永井 均
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.79, pp.75-95, 1984

In seiner "Transzendentalen Asthetik" beabsichtigte Immanuel Kant, die Aprioritat von Zeit und Raum zu beweisen. Ob es ihm aber gelungen ist, sie als eine Begriindung von objektiver Gultigkeit der Erkenntnis geltend zu machen, scheint mir einigermaBen fragwurdig. Um die Begrundung zu berechtigen, muBte auch der ProzeB des Zustandekommens von der Zeit-und Raumvorstellung als apriorisch angesehen, vielmehr bewiesen werden. Meines Erachtens konnte jedoch die Zeit-und Raumvorstellung nur a posteriori entstehen als Bedingung fur Existenz. Dabei taucht eine Frage auf : Wie kommt man zur Erkenntnis, daB Zeit und Raum notwendige Bedingungen fur Existenz seien? Erfahrung allein konnte diese Frage nicht uberzeugend auflosen. Das ist der Grund, warum ich hies Notwendigkeit in zwei Arten kategorisiere : ,,absolute und relative Notwendigkeit,,. Dieser DenkprozeB wird uns unvermeidlich zum SchluB fuhren, daB Zeit und Raum wirklich die notwendigen Bedingungen fur Existenz sind. Alles in allem : die Selbstverstandlichkeit der Existenz hebt die relative Notwendigkeit zur absoluten auf.
市田 雅崇
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.111-145, 2008-03

特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文はじめにI. 民俗宗教的空間の把握II. さまざまな「異説」の由来の物語 1. 近代の叙述 2. 中近世のさまざまな由来III. 正伝としての物語の叙述 1. 明治初期の儀礼の改変 2. 「異説」の一元化と正伝化 (1) 「国幣中社気多神社社伝来之祭典儀式」(明治25年4月) (2) 「国幣中社気多神社創立由緒等記録」(明治27年4月6日) (3) 「古社并宝物等取調書」(明治28年6月20日) (4) 「神宮号復旧之儀ニ付請願」(明治29年9月28日) (5) 「社格昇進願」(明治30年11月27日) (6) 「社格御昇進之義再願」(明治31年11月18日)IV. 宗教的エリートによる叙述の過程まとめにかえてThe aim of this paper is to present the historicity of religious space from the view of Folk-Religion. In this point of view, we can grasp the religious space in the dynamic process which is formed by the concrete phases where on one hand the authorities of religion create meaning to space, on the other the beliefs of normally living people do so at the same time. As the case example, I adapt Jinjaengi which is a record dealing with the origins a shrine and of its connection with the deity enshrined at a shrine (saijin), and the relation of the ritual surrounding that deity as well as supernatural stories related to the shrine and its deity. There is an implicit religious cosmology within a ritual, and the ritual is the symbolic system representing it dynamically. Through practicing a ritual, a religious cosmology links real places inscribed Jinjaengi such as the visitation of shrine saijin, which produces the religious space. In order to investigate, I focus on the policies in early Meiji era, especially the unstable shrine administrative practices before 1900 and the preservation policy of ancient shrines and temples. Within that process, one large shrine (taisha) in one local area, Keta jinja in Ishikawa prefecture, insists on the upper lank among the many shrines in Japan and intends to justify shrine's history. The agents of those shrine's attempts were the religious intellects of shrine (shinshoku), and they restructured the old-fashioned narratives of shrine history into narratives measured up to history of modern state. So we can understand the historicity of folk-religious space in early Meiji era.
上岡 磨奈
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.147, pp.135-159, 2021-03

This study examines the tools of communication between fans and young pop singers, also known as idols, focusing on the "Cheki" — a type of photography taken by small polaroid camera. It has been proposed that the figure of idol culture is in the relationship between idols and fans, and it is not vertical but horizontal. "Cheki" notably symbolize this relationship. In this paper, I will clarify the meaning of this phenomenon in the context of the Japanese idol culture. I demonstrate that the concept and process of taking "Cheki" photography has not been described in previous studies. Although "Cheki" can be considered a similar to Handshake events, there are many differences between these activities. To observe the rules and behavior during the "Cheki" shootings, I have conducted web survey and interview with participants, including both fans and idols. As a result, it became clear that "Cheki" photography has strong connection with and within the idol culture. I argue that intimacy between fans and idols tha t appears during the photo shooting is a symbol of idol culture. Moreover, the materialness of "Cheki" also visualizes accumulation and such connection.投稿論文
佐藤 典子
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.112, pp.1-31, 2004-03

