唐沢 かおり 月元 敬
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-5, 2010 (Released:2010-06-30)

A survey study was conducted to examine the effect of the information processing styles (rational processing vs. intuitive processing; Epstein, 1994) on the beliefs toward paranormal phenomena. Five-hundred and fifty Japanese citizens who reside in the metropolitan area in Japan were randomly selected and received the questionnaire, and 116 citizens responded. The information processing style was measured with the short version of Rational and Intuitive Information-Processing Style Inventory developed by Naito et al (2004). We also asked the participants to indicate the degree to believe the three kinds of paranormal phenomena; fortune telling ("a horoscope" and "blood type fortune-telling", para-science ("UFO" and "supernatural power", and conventional religion ("gods or Buddha" and "a curse". To examine the effect of the information processing style, we first divided the participants into 4 groups (high-rational and high-intuitive, high-rational and low-intuitive, low-rational and high-intuitive, and low-rational and low-intuitive), and submitted the ratings for the degree to believe the three kind of paranormal phenomena for 2 (high-rational vs. low-rational) x 2 (high-intuitive vs. low-intuitive) ANOVAs. The analyses revealed the significant interaction of rational processing and intuitive processing for fortune telling; the participants who were high-rational and low-intuitive believed the fortune telling less than other. Furthermore, a tendency for the main effect for para-science indicated that those who were high-rational believed para-science more than those who were low-rational. For conventional religion, no effect of information processing style was revealed. The discussion argued that these results were to some extent due to the social functions of three kinds of paranormal phenomena.
中嶋 麻菜 海老原 直邦 西条 寿夫 大平 英樹
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.1, pp.19-25, 2013 (Released:2013-06-29)
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Many people regularly listen to music for stress reduction and for healing. A number of studies have investigated the effects of music on psychological and physiological states. However, there have been few studies to examine the effects of music on recovery from stress states. Therefore, the present study investigated how psychophysiological stress states can be recovered through listening to music. Sixteen participants (3 men and 13 women) were assigned both to a music-condition and to a no music-condition, and performed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The psychological parameters, stress hormones (salivary cortisol and salivary chromogranin A) and autonomic indices (heart rate and heart rate variability; HRV) were measured. All parameters, except autonomic indices, significantly increased after the TSST. Psychological parameters and salivary cortisol showed more significant reduction in participants listening to music than in participants who did not listen to music. When participants listened to music, the heart rate increased and the high frequency of HRV decreased. There was no change in salivary chromogranin A and low frequency/high frequency ratio (LF/HF ratio) of HRV. These results suggest that listening to music led to sympathetic nervous activation rather than parasympathetic nervous activation. Within physiological parameters, salivary cortisol corresponded to psychological stress state most. It could be interpreted that uplifting music made sympathetic nervous activation and led to exultation or excitement rather than to relaxation. Therefore, the autonomic indices would also be corresponding to psychological stress states.
山田 慎太郎 藤井 聡 宮川 愛由
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.155-164, 2016

A referendum in a manner of direct democracy has been occasionally adopted in Japan for a political decision. However, it may not always maximize public interest, and it may thus lead failure. This referendum failure can easily emerge when those who insist a controversial policy, such as politicians who can benefit from the policy, use sophistry to justify the policy. This is because voters can not rationally judge the policy ouing to the sophistry. In this research we focus on politicians' remarks related to the referendum of "Osaka Metropolis Concept" of which voting day was 17th May, 2015 in Osaka City. We quantitatively analyzed remarks by 2 politicians, who are representative debaters in 2 major political parties in Twitter for a month (from 17th, April, 2015 to 17th, May, 2015), and remarks by them in a debate TV program casted in 12th, February, 2015. The result indicates that sophistry accounted for 33.9 % of the Twitter sentences and 48.0 % of the verbal sentences spoken by a politician who insisted the concept, whereas almost no sophistry (only 0.1 %) for the other politician. This result implies that there was risk that voters might not be able not rationally judge based on such frequent sophistry.
加藤 博章
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.13, no.1, pp.37-44, 2015

At the August 2 1990, the Gulf crisis broke out. The United States was seeking the cooperation of the SDF dispatch and funding cooperation in Japan. The Government of Japan was refused dispatch of Self-Defense Forces from the context of Article 9 and accepted other support including financial supports. However, the US Congress and the US media criticized reluctant the correspondence of the Japanese government. Japanese government considered personnel support without using Self-Defense Forces, but Japanese government could not be realized. As a result, Japanese response after the Gulf crisis is described as "Gulf trauma". The main factors that led to this situation was in Japan's political situation at the time. At the time, Liberal Democratic Party was not a majority in the House of Councilors. Therefore, Japanese government needed to assistance by opposition party like Socialist party or Komeito. However, the opposition was reluctant to support to the multinational force. Japanese government was difficult to appeal actively support measures at home and abroad by paying mind for opposition party. In addition, there was also bad timing such as to announce support measures after the additional burden resolution voting against Japan in the US Congress, Japan for the Gulf crisis from the United States Congress and the media, are able to receive it and are taking a passive response, it is they've decided that criticism.
友次 晋介
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.7, no.2, pp.107-127, 2009 (Released:2010-01-14)

