是永 論 浅岡 隆裕 柄本 三代子 金 相美 岡田 章子 清水 真 酒井 信一郎 重吉 知美 池上 賢 加藤 倫子

岡田 章
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.49, no.1, pp.137-154, 2007-06-30 (Released:2010-08-05)

This paper considers the history of game theory since von Neumann and Morgenstern published their monumental work The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior in 1944. It points out changes in research themes and discusses what game theory has achieved up to the present. The aim of von Neumann and Morgenstern was “to find the mathematically complete principles which define rational behavior for the participants in a social economy, and to derive from them the general characteristics of that behavior.” Extending the theory of von Neumann and Morgenstern, Nash classified all games as either non-cooperative games or cooperative games and defined the notion of an equilibrium point for a non-cooperative game. Nash also suggested a research program, now called the Nash program, to analyze a coop erative game by constructing a non-cooperative game model for negotiations. The main field of game theory was cooperative games in the 1950s and the 1960s. Thereafter, research trends in game theory in the 1970s and the 1980s shifted from cooperative games to non-cooperative games, led by the seminal works of Harsanyi on incomplete information games and Selten on perfect equilibrium in extensive games. This socalled non-cooperative revolution greatly promoted applications of non-cooperative game theory to economics. At the same time, researchers became increasingly dissatisfied with the strong assumption of rationality in traditional game theory, and consequently research interest turned toward two new fields in the 1990s. One is evolutionary game theory, developing out of evolutionary biology, and the other is behavioral game theory, which collaborates with psychology. Evolutionary game theory investigates dynamic processes of evolution and learning in economic behavior, and it reformulates game equilibrium as a stable stationary state of those dynamic processes. Behavioral game theory studies the structures of motivation, cognition, and reasoning in human decision-making using the methodology of experiments. This paper shows how present-day research in game theory is developing in divergent fields that consider both traditional theory based on unbounded rationality and behavioral theory exploring human bounded rationality. Game theory continues to be one of the most active research fields in economics.
岡田 章 松本 結希 山越 達也 西川 誠 福島 恵造 杉岡 信幸
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.12, pp.716-725, 2014-12-10 (Released:2015-12-10)

Recently, use of inhaled corticosteroid anti-asthmatic drugs has been increasing due to the increase of bronchial asthma patients. However, there are some side effects of inhaled corticosteroid, such as hoarseness, which can affect a patient's quality of life (QOL). Therefore, to contribute to the proper and individual use of these anti-asthmatic drugs, we conducted a statistical analysis to determine the cause of hoarseness by collecting information to find a relationship between the rate of patients suffering from hoarseness, their personal backgrounds and each inhaled corticosteroid.In our present study, the rate of hoarseness onset in smokers was 4.15 times higher than that of non-smokers. On the other hand, fluticasone propionate (FP) is the component of inhaled anti-asthmatic drugs, which has the largest average particle size. Rate of hoarseness onset of inhaled FP was higher than any other component of inhaled corticosteroids. However, in inhaled anti-asthmatic drugs having FP as the main corticosteroid component, difference of the onset of hoarseness was observed between five nozzle types of devices. This result suggested that the cause of this difference was derived from the individual shape of the device's nozzle.In this study, it was revealed that the difference in nozzle types of devices and the particle size of drug components affect mainly the occurrence frequency of hoarseness. These results provide helpful information about appropriate use of inhaled anti-asthmatic drugs including effective patient education for self-administration.
本 秀紀 愛敬 浩二 森 英樹 小澤 隆一 植松 健一 村田 尚紀 木下 智史 中里見 博 小林 武 上脇 博之 奥野 恒久 近藤 真 植村 勝慶 倉持 孝司 小松 浩 岡田 章宏 足立 英郎 塚田 哲之 大河内 美紀 岡本 篤尚 前原 清隆 中富 公一 彼谷 環 清田 雄治 丹羽 徹 伊藤 雅康 高橋 利安 川畑 博昭

比較憲法研究・憲法理論研究を通じて、(1)先進諸国が「ポスト・デモクラシー」という問題状況の中でさまざまな問題を抱えていること、(2)各国の政治状況・憲法制度の差異等が原因となって、その問題の現れ方には多様性があること、の2点が確認された。そして、「ポスト・デモクラシー」の状況の下で国内・国際の両面で進行する「格差社会」化の問題は、今日の憲法制度・憲法理論において有力な地位を占める「法的立憲主義Liberal Democracy」の考え方では、適切・正当な対応をすることが困難であることを明らかにした。以上の検討を踏まえて、民主主義をシリアスに受け止める憲法理論の構築の必要性が確認された一方、「政治的公共圏」論を抽象論としてではなく、(日本を含めた)実証的な比較憲法研究との関連において、その意義と問題点を検討するための理論的条件を整備した。
岡田 章子
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.11-25, 2000-09-01

