鈴木 秀夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.35, no.5, pp.205-211, 1962-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
32 23

市川 健夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.36, no.4, pp.215-231, 1963

1) 八ガ岳山麓西斜面における土地利用は,昭和恐慌・太平洋戦争・戦後を経て大きく変化した.広大な採草地は大部分が林地化し,一部は開拓された。馬産地であつた南部では,酪農が伸びて従来の養蚕にかわり,日本的な混合農業が営まれている.中部・北部では,部分的に洋菜・花卉が発展しているところもあるが, 1929年に三沢勝衛が規定した「穀桑式農業」が構造的な変化をうけずに維持されている.<br> 2) 東斜面の野辺山原では,戦前粗放的な牧野利用が卓越し,後進地域に属していた.ところが1936年の小海線全通後,集約的な遠郊式農業が始められた.さらに戦中・戦後を通じて開拓が大規模に進み,土地景観は一変した.現在ここでは酪農と自由式遠郊農業が有機的に結びついた商業的混合農業が成立しっっある。<br> 3) 八ガ岳の東・西斜面における土地利用は地域類型が異なり,きわめて非対称的であるが,いずれも高冷農業地域として高度な発展段階を示している。
高阪 宏行
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.45, no.11, pp.756-773, 1972
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黒坂 裕之
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.55, no.11, pp.779-788, 1982

Meteorological satellite pictures show the cloud lines which appear around the Japan Islands under a winter monsoon situation. The cloud lines can be classified into four types. The first type is the cloud lines from the open sea surrounded by cold land or sea ice areas. The second type is the cloud lines over the Pacific Ocean, starting from the cloud area over the Japan Sea, and going through the lowlands between the mountain ranges of the Japan Islands. The third type is the cloud lines which start i n the Japan Sea and continue to the western coast of the Japan Islands. From there no cloud lines are seen until reaching the eastern coast to the lee of the gaps in the mountain ranges of the Japan Islands, and continue out over the Pacific Ocean. The fourth type is the cloud lines to the lee of the mountains.<br> The purposes of the present study are to describe the forms of the cloud lines and also to compare the atmospheric condition in relation to the appearance of the cloud lines. The satellite data used in this study are visible photographs taken from the polar-orbit satellite, NOAA-5. The visible information was used to determine the existence and location of cloud lines. The periods of this study are December, 1976 to March, 1977 and December, 1977 to March, 1978.<br> From the visible information, we can determine eight major areas of cloud line appearance. Most of the cloud lines appear under the winter monsoon situation. A circle with its center at a point on the cloud line and with radius of 400 km can be drawn. If a center of low pressure or a center of high pressure appears within the circle, a cloud line does not appear.<br> The cloud lines to the east of Sendai, in northern part of Japan for example, are described by the relationship between the directions of the lower wind and the cloud line direction. The cloud line to the east of Sendai belongs to the third type of cloud line. The reason why these cloud lines were selected is that the aerological station is located at Sendai, upward of the cloud lines. It is easy to compare the cloud line direction with the wind direction at a lower level. The mean value and standard deviation of cloud line direction is 295&deg; and 15&deg;, ranging from 280&deg; to 320&deg;. On the other hand, the mean values and standard deviations of wind direction at the 900, 850 and 800 mb levels are 295&deg;, 295&deg; and 290&deg;, and 10&deg;, 10&deg; and 10&deg;, respectively. The mean values of the cloud line direction are equal to those of the wind direction, but the coefficients of correlation for each case are very low. However, the scatter diagrams showing the relationship between the cloud line direction and the wind directions show close correlations, except for the cases having 280&deg; of cloud line direction. The regression equations are shown as follows:<br> D<sub>90</sub>-290=1.2 (Dir-290)-10.0 (r=0.73)<br> D<sub>85</sub>-290=1.0 (Dir-290)-5.0 (r=0.69)<br> D<sub>80</sub>-290=0.8 (Dir-290)-5.0 (r=0.59) where D<sub>90</sub>, D<sub>85</sub> and D<sub>80</sub> represent the wind directions at the 900, 850 and 800mb levels, respectively. &ldquo;Dir&rdquo; represents the cloud line direction. The coefficient of correlation is shown by the &ldquo;r&rdquo; in parenthesis.<br> The cloud free distance means the distance from the coastal line to the upward appearance point of the cloud line along the cloud line direction. It is considered that the longer the cloud free distance is, the stabler the atmosphere around the cloud line is. The mean value of the cloud free distance to the east of Sendai and its standard deviation are 75km and 50km, ranging mainly from 50km to 100km. As an index of atmospheric stability, the temperature difference between the 850mb level and the mean sea surface temperature is used. Cloud lines do not appear under conditions when the temperature difference is lower than 21&deg;C.
高橋 春成
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.11, pp.635-642, 1979-11-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
3 1

