筒井 大祐
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.28, pp.1-16, 2021-03-25

小谷 利明
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.1998, no.1, pp.153-201, 1998-03-14

In order to investigate some characteristics of power structure in Kinki area in Sengoku period I analyzed mainly Kawachi province. The significance of examining one clan as a measure was in order to scrutinize the former recognition of Kinki area in Sengoku period. That is to say, the theory of seeing Kinki area as a whole domain ruled by Hosokawa KyochO family made the discussion of the characteristics of each county in Kinki area difficult, as well as hindering deeper research into the relationship between the power of Daimyo (lord) and that of Ikko Ikki (Ikko Uprising). Here, I presented two different types of Ryoshu existent in the power structures used by Hatakeyama, a military governor in Sengoku period, and discussed the changes taking place within them from the beginning to the middle of 16th century. One type was a bureaucratic type of lord (kanryo-gata sengokuryoshu) , a magistrate possessing the privilege to issue Hanbutsu and sharing a part of the military lord's power. Another type was a locally powerful lord (chi'ikikenryoku-gata sengoku ryoshu) , supported by warriors, having a strong 1 military power of his own. The foundation of power in 16th century was related to the birth of a new region. Previously, the domination of regions by military lords was considered to exist at county-level, but with the expansion of regions, the area had become much larger than a county. Regional codes (kokuho) were promulgated in those wide areas and a group of them was united into two parts called jogun (upper county) and Gegun (lower county). Chi'ikikenryoku-gata sengoku ryoshu gained military power in these areas. Meanwhile, development of the influence of Ikko Ikki had some connection to those new areas. Villages related to Honganji were formed on a river bank naturally made by Y odo and Yamato rivers, and this bank was maintained by the integration of Shugo (military lord), Kokujin (local lords) and Ikko sectarians. A military lord was deeply involved in maintenance of this bank in the 16th century. The Tenbun Ikko Ikki that took place in the middle of 16th century was a serious battle between military lords and Ikko sectarians. The peace negotiations phazed into two stages. First was the negotiation between each Shugo and Ryoshu and second was Shugo and Ryoshu together negotiating with the peasants. As a result the power of S/zugo overcame the power of all Ryoshu as the former guaranteed Buji, Safety. Kokuho, regional codes at this time existed basically in order to protect peasants and to prevent private conflicts, and corresponded to Buji provided by Shugo. jinaimachi in Kawachi Province was founded on the grounds of Buji by Shugo and was in practice supported by Chi' ikikenryoku-gata Sengoku Ryoshu. Osakanami established in the Eiroku era (1558-1569) as a movement of obtaining the privilege of Jinai is considered to have developed since Honganji had become Monseki and the Jinaimachi were officially authorized.
吹田 隆道
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.2005, no.2, pp.71-81, 2005-03-25
吹田 隆道 ダニエル ブシュー
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.2, pp.107-129, 1995-03-14

The Nagaropamasutra stands out as one of several works containing a special form of the pratityasamutpada formula, namely a ten-fold origination process and a twelve - fold extinction process. This particular dependent origination theory in this text has
藤井 透
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.2, pp.236-240, 1995-03-14

This book first deals with the formative process of housing policy in Japan which had not been studied. It is also a document which inquired of the persons concerned through the method of oral history. According to the author' view point that "The housing policy is social policy", this review summarizes the features of this book and estimates it. In the first place this book brings home to me that post war Japanese government consistently put emphasis on the preparation of the industrial basis and neglected the housing in constructive administration again. It shows me that housing policy thoroughly adopted the owner-occupation policy and the "number priority" policy too. Therefore I realize in historical cities, such as Kyoto, centralized housing policy doesn't assure the building of the new houses fitted the historical landscape. However her method of oral history can't explain that there is a wide gap between the consciousness of the bureaucracy who tackled the housing problem and the serious conditions many people suffered from housing. As to her view point that "The housing policy is social policy", the theoretical ground needs because the former social policy theory didn't contain the housing policy in Japan.
長光 太志
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.25, pp.49-55, 2018-03-25

