,中学3年時の成績が高校ランクに対して与える影響は,親の職業や学歴によって異なることが明らかになった。加えて,高校タイプ別の職業達成・教育達成の見込みから予測されるパターンにしたがって,親の職業や学歴が高校タイプの選択に影響を与えていることが示された。以上の分析結果から,高校選択の社会経済的格差を説明する上での,相対的リスク回避仮説と学歴下降回避仮説の妥当性が示された。
今井 聖
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.108, pp.141-161, 2021-07-07 (Released:2023-04-08)

「学校の管理下の災害」に対する補償・救済のために,日本スポーツ振興センターの災害共済給付制度がある。児童・生徒が死亡した場合に,この災害共済給付制度にもとづいて遺族に支給されるのが死亡見舞金という給付金である。 本稿では,〈子ども〉の自殺に対する死亡見舞金の給付はいかになされてきたのか,また,その制度はいかに変化してきたのかを問う。これらの点を問うことで,〈子ども〉の自殺をめぐる補償・救済の論理を検討し,〈子ども〉の自殺と学校の関係についての社会の認識を考察することが目的である。 分析部では,「社会問題の構築主義」の立場から,制度の運用に関わる以下の変化を明らかにする。第1に,1970年代後期,〈小学生〉による学校での自殺事件を契機に,「学校の管理下の災害」としての〈子ども〉の自殺が成立したこと。第2に,〈中学生〉の「いじめ自殺」事件を契機に,「学校の管理下の災害」としての自殺の範囲が拡大したこと。第3に,〈高校生〉の自殺に意志を想定する規定が争点化した結果,〈高校生〉による「故意」による自殺でも例外的に補償・救済の範囲に含まれる場合が見られるようになったことである。 以上の分析知見をもとに,〈子ども〉の自殺をめぐる社会の認識に変化が見られたこと,またそれが〈子ども〉の自殺という社会事象の「学校問題」化の具体的過程であることを論じる。
松浦 加奈子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.219-239, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)
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本稿の目的は,授業秩序がどのように組織されるのかということを教師による児童間の発話管理という観点から明らかにすることである。本稿ではこれらの目的に対して,授業場面の教師-児童間の実際の活動を記録した映像データを用いて会話分析を行っていく。 本稿は授業秩序を維持するための教師の振る舞いに着目している点において,教師ストラテジー研究と問題関心を共有している。しかし教師ストラテジー研究では想定されてこなかった1対1と1対多のディメンジョンの並存状況を検討している。そして,会話分析を用いて,そこで生じている相互行為の特徴を再記述することで学級の成員が協調して振舞うようになる規則を理解可能な形で見出していく。 分析の中心となるのは,児童の発話に教師が応答することで,児童によって日常会話の順番交替の規則が志向され,授業における課題の組織化が困難になる場面である。その結果,授業進行が停滞し,授業の秩序が動揺していくことになる。それを克服するために,授業場面に適切な「形式」で応答できる者を次の話者として選択し,質問を開始することで,IRE 連鎖を3ターンで完了させ,授業秩序を組織していくのである。
盛満 弥生
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.273-294, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)
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本稿では,エスノグラフィーという手法を用いて,学校生活の中で貧困層の子どもに特徴的に表れる課題を明らかにし,それらの課題が学校や教師から貧困層の問題として捉えられにくい背景にある学校文化のあり様について検討した。 対象となった生活保護世帯出身生徒の約半数が「脱落型」の不登校を経験し,不登校経験や学習資源の不足等が直接的に影響して低学力に陥っており,将来の夢や進路に対する「天井感」が見られた。 このような目立った課題を有する彼らであっても,生徒を家庭背景や成育歴によって「特別扱いしない」日本の学校文化の中にあっては,学校や教師から「貧困層」の子どもたちとして,特別に処遇されることはない。しかし,彼らの不利が他の一般生徒との違いとなって学校で表れた場合には,学校や教師から特別な配慮や支援がなされることになる。ただ,この場合の支援のあり方は,貧困による不利を解消しようとする積極的な働きかけというよりはむしろ,集団の中で顕在化してしまっている不利を隠そうとする消極的なものとなる。 本来であれば,子どもの状況を一番把握しやすい,そして,貧困層の子どもが常に一定数存在し続けていたはずの学校現場で,貧困の問題がこれまでほとんど立ち現れてこなかった背景には,こうした「特別扱いしない」学校文化と,差異を見えなくするための「特別扱い」の影響があったと考えられる。
金子 真理子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.107-128, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)
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In 2002, cumulative guidance records in elementary and junior high schools were revised along with the new course of study, which was designed to develop a “zest for living” so that students can learn and think by themselves. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the implementation process of educational reform under the influence of social and political dynamics, by studying evaluation behaviors in junior high schools, which are now in a transition period, and to examine its consequences. The main data were gathered through interviews at elementary and junior high schools in Tokyo, from October to November 2002.The main point of the new records is that students are evaluated based on absolute evaluations instead of traditional relative ones. Before the revision, teachers evaluated their students with relative evaluations, based mainly on examination scores. Under the new system, however, they have to rate the abilities of their students with absolute evaluation from various viewpoints, and to submit a “comprehensive evaluation, ” aimed at “evaluating achievement of students more properly.”Before discussing whether the new system has enabled “more appropriate evaluations, ” it is necessary to understand the mechanisms preventing the idealistic realization of educational reform in schools and to study their social consequences from various aspects. By investigating the implementation process of the new evaluation system in junior high school, the following conclusions were made:(1) Students and their parents, who have been sensitive to school recommendations, demand teachers strict procedure for evaluations. In addition, local governments have tended to adopt a policy trend of “school evaluations” which asks schools for more accountability. Those have forced teachers to carry out “evaluations for accountability” to satisfy the gaze of “an unspecified number of the general public.” For this reason, teachers are spending much time scoring students' exam results and daily activities from a variety of points.