宮崎 あゆみ
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.52, pp.157-177, 1993

It has been pointed out that, in both Japanese and Western research to date, gender has been largely left unexamined. In most studies of subcultures, girls are either invisible, peripheral, or stereotyped. More importantly, these studies have not considered the significance of gender. The influences of class and academic achievement can not be studied separately from the school culture as a whole. Gender is an important influence on development and behavior that is both intricately tied to achievement and complicates the influence of class background. We need to suggest ways in which gender is constructed within school cultures. In this paper, I will refer to subcultures studied through a gender framework as "gendered subcultures". Studies on gendered subcultures examine their organization and functioning, and also their influences on the formation of gender identity and the persistence of gendered culture. In my ethnographic research at a girls' high school, I found that students described themselves as differentiated into 4 groups : a "study group", an "otakkee (a Japanese word which means mania for comics, drama, fortune telling, or other unusual hobbies) group", an "ordinary group" and a "yankee group" (students who exhibit the most anti-school feelings). These groups differ, for example, in the way they accommodate or resist school rules, the way they wear their uniforms, the way they spend their time outside school, the content of their conversations, their degree of commitment to school work, and sex role behaviors and career plans. Students in the academic groups dress according to school rules, for example, wearing the required skirt length. Girls in the yankee groups remade their unifofms, lowering their necklines and shortening their skirts. More importantly, they also criticized each other's ways of demonstrating femininity. Students in the yankee groups criticized students in the academic groups for being snots and not pretty or attractive to boys, while yankee group students were criticized even more bitterly for being sexy and gaudy. These differences, unlike those observed in previous studies of subcultures, can be clearly seen as closely connected to gender construction. And a particular gender is tied to a particular subculture. Within the school, yankee group students are in a weak position not only because they are generally academically 'failing' students but also because the school excludes this kind of femininity. It is comfirmed that there is a criterion of appropriate feminine behavior as well as of academic achivement. Moreover, this criterion is exactly the same as that of social reputation. Thus, girls in the yankee groups are excluded twice.
金子 元久
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.47, pp.21-36, 1990-10-05

This paper examines the development of the sociology of education in Japan as a policy science. The first section focuses upon the origin of the sociology of education as a discipline in education, and examines how the idea of policy science emerged as a core of its identity. In the second section, the focus is turned to the 1960s when prominent researchers in the discipline started participating in government commissions related to educational policy and planning. Developments in the 1970s are traced, in the third section, in relation to the advance of the welfare state and its decline due to the looming fiscal stringency. In the last section, the economic and ideological changes in the 1980s are examined in light of educational policies. It is argued then that the need for policy sciences of education is rising and the sociology of education, with its past accomplishments in the field, should provide the principal basis of their development.
須藤 康介 Kosuke SUDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003. It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method, homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods. Firstly, looking at two of the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement, " the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the "New Views on Academic Achievement, " may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an additional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined. Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard "New Views on Academic Achievement" and "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of "new" and "traditional" teaching methods.
荒井 克弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.45, pp.35-50, 1989-10-01

Reforming graduate programs in the university has become one of the most popular issues in Japanese higher education. Many recommendations such as RINKYOSHIN TOSHIN (reports on educational reform) which recommend reform have been presented to the government. The recommendations suggest that the graduate engineering programs in the university should be restructured to cope with Japan's socio-industrial demands, thereby reflecting Japan's present emphasis on high technology. The study consisted of four sections: (1) pressures for re-structuring programs in graduate schools of engineering, (2) the new graduate engineering programs established after 1975, (3) informal training programs in the university KENKYUSHITSU (unit of research laboratories), and (4) conclusion. Issues such as the new development of science and technology, the expansion of graduate engineering programd in the university, and the internationalization of those programs, including the issue of the increase of foreign students, were discussed in the 1st section as pressures for the reform. The 2nd section discussed the new graduate engineering programs which were established after 1975. Programs were classified into five groups according to the types of articulational relationships between undergraduate and graduate programs in the university. It was found that the apprenticeship-type informal training in the KENKYUSHITSU is still the dominant type in the university graduate programs. Furthermore, a structural simplification based on the managerial efficiency was observed as well. In the 3rd section, the educational quality of the 116 graduate schools of engineering in 1988 was examined. In order to examine each school, the ratio of teachers to students was used as the quality indicator for this analysis. This analysis revealed that 1/3 of 116 graduate schools of engineering were not qualitatively satisfactory. The last section concluded that there was no single and clear proposal to reform this educational system. Any single system would not be able to replace it. Therefore, it was recommended that diversification of graduate programs in engineering schools, including re-structuring the present KENKYUSHITSU system, be encouraged in Japan.
中澤 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.151-169, 2003-05-25

