西尾 正輝 タハ ソリマン 山崎 裕治
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.59, no.2, pp.147-153, 2012-11-05 (Released:2014-12-02)

To clarify the distribution during spawning and spawning habitat of Itasenpara bitterling (Acheilognathus longipinnis), one of the most endangered freshwater fish species in Japan, the habitats of mature individuals and freshwater mussels (Unio douglasiae nipponensis) were investigated in the Moo River (Himi City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan) in relation to environmental factors during the fall and winter seasons in 2010. Mussel density-influenced sex ratios of bitterling varied in the study area, males remaining in areas of high mussel density during spawning, while females frequented deeper feeding grounds until their eggs had matured.
鈴木 清 木村 清志
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.1, pp.77-81, 1980

三重県沖で行われた深海カゴ網の試験操業によって漁獲された標本の中から5個体の.Psychrolutes inermis (Vaillant) が得られた.これは本邦初記録で, 和名としてクマノカジカを提唱する.本種は従来Cottun-culoides inermisとして記載されていたが, 近縁と思われるウラナイカジカやPsychrolutes phrictus Stein et Bondの記載と比較した結果, ウラナイカジカ属Psychrolutesに帰属させるべきであるとの結論に達した.本種は背鰭条数 (VII~VIII, 17~18), 胸鰭条数 (20~21) および側線が完全に退化していることなどにより近縁種と区別される.
國島 大河 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>The species of <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. (Japanese name: Izumi-haze) and <i>M. chulae</i> are both common species, sympatrically inhabiting the estuaries and tidal flats of Okinawajima Island. Some species of <i>Mugilogobius</i> has a urea cycle, and their processing ability is higher, especially in northern distributed species, such as <i>M. abei</i> and <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. It is possible to differentiate their life history traits and habitats on the basis of urea processing ability. However, because little is known in detail of their life history and habitat, <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. and <i>M. chulae</i> were investigated through monthly sampling conducted on the southern part of the Sashiki Tidal flat and Manko Wetland on Okinawa-jima Island, from January 2012 to January 2013. The spawning seasons of <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. and <i>M. chulae</i> are from January to October and April to October, respectively, with peaks in the summer period (April to October), indicating that maturity in both species is closely related to changes in water temperature. A comparison with the spawning season of <i>M. abei</i>, a temperate region species, revealed the subtropical species to spawn over a longer period. Estimates of daily age from otolith analyses indicated the possibility of recruitment from other areas, since histological observations revealed mismatches of gonads and birthmonths between different spawning seasons, as estimated by back-calculations of daily age. The longevity of <i>Mugilogobius</i> species was about six months. The study also revealed the growth rate of <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. to be similar to that of <i>M. chulae</i>. <i>Mugilogobius chulae</i> locally inhabited mangrove habitats, whereas <i>Mugilogobius</i> sp. showed wide habitat use and was less susceptible to decreasing habitat than the former. Accordingly, future conservation of <i>M. chulae</i> is dependent upon suitable mud habitat associated with mangroves.</p>
三木 涼平 桜井 雄 岩槻 幸雄
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.61, no.2, pp.85-88, 2014-11-05 (Released:2016-12-25)

Six specimens (189–306 mm in standard length) of the lethrinid fish, Gymnocranius superciliosus Brosa, Béarez, Paijo and Chen, 2013, recently described from New Caledonia, were collected from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, being the first record of the species from the Northern Hemisphere. Gymnocranius superciliosus is distinguishable from its congeners by the following combination of characters: elongated body (body depth at 1st dorsal-fin spine origin 2.53–3.06 in standard length); villiform to conical teeth on sides of both jaws; forked caudal fin with rounded posterior margins on both lobes, tips slightly pointed; six rows of scales between 5th dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; no transverse dark brown bar laterally on head or body, except between eye and interopercular flange; blue speckles dispersed on snout and cheek; body scales each with a basal dark brown dot, forming longitudinal rows; reddish color on margins of dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins.
岸本 浩和
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.21, no.2, pp.101-107, 1974

In May 11th, 1973, 399 specimens of <I>Stethojulis</I> were collected in Suruga Bay, ofwhich 33 showed color phase of <I>S.interrupta</I> and 366 that of <I>S.kalosoma</I>.In anaquarium, 312 specimens with"kalosoma"pattern were kept at the water temperature18.3-25.1°C.Some of them changed their color pattern to"<I>interrupta</I>"phase, within10 days.Among 312 specimens, 54 (42 died, 12 alive) changed to <I>S.interrupta</I> phaseand 258 remained in"<I>kalosoma</I>"phase (187 died, 71 alive), by July 31, 1973.Duringthe color change, certain specimens took on color patterns resembling <I>S."trossula"</I>.It was found that individuals of"<I>kalosoma</I>"phase included female, male and indeterminables, whereas those of"<I>interrupta</I>"phase were all males.On the basis ofmorphological characters and color patterns, it was concluded that <I>S.kalosoma</I> and<I>S.trossula</I> are junior synonyms of <I>S.interrupta</I>, and represent different color phasein the course of the sex reversal from female to male.
Bell Lori J.
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.30, no.2, pp.158-167, 1983

