鈴木 翔 須藤 康介 荒川 智美 寺田 悠希 澁谷 功太郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.103-116, 2012-03-10

The purpose of our study is to make clear the significance of a boyfriend or girlfriend for junior high school students. For this purpose, we firstly investigated the determining factors of having a boyfriend/girlfriend, and then clarified the effects of the fact that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend on their self-consciousness. As a result of our analyses, we got following two findings. First, there are various factors which determine whether junior high school students have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, and the factors differ according to each student's gender. Furthermore, the levels of academic accomplishment of the school also make a difference. Second, when we analyze the effects of that fact on their self-consciousness, it is necessary to consider not only the very thing that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, but also if she or he is likely to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Our analysis suggests that a success in love for girls in junior high has a more complex meaning compared with that for boys.
鈴木 翔 須藤 康介 寺田 悠希 小黒 恵
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.33, no.2, pp.167-181, 2018 (Released:2019-03-28)

鈴木 翔 須藤 康介 荒川 智美 寺田 悠希 澁谷 功太郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.103-116, 2012-03-10 (Released:2012-04-05)

The purpose of our study is to make clear the significance of a boyfriend or girlfriend for junior high school students. For this purpose, we firstly investigated the determining factors of having a boyfriend/girlfriend, and then clarified the effects of the fact that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend on their self-consciousness. As a result of our analyses, we got following two findings. First, there are various factors which determine whether junior high school students have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, and the factors differ according to each student's gender. Furthermore, the levels of academic accomplishment of the school also make a difference. Second, when we analyze the effects of that fact on their self-consciousness, it is necessary to consider not only the very thing that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, but also if she or he is likely to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Our analysis suggests that a success in love for girls in junior high has a more complex meaning compared with that for boys.
鈴木 翔 須藤 康介 寺田 悠希 小黒 恵
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.33, no.2, pp.167-181, 2018

<p> 本稿の目的は,大手の結婚相談サービス事業者であるX社の会員を対象にした調査から,学歴・収入・容姿が「成婚の可否」「異性からの選好されやすさ」「結婚相手のより好み」に与える影響を明らかにすることである.分析の結果,以下の三点が明らかになった.第一に,高学歴,高収入,高身長・低肥満といった客観的条件の多くは,男性の高収入を除き,成婚の確率を高めるとは言えない.第二に,男性では,高学歴,高収入,高身長・低肥満であるほど女性から選好の対象とされやすく,女性では,非大学院卒,高収入,低肥満であるほど男性から選好の対象とされやすい.第三に,男性では,高学歴,高収入,高身長・低肥満であるほどより好みしており,女性では,高収入,低肥満であるほどより好みをしている.つまり,結婚相談サービスを利用した婚活では,一般的な結婚とは異なり,学歴・収入・容姿で有利な条件を備えていることが成婚の可否へほとんど影響を与えておらず,これは,男女とも婚活市場における自身の価値に対応したより好みを行うというメカニズムが存在するためだと考えられる.</p>
須藤 康介
日本教師教育学会年報 (ISSN:13437186)
vol.24, pp.166-169, 2015-09-19 (Released:2020-08-18)

The purpose of this report is to compare the crime rate of teachers with people of the same age in the general population and clarify the recent change. We usually see and hear disgraceful affairs of teachers in news. And, by those media discourse, not few people may have the image that the crime rate of teachers is high. Then, is the crime rate of teachers higher than general people in fact? By using macro statistics of NPA, MEXT and MIC, I calculate the crime rate of teachers.  Taking data from the past five year we can clearly see that the crime rate for teachers in the age bracket 25-59 was clearly lower than the general population. The Crime rate of teachers is less than a one-fifth of that of the general population for all categories of crime. The brutal crime rate of teachers is less than one-fifth of the general population. and sexual crime rate of teachers is less than half of the general population. In other words, the teachers is the occupation group who rarely cause a crime.  Secondly, by examining the change of the crime rate of teachers, we understood that the crime rate of teachers had changed at the standard that was extremely lower than the general population. Though the sexual crime rate of teachers is increasing, that of other people in the 25-59 year old age bracket is also increasing in a similar way. Therefore, we can know that the teachers are included in the increase of sexual crime arrests in society.  The impact of the study on teacher education may be to announce this knowledge widely. The image that teachers have many disgraceful affairs becomes the unfair label for the incumbent teachers, and, for the students who want to be a teacher, it may be a factor to reduce the motivation. It is said that we are in “Education Distrust and Dependent Times”. It is thought that the disgraceful affairs of teachers attract attention and are sometimes reported in an exaggerated way because we are in such times.
鈴木 翔 須藤 康介 荒川 智美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.103-116, 2011

