卯木 輝彦 末竹 規哲
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.117, no.10, pp.1513-1520, 1997-09-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

In this paper, we propose an autonomous vehicle scheduling schema in large physical distribution terminals publicly used as the next generation wide area physical distribution bases. This schema uses Learning Automaton for vehicles scheduling based on Contract Net Protocol, in order to obtain useful emergent behaviors of agents in the system based on the local decision-making of each agent. The state of the automaton is updated at each instant on the basis of new information that includes the arrival estimation time of vehicles. Each agent estimates the arriaval time of vehicles by using Bayesian learning process. Using traffic simulation, we evaluate the schema in various simulated environments. The result shows the advantage of the schema over when each agent provides the same criteria from the top down, and each agent voluntarily generates criteria via interactions with the environment, playing an individual role in the system.
蔵元 侃太 大山 航 若林 哲史 木村 文隆
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.12, pp.1817-1823, 2014 (Released:2014-12-01)

Recently, expectations for camera-based document analysis and recognition have increased by improved performance of digital camera devices. In this paper, we propose a rotation angle estimation method using Gray-Scale Gradient Feature and Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function (MQDF). This method can recognize characters and estimate the rotation angle of those characters rapidly. As the result of the evaluation experiment using printed alphanumeric character, we have confirmed that the low dimensional feature vector is sufficient to estimate the rotation angle of characters. Also, we reduced the number of used eigenvectors of the covariance matrix to calculate the MQDF while keeping estimation accuracy.
大山 航 山本 暁仁 若林 哲史 木村 文隆
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.12, pp.1824-1831, 2014 (Released:2014-12-01)

Accurate off-line character recognition is still very important for camera based printed document analysis. Due to its inherent conceptual and technical simplicity, conventional recognition strategies relied on features extracted using square block zoning of a character image. In this paper, we propose an isotropic feature extraction method using regular hexagonal zoning and empirically confirm its effectiveness for printed and handwritten character recognition. We accomplished printed character recognition and handwritten character recognition experiments using large-scale evaluating datasets. The average accuracy was improved by 2 % in experiments using gradient features. And the effectiveness of hexagonal zoning for recognition of high stroke count characters and low-resolution characters is confirmed in both printed and handwritten character recognition by the experiments.
芳澤 伸一 道木 慎二 大熊 繁
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.119, no.8-9, pp.1010-1017, 1999-08-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

The deterministic annealing (DA) method for vector quantization can obtain better representative vectors than the LBG, CL, FSCL and SOFM. But it has two problems. One is that quality of the results is sensitive to the reduction of parameter T which is a temperature in an annealing operation. Another is that learning time is relatively long. Recently, the equidistortion principle has been derived and it is shown effective for vector quantization. In this paper, to solve above problems, a new algoritym named DAEP (Deterministic Annealing method with Equidistortion Principle) is proposed. In the DAEP, the idea of equidistortion principle is introduced into the DA method. In the annealing operation, location of representative vectors are forced to move to the global optimum points using the equidistortion principle. Judging from quality of results and learning time, it is shown that the DAEP can obtain better results than the other methods.
下田 篤 小杉 秀則 狩野 隆文 薦田 憲久
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.128, no.4, pp.562-568, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-04-01)
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A method of forecasting shipping number of parts is proposed for build-to-order products using quote information in pre-sales as an advance indicator. As the target shipping number of parts changes irregularity in a short cycle, it is difficult to forecast with conventional methods. In case of build-to-order product, quote information is useful for forecasting multiplying by order probability. But the problem is how to identify the order probability includes unobservable noise. The method assumes the noise as normal random number and corrects it with Kalman filter. The shipping number is calculated using identified order probability and previous quoted information. The method was evaluated using 78 types of parts of an information equipment product. Experimental result demonstrates that shipping number of parts whose average rate of change are less than 0.4 can be estimated with 28.2% of mean absolute percent error, making the method available for forecasting the target shipping number.
島谷 直規 保田 俊行 大倉 和博 松村 嘉之
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.9, pp.1355-1364, 2014 (Released:2014-09-01)