This paper examines (1) how the Ford Administration tried to persuade South Korea to give up obtaining the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and their related technologies, which were one of the most sensitive among peaceful nuclear use, and (2) how the Carter Administration solved the dispute with Japan over the operation of its first reprocessing plant in Tokai-Mura. The Ford Administration found the multinational reprocessing concept as a solution to persuade South Korea to forgo its possession of reprocessing plant. In this concept, the multinational reprocessing plant was supposed to be established in territories of a more reliable nation, while the neighboring nations in sensitive areas were to be allowed to access that facility and gain the benefits in exchange for giving up its own reprocessing. The Ford administration tried to get the Japanese help to realize this concept. In the end, South Korea abandoned its reprocessing option because of the U.S. intimidation that the acquisition of reprocessing plant could have a negative impact on the U.S.-Korean bilateral security partnership. The Carter Administration, on the other hand, considered a reprocessing option uneconomic and even universally harmful in terms of proliferation risk, and so it called for a stronger effort to stop the spread of reprocessing plants. As such, the Carter Administration itself abandoned the reprocessing option domestically, while requesting the Japanese to reconsider the operation of the Tokai-Mura plant in attempt to demonstrate that it would seek the universal goal. Thus although the Carter Administration ended up giving concession to the Japanese government, the agreement was made on the condition that Japan's first reprocessing plant was to be operated on experimental basis for the first two years to obtain the technical data for the creation of the international regime to prevent the spread of sensitive technologies.
三浦 浩之
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13474324)
vol.3, no.2, pp.61-87, 2005-02-28
大隅 尚広 山根 嵩史
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.149-154, 2016 (Released:2017-01-06)

Human well-being or happiness is affected by various elements. Well-being is not only determined by the degree to which individuals can meet their basic physical needs, but also how individuals behave. An example is the effect of altruistic behaviors, which are defined as putting others' needs before one's own. Why do altruistic behaviors contribute to a greater sense of well-being in agents? Based on the theoretical account of the role of altruistic behaviors in biological adaptation, it was hypothesized in this study that enhancement of biological fitness underlies subjective well-being. It is important to note that, in theory, the adaptive role of altruistic behaviors differs depending on the recipients. Kin selection and reciprocity underlie altruistic behaviors toward family members and others, respectively. In particular, altruistic behaviors toward non-family members are predicted to increase the fitness of the agents through reciprocal interactions with others; however, altruistic behaviors toward family members may not necessarily have the same effect on agents. To test the possibility that altruistic behaviors might affect well-being differently depending on the recipient, a survey was conducted using self-report scales on subjective well-being and daily altruistic acts toward family members, friends, and strangers. As a control variable or moderator, subjective socioeconomic status was also measured. As predicted, the results indicated that altruistic behaviors toward non-family members positively affected subjective well-being, but those toward family members did not. This effect was particularly prominent among individuals with a relatively lower subjective socioeconomic status. These findings indicate that a lifestyle based on direct and indirect reciprocal interactions results in increased well-being. Accordingly, the present study suggests that subjective well-being and biological adaptation are intimately connected.
唐沢 かおり 戸田山 和久
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.2, pp.117-123, 2013 (Released:2013-12-25)