(2) The above behavior by teachers holds the risk of pushing the development of action and ability of their students in the classroom in a certain direction. For example, many students tend to adopt a kind of “action standard, ” which is far from the development of understanding in each subject, such as submitting homework just to get higher evaluations, and not for the better understanding of subjects.(3) The introduction of absolute evaluation has caused differences in evaluation standard among schools, leading to an undermining of the reliability of school recommendations. As a result, “evaluations” in junior high schools have been decoupled with entrance examinations for high schools. Under this circumstance, the social function of schools is also changing.Lastly, I suggest that this attempt at reading the social and political dynamics in the process of implementing educational reform is an effective and vital measure for heightening reflectivity on the reform.
間山 広朗
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.145-163, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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“Ijimesuicide”(or suicide caused by bullying) has been one of the most serious problems in Japanese primary and secondary schools since the late 1970s. The problem hasbeen widely studied in Japan. Generally speaking, the prevailing view is that thoughbullying has always existed, the situation of children committing suicide because of bullying is getting worse.Against this prevailing view, some scholars in the field of the sociology of education claim that “ijimesuicides” existed in the past, andbullying condition may not be getting worse, but what has happened is that people have become more sensitive. In other words, they refer to the social condition itself. However, ifwe strictly observe the methodological standard of social constructionism, the bracketing of the ontological status of “social problems, ” we must conclude that they are making an error of “ontological gerrymandering.”We may have a tendency to regardijimeas bullying. However, according to Jeff Coulter, To claim that ‘X’ is the same action ascan mean creating a connection between them rather than simply recording a pre-existing relationship. We may misunderstand the property of our description. According to Peter Winch, the human activity we study is carried on according to rules. Therefore, we need to study the rulefollowing discourse of “ijimesuicide” carefully.I would claim that “ijimesuicide” does not exist until people learn ofthis term and the discourse. This is not an empirical, but rather a conceptual problem. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to solve this problems and explain “ijimesuicide” itself analytically by focusing on the discourse involved, and then to indicate the possibility that a discursive reformation can dissolve“ijimesuicide.”
須藤 康介
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30 (Released:2015-07-14)

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003.It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method,homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods.Firstly, looking at two of the “Traditional Views on Academic Achievement,” the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the “Tradi tional Views on Academic Achievement” could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the “New Views on Academic Achievement,” may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an addi tional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined.Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard “New Views on Academic Achievement” and “Traditional Views on Academic Achievement” as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of “new” and “traditional” teaching methods.