序I. フランスの家族に関する法と歴史的背景 1. 家族の現状 (1) フランスの婚姻事情 (2) 内縁=事実婚の傾向 (1) 内縁の実態 (2) 従来の内縁関係の問題 ア) 異性愛内縁カップル イ) 同性愛内縁カップル ウ) 内縁に対する法解釈と判例 (3) 親子関係の変化 2. 家族法の歴史 (1) 近代家族の誕生 (2) 家族の権威原則の消失 : 失墜した家父長制 (3) 複合家族の出現II. Pacsとは 1. パクス制定 (1) パクス前史 (2) パクス制定までの経過 2. パクス法とは (1) 法的な定義 (2) 法的なあいまいさ (3) 「内縁」の規定 (4) パクスの定着 3. パクスの法的な評価 (1) 内縁関係を立法化する必要があるのか (2) カップルが子を持つことの可能性 4. 社会的な意義の検証 (1) 同性愛カップルについて (1) 同性愛者個人に対する差別 (2) 同性愛カップルに対するまなざし (3) 同性愛カップルは家族か (2)異性愛カップルとパクス (3) 偽装パクス (4) 「友情以上結婚未満」カップルのケースIII. 象徴闘争としてのパクス 1. 親密関係の再政治化 (1) 「個人的なことは政治的なこと」であるか (2) 家族制度と「連帯(Solidarité)」 (3) 同性愛カップルにとってのパクス (4) 対幻想としてのパクス 2. パクスの象徴闘争としての側面 (1) パクスは脱構築されているか (2) 自己決定という名の陥穽 (3) 象徴的支配としてのパクス特集家族とその社会的生活世界の探求論文
シュミットハウゼン ランバート 齋藤 直樹
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.108, pp.67-99, 2002-02

投稿論文訳者まえがきはじめに1. 自発的な施しとしての他者救済(利他)の活動2. 同情とその精神的根源3. すぐれた振るまいにおける同情4. 四つの,心情のかぎりない解放(四無量心)5. 同情の効力6. 無頓着と憐憫とのあいだの緊張
シュミットハウゼン ランバート 齋藤 直樹
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.109, pp.71-100, 2003-03

投稿論文1. 救済(利)の終極としての仏性にむかう契機としての憐憫2. 自己救済(自利)と他者救済(利他)3. 「無量」の再解釈4. 精神性の相補的な両極としての憐憫と空性とのあいだの緊張5. 有情ぬきの憐憫6. 空性知の発露としての憐憫7. 仏陀の本質という教理における,救済活動と解脱との統合
永井 均
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.66, pp.p27-54, 1977-09

L'intention de la presente etude est double : renvoyer la discussion sur la metaphore a son origine : l'ecriture; et ramener les interpretations de l'ecriture a son origine : la metaphore. C'est par cette voie que nous aurons la possibilite a la fois d'eclaircir la signification de la metaphore et d'expliquer le concept de l'ecritnre. C'est la d'ailleurs que sera montree l'invalidite des analyses structurales et phenomenologiques de la metaphore. Nous commencerons par mettre en question la theorie structuraliste de la metaphore : celle de Roman Jakobson. Nous examinerons dans la suit la critique du structuralisme par Paul Ricoeur afin d'elaborer notre conception de decalage. Nous etudierons enfin l'analyse de Max Black pour reconstituer sa theorie d'interaction de la metaphore. Les resultats de ces examens nous permettront de mettre en lumiere la metaphore de l'ecriture chez Jacques Derrida. Cet eclaircissement ouvrira sans doute pour la premiere fois la discussion fructueuse sur la metaphore. Parce que la metaphore de l'ecriture est fondee sur l'ecriture de la metaphore.
青池 慎一
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.403-414, 1990-12

Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet(1948)が1940年のアメリカ大統領選挙における投票行動の研究において,人々の意思決定に影響を与える人々や対人的影響の存在を発見し,その担い手としてのオピニオン・リーダーの分析を行って以来,多くの研究者によって,さまざまな意思決定分野や領域において,対人的影響やオピニオン・リーダーの存在が確認されてきているのである.オピニオン・リーダーは,いうまでもなく,Summers(1971,p.313)が述べているように,インターパーソナル・コミュニケーションによって,他の人々に大きな影響を与える人である.また,このインターパーソナル・コミュニケーションは,インフォーマルなものである.このオピニオン・リーダーに関して,今日まで数多くの研究が展開されてきているが,依然として,さらに検討されるべき多くの論点が残されているのである.本稿において,今後さらに研究されるべき諸論点のうちの三点をとりあげ,いかなる論点であるかを明らかにしていきたい.
三浦 直子
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.125, pp.235-262, 2011-03