The Japanese black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus japonicus) is a representative large wild mammal which has had close relations with the life of the Japanese. The animal has been an object of hunting from ancient times, because it is believed to have certain medicinal value. However, few studies have been done on the ecology of the Japanese black bear, or on its habitat distribution, both of which may be much affected by changes in man's life style. The purpose of this study is to ascertain primarily changes in the distribution of the Japanese black bear in the West Chugoku Mountains since the Taisho era (1912_??_1926). The location, which remained uninvestigated until this study, marks the western fringe of the animal's habitat in Japan. The findings are as follows: 1) From the Taisho era to early Showa (1926_??_1944), the Japanese black bear maintained its habitat in virgin broadleaf deciduous forests containing beeches (Fagus crenata Blume), horse chestnuts (Aesculus turbinata Blume), varieties of Japanese oaks (Quercus mongolica Fischer var. grosseserrata Rehd, et Wils; Quercus serrata Thunb), etc. Such forests supplied Japanese black bear's food (nuts, berries, buds, leaves, stalks, etc.) as well as provided tree hollows for hibernation. Thus, the bears seldom appeared in villages. At that time, the Japanese black bear commanded good prices mainly as material for medicine, and its hunting constituted one of the important side jobs in the winter season. 2) From around 1960, the virgin broadleaf deciduous trees have been replaced by Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) through afforestation. As a result, Japanese black bears, losing source of food and places for hibernation, have been driven out of their former habitat. They have thus started to hibernate in the vicinity of villages, or damaging crops and becoming a nuisance to the villagers. After World War II, hunting for Japanese black bears has declined due to the increased availability of synthetic medicine, but in contrast hunting for ellmination has increased.
白井 義彦
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.40, no.2, pp.66-86, 1967-02-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

金子 史朗
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.8, pp.495-499, 1958-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The “Gotentoge” gravel bed found on the hill tops of the western part of Tama hills to the south of Hachioji, Tokyo, consists of polygenetic gravels, which seem to have been transported and deposited by the ancient Sagami River, because there exists the lithologic similarity of gravels between the “Gotentoge” gravel bed and the present Sagami River, and also because the gravels of the “Gotentoge” gravel bed become larger as they approach the present Sagami River (Fig. 3). There are some other evidences to prove it. The upper surface of the “Gotentoge” gravel bed is almost horizontal, and covered conformably with the old Kanto volcanic ash member at Terazawa (loc. 4 in Fig. 3), but their stratigraphic relation is almost contemporaneous in the Gotentoge pass. Therefore, the geologic age of the Gotentoge gravel bed is nearly the same with the Kanto volcanic ash member which belongs to the lower Diluvium. Many questions, however, remain unsolved for further study.
鈴木 隆介 高橋 健一 砂村 継夫 寺田 稔
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.43, no.4, pp.211-222, 1970-04-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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野元 世紀
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.48, no.6, pp.424-437, 1975-06-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
5 3

