小林 佳世子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.3, pp.445-457, 2021-09-01 (Released:2021-09-15)

This paper will discuss a role of anger from the perspective of game theory. Primarily, by adopting a responder in a standard ultimatum game as an example, we highlight that anger has a rational role as a commitment device and a signaling device from an evolutional point of view. Game theory has clarified theoretical conditions, such as incentive compatibility, to make a commitment and/or signaling function. However, there are few arguments as to whether emotions such as anger satisfy those requirements. Thus, in this paper, we show that anger expressed by the responder who was offered an unfair offer in an ultimatum game actually satisfies those requirements.
池上 高志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.249-254, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-15)

I discuss the relevance of Massive Data Flow, Valera' s autopoiesis and Maillassoux' s subtraction and contraction as argued in the target paper, citing the brilliant six commentators. I argue that it is important to think about MDF, ALife and automated scientists to remove human cognitive biases from cognitive science.
呉羽 真
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.2, pp.158-162, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-15)

The social distancing strategy adopted as a preventive measure during the COVID-19 pandemic has initiated a rapid transition from face-to-face to online communication. It is an established view in cognitive science that embodiment plays an indispensable role in cognitive activities such as communication and it is also a common view that cognitive activities organized through online media are disembodied. If both of these views pertaining to embodiment were true, the transition from face-to-face to online communication would have a negative impact on human relationships. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people seem to be adapting to the switch from offline to online modes of communication and continuing with their social activities. This observation calls for a critical reconsideration of our conception of “embodiment” in communication. In the past discourses on embodied cognition, a certain kind of embodiment may have been privileged whereas the other kinds of it have been ignored. Therefore, in this paper, I offer ideas pertaining to the embodied aspects of online communication from a philosophical perspective as well as with a consideration of other cognitive science domains. Specically, I criticize the view that online cognitive activities are disembodied and propose the following three theses about embodiment: (1) embodiment is negotiable, i. e., it changes in relation to technological conditions; (2) embodiment is pervasive, i. e., it accompanies all types of human cognitive activities; (3) embodiment is diverse, i. e., it depends on the cognitive subject.
石川 知夏 小林 哲生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.4, pp.549-556, 2022-12-01 (Released:2022-12-15)

Although previous studies have repeatedly shown the bouba/kiki effect that nonsense words including certain sounds are associated with particular shapes (round and sharp objects), the cognitive foundation of the effect still remains unclear because of the use of a very limited number of nonsense words. To clarify the relation between a larger set of speech sounds and visual shapes, we used a 7-point Likert scale to collect the data of roundness-sharpness ratings for Japanese 69 one-mora sounds. Both sighted and vision-impaired Japanese speakers rated the sonorants (/m/, /n/) more roundly than the unvoiced (/t/, /k/, /p/) and the voiced obstruents (/b/ /d/, /g/). Moreover, they rated the unvoiced obstruents more roundly than the voiced obstruents. This is inconsistent with the previous findings from English speakers who rated the voiced obstruents more roundly than the unvoiced obstruents (McCormick et al., 2015), suggesting a cross-linguistic difference in the consonant-roundness relation. The findings are discussed in light of a subtle difference in articulatory or acoustic characters and an orthographic system representing voiced obstruents.
塚村 祐希 若井 大成 下條 朝也 植田 一博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.3, pp.494-508, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-15)

Latent scope bias is a bias that arises when humans estimate how probable a causal explanation is. This bias is a tendency to underestimate the probability of explanations with latent scope, the set of unobserved events that may or may not be occurring. Previous studies proposed the “inferred evidence” account, in which the bias occurs because we underestimate the probability that the unobserved event is occurring and reason based on this probability using the Bayesian rule. However, no studies have examined whether humans estimate the probability of explanations based on the Bayesian rule. Therefore, the present study examined how humans estimate the probability of explanations under uncertainty using Bayesian cognitive modeling. Specifically, participants read two explanations with different latent scopes and responded to one of them with a probability of 0% to 100%. The results obtained indicate the following two points: First, humans estimate the probability of explanations based on the Bayesian rule, which supports the inferred evidence account. Second, there are individual differences in the occurrence of latent scope bias.
岡ノ谷 一夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.19-26, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

