福井 玲
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.1, pp.11-17, 2001-04-30

This paper describes some of the typical pitch accent systems found in Korean dialects and discusses various tonal or accentual phenomena that are important for a deeper understanding of each of the pitch systems. Typological comparisons with the pitch accent systems of Japanese are also made. The author also gives a provisional classification of all the Korean pitch accent systems so far reported, including non-distinctive ones, based on several synchronic criteria.
Ralph L. Rose
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.21, no.3, pp.33-40, 2017-12-30 (Released:2018-04-27)

Filled pauses (FPs) in English can be either monophonemic ‘uh’ [ə] or polyphonemic ‘um’ [əm]. These differ temporally: shorter ‘uh’ is associated with shorter overall delay (including silent pauses). Japanese FPs are more varied, including both monophonemic ([ε], [ŋ]) and polyphonemic ([ε:to], [ɑno]) forms. This study compares the FPs of native Japanese speakers in a crosslinguistic speech corpus. Results show speakers use FPs with a lower F1 than native English speakers and strongly prefer the monophonemic form. Duration patterns are similar, but low proficiency speakers delay longer with monophonemic FPs. Results suggest possibilities for nonnative speech detection in speech applications.
川上 蓁
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.1, no.2, pp.20-27, 1997-08-30

Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the accent patterns of Kyoto Japanese at three stages of its development or simplification. Here H means that the pattern begins with the High Register, while L means that the pattern begins with the Low Register. (The Register is of no use in the description of Tokyo Japanese.) The marks "["and"]" indicate the points of Up-Turn and Down-Turn of the voice pitch. The Down-Turn may be interpreted as the Accent Kernel when it is culminative, that is when it has no cunterpart - Up-Turn, as is the case of Modern Japanese. The letter r in the example of Section 3.1 stands for the Rising Inclination (a rise in an undecided manner), and the letter n expresses the negation of it. In short, n means an almost even tone. The letter t in Section 4.1 means the Tense Inclination, and n here means "not tense" or a slow falling tone.
小磯 花絵
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.18, no.1, pp.57-69, 2014-04-30

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between syntactic structures and boundary pitch movements (BPMs) of accentual phrases such as rising and rising-falling tones based on a quantitative analysis of spontaneous Jananese monologs. We found that BPMs tend to occur more frequently at syntactically and semantically deep boundaries, and also that the BPM rate at syntactically shallow boundaries tends to increase as the distance from the weak or non-clause boundary to its modified bunsetsu phrases increases. These results suggest that BPMs could have the function of indicating the continuation of the utterance. We also discuss the relationship between the occurrence of BPMs and cognitive load in speech planning.
天野 成昭 近藤 公久
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.4, no.2, pp.44-50, 2000-08-30

NTT psycholinguistic databases "Lexical Properties of Japanese" were developed for the large number of Japanese words and characters. The databases contain word and character information such as familiarity, frequency of occurrence, appropriateness of accent, appropriateness of orthography, subjective complexity, and other important psycholinguistic properties. Words and characters satisfying multiple search conditions can be very efficiently obtained for stimuli in psycholinguistic experiments, which was impossible without the database in past days. The databases provide a basis for psycholinguistic research on Japanese.
かりまた しげひさ
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.9, no.3, pp.23-28, 2005-12-31

In order to hand down the endangered Ryukyuan language to posterity, we have made an audio database of all headwords and examples of the Ryukyuan language based on a number of dictionaries of Ryukyuan dialects, such as Dictionary of Nakijin Dialect and Dictionary of an Amami Dialect, on Semantic Principles. The database is available on the homepage of the library of the University of the Ryukyus. This paper will introduce the Audio Database of the Ryukyuan Language and also discuss the significance of the preparation of the database and problems to be solved in the future.
ナヨアン フランキー R. 横山 紀子 磯村 一弘 宇佐美 洋 久保田 美子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.2, pp.28-39, 2012