In Central Japan, orographically and thermally induced anticyclones, cyclones and fronts appear very frequently in winter. Takayama High is one of such local anticyclones, which is formed either thermally on clear nights by long wave radiation or mechanically by upper winds. In the latter cases, it usually accompanies Matsumoto Low simultaneously. In the thermal cases, cold air cooled by radiation in the mountaineous region flows down along large valleys and produces local discontinuity lines on the Hokuriku coasts of the Sea of Japan and on the southern coast of Boso Peninsular. On this account, the Takayama High has been studied mainly in relation to the Hokuriku Front, which brings heavy snowfalls in the Hokuriku region. A local cyclone, Suruga-wan Low, is frequently formed when the winter monsoon becomes weaker. The previous studies made it clear that a winter maximum and a summer minimum of its appearance are caused by the thermal effects of water and air temperatures of the Suruga Bay and its vicinity. It has already been stated that the origins of the local front, Boso Front, are closely related to (1) the local high in thermal cases and (2) the convergence of two or more currents branched off topographically from the same Pc air mass with a local cyclone on the Sagami Bay or the Suruga Bay. The purpose of this paper is to clarify their synoptic climatological features. The results are as follows; i) On the meso-scale charts, the occurrence of the Takayama High is 12.3 days per month on an average from December to February, the Suruga-wan Low 9.8 days and the Boso Front 21.3 days. The frequencies of occurrence of the Takayama. High are found most frequently in December, but those of the Suruga-wan Low are in Febuary and the Boso Front in January. This is accounted for by the fact that each of them corresponds with different synoptic pressure patterns. ii) Most frequently the Takayama High persists for 18—20 hours, forming at 17—19h and disappearing at 10—12h on the next day. The shape of the Takayama High is influenced by the direction of upper winds (Fig. 1 (a) (b)) and the differences of the pressure gradient from the center have a close relation to the differences of the direction. In general, it is very difficult to define the size of a local anticyclone, but if the Takayama High is defined by the outermost closed isobar, the areas of the Takayama High of the W—SW type are about 3 times as large as the one of the NW type (Fig. 2 and 4). The maximum of the area of W—SW type Takayama High is 39.1×103km2, and the one of NW type is 9.1×103km2. iii) In the case of the Takayama High of the W—SW type, a local cyclone is formed from time to time in the Matsumoto district by orographical effects. When a Matsumoto Low is formed, strong southerly wind blows and air temperature becomes higher in the district. An indicator of the relative intensity of the Matsumoto Low, ΔP (the difference of sea level pressure at Takayama minus Matsumoto) is obviously related to the W—SW upper wind (mainly 850—700mb); The stronger the wind of these levels is, the greater ΔP occurs simultaneously (Fig. 5). Furthermore, ΔP is related clearly to the temperture of these levels, when 700mb temperature is above -13°C. It seems that warm strong wind, whichh is observed in association with the Matsumoto Low, is caused by a föhn effect. This is verified by facts that ΔT (the difference of air temperature at Matsumoto minus its vicinity) has a relation to the temperature of the height of the mountain-tops (about 700mb) (Fig. 9) and to the wind direction of the levels, and also by the distributions of air temperature, wind (Fig. 8) and relative humidity at the surface level.

1 0 0 0 OA 学界消息

公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.20, no.4, pp.218, 1944-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
吉川 虎雄
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.44, no.8, pp.552-564, 1971-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
2 3

大地震の際におこった地殻変動の調査から生れた山崎直方先生の変動地形観は,その後の研究に大きな影響を与え,変動地形の研究はわが国の地形研究における一つの大きな柱として発展した.先生の変動地形観は,その後の研究によって改められるべき点も生じてきたが,基本的には正しいことが明らかになってきた.わが国における変動地形の研究は,現在ようやく山崎先生の意図しておられた段階に到達し,最近いちじるしい進展のみられる固体地球科学との連契を一層深めて,新しい段階に入るべき時期を迎えている. 本稿では,変動地形について山崎先生が抱いておられた見解の中で,とくに現在の地殻変動と地形発達に関与した過去の地殻変動との関係についてのその後の研究の進展をのべ,地形構造の研究において今後とるべき一つの方向を論じた.
伊藤 隆吉
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.17, no.6, pp.442-463, 1941-06-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
淡野 寧彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.6, pp.382-394, 2007

本稿は, 茨城県旭村における養豚業の存立形態を示すとともに, 銘柄豚事業による農産物のブランド化が, 養豚業の存続にもたらす有効性と課題にっいて検討した. 旭村では, 1970年代以降, 養豚専業経営農家が現れ, 養豚団地の整備や糞尿処理設備の導入によつて, 養豚業の基盤が整えられた. 産地全体での生産・出荷体制は構築されず, 個々の農家による経営規模拡大や生産性の効率化によって, 茨城県最大の養豚産地となっている. しかし現在, 環境問題対策への負担増や肉豚取引価格の下落が課題となっており, その対策として銘柄豚事業が取り組まれつつある. 銘柄豚事業への着手は, 生産部門にとって, 肉豚取引価格の向上や安定, 流通・販売部門との結びつきの強化, 豚肉の販売状況に関する情報の入手といった利点を生み出している. 一方, 販売部門からは, 質的・量的安定性やトレーサビリテイの実現可能性が, 銘柄豚事業の利点として評価されている. しかし, 銘柄豚の流通範囲が限定的であることや, 小売業者によって銘柄豚の取扱いに差異があるといった課題が生じている.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.12, pp.669-685, 2002