本研究は、福島第一原発事故後、間もない時期に出版された、一般読者向けの書籍5冊を対象として、その内容を分析し、科学コミュニケーションが科学的事実や科学者組織について、詳細な科学的知識を持たない人たちに伝達する際の問題点を議論したものである。まず焦点を当てたのが、現在、科学的に正しい見解が定まっていないと思われる、低線量放射線による被ばくの危険性に関する議論、および、危険閾についてのガイドラインを提出している組織である「ICRP」(International Commission on Radiological Protection)の信頼性を操作するような記述である。そこでは、科学的な論争における重要な論争点が提示されておらず、また、執筆者の立場により、ICRPの信頼性を高めたり貶めたりするような記述が恣意的になされていることが明らかとなった。このように、科学的論争を、科学的事実に関する議論の場ではなく、関与する科学者や組織の信頼性の問題としてフレームして、読者を説得する手法について、本論文は「信頼性戦争(Credibility war)」方略と名付け、その問題点を、科学的事実への理解が欠如した読者を安易に特定の立場に誘導してしまうこと、また、読者が確証バイアスによりその立場を堅持する結果につながりやすいことにあると指摘した。続いて、科学コミュニケーションのスタイルとして、「知識的に優位な立場の科学者」が、「知識が欠如した一般市民」に「教え授ける」という「欠如モデル」による説得レトリックの存在を指摘した。さらにその問題点として、このモデルがトピックに対しての自我関与がそれほど高くない一般大衆(つまりは、福島第一原発事故の直接被害を受けない層)により強く機能する可能性と、心理的リアクタンスの喚起により、コミュニケーション内容の理解が妨げられる可能性を指摘した。最後に、新しくみられる科学コミュニケーションの一例として、中川(2011)に着目し、一般市民が自らの行動を選択する責任を保持していることを前提にした科学コミュニケーションのあり方の可能性について議論した。そのうえで、放射線被ばくの健康への直接的結果だけではなく、それがもたらす社会的帰結がもたらす影響も総合的に評価したうえで、リスクを評価せねばならないという状況認識の重要性、またリスクを背負う人自身が、リスク評価を行う必要を前提とした科学コミュニケーションが今後求められることを論じた。
林 祐司
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.6, no.1, pp.1_23-1_33, 2008 (Released:2009-06-19)

The youth labor problem is very serious in modern Japan. This paper examines the youth employment and unemployment policy of the Japanese government during the Heisei Recession. During the Heisei Recession, the youth unemployment rate rose heavily and the presence of young people called "freeters" (people who prefer not to take regular jobs) and NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) increased. This paper's purpose is to show the characteristics of the policies during this time and to discover the frontier of employment policy. This paper uses empirical evidences from the documents of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, and the Strategy Council to Foster a Spirit of Independence and Challenge in Youth. First, this paper explores the implications of the Human Capability Strategy (Ningenryoku Senryaku), which the government believes empowers young people. The government, which depends on the Human Capability Strategy, executes policies to improve individual vocational views and capabilities and to dissolve mismatches in labor markets. However, this paper shows an alternative strategy to match young people and employers through various social networks. Theoretically, these two strategies are not contradictory to each other. Second, this paper uses the MHLW documents to analyze the youth employment and unemployment policies during the Heisei Recession. Three characteristic concerns on policies are revealed by this analysis: (1) Prior to fiscal year 2002, the government prepared policies to foster the vocational views of students and provide a placement service for students and "freeters." (2) Since fiscal year 2003, when the Human Capability Strategy appeared in the documents of the Japanese government, the policy to cultivate vocational views was adopted for both students and "freeters." (3) However, youth employment and unemployment policies lack in matching young people and employers through social networks. Finally, this paper insists that the frontier of the youth policy is to make use of social networks.
奈良原 光隆 松井 三枝 宮崎 淳 小林 恒之 西条 寿夫
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-7, 2011 (Released:2011-06-30)

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between moral conscious and self conscious emotion such as shame and guilt, and to investigate the neural mechanism of moral conscious using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Healthy adult participants were investigated with NIRS as they were presented brief stories including description of deviant behavior and were asked to image what happened before and after the stories and to write down the added stories of their images. There were three conditions: self deviant condition, other deviant condition and control condition. The story in each condition consisted of content related to social deviant situation. Self evaluation score of shame and guilt in self deviant condition was significantly higher than that in other deviant condition. The results also showed that arousal of self conscious emotion brought an increase of oxygenated hemoglobin concentrations in the prefrontal area. Especially, concentration change of oxygenated hemoglobin in the prefrontal area under self deviant condition increased more than that under other deviant condition. This result showed arousal of self conscious emotion would have been related to activation of prefrontal area. These findings suggest that it will be important to arouse self conscious emotion for production of moral conscious.
宮坂 和男
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13474324)
vol.6, pp.169-185, 2008-02-28
沼田 潤 井上 智義 朱 虹
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.9, no.2, pp.53-62, 2011 (Released:2011-12-29)
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The purpose of the present study was to examine how photo-presentation could influence on the images toward foreign countries. Especially, we would like to know if it can reduce the prejudice toward those countries that had been related to emotionally negative images. Specifically, it was discussed how Japanese university students' images of negatively-imaged and positively-imaged countries (the former were North Korea and Iraq, and the latter were the United States of America and Australia which were showed by preliminary test) could be modified by providing photos that gave counter impressions, and whether the change of their impressions could last or not. The participants (n = 97) were divided into two groups altogether; a group of S (42 students) that was presented positive-image photos for negatively-imaged countries and negative-image photos for positively-imaged countries, and the other group of D (55 students) that was showed both of positive-and negative-image photos of the four countries. From the results, it was indicated that S participants changed their images of the four countries; on the other hand, it was not recognized that D participants greatly changed their images. Furthermore, according to the delayed test conducted two months later, it was pointed that the modification as to North Korea and Iraq has been partially maintained in S participants. From these findings, it can be considered that photos that counter stereotypic images of foreign countries can reduce the fixed images that university students have. In addition, it was indicated that S participants with conservative thoughts modified their stereotypic images toward North Korea and Iraq more. Hence, photo-presentation is considered an effective method to reduce prejudice toward negatively-imaged countries of conservative university students.
賀茂 道子
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.15, no.2, pp.109-120, 2017 (Released:2017-12-30)

