河瀬 諭
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.4, pp.638-648, 2015-12-01 (Released:2016-06-01)

The aim of this study was to review the roles of visual cues in communication between performers and audience members during a music performance. Although numerous studies have elucidated that visual cues convey such elements as performance manners,emotional expressions, musical structure, or sound expressions, little has been done to provide a holistic perspective of these findings. Thus, we scrutinized how visual cues af-fect the encoding of performers’ intentions or the decoding of a performance by audience members. With respect to each cue, the existing literature has revealed that body move-ment directs the manner of performance, emotional expression, and musical structures toward the audience members. Specific parts of the body, particularly, demonstrate this tendency. Facial expressions serve to convey emotional expressions and features of sound. Gaze is regarded as an important cue for communication, although its role remains unclear. Physical attractiveness and attire also influence performance evalua-tions. Overall, visual cues dominate over auditory cues and have a powerful impact on performer-audience interaction in many studies. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of music performance and music appreciation in concert or under mul-timodal conditions.
布山 美慕 西郷 甲矢人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.1, pp.100-119, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-15)

When readers comprehend a text, they can have multiple simultaneous interpretations. Literary theories and art studies have indicated that multiple and indeterminate interpretations allow us to create novel understanding and provide us with aesthetic experiences. However, in the cognitive science field, these multiple and indeterminate interpretations have not been represented and modeled. This article proposes a way of modeling the states of multiple and indeterminate interpretations as a time series based on quantum probability theory and discusses the prospect of our approach, focusing on comprehension and aesthetic research. First, we discuss the worth of indeterminate and multiple interpretations for text comprehension and aesthetic experiences. Then, after reviewing the previous comprehension studies, we propose a model of interpretation state, including indeterminacy and multiplicity, as a superposition state based on quantum probability theory and physics. Further, we share the basis of quantum probability theory and the recent studies on quantum cognition for this proposal. Finally, we discuss the prospects of comprehension studies using our approach.
中野 昌宏 篠原 修二
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.428-441, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

Symmetry bias is sometimes regarded as a culprit that results in fallacies and spoils our logically correct reasoning. We believe, however, that this bias is also indispensable if we are to obtain unfamiliar notions, to think creatively, and to infer heuristically. We devised an algorithm which can overcome the “exploration-exploitation dilemma” that is involved in the decision-making process under conditions of uncertainty, via a computer simulation based on the “2-armed Bandit Problem.” As a result, we confirmed that the agent-model, which contains both kinds of symmetry biases, displayed very flexible behavior, and that it achieved drastically higher scores than the other mechanical agents. In this paper, by drawing upon the theory of ‘Bi-logic’ as developed by Matte Blanco, we discuss why human-beings require this kind of illogicality, and how fundamental it is for human [un]consciousness.
眞嶋 良全
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.22-38, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

現代は科学技術が高度に発達し,科学技術の成果が広く応用されることで社会の発展が進むと同時に,科学技術の高度かつ専門的な細分化に伴って,特定の領域の専門家以外の公衆(他分野の科学者も含む)の理解が追いつかなくなっている.さらには,従来のように科学が真理の探究のみを目標としていた時代と異なり,価値判断や政策的意思決定などをも含む,科学だけでは解決できないが,一方で科学とは切り離せないような問題,あるいは“科学に問うことはできるが,科学だけでは答えられない”(トランスサイエンス)問題が生じている(小林, 2007; Weinberg, 1972).このような状況の中で,科学と社会とを繋ぐ科学技術コミュニケーションの重要性が指摘されるだけでなく,学校教育,あるいは生涯教育としての科学リテラシーの重要性も認識されるようになっている.リテラシーは,元来,言語による読み書き能力を指す言葉であるが,近年は,情報一般の活用力を指す情報リテラシー,健康や医療の面での情報活用力とそれに基づいた意思決定の能力を指すヘルスリテラシー,科学の成果とその方法論を理解し,批判的に評価する能力を指す科学リテラシーなどさまざまな能力を指す言葉として用いられている.科学リテラシーをどのように定義するか,あるいはどこからどこまでを科学リテラシーの範囲とするかについては未だに議論があるが1),いずれの定義においても,科学の諸分野における基本概念や科学の方法論を理解することと,科学的な主張を批判的に評価するためのスキルを獲得することが重視されている(川本・中山・西條, 2008; National Research Council,1996; OECD, 2007a).
猪原 敬介 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.100-121, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