Abstract: By the beginning of the twentieth century, Budapest had become a modern city with large and significant industrial areas. After 1989, when radical political change opened the way for economic and social reforms, these old industrial districts have become the most important scenes of changes. Based on the surveys and interviews carried out in Budapest and Tokyo, the main purposes of this study are to describe the most important structural and functional changes in the industrial areas of Budapest during the last decade and to compare them with the changes in the industrial areas of inner Tokyo. The emphasis is primarily on how industrial restructuring affected the spatial structure of industry, the urban space and the land use. In spite of the significant differences between the two cities there are also similarities in the development and prospects of industrial areas of Budapest and Tokyo. Not only do the urban structure and functional division of the cities transform but also the local society and urban landscape.
宮木 貞夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.37, no.9, pp.507-520, 1964-09-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

軍事経済を支柱として発展した日本の資本主義体制では,土地利用の面でも軍事優先の原則は貫ぬかれ,工場用地に適した土地が軍用地として民間から隔離されていた. 第2次大戦が終り,広大な軍事施設が解放され,これらは工場などに利用されつつある.日本では旧軍用地は国有財産として,大戦後の経済発展に寄与するように転換が行なわれた.関東地方における旧軍用地は約1,100口座, 430km2で,現在農地に44%, 公共施設に30%, 米軍に14%, 防衛庁に8%, 工場には4%が利用されている. 首都防衛のため東京を中心に20~60kmの範囲内に軍用飛行場は38個所あり,これに演習場を加え,広範囲にわたり平担な地は大規模な工場の用地として最適で, 1950年以降転用が著しい.農地に転用された旧軍用地も工場化の傾向にあり,現在農地の33%が工場適地に指定されている.
戸谷 洋
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.41, no.1, pp.39-47, 1968

ケニヤの首都Nairobiの北方に位置するAberdare山地の東および南東斜面の下半部には, Kikuyu族の小村落が異常な高密度で分布しており,周囲といちじるしい対照を示している.これら小村落の集中には,曽ての英国による植民政策も一役買っているが,自然条件を検討した結果,人口を支える主要な因子はこの場合,地形性降雨にあること,そして,その分布下限は年平均降水量1,000mm, 年800mm以上の降水信頼度が1955~62年についてきわめて高いこと,一方,その上限は年平均気温15&deg;C (高度2,300m) であることが判明.同時に,両条件が齟齬することから,北東斜面や西崖下のKinangop台地に村落のないことも説明される.
佐々倉 航三
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.8, no.3, pp.203-213, 1932

Last year the harvest was poor in every district in Japan, especially in the Northeastern district of the Mainland and in Hokkaid&ocirc;. The total rice yield in the Northeastern district and Hokkaid&ocirc; is estimated as only onehalf that of normal years. There may be several causes of the poor harvest, such as typhoon, droughts, etcRI believe the poor harvest of the last year was due to low temperatures and reduced hours of sunshine. I have drawn 12 climatic maps based on data recorded in the Monthly Bulletin of the Central Meteorological Observatory, Tokyo.<br> From Figs. 7 and 8 we can easily understand that the climatic couditions that prevailed during June and July, 1931, were very unfavorable for the rice crop. The zones of -2.0 C and below it as the mean deviation of air temperature during June and July and those of -10% and below it as the mean deviation of sunshine percentage during June and July, are Aomori and Iwate Prefectures and Hokkaido. These zones correspond to the districts where the rice harvest was very poor.<br> I think that the reasons for low temperatures and lesser sunshine in Japan during June and July last year are as follows: As we can see in Fig. II, the center of the anticyclone in June was situated in the Okhotsk Sea, its barometric reading being above 761mm. Usually in June the anticyclone occupies the offing of the Sanriku district, resulting in the rainy season in Japan : but last year the center of the anticyclone migrated farther northwards and cold air was brought in by north-easterly winds.<br> During July last year the distribution of air pressure resembled that of ordinary years, but the weak high pressure zone still remained in the Okhotsk Sea, and that as many as twenty-five cyclones visited Japan, so that dull weather prevailed during nearly the whole of July. The original cause of the unfavorable climate was undoubtedly the abnormal high pressure that prevailed over the Okhotsk Sea during June last year.
赤峯 倫介
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.33, no.3, pp.162-166, 1960