C. Wright Mills once criticized Lazarsfeld's work as abstracted empiricism. I understand the current state of the sociology of education in Japan as resembling this kind of empiricism. We want the sociology of education to be policy science or applied science, and empirical data, especially numerical values, seem to be useful. However, inside of the field of sociology, sociologists are divided according to their methodologies, so there is no common language or communication method. If they insist on one methodology, especially statistics or multivariate analysis, they will lose sight of the linkage between the empirical data and sociological theory, or forget the sociological significance for using that type of method. In addition, they may make statistical errors because the packages (for example, SPSS) enable people who do not understand statistical theory or are poor at mathematics to use statistical methods, and statistical methods have improved rapidly. Incidentally, sociologists who want sociology to be a policy science take some risk. Sociological data seem to be objective and scientific. If they want sociology to be useful, sociology will be influenced by power because power decides the criterion for usefulness. Ideologies always try to take advantage of objective and scientific data and theory. Furthermore, sociological knowledge, which seems to be objective and scientific, influences social conditions, sometimes changes people's actions and causes self-fulfilling prophecies. We sociologist must always be conscious of that kind of problem.
保田 直美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.185-204, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

Recently, the active acceptance of psychological knowledge has progressed in Japanese schools. The institutionalization of school counselors is a typical feature of this movement. Generally this movement has been understood as one aspect of the psychologization of Japanese society as a whole. The psychologization of Japanese society has been conceptualized as a trinity of the following three components. The first is the acceptance of psychological knowledge. The second is an enlargement of the value of psychological reductionism, which is regarded as encouraged by the spread of psychological knowledge. And the third component is an enlargement of the value of emotivism, which signifies attaching great importance to taking care of the minds of oneself and others. Psychologization is a phenomenon under which these components progress simultaneously.The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the general presupposition that the active acceptance of psychological knowledge in Japanese schools is one aspect of psychologization of Japanese society, using analyses from nationwide survey data. It is certain that all the three components of psychologization are commonly observed in Japanese schools today. However, we lack sufficient evidence to believe that there is correlationality between the components and that they have a meaningful association.Data from JGSS-2005 were used for the analyses. Although the units of the data are individuals, the data contain variables that can be used as indices for all three components of psychologization. Can it be said that the more psychological knowledge one has, the more psychological reductionism and emotivism one adopts when considering the child’s education? The author examined this question using loglinear models and logistic regression analyses.The results of the analyses made it clear that people with psychological knowledge showed a tendency toward emotivism, but did not show a tendency toward psychological reductionism. From an additional analysis, it was found that the cause of the spurious correlation between psychological knowledge and psychological reductionism is educational background. This finding has some implications. The active acceptance of psychological knowledge in Japanese schools should not be perceived as one aspect of the trinity of psychologization. Rather, it should be interpreted as a diffusion of a child-centered perspective, which is affinitive with emotivism.
佐藤 智美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.108, pp.185-206, 2021-07-07 (Released:2023-04-08)