In the area of educational psychology, much research has suggested that habitual reading of texts improves people’s vocabulary (e.g., Stanovich, Cunningham, & West, 1998). However, there are few cognitive approaches addressing why reading texts changes readers’ vocabulary. Our study examined this issue by word association task and simulations through Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais, 1997). One thousand, one hundred and eighty-nine Japanese adults participated in our research through an internet website. Participants answered two questions about their reading habits of newspapers and novels, and then performed the word association task. We constructed three LSA semantic spaces drawn from corpora of newspapers, novels, and a corpus that includes both newspapers and novels. Participants were divided into four groups according to their reading habits-newspaper and novel readers, newspaper and novelonly readers, and non-readers. In each group, from each stimulus and associated word pair that participants generated, an association strength value, a newspaper-based LSA similarity value, a novel-based LSA similarity value, and newspaper/novel-based LSA similarity value were derived. We conducted two analyses: one between stimulus words and all associated words, and another between stimulus words and most frequently associated words. In both analyses, association strength value in the novelonly reading group was predicted best by the novel-corpora-constructed LSA. In addition, especially in the latter analysis, association strength value in the group who often read both newspapers and novels was predicted best by the LSA constructed from the newspaper/novel corpora. This data suggests that one reason why reading text affects readers’ vocabulary is that readers acquire knowledge by usage-based learning processes, such as LSA.
土倉 英志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.3, pp.285-296, 2016-09-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

In this paper, I studied college students’learning. They worked on “science cafe”projects, and successfully executed those projects. Science cafe is a type of workshop. I analyzed the following three research questions about their learning. First, did they learn about the theme termed “offstage interests”? Second, what features characterize “offstage interests”? Third, how did they learn about “offstage interests”?  To elucidate these research questions, I collected data through interviews of college students, after science cafe activities for one year had been completed. The interviews were combined with the interviewees’reflections on these activities.  By analyzing the data, I clarified the following three points. First, the college students learned about the theme termed “offstage interests.”Their learning about “offstage interests”implies that they have become interested in others’offstage activities, such as concerts. The offstage activities are out-of-sight from the onstage activities that they appreciate or in which they participate. Second, their learning about “offstage interests”comprises taking a keen interest in, and empathizing with, others’offstage activities. Third, fostering learning about “offstage interests”requires two aspects: 1) undertaking various roles in the science cafes’activities, and 2) creating a framework of activities from scratch. Finally, I considered relationships among learning about “offstage interests,”knotworking, and active learning.
秋谷 直矩
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.525-535, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

Currently, ethnomethodologically oriented ethnography that offer theoretical insights into how everyday practice work has been the important survey method in CHI⁄CSCW community. Ethnomethodological understandings of work and investigations of work settings has been used as a useful resource for developing new technology for the system designer of CHI⁄CSCW. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of traditional relationship between system designer and ethnomethodologist in CHI⁄CSCW, and is to propose a new relationship. Graham Button and Paul Dourish presented three complementary ways of integrating ethnomethodology and system design: (a) learning from the ethnomethodologist, (b) learning from the ethnomethodological accounts, (c) learning from ethnomethodology. They pointed out many problems that is relationship between designer and ethnomethodologist in their discussion. This paper's final aim is to order and to consider their problems. Then, I review the traditional cooperative work model between designer and ethnomethodologist, and discuss the development one.
大島 純 大島 律子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.390-414, 2009 (Released:2010-09-10)

The paper is aimed at discussing the contribution of cognitive science and the learning sciences to Japanese education. First, the authors describe the emergence of a new educational discipline, the learning sciences, and its methodological approach to educational practice called the design-based research. In particular, the emphasis is placed on how unique the methodology is by explaining the progressive refinement of classroom practices based on design principles. Secondary, the author's design-based research project is given as an example of how the learning sciences contributes to the classroom practice in Japan. Furthermore, the design-based research is discussed as a new systemic program for teacher education. Finally, the authors propose an approach to new educational reform based on evidence from the learning sciences research.
福田 玄明 植田 一博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.64-78, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

