伊藤 京子 平野 剛 能任 一文 西田 正吾 大築 立志
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.131, no.10, pp.1775-1785, 2011-10-01 (Released:2011-10-01)

Two experimental studies have been conducted in order to propose practice indexes for the improvement of the embouchure of French horn players, two experimental studies have been conducted. In both studies, the same task was performed by advanced and amateur French horn players. The first study investigated the activity, while performing the above-mentioned task, of the 5 facial muscles (levator labii superioris, zygomaticus major, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, and risorius muscles) on the right side of the face by surface electromyography, and the facial movement on the left side of the face by attaching two markers above each muscle and using two high-speed cameras simultaneously. The results of the study showed that it is possible for the four markers around the lower lip to practice indexes. The second study evaluated whether the above-mentioned markers are appropriate as practice indexes using a 3-D tracking system and questionnaires. The results showed that both the advanced and the amateur players assessed that the markers were suitable as practice indexes for improving the embouchure. This set of approaches could be useful for selecting practice indexes and developing scientific practice methods not only for the French horn but also for other instruments and other fields.
松坂 晃太郎 隈元 昭
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.114, no.11, pp.1122-1127, 1994-10-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

Any recent application of an expert system requires an effective way to build a very large-scale knowledge base. An on-line massive document, such as a corpus, has a potential possibility to be utilized in automatically preparing such knowledge base. Provided that a natural language interface is available, a user can inquire to the acquired knowledge for a specific topic he wants to know in an interactive way.This paper first makes investigation on semantic structures required in such a corpus oriented knowledge inquiry system focusing on plan-structure and LFG representation. It then proposes a new knowledge representation framework called a PFT-network. This network was introduced to effectively acquire knowledge from corpus with reduced domain knowledge for both the input corpus and user's utterance. Experimental results of extracting knowledge are given and it is demonstrated that the presented approach suggests the feasibility in knowledge acquisition in view of understanding input sentences so that inter-relationship of knowledge is reflected in the obtained knowledge.
兪 文偉 横井 浩史 嘉数 侑昇
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.117, no.9, pp.1300-1307, 1997-08-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

In this paper, we propose the State Grouping scheme for coping with the problem of scaling up the Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to real, large size application. The grouping scheme is based on geographical and trial-error information, and is made up with state generating, state combining, state splitting, state forgetting procedures, with corresponding action selecting module and learning module. Also, we discuss the Labeling Based Evaluation scheme which can evaluate the opportunity of the state-action pair, therefore, use better experience to guide the exploration of the state-space effectively. Incorporating the Labeling Based Evaluation and State Grouping scheme into the Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, we get the approach that can generate organized state space for Reinforcement Learning, and do problem solving as well. We argue that the approach with this kind of ability is necessary for autonomous agent, namely, autonomous agent can not act depending on any pre-defined map, instead, it should search the environment as well as find the optimal problem solution autonomously and simultaneously. By solving the large state-size 3-DOF and 4-link manipulator problem, we show the efficiency of the proposed approach, i.e., the agent can achieve the optimal or sub-optimal path with less memory and less time.
山崎 高弘 常盤 欣一朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.132, no.9, pp.1524-1532, 2012-09-01 (Released:2012-09-01)

This paper describes a method of readability assessment for web documents. Readability is the ease in which text can be read and understood. We hypothesize that the readability is determined whether a reader can easily grasp text structures. The impression and the complexity of text are significant factors. We extract the features about impression and complexity from a plain text and additional data such as HTML tags.In order to compare effect of extracting features, we are assessing readability rank by machine learning. We conduct 5-fold cross validation for each domain, and calculate the root mean squared error between the actual rank and the estimated rank. The cross validation experiments confirm that the performance of our method is high measured. It shows effectiveness of extracting features about the impression and the complexity for readability assessment.
高橋 丈博 渋谷 昇 伊藤 健一 濱田 倫一 浅田 和秀
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.115, no.10, pp.1181-1188, 1995-09-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