Art, like language, is a unique feature of human behavior. Here I present a biological account for the evolution of artistic behavior in humans. To do this, I first utilize the idea of “four questions” formulated by Tinbergen in classical ethology. By that, I point out the importance to deal not only proximate causes but also ultimate causes of artistic behavior, because such an approach enables an inclusive treatment of classical and contemporary arts. I then submit a dimensional theory of art, which is inspired from the dimensional theory of emotion. The dimensional theory of emotion accounts for the perception of facial expressions in terms of the two dimensions, the valence and the arousal. Likewise, the dimensional theory of artistic behavior tries to identify the axes by which the product of art is evaluated. I suggest that aesthetic, arousal, and social dimensions are necessary to account for art. In this schema, art is a process of finding a new niche in the 3-dimensional art space.
城 綾実 坊農 真弓 高梨 克也
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.1, pp.69-83, 2015-03-01 (Released:2015-09-15)

This paper focuses on the practice of using the question, ‘Do you know X?’This ques-tion has been treated carefully in the community of science communicators (SCs). SCshave the role of connecting scientists and engineers with the general public in exhibitionareas in science museums, where they construct dialogues with visitors. The dialogue can be a “delicate ”interaction for two reasons: 1) there is a fundamental difference in the motivation for the dialogue between SCs and visitors in a science museum, and 2) they need to share the goal of dialogue during an ongoing interaction, because theyhave no specific goal in advance, such as a medical consultation or a business meeting. Therefore, we analyzed the practice of using, ‘Do you know X?’as an example of a “delicate”interaction, based on a conversation analytic approach. We reveal that SCs use ‘Do you know X?’together with other embodied actions for the management of topics in dialogue, such as drawing out the visitors’degree of knowledge or interest in building a “bidirectional”communication. Our analysis also shows that SCs can shape the dialogue to fit the visitors’knowledge or the interest that visitors display publicly. In this sense, it is important for “bidirectional”science communication that not only SCs but also visitors are sensitive to constructing “dialogue”together.
松島 恵介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.110-122, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

This paper is an attempt by the author, an ecological psychologist, who has developed depression since 2016 and been still fighting the disease, to describe in detail the situation of own depression .In this paper, the following contents are described concretely from the first-person perspective. — How to manifest specific symptoms of the author's own disease. The perception of the world that the author actually experienced.The relationship between the author and the world around it.Some causes that may have caused depression in the author. How to reduce the symptoms of depression as much as possible. — The memos, scribbles, and the author's own memory are used to describe the items listed here. The people referred to in the discussion of this paper are Gibson, J. J. (ecological psychology), Bin Kimura (psychopathology), Shozo Omori (philosophy), Shigeo Miki (Anatomy), J. Turrell (contemporary art).
山内 肇 小林 司朗 岡ノ谷 一夫
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.4, pp.418-433, 2012-12-01 (Released:2014-10-31)

In this article, we report the differences in eye movement between experts and novices in “Mind Map,” a graphical note-taking method. Using a total of six different mind maps, we examine how subjects' eye movements followed the basic structure of each Mind Map stimulus. Each subject was asked to comprehend the content of the mindmaps on a display. By using an eye-tracker built into the display, we were able to obtain both subjects’ gaze information and eye-movements without restraining their natural observing behavior. Our findings indicate that while novices observe the mind map on a branch-to-branch basis, as if they were following the note-taking process itself, experts first browse key information located around the central image of the note, then move onto more detailed content. That is, while novice Mind Mappers thoroughly scan entire branches attached to a trunk, and then shift their attention to the next trunk, experienced Mind Mappers first browse the trunk, possibly to obtain a general idea of what the mind map is about, then shift their attention to detailed branches. This appears as though they were spontaneously building their own table-of-contents.
小方 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.4, pp.532-558, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

In this paper, we consider Vladimir Propp's narrative study from the viewpoint of “de-composition and re-composition”. Propp (В.Я.Пропп) is a 20 century's Russian folklorist and is known as one of pinoneer of narratology. First we show a list of Propp's decomposed narrative elements and some examples of the re-composition as computer programs. Next, based on the attempt of Propp's de-composition and re-composition, we discuss the positioning of Propp model as the narrative rhetoric in narratology and the method and directions for introducing its model into our narrative generation system.
新川 拓哉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.487-491, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