特集 : 人間科学投稿論文It is important that the experience of quantitative researches influenced Bourdieu's sociology. In this paper, I examine Bourdieu's practice and theory of cultural sociology in the 1960s and find out two phases of the influence of quantitative researches. First, he located the statistical data (results of quantitative analyses) as the methods of controlling his practice in researches, so as to reflect it in epistemology. Therefore, by introducing the statistical approach, he aimed at objective research practice, excluding researcher's spontaneous conviction and common sense. Secondarily, by introducing it, he constructed original concepts and formed his unique sociological theory. Especially, his concept of "habitus" enabled to mediate subjective experiences and objective regularities, by involving the dualism of the statistical probability (the gap between the subjective probability and the objective probability).
佐々木 掌子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.115, pp.305-336, 2006-02

特集教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-教育心理学投稿論文I. はじめに : 生物学的性別とは何か?II. ジェンダー・アイデンティティの形成要因 i) 環境の影響 a. Moneyのジェンダー・アイデンティティ研究 b. 性別割り当てとジェンダー・アイデンティティ研究 c. 家庭環境とジェンダー・アイデンティティ研究 d. 社会的な視点とジェンダー・アイデンティティ研究 ii) 生物学的な影響 a. ホルモンの影響 b. 遺伝の影響 iii) 遺伝と環境の交流点としての行動遺伝学III. ジェンダー・アイデンティティの形成と教育 i) 旧文部省(現・文部科学省)における性教育の基本的な目標と内容(抜粋) ii) 旧文部省の性別観とこれからの性別観 1) 生殖器の性別に基づいた性別二分法に対して 2) 性指向に関して,異性愛を前提にしていることに対して 3) 性役割に関して,固定的な性役割観を見直すことに対して iii) ジェンダー・アイデンティティと遺伝と教育This paper reviews the environmental factor (family and society) and biological factor (hormones and genetics) concerning the formation of gender identity. After that, from crossover view point between nature and nurture, it will discuss the methodology of behavior genetics, and the findings about the gender identity. So far, a number of studies have revealed that all people have their biological bias, and have challenged the biological dichotomy of men and women. Based on these findings, this paper suggests new gender concept and new point of view about sexuality education. Especially, as regards gender identity formation, it was discussed that we should not dismiss it as just the issue of particular individual (genetics), but deal with as social and environmental issues. The biological, psychological, and sociological research on gender self-formation with the interdisciplinary manner are expected to considerably shake the gender educational concept in the future.
鈴木 正崇
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.128, pp.447-514, 2012-03

特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文Mountain Worship is the important element to understand the basic folk culture in Japan. This paper analyzes the mountain worship of Mt. Chōkai (2,236 m) in Tōhoku area under the historical and folkloric perspective and shows the development and the transformation of folk culture. We explore the process of the continuity and discontinuity of folk culture by checking historical documents and oral tradition in detail. This paper writes down the critical comments on these. Some features of mountain worship are the following; supporting on the water supply, praying for fertility of agriculture, calming on the explosion of volcano, consoling the dead spirits, guarding of good life and so on.After the middle age, Shugendō, the religious group of mountain practitioner has been affected the great influence on the folk culture and established the unique ritual system of mountain climbing called "Mineiri" (entering into the peak). Furthermore, we explore the some features of this kind of asterism and make the interpretation of concepts and ideas related to Shugendō and the basic culture. Then we show several climbing routes to Mt. Chōkai and discuss on the religious character of them and Shugendō village on the foot of the mountain.In conclusion, I have made a special reference on the process of how the folk culture of mountain worship has continued and survived under the radical political change. In the end, the new trend to preserve the nature as a cultural property has discussed to clarify the modernization of mountain worship.
Witkam Frank
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.148, pp.1-35, 2021-10

Instruction in the Fundamentals of Success is a Meiji-era print series depicting historical paragons from ancient times to the present designed by the ukiyo-e artists Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847–1915), Utagawa Kuniaki II (1835–1888), Toyohara Kunichika (1835–1900), Inoue Yasuji (1864–1889), Mizuno Toshikata (1866–1908), Taisō Yoshitoshi (1866–1908), and Yōshū Chikanobu (1838–1892). The series consists of 53 prints and was published by Matsuki Heikichi from 1885 to 1890. In this paper, it is argued that the portrayals of the historical figures in the series was strongly influenced by the mid-19th century illustrated book series Zenken Kojitsu by Kikuchi Yōsai (1781–1878), and 19th-century pictures of classical narratives and warrior pictures designed by artists of the Utagawa School. Several of the pictures in the series can also be interpreted as an implicit criticism of the Meiji government. These prints, all related to the events of the Meiji restoration (1868) and the Satsuma Rebellion (1877), are analyzed in detail in the final part of this paper.特集 : 林温教授 退職記念号
松本 正夫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.41, pp.1-47, 1961-12