The purpose of our study is to make clear the significance of a boyfriend or girlfriend for junior high school students. For this purpose, we firstly investigated the determining factors of having a boyfriend/girlfriend, and then clarified the effects of the fact that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend on their self-consciousness. As a result of our analyses, we got following two findings. First, there are various factors which determine whether junior high school students have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, and the factors differ according to each student's gender. Furthermore, the levels of academic accomplishment of the school also make a difference. Second, when we analyze the effects of that fact on their self-consciousness, it is necessary to consider not only the very thing that one has a boyfriend/girlfriend or not, but also if she or he is likely to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Our analysis suggests that a success in love for girls in junior high has a more complex meaning compared with that for boys.
須藤 康介

本稿では,国際学力調査TIMSS2011 の日本の中学2 年生データから,いじめの実態の量的把握と,学力といじめの関連についての分析を行った。分析の結果,主に以下の三点の知見が得られた。第一に,いじめ被害はからかいが最も多く,次いで暴力が多い。第二に,学力といじめにはそれほど強い関連はないが,仲間はずれ・デマ・盗難については,学力の低い生徒のほうがやや受けやすい傾向がある。そして第三に,学校の学力水準といじめには明確な関連がなく,高学力校/低学力校だからいじめが多い/少ないということはない。
須藤 康介
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.53-61, 2010-03-10

The purpose of this article is to review the empirical studies of academic achievement disparity in Japan and USA, and to lead suggestions for Japan. By reviewing those studies, it is found out that although the existence of academic achievement disparity is pointed out in Japan, the process of disparity and the way to overcome it still remain unrevealed. On the other hand, there are many studies in USA because of its historical and social background, and they also include many suggestions for Japan. But it is unsure whether we can apply the knowledge in USA to Japan.
豊永 耕平 須藤 康介
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.84, no.2, pp.215-227, 2017-06-30 (Released:2018-04-27)

須藤 康介
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30 (Released:2015-07-14)

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003.It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method,homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods.Firstly, looking at two of the “Traditional Views on Academic Achievement,” the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the “Tradi tional Views on Academic Achievement” could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the “New Views on Academic Achievement,” may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an addi tional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined.Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard “New Views on Academic Achievement” and “Traditional Views on Academic Achievement” as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of “new” and “traditional” teaching methods.
須藤 康介
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.193-201, 2013-03-10

The purpose of this article is to clarify the merit and demerit of junior high school entrance examination by comparing the conscious and behavior of SJHSE (students who enter school through junior high school entrance examination) and SHSE (students who enter school through high school entrance examination). By the analysis of survey data for 11th grade students who belong to Tokyo private combined junior high and high school, three findings were acquired. Firstly, in the upper and middle rank schools, SJHSE is a little dull in academic achievement. Secondly, the statement that SJHSE is easily adapted for school life is supported in the upper and middle rank schools. Thirdly, the tendency for SJHSE not to feel social inequality is seen very slightly.
須藤 康介 Kosuke SUDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003. It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method, homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods. Firstly, looking at two of the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement, " the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the "New Views on Academic Achievement, " may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an additional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined. Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard "New Views on Academic Achievement" and "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of "new" and "traditional" teaching methods.
須藤 康介

本稿では,国際学力調査TIMSS2011 の日本の中学2 年生データから,いじめの実態の量的把握と,学力といじめの関連についての分析を行った。分析の結果,主に以下の三点の知見が得られた。第一に,いじめ被害はからかいが最も多く,次いで暴力が多い。第二に,学力といじめにはそれほど強い関連はないが,仲間はずれ・デマ・盗難については,学力の低い生徒のほうがやや受けやすい傾向がある。そして第三に,学校の学力水準といじめには明確な関連がなく,高学力校/低学力校だからいじめが多い/少ないということはない。