Evolutionary swarm robotics (ESR) is an artificial evolution approach to generating meaningful swarm behavior in multi-robot systems which typically consist of many homogenous autonomous robots in which the same robot controllers designed with evolving artificial neural networks are employed. Historically speaking, this approach has been thought to be a promising approach for swarm robotics systems (SRS), because the swarm behavior is an emergent phenomenon caused by many local interactions among autonomous robots and it is very hard to give a program to each robot for appropriate swarm behavior in advance. However, its realization is considered to be impractical even for a simulated SRS because the artificial evolution requires a very large computational cost. In this paper, in order to overcome this computational cost problem, a novel implementation method, i.e., the parallel problem solving using graphics processing units (GPUs) and OpenMP on a multi-core CPU, is introduced. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated with the food-foraging problem with an evolving SRS.
塙 智仁 鄧 明聡
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.9, pp.1214-1220, 2014 (Released:2014-09-01)

In this paper, a nonlinear control system considering the uncertainties of the backlash of nonlinear plants is proposed. The uncertainties of the backlash of nonlinear plants are included in thresholds of backlash. Firstly, a backlash model with uncertain thresholds is proposed. Secondly, a robust nonlinear control system is designed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed system is confirmed by simulations.
中村 幸紀 野口 裕喜 涌井 伸二
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.9, pp.1182-1190, 2014 (Released:2014-09-01)

This paper considers the compensation of flow disturbance, which is the variation of air pressure supplied by the air compressor of pneumatic active anti-vibration apparatuses (AVAs). Since the air pressure varies periodically, repetitive control is utilized for the suppression of the vibration induced by the flow disturbance. As the constant gain of the repetitive controller increases, disturbance compensation is improved further. On the other hand, when the gain becomes large, transmissibility increases in the frequency region including the mechanical resonance of AVAs. It leads to the performance degradation of the vibration isolation. In order to overcome the trade-off between the disturbance compensation and the transmissibility, a notch filter is employed instead of the constant gain in the repetitive controller. The center frequency of the filter is set to the frequency region including the mechanical resonance of AVAs so as to avoid the increase of the transmissibility. By using the proposed method, the performance of disturbance compensation can be improved without increasing the transmissibility. Furthermore, effects of parameters for the notch filter are investigated. Experimental and simulation results show that the performance of flow disturbance suppression and the transmissibility of the AVA are almost same regardless of parameters in the notch filter.
高木 太郎 水本 郁朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.9, pp.1175-1181, 2014 (Released:2014-09-01)
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This paper deals with a design problem of an adaptive PID control with an adaptive Neural Network (NN) feedforward control input for discrete-time systems with a parallel feedforward compensator (PFC). The stability of the designed adaptive PID control system is analyzed provided that the augmented controlled system with a PFC is ASPR. The effectiveness of the adaptive PID control method will be confirmed through numerical simulations for a discrete-time system.
濱上 知樹 澤田 和人
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.9, pp.1282-1286, 2014 (Released:2014-09-01)

Study of heritage database and historical archive become an active area in multidisciplinary fields. The huge and high dimensional content is a sort of big data consisting of various kinds of information elements, and has valuable knowledge and the wisdom of mankind. This study focuses on Kosode Byobu collection which is antique fine art in Edo era. By analyzing high-resolution digital images of them and extracting knowledge structure by machine learning, we apply it for intelligent display and research of the art. This article introduces the background of the project and shows fundamental approach for tackling to retrieving intelligent structure and developing effective display technique.
高橋 宏知 中尾 政之 加我 君孝 Thierry Hervé
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.122, no.9, pp.1469-1480, 2002-09-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

We employ the independent component analysis (ICA) for multiple-site grand-averaged auditory-evoked-potentials and show its feasibility to interpret the data physiologically. We first simulate near field potential at auditory cortex to examine how ensemble firing activities and synaptic activities generate the potential: both arise biphasic potential and firing activities are followed by synaptic activities by a few millisecond. We then implement ICA to our multiple-site auditory-evoked middle latency responses (MLR). The simulation and previous reports suggest that ICA successfully extract from the data three significant components, that are cortical firing activities, cortical synaptic activities, and far activities. ICA also shows how these compo-nents contribute to MLR waveforms and suggests how typical MLRs are generated: MLR only with Na-Pa-Nb appears when both synaptic activities and firing activities are sufficiently large: the No-Po-Na-Pa-Nh complex appears when both are not so large; and the NA-PA-NB-PB-NC complex appears when both are sufficiently small.
伊庭 健二 川崎 龍子 熊野 長次郎
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.114, no.2, pp.252-258, 1994-02-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