学校女性管理職比率は,1990代に小学校を中心に本格的な上昇を示していたにも関わらず,2000年代半ば以降停滞・低下している。 本稿の目的は,女性管理職比率の停滞・低下の要因について,「教育改革」下における女性教員の意識や経験の変容とそれらが管理職志向にもたらしている影響を明らかにすることである。 調査対象とした大分県の小学校女性教員のライフヒストリー・インタビューを分析した結果,以下のような知見が得られた。 ①「教育改革」下の多忙化は,男性教員より家庭責任の重い女性教員の方により多くの困難をもたらしていた。そのために,女性教員は,管理職試験の準備や昇任後の家庭との両立に危惧をもち,管理職志向を低下させていた。②女性教員は,「教育改革」下の管理職を,権威的な「管理者」「評価者」とみなし,それに対する親和性が低いため,管理職志向を低下させていた。③「教育改革」下の管理職の重責化に対して,女性教員は自らを力量不足と見なし,管理職志向を低下させていた。彼女たちは,男性教員の倍以上の努力や成果を示さなければ認められなかった経験を通して,女性管理職に対する厳しい視線を強く意識し,優秀な女性でなければ管理職は務まらないと見なしていた。 これまで,「家庭との両立」「キャリアパスや登用過程」の側面から論じられてきた女性管理職の低比率や停滞の要因に,「教育改革」という政策の影響を付加することができたと言えよう。
山崎 博敏 島田 博司 浦田 広朗 藤村 正司 菊井 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.38, pp.94-109, 1983-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
高野 良一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.65-89, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

新谷 周平
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.151-170, 2002-10-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
12 7

The increasing number of mugyosha or freeter has frequently been pointed out in Japan. These terms refer to people who, after graduation from junior or senior high school, don't go on to either college or to full-time jobs. Educational sociology researches have made clear the correlation between career perspectives and academic achievement, social stratification, and youth subculture through questionnaires and interviews. Some authors have suggested offering scholarships or opportunities for career development. However, are such suggestions effective? Past researches have failed to answer this question, either because they did not make clear the process of choosing future courses or see the influences of subculture upon such choices.The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of making future choices, and to make clear the relationship between subculture and future courses. The method adopted is participant observation and interviews of a youth group, specifically a group of street dancers. The members did not aim to be professional dancers, and became freeter.The following findings were made. A lack of confidence in academic abilities and strong resistance to becoming constricted kept them away from college and full-time jobs. The amount of wealth and the occupation of their parents had an influence on the transition from freeter to college student or full-time worker. But it was more important that youth who remained in a local area formed a subculture, or “local relationship culture, ” in which place, time and money were jointly owned. The status of freeter was appropriate for this subculture.If the function of culture is taken into consideration, the effectiveness of suggestions that presuppose social mobility and movement between regions, such as scholarships or career development programs, becomes uncertain. It is necessary to make clear the real state of subculture and to work out programs appropriate to it.
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.5-24, 2014

保田 直美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.131-149, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

Recently, Japanese schools are increasingly employing clinical psychologists as school counselors. This increase is generally understood as reflecting a characteristic trend of present society that emphasizes psychological reasoning in everyday life. On the other hand, however, clinical psychologists have not been accepted in hospitals as successfully as in schools. The purpose of this paper is to search for the key factor behind the increase in clinical psychologists in changes of clinical psychology itself, especially its “knowledge” and “scientific principles.”Forty-five textbooks published in post-war Japan were analyzed. It was found that a remarkable change of scientific principles in clinical psychology occurred in the 1970s. Most of the textbooks published before 1970 emphasized the importance of objectivity. However, therapists could not completely exclude subjectivity from their practices because of the face-to-face relationship with their clients. This dilemma was resolved through the introduction of a new perspective in clinical psychology, which simultaneously emphasizes both subjectivity and objectivity. Clinical psychologists applying this perspective believed that therapists could reach universal objectivity through subjectivity. After the 1970s, this belief came to prevail in clinical psychology and to support the practice of therapists.Generally speaking, the change of principles has led clinical psychologists to construct more “soft facts, ” which Latour, the French anthropologist of science, defined as facts with less resources for persuasion. This transformation to “soft facts” from “hard facts” may be a contributing factor to the increase of clinical psychologists in schools. First, by constructing “soft facts” instead of “hard facts, ” clinical psychologists became able to conduct counseling at school without strictly controlling the conditions for it. Second, by emphasis “soft facts” rather than “hard facts, ” the practice of therapists becomes more easily approved by schoolteachers, who have the same orientation. From this point, some differences between schools and hospitals are considered.
佐々木 宏
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.113-136, 2014

