小枝 圭太
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-032, (Released:2022-01-28)

A single adult specimen (205.1 mm standard length) of Lined Butterflyfish, Chaetodon lineolatus Cuvier, 1831, collected in 1932 from Onahama, Fukushima Prefecture, northern Japan, was discovered in the fish collection of the Department of Zoology, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. The previous northernmost Japanese record of the species being the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, most records from southern Japan have been of juveniles. Accordingly, the present specimen represents the first record of the species from the cold-water area off northern Japan (northernmost record of the species), and indicates that at least limited dispersal of tropical fishes to northern Japan occurred in the 1930’s, when water temperatures were estimated to have been almost 2˚C lower than in recent years.
藤田 矢郎
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.13, no.4, pp.162-168, 1966

1965年6月22日, 長崎市郊外の野母崎沖でサバフグの入工授精を行い, ふ化仔魚を約1か月間飼育し, 卵発生およびふ化仔魚について次の結果を得た。<BR>1. サバフグの卵は無数の小油球からなる油球塊を有する無色透明な球形の沈性卵で, かろうじて認められる程度の微弱な粘着性があり, 卵径0.61-0.70mm, 平均0.65mmである。<BR>2. 水温21.7-24.5℃で, 授精後67時間でふ化する。本種の卵発生においては, 発生後期・に油球の癒合が行われ, ふ化直前には大油球2-3個と小油球1-2個になるが, これは他のフグ類 (Fugu属およびSphoeroides属) の卵発生にはみられない特異な現象である。<BR>3. ふ化直後の仔魚は全長1.91mm, 筋節数8+13=21で, 卵黄は細長い楕円形で, 大油球2-3個と小油球1-2個があり, 魚体はやせ長い。<BR>4. ふ化後24時間頃から, 仔魚膜鰭は異状に発達し, 頭胴部においては特に巾広くふくらむが, これは本種の仔魚前期の特徴の一っで, 顕著な浮游生活と関連があるのではないかと推測される。<BR>5.ふ化後5日, 全長2.40mm内外で卵黄を吸収し仔魚後期に入る。<BR>6.ふ化後96時間でニワトリの卵黄に, 9日でブライ・ンシユリンプのノウプリウスに餌付きし, ふ化後26-31日で全長6.6mm前後になり稚魚期に達する。
波戸岡 清峰
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.32, no.4, pp.379-386, 1986-03-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ウツボ科魚類において顎歯の形態, 配列様式は重要な分類形質となるが, その顎歯に性的二型のあることがアラシウツボ属Echidna2種, ウツボ属Gymnothorax 1種において観察された.アラシウツボ属のクモウツボE.nebulosaとシマアラシウツボE.polyzonaでは歯の形態に差異が認められる.これら2種の雄は前上顎骨板周辺列の歯が鋭い.またクモウツボの雄ではこの部分の歯および下顎前部の歯に顕著な鋸歯状部を持つ。一方, 両種の雌は鈍い円錐状である.
落合 明 益田 一
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.3, pp.165-167, 1974

In February 10, 1974, a strange hawkfish, 47.0 mm in standard length, 56.5 mm in total length, referred to <I>Oxycirrhites typus</I> Bleeker, which has not previously been reported from Japan was taken at a depth of 40 meter on the coast of Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture.The fish is characterized by having peculiar pectoral fin, the lower several rays of which are unbranched and thickened, elongated snout, well-serrated preopercle and the slender body with reddish fretwork.The specimen examined here agrees with Bleeker's holotype and other specimens of the species obtained from some tropical seas of the Indo-Pacific except for larger eye (4.8 in head length for the present specimen, 5.5 to 6.4 for others), fewer serrations of the preopercle (8 instead of 11 to 23), and moderately forked caudal fin (slightly forked fin in the holotype).
増田 紳哉 小沢 貴和 多部田 修
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.32, no.4, pp.392-399, 1986-03-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

D'Ancona and Cavinato (1965) が規定したBregmaceros nectabanus Whitleyの3 formsの精査により, Southeast Atlantic and Indo-Malayan formとFiji Islands formは, B.nectabanus (Toyama Bay form) と尾鰭主鰭条数 (14に対し後種は13) および腹部の外観 (色素化しているに対し後種はしていない) において明らかに異なることが知られた.SE Atlantic and Indo-Malayan formを新種B.neonectabanusとして記載した.新種と色素配列のみで異なる残りのformの分類学的問題は今後の研究課題として残された.本研究で新種は日本周辺の2海域から採集された.
上原 匡人 本永 文彦 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 宮岡 勇輝 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.2, pp.129-142, 2021

