河田 惠昭 柄谷 友香
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.43, pp.1-12, 1999

これまで, 著者らは大規模な人的被害に基づく間接被害額を平均寿命とGRPの関係を用いて評価し, その手法を1995年の阪神・淡路大震災などの災害事例に適用してきた。この手法を世界各国に適用しようとすれば, 各国の統計デ」タが必ずしも公安されていないなど問題がある。そこで本研究では, 普通死亡率と平均寿命の関係に着目することによって, 従来の手法を簡便に用いることができるようにした。その手法を1999年のトルコおよび台湾の地震に適用した結果, 人的被害による社会的価値の損失は33.3億ドルおよび30.9億ドルと推定された。This Paper proposes a method to estimate indirect losses due to large scale natural disastersbased on the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and the average life span. We already applied to estimate indirect losses due to the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. This approach requires death data in the damaged areas for calculation of average life span, which is not always available in many countries in the world. Therefore, we tried our conventional model to apply other countries using a correlation between the crude death rate and the average life span. In this paper, we put the method to the quakes in Turkey and in Taiwan in 1999. It was found that indirect losses in the first year were roughly estimated to be $3.33 billion in Turkey and $3.09 billion in Taiwan respectively.
若林 実 南 宏一 西村 泰志
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.24, pp.p225-243, 1981-04

An experimental study is made to know the effect of working axial compression on the reductionof load carrying capacity of interior beam-to-column connection in steel reinforced concrete frames.Experimental variable is the ratio of applied axial compression to the ultimate compressive strength.Main discussion is concentrated on the shear strength, failure mechanism, strain history of webpanel and flange portion and hysteretic characteristics involved in the large deformation range undermonotonic and repeated loading. It is concluded that the load carrying capacity of beam-to-columnconnection that is supposed to fail in shear is hardly affected by magnitude of axial compressionon column
奥田 節夫
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.27, pp.p353-368, 1984-04

Historical records of large slope failures in Japan and foreign countries were collected andanalyzed to investigate occurrence frequency of the large slope failures and some dynamical andgeometrical features of debris deposits of the slope failures.It is shown that large slope failures have occurred in Japan much more frequently than inWestern countries. The relationship between the volume of slided debris and the equivalentcoefficient of friction for the debris motion is common to Japan and Western countries. Thefeatures of deposits spreading of slided debris showed a similar relationship between deposit areaand volume, but different shape over a wide range of debris volume with various types of slopefailures.
森 信人 鈴木 崇之 木原 直人
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.53, pp.425-432, 2009

沿岸域における台風時の強風時の表層近くの強混合鉛直混合を対象に着目し,現地観測と数値計算を実施した。両者の解析結果から台風接近時に顕著な水温の低下が観測され,極浅海で生じる低温水が沖に輸送されて沿岸部の水温を低下される。海面での海面粗度やTKEフラックスを波浪のスペクトルから与えることにより,台風最接近時の水温低下が再現されている。Since major driving forces of vertical mixing processes are wind and wind wave mixing, the boundary condition of turbulent kinetic energy flux at the ocean face is formulated as cubic of friction velocity by Craig-Banner relation. It is not well verified in general conditions including wave conditions and shallow water environment. This study estimates effects of wave conditions on vertical mixing processes at the ocean upper layers in the stormy condition. The field observation was conducted during typhoon Melor in 2009. The observed water temperature distributions indicate importance of wind and wave induced mixing in the nearshore. The numerical results show that the wave induced vertical turbulent flux significantly influences on the water temperature and the current, respectively.
光田 寧
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.40, pp.47-61, 1997-04
Kondo Tamiyo Hayashi Haruo Topping Kenneth MAKI Norio BANBA Michiko TAMURA Keiko TATSUKI Shigeo TANAKA Satoshi HORIE Kei HASEGAWA Koichi KARATANI Yuka FUKASAWA Yoshinobu
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.47, pp.305-313, 2003

本稿は、フィリピン・マリキナ市において、現地の自治体職員と日本の防災専門家とのコラボレーションによって策定された総合的な地震防災計画の策定プロセスとその内容について報告するものである。計画の策定は、計5回のワークショップを通して現地の自治体職員らによる合意形成のもとで行われた。Comprehensive Earthquake Disaster Reduction Program (CEDRP)は、参加型のプロセスを通して策定された地震防災計画であり、その総合性・包括性、防災の4段階を考慮に入れた点などで先駆的である。今後は、計画の実現に向けての実行計画をすすめると同時に、CEDRPの有効性、効果などを再び検証して計画の質の向上を図っていくことが求められているといえる。As a collaborative effort, earthquake disaster experts from Japan joined with a local stakeholder team made up mainly of Marikina City administrators to develop a comprehensive and integrated Marikina Comprehensive Earthquake Disaster Reduction Program (CEDRP). The CEDRP features a systematic structure in which a single goal is elaborated into ten objectives, along with policies/strategies and programs/projects while also taking into account the four phases of the disaster management cycle. The ten objectives can be categorized into three general policies summarizing physical, informational and strategic countermeasures.
宮澤 理稔 Mori Jim
京都大学防災研究所 / Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.48, pp.133-142, 2004

日本で観測された歴史震度と気象庁の震度記録を用いて,1586年から2004年9月までの最大震度を地図化した。気象庁震度で4以上を記録した全337イベントを用いた。大きな震度が記録された領域が,太平洋沿岸に見られ,これは繰り返し発生する巨大プレート間地震に対応する。また陸域に於いて,内陸活断層上の地震による,パッチ状の震度の大きな領域が見られた。過去約400年間において、日本の領域の約90%で震度5弱以上を,30%で震度6弱以上を記録した。We map the recorded maximum seismic intensity for earthquakes in Japan from 1586 to September 2004 using compiled historical records and Japan Metrological Agency (JMA) intensity data. We used a total of 337 events that had JMA intensity level of 4 or greater. The regions with high intensities are located along the Pacific coast side, reflecting the recurrent large inter-plate earthquakes. Also onshore, we find patchy high intensity regions due to earthquakes on onshore active faults. During the last 400 years, about 90% of the regions in Japan have experienced JMA intensity equal to or greater than 5- and 30% of the regions have had intensities equal to or larger than 6-.