保田 卓 薄葉 毅史 竹内 洋
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.65, pp.49-67, 1999-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

First Higher School was the prototype of the higher schools, that forged the elite in early modern Japan. In this paper, we examine the hitherto unexplored connection between the social origin of First Higher students and their subsequent career paths. As tools of analysis, we examined admissions records of First Higher School as well as alumni registers over a span ranging from 1907 to 1936. Our analysis revealed the following.Firstly, examining a distribution of the professions held by the fathers of First higher students, we found that the number of those engaged in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries declined while the number of white-collar company employees increased. This same trend can be seen in middle schools and Tokyo Imperial University, but not the same degree. This suggests that First Higher School grew to absorb characteristics seen predominantly among the new middle class. In addition, if we take into account the findings of Hirota (1997) in relation to this, we can note that estrangement grew over the years between military officers, hailing from military academies, and civil officials, hailing from higher schools. The habituses of military and civil officials began to diverge and this was most likely an underlying cause in the rise of fascism in the Showa era.Secondly, by analyzing the relation between the social origin of First Higher students and their subsequent careers, we were able to find the following: 1) any part that their family backgrounds may have affected the career choices of First Higher students disappeared by around 1920; 2) in the choice whether to become a public official or to become a whitecollar company employee, the economic conditions of the time were a determining factor, especially for those born among the old middle class people; 3) a high proportion of those students whose fathers were professionals went on to become members of the same professions; and, if we limit our discussion to those students who went on to the faculty of law at university, a high proportion of them became public officials.
盛山 和夫 野口 裕二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.113-126,en307, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The extra-school education by such as juku or private instructor is an important element in contemporary Japanese educational system. Those extraschool educations (abbreviated as ESE) are considered as producing undesirable effects on the public education, but there is a popular belief that the opportunity of educational attainment is enhanced by taking advantage of the ESE.In this paper we attempt to evaluate the extent to which this belief can be sustained on empirical grounds, especially the effect of parental socio-economic status on the difference of opportunity in senior high school entrance through the ESE investment during junior high school age. Samples are collected from graduates in 1982 of nine junior high schools in Sapporo. Questionaires were mailed to 2588 samples and returned from 470 male and 443 female respondents.Key variables in the analysis are family background factors (socioeconomic status of parents), amount of the ESE investment on jukti and private instructor, achievement test score (in terms of standardized score) at the age of seventh grade, change in the score from that time to the age of ninth grade, and ranking of senior high schools (trade school, for some respondents) which the respondents entered after the graduation.The analysis shows:(1) For male students, the ESE investment is positively correlated with parental socio-economic status, but no effect of the investment is found on either the change in the standardized score or the ranking of senior high school.(2) For female students, though the investment increases slightly the ranking of senior high: school through the change in the standardized score, the investment itself is not affected by parental socio-economic status.(3) Hence, for both male and female students, there is no causal chain from parental socio-economic status to the senior high school ranking through the ESE investment.(4) There are, however, for both male and female students, strong effects of parental socio-economic status on the senior high school ranking, directly, and indirectly through the test score at freshman age or the change in the score.
須永 大智
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.105, pp.93-114, 2019-11-30 (Released:2021-07-10)