<p>The Indian mackerel <i>Rastrelliger kanagurta</i> is an important coastal fishery resource for Okinawa Prefecture, southwestern Japan. However, much is still unknown about its life history. The early development, occurrence, sexual maturation, and reproductive cycle of the species was examined from specimens collected from the coastal waters of Okinawa Island, and management of the fishery evaluated. Larvae [3.4 mm notochord length–12.5 mm standard length (SL)] and juveniles (11.4–16.2 mm SL) of <i>R. kanagurta</i> were distinguished from other mackerel species by: 1) numbers of myomeres, 2) absence of spines on the preopercle posterior margins, 3) positional relationship between the upper and lower jaw tips, 4) melanophore pattern, and 5) distribution (allopatric). Both larvae and juveniles occurred in the offshore epipelagic zone of Nakagusuku Bay in May, June, and August, which coincided with the occurrence of high-gonadosomatic value adults in coastal waters. However, specimens were not encountered in extremely shallow coastal areas (e.g., tidal flats), although younger individuals may utilize such the offshore epipelagic zone of the bay, attaining fork lengths (FL) of ca. 8 cm. Individuals mature at ca. 26 cm FL, one year after hatching. <i>R. kanagurta</i> are primarily caught by set net fishery near Okinawa, small (immature) individuals accounting for > 45% of netted individuals in all months, except May and June, during the period from April 1985 to April 1987, and for > 35% of the examined individuals in all months, except June and July, between April 2011 and March 2016. These results for both periods suggest growth overfishing. Accordingly, immature individuals must be conserved to sustain the Okinawan population of <i>R. kanagurta</i>.</p>
上原 匡人 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.2, pp.93-107, 2021

<p>Two closely related, commercially important threadfin breams, <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, are an essential coastal fishery resource in Okinawa Prefecture. The age, growth, reproductive cycle, and stomach contents from 124 <i>N. furcosus</i> and 37 <i>N. peronii</i>, obtained from November 2011 to December 2015, were examined, age being assessed from sectioned otoliths and gonadal histology. <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i> were the most abundant threadfin breams in Kin Bay and Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa Island, areas including many coastal tidal flats, where the two species comprised 98.1% of the total number of <i>Nemipterus</i> individuals examined. Overall sex ratios of both species were significantly sex-biased, the apparent lack of transitional gonads implying functional gonochorism. The spawning seasons of both species were estimated as occurring between spring and fall, no immature fishes having been obtained. Age validation using edge-type analyses implied that opaque zones were formed once per year, being valid annual growth increments. Although no intersex differences in maximum length, growth equation, and age range were observed in <i>N. furcosus</i>, <i>N. peronii</i> females were larger and older than males. The greatest ages observed were 4.3 and 7.0 years for <i>N. furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, respectively. Both species fed predominantly on crabs, which primarily occupied the inner bays. Over the previous 27 years, the catch per unit effort of <i>Nemipterus</i> has declined in the highly altered environments of Kin and Nakagusuku Bays, suggesting that the decline in the populations of these species at Okinawa Island may be due to coastal fishery practices, environmental decline, and the degradation of suitable habitats. The biological implications for conservation are discussed.</p>
Maurice Kottelat
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.4, pp.427-431, 1994-02-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ミミズ型の体形で知られるVaillantella (Balitoridae: フクドジョウ亜科) の未記載種を東部ボルネオ・マハカム川水系より6個体採集し, V.cinnamomeaとして記載した.新種は同族のV.euepipteraやV.maassiと臀鰭軟条数91/2, 脊椎骨数34-36+16-17=51-52, 薄い茶色の体色, 吻端から鰓蓋に及ぶ1本の黒色帯, 体前部の不明瞭な2本の縦帯を合わせ持っことにより区別できる.
丸山 圭右
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.5, no.1, pp.65-69, 1956