Relying upon the existence-experience of regions of matter, life and mind, and using the analogy of proportionality of essences, I explained the conception of their essences and categories, Thus I arrived at the standpoint of analogical universal which transcends particular regions of beings. On this basis we get the regional metaphysics about the world in general. As we consider the essence of world as relative being and the essence of God as absolute being in the proof of God's existence, and by using the analogy of proportionality of existences, proportioned to each essence, we arrive at the standpoint of transcendental wholeness, ens commune sive analogicum, in which the absolute being and the relative being can coexist. Here we get metaphysics, i.e. ontology which treats not only regional beings in the world, but also the absolute being as its object. If ens commune sive analogicum, which covers both the absolute and the relative were itself an objective being, it would have to be another world, containing God and the world, where the God can not retain His absoluteness and becomes a mere relative being. So in order that, without loosing their "thing in itselfness", the absolute and the relative might still relate with each other in their coexistence, ens commune sive analogicum should not be universal in object but universal in function. Kitaro Nishida's place-universal and the voidness in Mahayana thought are the equivalents for that. This is an excessus from the absolute itsself and "diffusivum sui" of God. God establishes ens commune sive analogicum "the place" which is not aliquid in any sense i.e. nothing, or voidness, by throwing His pure act of actual existing upon not-existence; thus His pure act leaves behind all sorts of essences and even His own essence of the absolute i.e. the existence itself. This is the only place where the absolute and the relative can coexist. In His nature God has ens universale which can cause every creature but can only have ens commune sive analogicum as "the place" of Himself and His creature in habitus of creation. On one hand in ens commune God makes creatures coexist with Himself, still in the full possession of His absoluteness and on the other hand the mind of creature must expand (dilatare) itsself by ens commune in its habitus, though in its nature it remains finite and relative. "anima quodammodo omnia fit." For man, it is possible to meet the absolute as "you" in its transcendental itsselfness, and mot in any shade of idolatry only when he makes his mind-structure coincide with voidness of "the place", that can be realized in acquired habitus but never in its apriori nature.
永井 均
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.72, pp.27-47, 1981-01

第1節. 問題設定第2節. ふたつの立場第3節. 第一の思考実験第4節. 第二の思考実験第5節. 私の心とひとの心第6節. 第三の思考実験(実質排去)I think that the problem of other minds arises already in the formation of my-self: the contrast between my mind and other minds is reduced to the contrast between my mind as it self and my mind as a person's mind. I have tried to explain this view in this paper which is divided into six sections. In §1 the problem is posed in a general way. In §2 phenomenological points of view and linguistic points of view are compared. The latter look upon the problem as a matter of grammar while the former look upon it as a matter of fact. In §3 the supposition that others have no minds as a matter , of fact is discussed. In this section I conclude that it is actually and grammatically possible though it is contradictory to our form of life. In §4 the supposition that I myself have no mind is examined. And here I come to the conclusion that it is absolutely impssible even if it is grammatically possible. In §5 the difference between the concept of human mind and that of my mind is made clear through the contrast between mind as faculty of differentiation and mind as private substance. In §6 the supposition of the reduction of my private substance is considered. In conclusion I have to say once again what I mentioned at the outset of this summary.
石田 京子
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.134, pp.149-170, 2015-03