This paper presents a method for drawing power system networks using fractal technique. It is quite common to represent power systems as visual network graph. The drawing of such graph, however, was performed manually by human-hand. Automatic drawing makes possible to represent power system flexibly. The mathematical problem seems to be similar to “How to draw planar graph”. However, unlike to the planar graph problem which treats eassentially non-separable, power systems contain a few loops. Fractal graph is utilized in this paper. Our problem is defined as follows: (1) All vertex must be on the grid. All branches must be composed of horizontal or vertical line segments. The vertex that has more than 5 degree can be divided into sub-vertices. (2) Geometrical relationship between two vertices must be preserved as long as possible (In this paper, “Geometrical” means “Directional”). (3) Branches should not cross each other as long as possible. The method is applied to some practical power system networks. Although the method has some week points for grid systems, the test results show the feasibility of the proposed method.
藤村 喜久郎 徳高 平蔵 石川 眞澄
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.119, no.7, pp.875-882, 1999-07-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

Angeniol et al. applied Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and showed to have a practically enough solution obtained for a short time in comparison to a method depending on a conventional neural network in 1988. We confirmed already that a calculation time is shortened further about TSP of 500 cities, by introducing a momentum effect to the renewal coefficient of original method (Angeniol's, method; SOM-TSP). Here, we report that we evaluated a performance of our improved method about TSP of more large 1000, 2000, 10000 cities.
呂 建明 谷萩 隆嗣
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.123, no.9, pp.1555-1563, 2003 (Released:2004-05-28)
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This paper presents a method for face recognition based on fuzzy clustering and parallel neural networks. Neural networks have been widely used for pattern recognition in various fields. However, the computing efficiency and the recognition rate decrease rapidly if the scale of neural network increases. In this paper, a new method of face recognition based on neuro-fuzzy system is proposed. In particular, the face pattern is divided into several small-scale parallel neural networks based on fuzzy clustering. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
大内 二郎 伊藤 健一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.118, no.7-8, pp.1082-1088, 1998-07-01 (Released:2009-10-02)

The ground area of print pattern is important for the reduction of EMI. But until now the ground area of the print pattern was not quantitativery examined. In this report we present three parameters relating to ground/power-source patterns which are important for the EMI reduction. One of them is a “BETA” ratio which is defined as the ground pattern ratio to the print board size. Our experiment shows that these ratios are greatly affect to the radiation noise.So we developed the CAD, which is useful for print pattern design, to caluculate these parameters.
長田 若奈 酒向 慎司 北村 正
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.4, pp.581-586, 2014 (Released:2014-04-01)

Though violin has been widely used in classical music, violin performance involves a problem that how to determine fingering from a musical score. In fingering determination, beginners often consider the ease for playing, but intermediates take account of expressiveness as well according to their skill level grown. Therefore, we aim to develop an automatic fingering estimation method to assist both beginners and intermediates in finding their appropriate fingering. The problem of fingering estimation is basically to find a most probable state sequence, where a state represents a pattern of left hand corresponding to a musical note from the score. We define the state of left hand as a combination of four parameters. The appropriateness of states is locally defined as a state transition cost and pressing string cost. The problem is how to set the model parameters to adjust the desired skill level. We focused on that the note length affects the difference in violin fingering. In our method, appropriate fingering according to the skill level can be estimated by changing relation between the note length and expressiveness. By comparing estimated fingering with textbook's fingering and subjective evaluation, we confirmed that our method can estimate appropriate fingering for a desired skill level.
水田 秀行 恐神 貴行 鈴村 豊太郎 井手 剛
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.133, no.9, pp.1632-1635, 2013-09-01 (Released:2013-09-01)

We evaluate the effectiveness of real planning and control about the traffic in Hiroshima city by simulating the traffic flows in the entire city. Our massively parallel simulation of minute behavior of individual drivers is made credible by the use of novel techniques for learning the parameters of simulation models from available data.