SCHULTZ (1938) によると世界産テンガンムネエソ (<SUB>Argyropelecus</SUB>) 属魚類は7種類に同定され, その1種テオノエソ (<I>A. sladeni</I> REGAN) が南日本沖から発見されている。又松原 (1955) によるともう1種テンガンムネエソ (<I>A.hemigymus</I> Cocco) が明神礁から知られている。然しこの外の種類は未だ日本近海からは採集されていない様である。<BR>最近筆者は当所に於いて集あられた深海魚の標本を調べて本属魚類の2種と同定されるものを発見した。<BR>本研究に当り貴重な文献の貸与閲読を許され且報文の御校閲を戴いた東海区水産研究所阿部宗明博士並に文献の閲覧に種々便宜と協力をおしまれなかった東海区水産研究所矢島信一技官に深い感謝の意を表すると共に写真撮影に助力を与えられた当所渡辺光男技官に謝意を表する。
波戸岡 清峰
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.31, no.1, pp.20-22, 1984-05-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

沖縄本島名護魚市場において, 延縄による漁獲物中からウツボ類の1新種を得たのでUropterygius mgo-msis (新称: ナゴキカイウツボ) としてここに記載した。本種は垂直鰭が尾端部にのみ存在すること, 体側背方に鰓孔を持つこと, 頭長に対する上顎長の割合が大きく (40.6%), 吻長の割合が小さいこと (13.3%), 下顎がいくぶん湾曲し両顎は完全に閉じられないこと, 不明瞭な網目状斑紋を持つこと等により他のウツボ科魚類と容易に区別される.
John E. McCosker 波戸岡 清峰 佐々木 邦夫 Jack T. Moyer
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.31, no.3, pp.261-267, 1984-11-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

日本産キカイウツボ属魚類Uropterygiusの再検討を行った結果, コゲウツボU.concolar, キカイウツボU.bennettii, ナゴキカイウツボU.nagoensis, シズクキカイウツボ (新称) U.marmoratus, ホシキカイウツボU.macrocephalus, アミキカイウッボU.micropterus, の6種の分布を確認し, あわせてその検索を掲げた.これまでホシキカイウツボと称され報告されてきたキカイウツボ属の1種はU.marmoratusではなくU.macrocephalusであり, 従ってU.marmoratusの記録は本邦初となる, また, U.macrocephalusの確認は本種の分布を太平洋全域に広げた.
馬渕 浩司
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.50, no.2, pp.103-113, 2003-11-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

Abstract The geographical distribution patterns of two closely-related wrasses, Pseudolabrus eoethinus and P sieboldi, on the Pacific and Sea of Japan coasts of southern Japan were examined. Relative frequencies of the two species were sur-veyed in 53 localities (six bordering the Sea of Japan), based on 586 specimens, 91 photographs and a total of 724 minutes of diving observations. Although the distri-butions of the two species broadly overlapped, P. eoethinus was exclusively distrib-uted along the southernmost parts of the peninsulas projecting into the Pacific Ocean, such as Kii Peninsula and Izu Peninsula, except in some protected areas (e.g. around the Koza River mouth near southernmost Kii Peninsula and within the Shimoda City harbor, southernmost Izu Peninsula). On the other hand, P. sieboldi was exclusively distributed in the innermost parts of bays opening to the Pacific (e.g. Sagami and Osaka Bays), and in the Seto Inland Sea and Sea of Japan. These geographical distribution patterns of the two species suggested that P. eoethinus preferred relatively warm, saline waters strongly influenced by the Kuroshio Cur-rent, whereas P. sieboldi preferred relatively cold, less saline waters not or only weakly influenced by the current. It was inferred that the two closely-related wrasses were able to coexist partly by differences in their preferred habitats.
藤田 矢郎 北島 力 林田 豪介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.33, no.3, pp.304-315, 1986