Magic, fairies, and myth are prevalent in many of Keats's poetry. His keen interest in the supernatural elements is especially evident in the fairy heroines in "Lamia" and "La Belle Dame sans Merci" and in the enchanting background in "The Eve of St. Agnes." In these lyric narratives, the mortal-immortal lovers enjoy a momentarily brilliant union in the visionary world, and the mortal lovers in "The Eve of St. Agnes" gain superhuman qualities as they are enchanted by Keats's skillful spell. Japan has also a tradition of myth and folklore where magic and supernatural elements are fused in the human world, but we do not have fairies; "fairies" essentially came from Western culture, and our folktales are much more humble and commonplace. In contrast, Keats's splendid treatment of these elements in the narrative poems particularly attracts me. This essay explores how the magic and fairies work in the three narrative poems named above, in comparison with Japanese folklore and shows how charming Keats's supernatural elements are to the Japanese mind. In "Lamia," all sorts of supernatural phenomena-the mythological background, brilliant magic, transformation, and mortal-immortal lovers-are contained. In "La Belle Dame sans Merci," the fairy is a most mysterious heroine, and the mortal-immortal love is highly intense, being followed by momentary horror, though the knight is uncertain of what has happened to him. In "The Eve of St. Agnes," though we do not have mortal-immortal love nor the practice of magic nor the metamorphosis, the reader and the characters are always enchanted by Keats's spell. In the end the mortal lovers are shifted to fairy lovers and are gone into a visionary realm. Japanese folktales have supernatural creatures; however, they are more properly called "spirits" akin to gods, than fairies. Usually, they are shapeless like air, unlike monstrous Western fairies. The mortal-immortal union is also prevalent in Japanese supernatural tales. But the union is seldom love, usually marriage, and the stability of life. Very frequently, the mortal-immortal marriage is animal-human marriage. As the animals once had their lives saved by men, they appear in the form of women and devote themselves as wives to repay the kindness. This grateful repayment shows a feature of our folktale. They obediently keep house and produce children by spell. After a while, they return to their original animal form or disappear to another realm. In the mortal-immortal relations, women tend to be magicians and demons and transform themselves as in the case of Keats's three narratives. Probably it is universal that women are more likely to be devilish by nature. Another characteristic of our folklore is that our spirits are linked with ordinary common people and common places, not with kings, queens, knights, and castles like Keats's subject matter. Japanese supernatural creatures are not so romantic; rather, they are related to daily life. This difference makes us fascinated with Keats's glorious, sensuous magic and fairies. We adore the romantic love story of the knights and the mysterious fairy lady in "La Belle Dame sans Merci," the lovely mythological background and the magic palace in "Lamia," and the charming Madeline and Porphyro in the medieval castle.
伊藤 健司 茂田 哲郎 岡田 章代 小曾根 裕之 千葉 慎一
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.38 Suppl. No.2 (第46回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.CcOF2077, 2011 (Released:2011-05-26)