本稿の目的は,個人の意思決定過程に焦点を当て,なぜ非大卒層内部に子どもに対する教育アスピレーションの高い親と低い親がいるのかを明らかにすることにある。近年の国内の先行研究では,教育機会の不平等が生じる過程において,親の教育アスピレーションが,進路選択に対する出身階層の効果(2次効果)をほとんど媒介していること,親の教育アスピレーションに対する出身階層の効果のうち,学歴の効果は直接的かつ相対的に大きな効果であることが指摘されてきた。しかし,多くの場合,学歴間の差異に焦点が当たり,非大卒層内部に親の教育アスピレーションの加熱/冷却がみられることは検討されてこなかった。そこで,非大卒親内部では自分の低い学歴に対して不満をもっているほど,子どもに大学進学を望むという仮説を立て,高校生以下の子どもをもつ日本の親を対象に検証を行った。 分析の結果,(1)大卒親内部では自分の学歴に不満をもつかどうかにかかわらず,高い確率で子どもに大学進学を望むこと,(2)非大卒親内部では自分の学歴に不満をもつほど,子どもに大学進学を望むことが明らかとなった。さらに(3)自分の学歴に不満をもつ非大卒親は,大卒親と同程度の確率で子どもに進学を望んでいることが示された。以上の結果から,非大卒親内部に教育アスピレーションを大卒親と同程度まで加熱させる,「学歴不満による限定的加熱」メカニズムが作動していることが示された。
布川 由利
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.105, pp.49-70, 2019-11-30 (Released:2021-07-10)

本稿の目的は,選抜・配分システムにおける「冷却」研究の新たな方針を提示することにある。特に本稿では,「冷却」の社会学的研究の端緒となったErving Goffmanの議論に立ち返ることで,人々が選抜・配分されるということがその当人たちによっていかに経験されるのかを,彼ら自身の理解を通して明らかにする研究の方向性を示す。 Goffmanは,社会生活において人々が経験するある種の「失敗」を,個人が他者とのかかわりのなかで特定の役割や地位を持っていることを提示するのに失敗している状態として捉え,そしてその「失敗」を受け入れる過程を「冷却」としている。Goffman の観点に立てば,ある個人が獲得することを望んでいた/当然視していた役割や地位が,いかなる事実によってもはやその人のものではないことがわかるのか,そしてそれをどのように受け入れるかは,相互行為に参与する当人たちにとっての問題なのであり,よって「冷却」は本質的にその過程に参与する人々の理解からは切り離しえないものなのである。 しかし「冷却」を主題とする教育社会学研究は,「冷却」を選抜・配分システムの秩序維持を説明するための道具として使用してしまうことで,多様な現象を取り逃している。本稿ではGoffmanによる議論の意義をあらためて確認し,また高校で行われた履修相談の会話データの分析を通して,選抜・配分の過程を経験する人々の理解のありように基づく「冷却」研究が可能であることを示す。
小川 和孝
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.225-244, 2017

<p> 本論文では,日本の教育政策に対する人々の選好に関して,公的支出の水準と支出の配分を,それぞれ区別して分析する。これによって,日本の公教育におけるマクロな特徴を支えている,ミクロな意識構造を明らかにする。<br> 2011年に東京都内で行われた質問紙調査をデータとして,(1)税金を増やしてでも教育への公的支出を拡大すべきか,(2)異なる教育段階間ではどこに資源を配分すべきか,(3)同一教育段階内では,エリート的・非エリート的学校のどちらに資源を配分すべきか,という3つの次元を従属変数とする。独立変数としては,人々の持つ利害と,平等性規範が影響するという仮説を立てる。具体的には,性別,年齢,学歴,世帯年収,政党支持,高校生以下の子どもの有無,就業の有無を用いる。<br> 第一に,公的支出の水準に関しては,学歴や世帯収入による選好の違いは見られず,政党支持と高校以下の子どもの有無が影響している。第二に,異なる教育段階間における支出では,高学歴者は低次の教育段階への配分を望み,また左派的な人々は高次の教育段階への配分を望む傾向にある。第三に,同一教育段階内における支出では,高学歴者や富裕な人々はエリート的な教育機関への配分を,また左派的な人々は非エリート的な教育機関への配分を,それぞれ支持している。これらの理論的な示唆として,高等教育への公的支出に伴う逆進性と,意識の次元に見られる社会的な閉鎖性について考察する。</p>