<I>Cynoglossus abbreviatus</I> spawns from mid-March to mid-April in the Sea of Shimabara in Kyushu. During the spawning season ovarian maturation was successfully induced by injection of the pituitary homogenate of <I>Hypophthalmichthys molitrix</I>. The dose of the aceton-dried pituitary homogenate was 6.5 mg/kg body weight of <I>C. abbreviatus</I>. It took about 2 days for ovulation after injection at a water temperature of 14 to 16&deg;C. Artificial fertilizations were accomplished on March 29, 1974 and again on April 7, 1984, using the females matured by hormone injection in the latter case only. The larvae were reared on the rotifers, <I>Artemia nauplii</I>, <I>Tigriopus japonicus</I> and copepods collected from the sea over a period of 113 days in 1974 and 58 days in 1984. The eggs were pelagic, spherical, 1.19-1.23 mm in diameter and had 30-50 oilglobules of 0.068-0.095 mm in diameter, and the perivitelline space was narrow. The incubation period was 90-98 hours at a water temperature of 14 to 16&deg;C. The newly hatched larvae were 3.18-3.45 mm TL and had 61-64 myomeres. The larvae had many melanophores and xanthophores on the body, forming three bands on the caudal region, but were lacking chromatophores on the finfolds. The yolk was completely absorbed when the larvae attained a size of 4.7-5.6 mm TL 8 days after hatching. A single elongated dosal fin ray developed on the head in the 8-day old larvae. The ray was reduced in size as long as the other rays 1 or 2 days after metamorphosis. The rudiment of pectoral fins were found on the both sides of the body in the 2-day old larvae, but two of them disappeared after metamorphosis. A pelvic fin first appeared as a ventral bud just anterior to the gut in the larva of 8.39 mm TL. The full count of 4 rays was observed on the larva of 10.83 mm TL. Metamorphosis began 22 days after hatching when the larvae were 11.20 mm TL. The right eye began to shift the left side of the head at night and reached to the final place after 8.5 hours. It took about 36 hours to complete the metamorphosis, including the eye movement and fusion of the hole in the rostral beak. At the last stage of metamorphosis, the dosal, caudal, anal and ventral fins became confluent. The larvae reached the juvenile stage at a size of 13.5-14.0 mm TL, approximately 28 days after hatchling. The growth of larvae reared in 1974 is expressed by the following equations:<BR>Y<SUB>1</SUB>=3.448&middot;1.0507<SUP>x</SUP> (8&le;X&le;28)<BR>Y<SUB>2</SUB>=6.3322&middot;1.0275<SUP>x</SUP> (28&le;X&le;75)<BR>where Y is the total length (mm) and X is the number of days after hatching. Growth rate changed after metamorphosis.
林 徳之 中村 聡一 吉川 弘正 安部 恒之 小林 博
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.41, no.1, pp.7-13, 1994-05-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

We examined the role of olfaction involved in schooling of Japanese sea catfish Plotosus lineatus, and attempted to elucidate the relationship between the sensitivity to an aggregating pheromone and bodylength in reference to a reduction of the school size with growth in Japanese sea catfish. Behavioral test of preferenCe for sea water which had held their own school were carried out on 97 fish (42 to 235mm in total length), using filtrated sea water or sea water which had held another school as a control. The catfish discriminated and selected the sea water holding their own school. However, anosmic fish no longer discriminated their holding sea water, suggesting that this preference leading to a school was established by olfaction but not other sense organs including taste. No distinct change in the preference with fish growth was recognized. However, larger fish especially maturing females tended to show a lowered preference. This suggests that reduction in the constituent members of the school with growth in Japanese sea catfish was dependent upon breakaway from menace of predators or upon dispersal of maturing females from their school to avoid incest breeding.
Iwamoto Tomio
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.2, pp.111-114, 1980

マツバラトラギス<I>Matsubaraea setouchiensis</I>Takiと<I>Cirrinasus fusiformis</I> (Fowler) の模式標本を調査した結果, <I>Cirrinasus</I> Schultzはマツバラトラギス属<I>Matsubaraea</I> Takiのjunior synonymとみなされることが判った.マツバラトラギスと<I>M.fusiformis</I>は脊椎骨数と臀鰭条数の違いから, 一応別種とみなしておく.
玉田 一晃
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.1, pp.17-20, 2005

Clutch and egg size in the Japanese amphidromous goby, <I>Rhinogobius</I> sp.DA (<I>R. brunneus</I>, dark type), inhabiting small rivers in the southern part of the Kii peninsula were examined. Clutch sizes, ranging between 1043 and 4436, increased with increasing maternal standard length. Spawned egg volume ranged between 0.85 mm<SUP>3</SUP> and 1.38 mm<SUP>3</SUP>, mean egg volumes being similar among the eight rivers sampled during the study. <I>Rhinogobius</I> sp.DA had a relatively larger egg and smaller clutch size compared to those of three other amphidromous <I>Rhinogobius</I> species inhabiting relatively larger rivers in the same region. Inter-specihic egg size variations among the four species appear to result in differing larval survival rates during their migration to the sea.