【目的】 肩の運動を構成する要素の中で肩甲骨の動きは重要である。肩甲骨は胸郭上に浮遊している特徴をもつため、胸郭の柔軟性・頭位・脊柱の可動性さらに骨盤・下肢からの影響も無視できない。また臨床において頭部前方位姿勢(FHP)が肩甲胸郭関節の機能不全を引き起こしていると思われる症例をよくみかけるが、肩甲胸郭関節の機能不全に対して頭部の位置をいわゆる良い姿勢(耳垂のやや後方からの垂線が肩峰を通る)へ促すアプローチをすることにより機能不全が改善することを多く経験する。しかし頭部の位置と肩甲帯の動きの関係性についての報告は少ない。 我々は第45回本学術大会において肩甲帯屈曲・伸展の骨盤前後傾による影響を報告した。骨盤前傾位が後傾位に比べると肩甲帯屈曲・伸展ともに有意に可動域が大きい結果となった。今回は頭部前方位姿勢と良い姿勢での頭部の位置変化により肩甲帯屈曲・伸展角度に違いがでるのかどうか明らかにすることが本研究の目的である。【方法】 対象は肩関節に既往のない20歳から30歳代の男性7名13肩(平均年齢25.6±3.0歳)とした。プラットフォーム上端座位で良い姿勢と頭部前方位姿勢のそれぞれで肩甲帯屈曲・伸展を左右3回ずつ自動運動にて日本整形外科学会・日本リハビリテーション医学会が制定する関節可動域検査法(以下、従来の方法)で測定した。従来の方法は我々が第44回本学術大会において報告し、評価の信頼性を得ることができている。頭部前方位姿勢は被験者に対して端座位にて前方を注視させたまま頭部を前方に突出させ、最大頭部前方位姿勢となった状態と定義した。また良い姿勢とは被験者に対して端座位にて耳垂のやや後方からの垂線が肩峰を通り軽く顎を引いた姿勢と定義した。 統計処理は、対応のあるt検定を用いて、良い姿勢での肩甲帯屈曲・伸展と頭部前方位姿勢での肩甲帯屈曲・伸展をそれぞれ検討し、有意水準を5%未満とした。【説明と同意】 ヘルシンキ宣言に基づき対象者に対して研究の趣旨と内容、得られたデータは研究の目的以外には使用しないこと、および個人情報漏洩に注意することについて十分な説明のうえ同意を得て行った。【結果】 良い姿勢での肩甲帯可動域は右屈曲26.7±5.7度、右伸展22.3±6.7度、左屈曲26.4±5.6度、左伸展24.2±10.3度であった。頭部前方位姿勢での肩甲帯可動域は右屈曲20.7±3.1度、右伸展14.5±7.4度、左屈曲21.9±4.8度、左伸展17.5±7.4度であった。良い姿勢と頭部前方位姿勢での肩甲帯屈曲・伸展の可動域はともに有意差が認められた。良い姿勢の方が頭部前方位姿勢と比較すると肩甲帯屈曲・伸展ともに有意に可動域が大きい値を示す結果となった(p<0.05)。【考察】 今回の結果から頭部前方位姿勢の方が良い姿勢に比べ肩甲帯屈曲・伸展可動域がともに小さいことが分かった。頭部前方位姿勢は2パターンあることが確認された。1パターンは円背様の姿勢で骨盤後傾を伴い胸腰椎後弯し頭部が前方に変位する姿勢。2パターン目は骨盤の動きは少なく頭部が前方に変位し肩甲骨内転位でバランスを保っているような胸椎伸展傾向の姿勢である。どちらのパターンも頭部を前方位に保持するため肩甲帯が姿勢調節に関与し、肩甲帯の動きが少なくなったのではないかと考えた。円背様の姿勢では胸椎後弯し肩甲帯が屈曲位で姿勢を保持しバランスを保っているため、肩甲帯屈曲・伸展ともに可動域が減少したのではないかと推察された。2パターン目の姿勢でも肩甲帯を内転位にすることでバランスを保っているために、肩甲帯屈曲・伸展のともに可動域が減少したのではないかと推察された。 頭部を前方に変位させると人それぞれで姿勢を制御し、身体を使いやすいように動かしているので臨床においてはそれぞれに対して使い方を少しでも変えるアプローチをすることで機能不全が改善できるのではないかと思う。 我々が第45回本学術大会で報告した内容と併せて考えると頭部の位置や骨盤・脊柱の肢位変化は肩甲帯の可動性に影響すると改めて確認することができた。 今後の課題として肩甲帯屈曲・伸展のみの動きのだけではなく、さまざまな肩甲骨の動きと頭部・脊柱・骨盤の肢位の関係を検討していきたい。【理学療法学研究としての意義】 頭部の位置が肩甲帯の動きに影響するのかどうかを調べることにより、臨床的に肩関節疾患を評価・治療をする際、頭部の位置を考慮にいれて理学療法を行うことの科学的な根拠を提示することができた。
岡田 章子
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.60, no.2, pp.242-258, 2009-09-30 (Released:2012-03-01)

荻野 雅史 岡田 章吾 内海 哲史
vol.2021, pp.32-39, 2021-11-18

インターネットアプリケーションの多様化に伴い,端末間通信は高スループット,低遅延がますます求められるようになってきた.一方,ネットワーク機器に搭載されるバッファメモリのサイズの増加と,ロスベース輻輳制御機構の利用に起因し,バッファリング遅延が増大する現象である Bufferbloat が問題視されている.バッファリング遅延を抑える輻輳制御機構として,BBR が Google 社より発表され,のちに,MIT コンピュータサイエンス・人工知能研究所により Copa が発表された.本稿では,TCP 輻輳制御機構としてもっともシェアが高い,ロスベース輻輳制御機構である CUBIC と,バッファリング遅延を抑える最新の輻輳制御機構である Copa との競合時,及び,バッファリング遅延を抑える輻輳制御機構同士である Copa と BBR の競合時における性能評価を行う.
岡田 章
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.49, no.1, pp.137-154, 2007-06