Noise reduction effect using decoupling capacitor with series resistor was studied. It is well known that the decoupling capacitor is a familiar noise reduction technique on a printed circuit, and its effect is limited at high frequency by some parasitic inductances such as lead, trace and so on. Some capacitors are often connected in parallel for widening its band, but its impedance grows up highly at parallel resonance frequency. In this paper, the effect of the suppression of parallel resonance by decoupling capacitor with resistor is described and the relation between band width and device parameters is shown. The reducion effect is measured and simulated about transmission characteristic and near magnetic field.
松橋 隆治 吉田 好邦 石谷 久
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.122, no.11, pp.1976-1985, 2002-11-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

In this article, we investigated possibility to establish a recycling-based industrial system in Japan. For this purpose, a novel mathematical model was first developed for the recycling-based system by expanding input-output analysis. Utilizing this model, we clarified several significant implications on the possibility of the recycling-based system and the prices of recycled goods. Then various recycling technologies were evaluated to clarify how these technologies could contribute to establish the system as well as to mitigate global warming. Next we developed an optimization model of the entire industrial systems in Japan, including conventional and emerging technologies on waste disposal and recycling. Various institutions on the recycling system were investigated utilizing this model. These include prices of recycled goods and tradeoff relationships between promotion of recycling and reduction of CO2 emissions. In particular, evaluated results showed that shadow price of recycled goods did not necessarily become positive. We also proposed a novel institution on the recycling system as “Waste dumping permit” in Japan. In conclusion, we clarified a desirable strategy so as to establish the recycling-based system, as well as to mitigate global warming.
湯浅 将英 斎藤 恵一 武川 直樹
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.127, no.11, pp.1865-1870, 2007-11-01 (Released:2007-11-01)
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In this paper, we describe that brain activities associated with emoticons by using fMRI. In communication over a computer network, we use abstract faces such as computer graphics (CG) avatars and emoticons. These faces convey users' emotions and enrich their communications. However, the manner in which these faces influence the mental process is as yet unknown. The human brain may perceive the abstract face in an entirely different manner, depending on its level of reality. We conducted an experiment using fMRI in order to investigate the effects of emoticons. The results show that right inferior frontal gyrus, which associated with nonverbal communication, is activated by emoticons. Since the emoticons were created to reflect the real human facial expressions as accurately as possible, we believed that they would activate the right fusiform gyrus. However, this region was not found to be activated during the experiment. This finding is useful in understanding how abstract faces affect our behaviors and decision-making in communication over a computer network.
関根 好文
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.133, no.3, pp.494-501, 2013-03-01 (Released:2013-03-01)
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Nonlinear electronic circuit is widely used in many fields of electronic devices. The importance of nonlinear electronic circuit is increasingly recognized with improvement in the speed and precision of electronic devices, and the development and expansion of use. Here, I give a trend of nonlinear electronic circuit which is introduced for the purpose of contributing to development of a nonlinear electronic circuit from a viewpoint of analog electronic circuit technology including new fields, such as chaos, neuro, and a neural network. From now on, nonlinear electronic circuit will become more important for the electronics, and the circuit technology will be utilized for many fields.
藤 大樹 満倉 靖恵
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.133, no.4, pp.722-729, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-04-01)

In this paper, we propose a model-based alignment system using evolutionary computation and particle filter for augmented reality (AR). AR is a technique to overlay useful virtual information on the real world. To realize the AR, alignment between real space and virtual space is a serious problem. In particular, an initial frame alignment for real-time tracking is needed in the prior knowledge based alignment. Therefore, we propose an alignment method using evolutionary computation for the initial frame alignment. In this paper, we use the multiple evolutionary computation methods for designing an effective method of alignment system. Moreover, we conduct tracking of the alignment target using particle filter based on the initial frame alignment results. By using this system, a model-based alignment can be conducted in a non-messy place such as being hard to acquire many feature points.
冨田 泰志 小林 朗 鶴貝 満男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.133, no.8, pp.1607-1615, 2013-08-01 (Released:2013-08-01)