This research investigated the acquisition of long and short vowels and pitch accents through perception, sentence reading, and conversational discourse of the Japanese language by 20 Indonesian speakers. They made few errors in listening to short vowels, however, many errors in long ones, and final positioning was very difficult. Indonesians use pitch change as a source of information in long vowel recognition. While reading they made few errors in pronouncing long and short vowels as they read it consciously. In natural discourse, they committed errors in all middle, initial, final positions. In both reading and natural discourse, they pronounced long vowels without any pitch change.
藤本 雅子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.3, pp.1-13, 2012-12-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

Effects of consonantal environment and speech rate on vowel devoicing are examined from glottal opening patterns of an Osaka subject. Results demonstrated that for the initial consonant of /CVC/, the glottis widely opened both for stops and fricatives, which presumably facilitates devoicing. For the second consonant, the glottis widely opened for fricatives but not for stops. However, vocal fold vibration of the preceding vowel continued into the consonants only for fricatives. Thus, fricatives are likely to suppress devoicing in intervocalic position. For the consonant /h/, continuation of vocal fold vibration lasts until the end of the consonant, which will strongly suppress devoicing. A sequence of fricatives suppresses devoicing presumably due to faster glottal adduction for fricatives than stops. The distance of glottal openings between preceding and following consonants becomes shorter in fast speech, which may facilitate devoicing.
小倉 肇
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.8, no.2, pp.14-25, 2004-08-31 (Released:2017-08-31)

In this paper, I propose that the phonotactic restriction that 衣 ([e]) should be used at the word-initial position and 江 ([je]) should be used otherwise was formed in the early part of the 10th century. The phrase "e-no-je (えのえ) ", which is included in Ametsuchi-no-uta written by Minamoto-no-Shitago, also follows this phonotactics. Around the middle of the 10th century, the phonotactics began to lose force gradually, and the change from [e-] to [je-] occurred at the initial position of the second (and subsequent) word in the combination of words. Consequently, the delimitative function of [e] weakened, and [je] came to be used at both the initial and non-initial positions. By the end of the 10th century, [e] had completely merged into [je].
中川 裕
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.2, no.3, pp.52-62, 1998-12-30

This article provides information on the clicks which characterize the consonantal systems of Khoisan languages and their neighbouring languages. It discusses some issues of the framework for the description of clicks, and presents a brief survey of click systems sampled from a wide range of Khoisan languages in terms of click types and click accompaniments.
前川 喜久雄
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.15, no.1, pp.16-28, 2011-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

Penultimate Non-Lexical Prominence, or PNLP, is a variant of phrase final rising-falling intonation in Standard (Tokyo) Japanese. In the first half of the paper, phonetic difference between the authentic rising-falling intonation and PNLP was examined using the phonetic data of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ). In the last half, PNLP's linguistic function was analyzed using CSJ's monologue speech and clause boundary labels that provide information about the relative strengths of various clause boundaries. Analysis of the distribution of PNLP with reference to clause boundaries revealed two interesting functions. Firstly, PNLP seemed to have culminative function; it occurred, typically, only once in an utterance bounded by absolute (i.e., the strongest)clause boundaries. Secondly, modest delimitative function was also observed; PNLP occurred, most frequently, but not regularly, in the penultimate accentual phrase of an utterance thereby predicting the end of an utterance. These findings and pilot text analysis suggested tentative conclusion that native speakers of Japanese used PNLP to predict the end of an utterance and a change in topic at the utterance boundary.
邊 姫京
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.15, no.2, pp.23-37, 2011-08-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