This paper considers the history of game theory since von Neumann and Morgenstern published their monumental work The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior in 1944. It points out changes in research themes and discusses what game theory has achieved up to the present. The aim of von Neumann and Morgenstern was "to find the mathematically complete principles which define rational behavior for the participants in a social economy, and to derive from them the general characteristics of that behavior." Extending the theory of von Neumann and Morgenstern, Nash classified all games as either non-cooperative games or cooperative games and defined the notion of an equilibrium point for a non-cooperative game. Nash also suggested a research program, now called the Nash program, to analyze a coop erative game by constructing a non-cooperative game model for negotiations. The main field of game theory was cooperative games in the l950s and the 1960s. Thereafter, research trends in game theory in the 1970s and the 1980s shifted from cooperative games to non-cooperative games, led by the seminal works of Harsanyi on incomplete information games and Selten on perfect equilibrium in extensive games. This so-called non-cooperative revolution greatly promoted applications of non-cooperative game theory to economics. At the same time, researchers became increasingly dissatisfied with the strong assumption of rationality in traditional game theory, and consequently research interest turned toward two new fields in the 1990s. One is evolutionary game theory, developing out of evolutionary biology, and the other is behavioral game theory, which collaborates with psychology. Evolutionary game theory investigates dynamic processes of evolution and learning in economic behavior, and it reformulates game equilibrium as a stable stationary state of those dynamic processes. Behavioral game theory studies the structures of motivation, cognition, and reasoning in human decision-making using the methodology of experiments. This paper shows how present-day research in game theory is developing in divergent fields that consider both traditional theory based on unbounded rationality and behavioral theory exploring human bounded rationality. Game theory continues to be one of the most active research fields in economics.
岡田 章 荒木 躋 金 政全 繁田 幸男 泉 寛治
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.15, no.2, pp.89-94, 1972-03-31 (Released:2011-08-10)

Following ingestion of the caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea or green tea, with either sodium cyclamate or sucrose (20g) as a sweetening, changes in blood glucose, serum cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid levels were studied in diabetics, and following results were obtained:1. The caffeine content ingested in this study was 370 mg/ 8 g of instant coffee, 150 mg/ 4g of instant tea and 110 mg/ 4g of green tea, respectively.2. Blood glucose levels did not change after ingestion of the caffeinated beverages with sodium cyclamate. With sucrose, a slight increase in blood glucose levels was observed in normal and diabetic subjects.3. A significant increase in free fatty acid levels was observed when the caffeinated beverages were ingested with sodium cyclamate. With sucrose, on the other hand, the increase in free fatty acid levels was suppressed during the first 2 hours after ingestion.4. The lipolytic effect was the greatest after coffee and the least after green tea among the three caffeinated beverages. The positive relationship between the lipolytic effect and the caffeine content in these beverages was found.5. There were no significant changes in serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels after ingestion of the caffeinated beverages.As judged by the change in free fatty acid levels, sucrose is recommended as a sweetening for the caffeinated beverages in mild diabetics.
岡田 章子 Akiko Okada
英米評論 = English Review (ISSN:09170200)
no.7, pp.123-138, 1993-01-29
鈴木 光男 岡田 章
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.3, pp.32-36, 1985-11-01

Information plays an important role in social and economic situations where decision makers with different interests are interdependent. From a game theoretic point of view, we investigate the problems of information such as how information affects the behavior of each decision maker, whether information is profiable for decision makers or not, and what the value of information is. The paper consists of the following sections : (1) Introduction, (2) The form of a game and its solution concept, (3) The information structures and the equilibrium points, (4) The value of information, (5) Concluding remarks. In Section 2, we present the extensive form of a game and define the concept of a (Nash) equilibrium point. In Section 3, developing the well-known Kuhn's theorem, we show that in the class of games with perfect recall a game is determinate, i.e., has at least one equilibrium point in pure strategies if and only if it has perfect information. In Section 4, the basic result on the value of information is stated, which says that private information is always profitable for a player in zero-sum two-person games. We also provide an example of a non-zero-sum two-person game in which the value of private information is negative.