To lower the burden on the global environment, renewable energy resources are increasingly being integrated to power systems, in particular, a great deal of photovoltaics (PVs) in Japan are expected to be installed on the roof-top of residential houses. However, this will make the supply-demand balance control and the voltage control of a power system difficult. A measure to reduce this impact is consuming excess power in local area where PVs are located.We have developed a control algorithm for adjusting the operating pattern of multiple heat pump water heaters as a group to maximize the consumption of excess power of PVs in local area. The problem was formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and the tabu search method was applied as a meta-heuristics solution. The result of a case study for group control of six consumers that used the same low-voltage transformer showed an operating pattern that has the following features. First, the consumption of excess PV power was maximized. Second, the consumption of commercial electric power was minimized. We also compared the result by controlling a group of six consumers with the result by controlling of six consumers that had been controlled individually, and showed that the consumption of PV excess power was increased by 46% at the same level of commercial electric power consumption.
阿部 清彦 大和田 厚祐 大井 尚一 大山 実
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.127, no.7, pp.1036-1042, 2007-07-01 (Released:2007-09-01)
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We have developed an eye-gaze input system for people with severe physical disabilities, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. This system utilizes a personal computer and a home video camera to detect eye-gaze under natural light. The system detects both vertical and horizontal eye-gaze by simple image analysis, and does not require special image processing units or sensors. We also developed the platform for eye-gaze input based on our system.In this paper, we propose a new web browsing system for physically disabled computer users as an application of the platform for eye-gaze input. The proposed web browsing system uses a method of direct indicator selection. The method categorizes indicators by their function. These indicators are hierarchized relations; users can select the felicitous function by switching indicators group. This system also analyzes the location of selectable object on web page, such as hyperlink, radio button, edit box, etc. This system stores the locations of these objects, in other words, the mouse cursor skips to the object of candidate input. Therefore it enables web browsing at a faster pace.
河口 信夫 坂部 俊樹 稲垣 康善
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.116, no.1, pp.103-110, 1995-12-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

Term Rewriting System (TRS) is one of the simplest computation models for functional programming languages. It can also be used to model term manipulation required in program verification and transformation. In such applications, an environment for term rewriting with user friendly graphical interface is strongly required for analyzing structure of terms and rewriting processes. Most TRS interpreters developed so far are text, based ones, and hence they do not provide sufficient supports for analyzing structure of terms. We have proposed a new idea for a term visualization based on Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) [11] [12]. This paper shows how to realize the idea with the functional programming language Standard ML (SML). We illustrate the implementation can be easily modified and extended since the rewriting part and GUI part of the program are clearly separated owing to the module system of SML.
木村 優志 澤田 心大 入部 百合絵 桂田 浩一 新田 恒雄
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.132, no.9, pp.1473-1480, 2012-09-01 (Released:2012-09-01)

In this paper, we propose a task estimation method based on multiple subspaces extracted from multi-modal information of image objects in visual scenes and spoken words in dialog appeared in the same task. The multiple subspaces are obtained by using latent semantic analysis (LSA). In the proposed method, a task vector composed of spoken words and the frequencies of image-object appearances are extracted first, and then similarities among the input task vector and reference sub-spaces of different tasks are compared. Experiments are conducted on the identification of game tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed method with multi-modal information outperforms the method in which only single modality of image or spoken dialog is applied. Moreover, the proposed method achieved accurate performance even if less spoken dialog is applied.
滑川 徹 細田 康彦
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.132, no.9, pp.1446-1453, 2012-09-01 (Released:2012-09-01)
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This paper deals with H∞ filter-based short-term electric load prediction considering characteristics of load curve. We propose a predictive method to forecast a future electric load demand for 36 hours from 0 PM, and then evaluate the peak and bottom of load curves in the next day. We propose a load model, estimates unknown parameters of model via H∞ filter using the separated data from holiday and weekday, a same pattern of the previous data have been chosen and assigned to parameters for the model. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed prediction methodology.
宮崎 保光
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.118, no.1, pp.99-104, 1997-12-20 (Released:2008-12-19)
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High bit rate and high speed mobile radio communications using microwaves and millimeter waves are very attractive for wireless mega and giga bits LAN and video transmissions. Radio interferences due to multi-propagation paths and multiple scattering by street buildings and natural structures of hills and trees are very important problems for high bit rate mobile radio communications. Real time high speed signal processing for delayed fading noises may be required. Optical signal processing using optical and radio interactions are most useful method to accomplish real time high speed signal processing. Fundamental properties and applications of optical signal processors using optical active waveguide devices are shown for high bit-rate mobile communications.
田中 隆治 吉岡 理文
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.131, no.11, pp.1895-1900, 2011-11-01 (Released:2011-11-01)