特集 : 西脇与作君・樽井正義君退職記念寄稿論文Diese Abhandlung betrachtet Kants Unterscheidung zwischen Moral und Recht vom Standpunkt der zwei fundamentalen Begriffe der Kantischen praktischen Philosophie, i.e., der Gesetzgebung und der Freiheit, aus, um das Verhältnis des Rechts zum kategorischen Imperativ zu erläutern. Grundsätzlich stimme ich dem Gedanken zu, es gebe einen negativen und einen positiven Begriff der äußeren(rechtlichen)Freiheit. Ein negativer Begriff der äußeren Freiheit kann als die Unabhängigkeit von der Nötigung durch andere Personen verstanden werden, während ein positiver als die Freiheit der rechtlichen Vernunft aufgefasst wird. Um diesen Gedanken zu bestätigen, weise ich zuerst darauf hin, dass die Selbstgesetzgebung der praktischen Vernunft in der Grundlegung nicht als identisch mit der ethischen Gesetzgebung in der Tugendlehre betrachtet werden kann. Die Selbstgesetzgebung in der Grundlegung ist die Selbstgesetzgebung überhaupt, welche sowohl der rechtlichen als auch der ethischen Gesetzgebung zugrunde liegt. Dann erwäge ich, was ein positiver Begriff der äußeren Freiheit ist und wie die Selbstgesetzgebung in Bezug auf das Recht möglich ist. Nach der Einleitung in die Tugendlehre kann man das höchste Prinzip der Rechtslehre für den kategorischen Imparativ an sich halten, welcher die Verallgemeinerbarkeit der Maximen fordert. Aber das höchste Prinzip der Rechtslehre bezieht sich lediglich auf die Maximen der äußeren Freiheit, die anderen Personen eine Handlung vorschreibt. In diesem Aspekt kann man in Kants Rechtslehre seine Idee der Autonomie finden. Dieser Gedanke hat mit dem Dilemma von Gemeinschaft und Freiheit zu tun. Zwar können wir keine Gemeinschaft mit anderen Personen bilden, wenn wir nicht unser gegenseitigen Verhältnis bestimmen. Aber wenn andere Personen bestimmen, was ich tun soll, wird mir die Freiheit entzogen. Kants Entwurf ist das einzige Konzept, das die Kompatibilität von Gemeinschaft und Freiheit möglich macht.
赤江 達也
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.117, pp.69-88, 2007-03

特集記憶の社会学投稿論文1. はじめに : 政教分離訴訟の多様性2. 「憲法の戦後レジーム」の成立 : 政教分離訴訟の前提条件 2.1. 戦前と戦後のあいだ : プラカード事件 2.2. 憲法の諸理念 : 「反戦平和」・「信教の自由」・「政教分離」3. 違反と権利の同時発見 : 政教分離訴訟の出現 3.1. 最初の政教分離訴訟 : 津地鎮祭訴訟 3.2. 最高裁での敗訴と「天皇の影」4. 違反を問題化する論理 : 連鎖する政教分離訴訟 4.1. 「靖国問題」の磁場 : 浜松市政教分離原則侵害違憲訴訟 4.2. 政教分離訴訟のなかの断層 : 箕面忠魂碑訴訟5. おわりに : 政教分離訴訟の2つの論理This article describes and analyzes the emergence and transformation of `litigation for separation of religion and politics' in post-war Japan. Such constitutional cases started in the mid-1960's, spread out after the 1970's, and some of them are still going on. These cases are the same regarding the point of making an issue of the constitutional violation in question. But they are concerned with various points, such as religious acts undertaken by local governments (or public funding for religious events), enshrinement of the dead without the bereaved family's consent, and the prime minister's visits to Yasukuni Shrine. In this paper, I focus on the logic of the litigation, which is used to bring up the problem of violations of the constitution, as well as practices which support this logic. As a result of analysis, I point out that there is a subtle difference between the two types of logic employed; one applied when some initial litigation has begun, and another applied to give them political-and sometimes religious-meanings and to connect various cases. These two types of logic show the peculiar complicatedness of the relationship between religion and politics in postwar Japanese society.
高須 大 横尾 剛
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.109, pp.273-289, 2003-03

研究ノート1. 導入2. 主観説とダッチ・ブックの論証 2.1. 主観説の方策 : 信念の度合いから確率への2段階の置き換え 2.2. 賭けの一般形式と賭け指数 2.3. 第1段階 : 信念の度合いと公平な賭け指数 2.4. 第2段階 : 公平な賭け指数と確率 ダッチ・ブック定理3. 結論 : 第1段階と第2段階の統合付録 ダッチ・ブック定理の証明Lots of efforts have been paid for interpreting the concept of probability by another familiar concept such as ignorance, degree of a partial logical entailment, degree of belief, frequency, and propensity. In this paper the subjective theory is addressed. According to this theory, probability is interpreted as coherent degree of belief of a particular individual. This interpretation is achieved through following the two-step replacements: (1) Degree of belief is interpreted as fair betting quotient; (2) Fair betting quotient is interpreted as probability. The first replacement is based on the claim that in a bet (decision-making in an uncertain situation) a bettor's degree of belief whether an event will occur can be measured by a real number which she gives through her judgement on the fairness of the bet. The second replacement is based on the fact that when a bettor makes bets on events, in order to be guaranteed not to lose whatever happens (in order to be coherent) she should assign her betting quotients in accordance with the probability axioms, and vice versa. It is the so-called Dutch Book Theorem that guarantees this fact mathematically. The purpose of this paper is to clarify and confirm the contents of the subjective theory in terms of betting systems along the following approach (Ramsey (1931), de Finetti (1937), Howson Urbach (1993), Gillies (2000), etc.).
佐原 六郎
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.52, pp.1-46, 1968