本研究ノートでは,日本の大学においてALが推進される経緯を,「大学の大衆化」と「能力観のポスト近代化」という大学を取り巻く 2 つの変化に注目して整理する。そこから見えて来るのは,ALという教育手法が,これらの変化への対応策であることを期待された教育手法だったという事である。ただし,ALの発祥の地であるアメリカと同様の社会現象である「大学の大衆化」と,日本独特の文脈を色濃く持つ「能力観のポスト近代化」とでは,ALへの期待が微妙に異なる。特に後者の期待には,ALに対する幾つかの仮定が差し込まれており,この仮定の真偽を巡る研究が,日本では,まだ進んでいない。本研究ノートは,こうした現状を指摘するものである。アクティブラーニング大学の大衆化能力観のポスト近代化大学生のトランジション
政岡 伸洋
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.6, pp.31-51, 1999-03-25

This paper discusses the anthropological significance and problems of the so-called Maeul Jesa, a Confucianistic village festival found in Cheju-Do in Korea. Previous studies have held that village festivals were originally undertaken by shamanesses, and that the male portion was detached with the penetration of Confucianism. In order to discover the primitive form of the festival, these studies focused on the historical problem of how the Confucianistic festival developed. However, from this perspective, it is impossible to understand the presentday significance of this festival holds for the people living in the local community, and how it has survived to the present day with its high economic growth. With this point in mind, I studied the Poje of Susan 2-Ri, in Namjeju County, and reached the following conclusions. First, concerning the ritual characteristics, it can be said that while this festival aims at the ideal Confucian practice, prayers are conducted for the peace of the local community by taking into consideration the actual conditions of the area. However, with regard to the latter, shamanesses also conduct rituals. Thus there is no reason for the festival to be Confucianistic. Concerning its organizational aspect, the Chegwan is identical with that of the typical Confucian ritual. To act in this office as a representative of the Munjung confers social status on the person. In other words, the most important thing in the Confucianistic village festival is the ideal Confucian practice. We must note that this is not a premodern problem but a contemporary one. From such perspective. we must regard with caution the argument found in recent studies that Confucianism lies at the axis of Korean national culture. Moreover. the problem of modernity and politics concerning the concept of nation and state is the focus of much attention in recent anthropology. Upon recognizing the regional characteristics of Confucianistic village festivals on Cheju-Do. it may be necessary to undertake an analysis from such standpoint as well.
三ツ井 崇
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.2008, no.1, pp.275-294, 2008-12-25

古川 隆司
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.1999, no.2, pp.229-244, 1999-03-25

An increase in the number of foreigners living in Japan has resulted in the need to deal with the so-called "internal internationalization" within Japanese society. The right of foreigners to receive social security is poorly observed and they are forced to live in poor conditions. Under such conditions, they have formed minority groups, and are classified as workers of the lowest class like the lowest Japanese part-time workers. They are discriminated and classified as an lowest social class by ascribed-achievement in Japanese society. In this paper, I discuss these problem in terms of the relation between the Japanese social security system and issue of citizenship of immigrants.
陸 艶
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.21, pp.19-34, 2014-03-25

大藪 俊志
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.21, pp.121-140, 2014-03-25

1980 年代以降,地方自治体の行政改革は,合理化と効率化の徹底,行革推進体制の確立に重点を置き,事務事業の見直し(民間委託の推進),組織・機構の見直し,定員及び給与の適正化(人員の削減と給与の引下げ)などに取り組んできた。また,90年代後半からは,政策(行政)評価,指定管理者制度,PFI(Private Finance Initiative),独立行政法人制度,市場化テストなど,NPM(New Public Management)とされる改革手法の導入も進展する。本稿では,先進国における行政改革の取組みを概観したうえで,近年の地方自治体の行政改革の経緯とその特徴を検討し,今後の自治体行政改革の方向性を展望する。
肖 越
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.18, pp.1-29, 2011-03-25