In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) becomes the focus of attention as a technology for obtaining some information. Most AR systems have used some markers to display any information. However, since markerless AR systems can be used intuitively, they are researched actively.In this paper, we study about the AR system based on the hand recognition as a markerless system. The reason why we used a hand is that we don't need to prepare or carry on any tool, and can easy to watch any information on a hand. Taehee Lee et al. introduced HandyAR which employ the hand recognition. In this method, there are some problems. At first, when the method learns skin model, it needs many learning data. This is because it uses RGB color model. Secondly, it is difficult to get hand because hand images which are extracted by the skin model have noise. Thirdly, the method uses finger positions to estimate the hand coordinate. Therefore it is sensitive to finger state. We improved HandyAR to solve these problems. Experimental result showed that our method had higher performance than conventional methods.
樋口 寛晃 旭 健作 佐川 雄二 杉江 昇
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.124, no.12, pp.2439-2445, 2004 (Released:2005-03-01)
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We propose a method for separating speeches using two spectrograms. First, two spectrograms are generated from voices recorded with a pair of microphones. The onsets and the offsets of the frequency components are extracted as the features using image processing techniques. Then the correspondences of the features between the spectrograms are determined and the intermicrophone time differences are calculated. Each of frequency components with the common onset/offset occurrences and time difference are grouped together as originating one of the speech signals. A set of band-pass filters are generated corresponding to each group of frequency components. Finally, each of the separated speech signals is extracted by applying the set of band-pass filters to the voice signal recorded by a microphone. Experiments were conducted with the mixture of a male speech sound and a female speech sound consisting of Japanese vowel and contain consonant. The evaluation results demonstrated that the separation was done reasonably well with the proposed method.
加藤 省三 荒木 睦大 小越 康宏 谷口 秀次 森 幹男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.130, no.6, pp.1054-1060, 2010-06-01 (Released:2010-06-01)

The processing of kana-to-kanji conversion can be classified into two categories of processing: The first is the processing to detect the boundaries of words in non-segmented kana strings, and the second is the processing to select the candidate of kanji-kana words. Also, the methods of kana-to-kanji conversion can be mainly classified into two types from the point of view of the two processing described above: One is to conduct simultaneously these two processing (called Method-A), and the other is to conduct sequentially them (called Method-B), namely, to detect the boundaries of kana words by using Markov chain model of kana words, and then to convert kana words to kanji-kana words and to select the maximum likely candidates by using Markov chain model of kanji-kana words. This paper evaluates two types of kana-to-kanji conversion method (Method-A and Method-B) by using 2nd-order Markov chain model of words. Through the experiments by using statistical data of daily Japanese newspaper, Method-A and Method-B are evaluated by the criteria of the accuracy rate of conversion, the conversion processing time and the memory capacity. From the results of the experiments, it is concluded that the Method-B is superior to Method-A in the conversion processing time and the memory capacity and is effective in kana-to-kanji conversion of bunsetsu.
寺田 賢治
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.127, no.6, pp.812-816, 2007-06-01 (Released:2007-09-01)

As well known, human sensing is useful for our life. But, the development of the human sensing system is not easy, because the shape and the movement of human are complicated and Indistinct; the environment of obtaining image is not always constant and so on. We have developed some methods of identifying individuals using facial image, counting passing people, observing of human behave and so on. In this paper, human sensing and its applications are introduced. In addition, examples of application are shown.