まえがき(1) 白魚と文学(2) 有栖川宮熾仁親王と佃島(3) 川柳と佃島(4) 佃島関係の絵画(5) 住吉神社の建築(6) 住吉神社境内の木彫(7) 佃島の民俗 (a) 住吉の祭 (b) 佃ことば (c) 元日の初詣 (d) 盆踊佃島関係資料目録(試作)Various kinds of small unique communities existed in Tokyo till the end of the World War II. They were unique because the inhabitants of these communities had a consciousness of kind, special traditions and dialects of their own which were different from those of surrounding societies. They were also small as the land occupied by the inhabitants had comparatively narrow boundaries, and moreover, the population in them did not increase beyond a certain limit. Such communities in Tokyo had seen better days and had clearly shown their uniqueness in both Edo and Meiji eras. But almost all of these small unique communities in this large city were disorganized, one after another, before and after the World War II except Tsukudajima (once a fishing village in a small island at the mouth of the River Sumida) in which some characteristic qualities still remain. The uniqueness of Tsukudajima, however, is now being gradually lost and the differences between this community and other parts of Tokyo is disappearing under the influence of the remarkable social fluctuation and industrialization in Japan, especially after the World War II. Thus I intended to inspect and make clear the factors causing the spiritual and material changes of this community. For this purpose, I have tried in these papers to describe traditional characteristics of Tsukudajima, inquiring into the seven selected items listed below. (1) Shirauo (white bait) and literature (2) Prince Takahito Arisugawa (3) Senryu (witty epigrammatic poem) (4) Pictures (5) Architecture of Sumiyoshi-Shrine (6) Carvings (7) Folklore (a) Festivals (b) Dialects (c) The New Year's Day (d) Bon-odori (folk dance).
大谷 愛人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.50, pp.23-46, 1967-03

第五十集記念号1. 状況2. 国教会の反ヘーゲル主義思想3. バイロン-ハイネの思想4. 個別性の思想むすびThe infinite depth and value of a thought are radically ignored under the schematized interpretation. The thought of S. Kierkegaard has especially been under such a treatment, because it is used to be interpreted under the simple schema : Anti-Hegelianism. Such a interpretation is not always wrong, but means that his thought is taken up only in relation to Hegel, which is merely one side of his thought. But we can not grasp the essence of S. Kierkegaard's thought from such a view-point. So we must try the other work in order to know the infinite depth and value of his thought. And yet we must pass many stages for the work. But one of them, the most fundamental work, is to clarify the thought-historical background and soil peculiar to his contemporary Denmark, in and from which his thought grew up. And this is the first work which we should try. This paper is a mere note of such a work.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.95, pp.211-240, 1993-07

中絶論争 場外で加熱 共和党大会 '92米大統領選「中絶問題」とキリスト教各派 原理主義者 問題の経緯 米,中絶制限を撤廃 大統領命令 少女の中絶 国揺るがす アイルランドでレイプ妊娠論議紛糾 中絶法実施,一時停止 ドイツ連邦憲法裁 ポーランド 中絶規制法成立 中絶容認をバチカン紙非難中絶法の成立とその改正Roe vs. Wade 最高裁判決 中絶の自由,制限 米最高裁「規制措置の州法は合憲」 「中絶」に玉虫色判決 米連邦最高裁中絶問題と社会科学 「赤ちゃん殺すな」と医師射殺,中絶反対派の活動家This paper reviews the controversy over abortion in the United States. The Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 changed the issue from a private one to a public one. Antiabortion groups were reorganized and a counterattack was launched. The activists involved (both prolife and prochoice groups) represent extreme and opposite ends of the issue and therefore offer little hope of compromise. The questions arise : Is abortion legal or not? When does life begin? Who can make a decision about life and death? It is not easy to resolve these questions or the issue as a whole, without looking at the underlying issues. These include the role of traditional values (including moral, sexual and familial values), which are in turn influenced by a male dominated society.