This study examines the influence of word accent on high vowel devoicing in the Keihanshin area. Thirty-one native Japanese speakers (of old, middle-aged, and young generations) who had grown up in Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe participated in this experiment. The 117 words with four types of accents (HH, LL, HL, and LH) were analyzed. These four types are the pitch configurations of the first two morae in a word with two, three, or four morae. The high vowel of the first mora has a possibility of devoicing. Two main findings emerge from the study. First, differences among the four types of accents do not significantly affect the devoicing rate of the speakers who have traditional Keihan-shiki accents. Second, the devoicing rate of the older generation is significantly lower than that of the middle-aged or younger generation.
斎藤 弘子 上田 功
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.15, no.1, pp.87-95, 2011-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper surveys the phenomenon of misplacement of the intonation nucleus in English by Japanese learners, by integrating the studies conducted by the same authors on several occasions. The studies were carried out from various perspectives in order to find out the reason why Japanese learners of English tend to pronounce words belonging to certain grammatical categories with high pitch, which native speakers of English interpret as the intonation nucleus being misplaced. The reasons behind this kind of mispronunciation, however, is in fact various and complex, and cannot be explained by simple negative transfer from the native language. Moreover, it has been found that formal instruction is needed in order to induce correct nuclear-stress placement.
松井 理直
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.19, no.2, pp.55-69, 2015-08-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

The C/D model (Fujimura 1992, 2007) is an explicit framework that calculates the continuous physical gestures and quantitative phonetic information of speech sounds from the input data which consist of the qualitative phonological information. Fujimura proposes that this input information is given in the form of a syllable-based set of unary and underspecified phonological features rather than a set of binary features used by many phonological theories. This study argues for the structure of the syllable-based input information with 'mora sets', and representations of unary features that define the qualitive characters of the impulse response functions. This argument is developed based on a discussion of vowel devoicing in Japanese.
山田 高明
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.22, no.3, pp.17-28, 2018-12-30 (Released:2019-02-27)

The Kamifukami dialect spoken in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto, has a two-pattern accent system. Among the two-pattern accent systems in Kyushu, bunsetsu obligatorily serves as an accentual unit and, except in a few cases, the “expansion of an accentual unit,” where a single accent pattern spans over two or more bunsetsu, has not been observed. However, this study reveals that the Kamifukami dialect exhibits the expansion of an accentual unit in a wider range of environments than other dialects. It also confirms that a two-pattern system in this dialect is typologically unusual because bunsetsu does not necessarily function as an accentual unit.
高山 知明
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.6, no.1, pp.44-52, 2002-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

The aim of this article is to emphasize the necessity for further investigation into the relationship between Sino-Japanese and Yamato, and to present a couple of topics on the historical phonology of Japanese. One of the main questions that deserves to be challenged is how the indigenous structure extended to SJ word formation, such as geminations, of which the earlier stage can be hardly attested by historical records. Another topic concerns vowel coalescence. The interesting interaction between SJ word types and Yamato accounts for these sound changes.
上野 善道
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.44-62, 2012-04-30

After defining an N-pattern accent as a system where only N oppositions exist irrespective of the length of the accentual unit, I examine four characteristics cross-dialectically and argue that: (1) The accentual unit is a bunsetsu, which is found pandialectally; (2) Serialization basically holds true for the system, but not, when a noun has an accent kernel specified from the end of the word; (3) Both the compound accent rule to the effect that the accent of a compound inherits the accent of its first member, and accent pattern congruity in conjugation have many exceptions. Both depend on how the dialect underwent historical changes, at least in Mainland Japanese. Finally, the histories of two-pattern accent systems in Kyushu and three-pattern accents in Oki-no-shima are considered.
松森 晶子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.30-40, 2012-04-30

Based on the descriptive studies of some 3-patterned and 2-patterned accentual systems in Northern Ryukyuan (Amami-Okinawa region), this research report proposes a list of vocabulary classified according to groups of accentual or tonal patterns which are supposed to exist for nouns, verbs, and adjectives in Prato-Ryukyuan. The list contains the vocabulary belonging to A, B, and C categories for nouns, and A and B categories for verbs and adjectives. Labelling these categories as "Keiretsu (categories)" and the vocabulary list as "Keiretsu-betsu goi," the paper argues that the vocabulary list will be useful in future field research on synchronic as well as diachronic studies on accent and phonology of the Ryukyuan linguistic systems.