It is thought that we can discriminate between animate and inanimate things. This ability is called animacy perception. Our discrimination between animate and inanimate things is considered to be an important ability for our social cognition, because animacy perception is assumed to serve as a foundation for considering objects as others that have their own goals, intentions and⁄or emotions. We investigated neural mechanism underlying animacy perception using a real animate thing (turtle) and an inanimate thing (robot) in this study. As far as we know, brain activity related to animacy perception in the course of approaching a real animate thing has not been investigated. In experiment 1, we compared Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) when participants performed reaching actions for the animate thing (animate condition) with those when they performed reaching actions for the inanimate thing (inanimate condition). We found that the amplitude of ERPs in left infero-frontal region, which is said to correspond to mirror system, was significantly higher in the animate condition than in the inanimate condition. Moreover, we found more significant mu suppression in the animate condition than in the inanimate condition, which is said to be an evidence of the activation of mirror system. These results suggest that mirror system is related to animacy perception. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to observe an object, either of the animate thing or the inanimate thing, which was covered in a box so that they could not judge by appearance what it was and to answer whether they felt it as animate or inanimate. We compared ERPs when they performed reaching actions for the objects that they felt as animate with those when they performed reaching actions for the objects that they felt as inanimate. As well as in Experiment 1, we found that the amplitude of ERPs in left infero-frontal region was significantly higher in the former condition than in the latter one. In conjunction with the results in Experiment 1, this result suggests that the activation of mirror system takes a role in subjective attribution of animacy to objects.
小野 淳平 小方 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.3, pp.410-434, 2017-09-01 (Released:2018-03-01)

The Table-talk Role Playing Game (TRPG) is an analog game. This game progresses by repeating acts of speech between a Game Master (GM) and a Player (PL). The GM progresses a story based on a framework they have prepared. The progression of the story, however, is often changed by the PL. This gap between the planed story and actual story surprises the GM and thus changes the progression of the story. The authors of the present study focus on this observation and have produced a mechanism for generating a story with a surprise element using the model of a story generation in TRPG. In this paper, we prepared for this gap using a technique for the creation of the story and researched the relations between this gap and the act of surprising,using a questionnaire. Results showed that the surprise element was related to this gap. Using the aforementioned technique, we will develop a story generation mechanism for a range of story generation scenarios, to be used in automatic story generation games in the future.
前浦 菜央 中山 真孝 内田 由紀子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.3, pp.262-279, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-15)

This study focused on two similar but potentially distinctive emotions, awe and being moved. Although these emotions have been studied independently, they have commonalities both in cognition and emotion. For example, both have been shown to influence cognitive frameworks (Tokaji, 2004), such as need for accommodation (Keltner & Haidt, 2003). In addition, when instructed to write about being moved, Japanese descriptions resembled descriptions about awe in Western descriptions (Hashimoto & Ogura, 2002; Shiota, Keltner, & Mossman, 2007). In this study, we hypothesized that these two emotions overlap in linguistic labeling and in perceived emotional states. To test this hypothesis, we conducted two survey studies in Japan. Study1 examined how people labeled emotional states caused in various awe-inducing and being-movedinducing situations. Study1 indicated that some of typical awe experiences were likely to be labeled as being-moved experiences. Study2 showed that the experience of awe was more similar to an emotional state of being deeply moved by a life event, than being normally moved by a daily event. Therefore the present studies suggest that being moved and awe are more likely to overlap when the situation is a deeply moving life event.
岡田 猛 横地 早和子 難波 久美子 石橋 健太郎 植田 一博
vol.14, no.3, pp.303-321, 2007