In their paper of this issue, N. Tsuchiya and H. Saigo attempt to define consciousness on the basis of category theoretic notions. This commentary has three aims. The first is to clarify what exactly they mean by “the definition of consciousness”. The second is to examine to what extent their attempt is successful. The third is to suggest why category theory is considered to be useful to describe/define conscious phenomena.
大竹 裕香 奥村 優子 山田 祐樹 小林 哲生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.2, pp.243-253, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

Many studies have suggested that the knowledge of picture books possessed by caregivers predicts their children’s language abilities, reflecting the richness of linguistic inputs in shared book reading. Previous studies have measured knowledge of picture books by asking caregivers to check the items they know from the lists of titles and authors of popular picture books (Title/Author Recognition Test). However, these studies have been conducted only in English-speaking countries. We developed a Japanese version of the Title/Author Recognition Tests to measure the picture book knowledge of Japanese caregivers. In Study 1, Japanese caregivers completed questionnaires on title/author lists that we developed and some measures related to shared book reading. The results revealed significant correlations between recognition scores and measures related to shared book reading. In addition, the score on the title list correlated with the age of the eldest child, which reflects the length of child-rearing experience. In Study 2, we compared the recognition scores of the caregivers with students of a course on childcare worker training and students with little experience of caring child. The results showed that the recognition scores varied reflecting both child-rearing experience and childcare worker training. These results suggested the validity of the recognition lists we developed. Future research is needed to investigate whether the scores on the recognition lists are related to children’s language abilities.
池上 高志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.198-210, 2021

<p>Ordinary neural networks represent objects in a dimensionally compressed latent (Z) space. In this latent space, a grammatical structure emerges if the input is a language, or a finite state automaton that makes predictions if the input is a time series. But the living system perceives and experiences the object without contracting it. The philosopher Meillassoux said, "A discontinuous ring consisting of multiple interruptions." While discussing the interpretation of this idea, I will analyze and report on an experiment using the android Alter3, which mimics human poses. What is important to make a robot anti-contractive is one's interaction with a human being, and the other is the autonomous rewriting of memories that is created because of its inability to learn.</p>
Irving Biederman
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.2, pp.2_46-2_59, 1995-05-30 (Released:2008-10-03)

In a fraction of a second-from a single visual fixation-humans are able to comprehend novel images of objects and scenes, often under highly degraded and novel viewing conditions. Recent research on how the brain achieves this remarkable feat suggests that objects are represented as an arrangement of simple viewpoint-invariant shape primitives, termed “geons,” that serve to distinguish visual classes, so that a given image can be determined, for example, to be that of a chair, fork, or penguin. As long as two or three geons in their specified relations can be extracted from the image, entry-level classification will almost always be successful despite drastic variations in the object's silhouette and its local context. Progress on neural and neural network modeling of these capacities and their relation to face recognition are discussed.
野澤 光
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.255-270, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-15)

How does an artist utilize their ecological constraints when creating art? The present case study describes the making process of Rinsho, or imitation drawing, by a professional Chinese calligrapher through 16 experimental trials. To examine the process through which ecological constraints were exploited and utilized, I recorded the calligrapher' s movement data using a 3D motion capture system. My analysis focused on the calligrapher' s gaze search, specifically head height, the number and frequency of head rotation during writing, and the directional distribution of head movement. The results show that the calligrapher performed a flexible gaze search in response to surrounding constraints, while his drawing procedure remained relatively consistent. The calligrapher combined fine brush-tip control and active gaze search with whole-body movement. In addition, the comparison between the present study and the author's previous study suggests that the calligrapher generated his own constraints in movement variables, and explored white space and character shapes on the paper by utilizing these constraints. These results imply that Rinsho is the art of pursuing resourcefulness under a given set of constraints. The present paper proposes that the method to describe the time evolution of an environment-body system is an effective approach for studying artists' making processes.
高橋 英之 大森 隆司
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.138-157, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