Newspapers were influenced indirectly by the Civil Information and Education Section (CIE) in GHQ, who was responsible for media policy during the occupation period in Japan. This method was not forced like censorship, but rather was an educational approach, where newspaper editors were assembled. Despite this approach being unforced and indirect, newspapers in Japan gradually changed their articles to match the ideals promoted by the CIE. Why did the CIE adopt such an approach, and why was the control of the press so effective despite the chosen methods of influence being indirect and uncoercive? To answer these questions, this paper examined press conferences and focused analysis on reports about trials of war criminals, as a perception gap between the GHQ and Japanese media existed from the beginning of the occupation on the subject of war criminals. The solution was a press conference. At this conference, it was requested that newspaper editors ask vigorous questions to the CIE. Meanwhile, the CIE did not issue direct instructions, but instead focused on explaining the occupation policy and promoting their ideal image of what a newspaper should strive for. As a result, Japanese newspapers took on the advice of the CIE, and, using American newspapers as a model, began voluntarily including human interest stories into their reporting. Likewise, the CIE was able to gain a clearer understanding of the perception held by Japanese newspaper editors and then could use this knowledge in future occupation policy. This interactive nature was the significance of this press conference.
堀田 千絵 武井 祥平 川口 潤
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1_21-1_26, 2007 (Released:2009-06-22)
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Recently, Anderson & Green (2001) showed that people could forget the specific memory, using the Think/No-Think paradigm. However, precise procedure of the Think/No-Think paradigm did not clearly reported in Anderson & Green's (2001) paper. Therefore, the aim of this article was to report that our modifying new type of Think/No-Think paradigm could lead to stable memory impairment effect. The new type of the Think/No-Think paradigm consisted of (1) Memorization; (2) Memorization assessment; (3) No-Think training; (4) Think/No-Think; (5) Cued recall testing. Main modified points involved in (1), (2), (3) and (4). More concretely, first, study stimuli were changed weak related pairs into the unrelated one to reduce the ceiling effect (1). Next, Memorization was assessed by participant's saying the correct response twice in succession with respect to each cue word so that the study of cue-target for each could become equal criterion (2). Also, in the No-Think training (3) and Think/No-Think phase (4), the way of presentation of the to-be-suppressed items and a number of Think/No-Think trials were changed. In the No-Think condition, participants were asked to learn the to-be-suppressed 10 cue words before main Think/No-Think phase, instead of judging the suppression or response trials by the red (suppress) or green (respond) colors. Additionally, they must continue performing the Think/No-Think task while judging whether the presented cue word was to-be-suppressed or to-be-responded one. Finally, a number of the Think/No-Think trials were reduced from 377 to 242 trials to minimize the fatigue effect on the performance of the Think/No-Think tasks. Further, the numbers of presentations of the suppression/response trials for each were 0, 4, and 12. Based upon the revision of the above four points, two experiments (N=48) were conducted. The results of both experiments showed that the final cued recall performance of the 12 suppression condition was worse than that of the baseline condition. Consequently, the new type of the Think/No-Think paradigm could successfully lead to stable memory impairment effect.
大友 章司 竹島 久美子 広瀬 幸雄
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.2, pp.123-132, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)
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We examined the effects of mood on the information processing and on the multiple functions of advertisement. The first experiment hypothesized that positive mood promoted an automatic processing of information and negative mood promoted a controlled processing of information. Moods were induced by asking about happy (positive mood) or unhappy (negative mood) event. Next, participants were presented with the statement advertisement or image advertisement. The results showed that participants in negative mood elaborated the statement advertisement and changed attitude more than participants in positive mood, whereas positive and negative participants presented with image advertisement indicated little attitude change. The second experiment hypothesized that the persuasive effects of image advertisement were depended on the interaction between mood and image relevance to merchandise. Positive or negative mood participants were presented with relevant image advertisement or irrelevant image advertisement. The results showed participants in positive mood indicated more attitude change in irrelevant image advertisement than participants in negative mood, whereas positive and negative mood participants presented with relevant image advertisement indicated little attitude change. Therefore, our results suggest that mood state does not only affect the information processing but also the persuasive effects of information.