The goal of this case study was to describe creation processes of contemporary artists from the perspective of Cognitive Science. We focused on the interaction among activities that affect long term processes of expertise and those that affect shorter term processes as the artist creates a series of work. We conducted retrospective interviews with two contemporary artists in their 40's using the portfolios of their past works so that they could recall their creation processes in detail. We found that the artists used an analogical modification process to produce a new series of artwork. Analogical modification is a cognitive process similar to analogical mapping, but modifies major features of the source structure while mapping it to the target. Artistic vision, which is formed through many years of creative activities and consists of main themes and goals for creation, plays an important role in guiding the usage of analogical modification. Analogical modification correspondingly appeared to deepen artistic vision.
新垣 紀子 北端 美紀 松岡 裕人 高田 敏弘 折戸 朗子 加藤 ゆうこ 都築 幸恵 大和田 龍夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.15-28, 2014-03-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

How should we save our personal memories? Many people keep diaries and take pictures for that purpose. In this study, we kept things of personal significance in a time capsule for 9 years and examined whether personal memories could be saved in a time capsule and how they might possibly change over time. We held a workshop in 2003 when participants put something that they had possessed which had personal significance at that time of their life. They were interviewed to explain what kinds of significance these possessions had for them, and these interview sessions were recorded. Nine years after the initial workshop, the participants came together again. Before the time capsule was opened, they were asked to recall what they had put in the time capsule and to describe in what ways their possession in the time capsule had been significant to them. By comparing the contents of the participants’ responses between 2003 and 2012, it was found that a great deal of the contents have been changed from 2003 to 2012. Implications were discussed as regards to the significance of objects themselves and the narratives that go with the objects in preserving personal memories.
中村 國則 斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.3, pp.446-460, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-15)

Rationality has been one of the most important theoretical concepts in cognitive science. Up until now, plenty of rationality concepts have been proposed to represent human decision-making processes. This paper aims to draw a map of rationality in psychology and cognitive sciences literature by clarifying their theoretical features, functions, and similarities. In doing so, this paper reviewed many rationality concepts proposed in the pieces of literature on higher cognition, including reasoning or judgment and decision making. It explained how these rationality concepts explained biases in human thinking and how they have changed through a history of judgment and decision-making research. This paper pointed out that rationality is now considered the goal of or evidence for cognitive model and that recent rationality concepts treat decision making as resolving trade-off between plural conflicting aims such as expected utility and computational efficiency, through the review of rationality concept in reasoning and judgment and decision-making literature.
上市 秀雄 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.2, pp.139-151, 2000-06-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the regret factor on risk-taking behavior and to show the relationship between affective factors, cognitive factors, personality factors, and risk-taking behavior. In the experiment, undergraduates (N = 60) completed a questionnaire on affective factors (regret and anxiety), cognitive factors (own perceived competence, risk perception, risk controllability, and perceived cost), personality factors (Five Factor Model: neuroticism, openness, extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness), and risk-taking behavior in personal gain-loss situations (skiing, gambling, and an entrance examination), personal loss situations (jaywalking, prevention against theft, and credential acquisition for protection against unemployment), and social situations (approval of the construction of a nuclear power station and disaster plans for earthquakes). Results of covariance structure analysis showed that personality factors influenced risk-taking behavior by the path of affective factors and the path of cognitive factors: (a) neuroticism affects risk-taking behavior mediated by anxiety and regret, (b) openness affects risk-taking behavior mediated by own perceived competence and risk perception. In all situations, the regret factor influenced directly risk-taking behavior and the anxiety factor influenced risk-taking behavior mediated by the regret factor. These facts indicate that the affective factors affect decision making in all risk-taking situations.
今井 むつみ 佐治 伸郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.30, no.1, pp.63-73, 2023-03-01 (Released:2023-03-15)
山本 由紀子 仁科 エミ 大西 仁
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.2, pp.282-296, 2015-06-01 (Released:2015-12-01)

In musicology consonance is defined as the state where two or more tones simultane-ously presented sound pleasantly. Sensory consonance, which is perceived from tones isolated from a musical context, is largely independent of listener’s cultural background and musical experience. Several studies revealed that infants prefer consonant tones to dissonant tones and that nonhuman animals discriminate between consonant and dissonant tones. Since Helmholtz introduced the concept of sensory consonance in the 19th century, sensory consonance has been studied actively. In the 1960s models became able to estimate the perceived consonance of complex tones from the physical properties of the tones. However, sensory consonance still contains a number of problems to be solved and has been studied by multiple approaches. This paper reviews the advances and issues in studies on consonance, especially sensory consonance.