Human being can be called “social animal”. There are no other animals that can communicate with other individuals in common with human. Many researchers are interested in cognitive and neural functions that exist behind advanced human sociality. Most of these researchers break down human sociality into individual cognitive components, such as mirror neuron system, and try to reveal the stand-alone function of these individual components. There are no doubts that these reductionist approaches are valuable for the realization of human sociality. However, we also feel the limitation of these reductionist approaches for the realization of human sociality. In this paper, we propose the new framework “social belief effect” for the realization of human sociality. We define social belief as a subjective belief on an interacting agent (e.g. the agent is a human individual or not). And “social belief effect” means the preparation of executive functions driven by a social belief. In our framework, various cognitive components are dynamically configured by a social belief and this top-down configuration enabled a dynamical social adaptation. To evaluate our framework, we review related previous studies and our behavioral and fMRI experiments for the direct measurement of “social belief effect”, and discuss its feasibility. And we try to model the neural mechanism of “social belief effect" from these previous experimental studies.
斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.1, pp.79-95, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

Causal knowledge enables us to explain past events, to control present environment,and to predict future outcomes. Over the last decade, causal Bayes nets have been rec-ognized as a normative framework for causality and used as a psychological model to account for human causal learning and inference. This article provides an introduction to causal Bayes nets. According to causal Bayes nets, causal inference can be divided into three processes: (a) learning the structure of the causal network, (b) learning the strength of the causal relations, and (c) inferring the effect from the cause or the cause from the effect. For each process, I describe the predictions of causal Bayes nets, review experimental results, and suggest future directions. Although there are a few excep-tions (e.g., Markov violation), most of the results are consistent with the predictions of causal Bayes nets. The current problems of the Bayesian approach and its future perspective are discussed.
鈴川 由美 豊田 秀樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.202-222, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

When applying inference statistics, power analysis should be performed as a part of research plan, and in reporting the results, some measure of effect size is supposed to be included, as APA noted. However, they have been considered less serious indeed. Power analysis including estimation of effect size will be illustrated with sample effect size and sample statistical power calculated for the articles published in the Cognitive Studies.
宮崎 美智子 高橋 英之 岡田 浩之 開 一夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.9-28, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

The emergence of “Sense of agency” contributes to self-recognition. However there are few useful experimental paradigms for evaluating the development process of the sense of agency in young infants because the sense of agency is a subjective sense and young infants cannot verbally describe their internal experience. In this article, we propose a new experimental paradigm for examining the sense of agency using on-line eye tracking which we named “eye-scratch task”. This task enables us to evaluate the emergence processes of the sense of agency by a trajectory of voluntary eye movement. Besides, this task enables direct comparison of eye movement trajectories between infants and adults in common criteria. Hence, we can discriminate whether an infant feels the sense of agency or not by comparison with adults. Further, we analyzed participants' behavior in the task by the concept of feed-forward model that are the most famous computational frameworks for motor control and sense of agency. And we claim that our new infant's model based measurement give fruitful suggestions to the computational modeling for the development process of the sense of agency and self-recognition.
薛 玉婷 郷原 皓彦 佐々木 恭志郎 山田 祐樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.3, pp.360-375, 2017-11-01 (Released:2018-03-01)

Onomatopoeiae alter perception of a visual stimulus. Given that language affects emotional processing of visual stimuli and visual textures with high viscocity are perceived disgusting, the present study investigated whether onomatopoeiae that represent viscocity modulate disgust for visual textures. We presented a mimetic word a kind of onomatopoeiae simultaneously with a visual texture, and asked observers to rate disgustingness of the texture visually (Experiments 1, 3, and 4) or auditorily (Experiment 5). Three Japanese mimetic words (betobeto, sarasara, and reherehe) were used for representing high, low, and no viscocities, respectively. The results in Experiments 1,3, and 5 commonly showed that in Japanese observers the rated disgustingness was significantly modulated by the mimetic words. However, the effect was not observed in Chinese observers (Experiment 4). Moreover, Experiment 2 showed that the mimetic words also modulated apparent moistness of the textures. Lastly, Experiment 6 revealed that the mimetic words modulated the disgustingness of the texture within a temporal window of around 1800 ms. The present findings suggest that sound symbolism of onomatopoeiae is integrated with stimulus information that induces disgust regardless of modality.