イトビキベラの生殖行動が伊豆諸島の三宅島で1979年7~9月に観察された.ほとんどの雄はなわばり性を示したが, 雌は群れを形成していた.個々の雌は雄のなわばりを移動し, 生殖行動はランダムではないが乱交的であった.三宅島における生殖時期は5~9月と推定された.生殖行動は午後顕著になり, 3段階の産卵前行動, 即ち誇示, 雌への突進, 回転が観察された.産卵はペアで行なわれた.産卵時刻は日没が早くなるにつれて早くなった.産卵時刻と光の強さに関係のあることが示唆された.なわばりを持つterminalphaseの雄による産卵行動の妨害も観察された.In.itial phaseの雄は本研究の個体群の中には見られなかった.雄のなわばり性は産卵にともなうなわばりを防衛する行動に基づいていた.
千田 哲資 木村 基文 神原 利和
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.2, pp.193-198, 1993

西太平洋熱帯域 (北緯2-8°, 東経140-151°) の漂流物に随伴する魚類の胃内容物を調べたところ, 5つの科に属する6種がウミアメンボを食していた.特にギンガメアジでは61%と高い捕食率であったのに対し, 他の7種のアジ科魚類130個体では1個体のツムブリを除いてウミアメンボを食していたものはなかった.捕食されていたウミアメンボのうち, 66.4%がツヤウミアメンボ, 32.7%がセンタウミアメンボであった.それぞれ1個体の雌雄のコガタウミアメンボが, 従来本種は分布していないと考えられていた北緯4。付近で採集したギンガメアジ (別個体) に食されていた.魚類は海鳥とともに, 遠洋性ウミアメンボの無視できない捕食者であると考えられた.
小山 直人 森 幹大 中井 宏施 北川 忠生
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.81-86, 2011

Genetic disturbance in wild populations of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) has resulted from the introduction of populations originating from commercial strains. To clarify the genetic composition of orange-red type and wild type commercial strains of O. latipes ('himedaka' and 'kuromedaka', respectively), polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were conducted for Medaka populations cultured in 2 fish farms and others purchased from 21 aquarium fish shops. All 'himedaka' populations showed a high frequency of the B27 mitotype, an original mitotype of 'himedaka', and a low frequency of the B1a mitotype, an introduced mitotype from wild populations in Okayama or Nara Prefectures. 'Kuromedaka' populations, originating from cultured populations, were characterized primarily by the B27 and B1a mitotypes, being a result of hybridization between wild populations and 'himedaka'. All 'kuromedaka' populations originating from wild populations had their own native mitotypes, although some also had the B1a mitotype, which was inferred as being of 'himedaka' origin.
石原 元
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.34, no.3, pp.241-285, 1987

北西太平洋産ガンギエイ属Rajaの標本を, この海域のほぼすべてのnominal speciesのtype標本と比較した結果, 従来イサゴガンギエイとされていた種は新種<I>R.(Okamejei) boesemani</I>であることが明らかとなった.北西太平洋産オカメエイ亜属<I>R.(Okamejei) </I>の中でこの種は, 尖った吻, 長いprocaudalおよびpost-dorsal length, 広いinterdorsal distance, 体盤上の黒色粒状斑点, 縦扁したscapulocoracoidを持つことなどで, キテンカスベ (新称) <I>R.(O.) hollandi</I> Jordan et Richardsonに極めてよく似ていて, Ui (1929) 以来両種は混同されてきた。しかしイサゴガンギエイはキテンカスベと, ややせまいinterdorsal distance, 黒色粒状斑点が集合したrosette-like patches, 胸びれ腋部の1対の黒色ring, 前側方突起が長く延長するatr 1 clasper cartilage, scapulocoracoidに円形のanterior fenestraを持つことなどで区別される.<BR><I>Raja porosa</I> G&uuml;ther, <I>R. fusca</I> Garman, <I>R. japonica</I> Nystr&ouml;m, <I>R. tobae</I> Tanaka, <I>R. katsukii</I> Tanaka, <I>R. meerdervoortii</I> sensu Jordan and Fowler (1903) はいずれも<I>R.(O.) kenojei</I> M&uuml;er et Henleのjunior synonymであることが判明したので, コモンカスベの学名は<I>R.(O.) kenojei</I>となる。<I>Raja (O.) meerdervoortii</I> Bleekerはvalidな種で, メダマカスベ<I>R. macrophtholma</I> Ishiyamaのsenior synonymであることが明らかと。なったガンギエイ<I>Raja kenojei</I> sensu Okada et al.(1935) は<I>R.(Dipturus) kwang</I>-tungensis Zhuのjunior synonymと判明した。以上のことからIshiyama (1967) が記載したテングエイ亜属<I>R.(Dipturus) </I>4, オカメエイ亜属<I>R.(Okamejei) </I> 7, 計11種の内5種は学名が変更される.本論文の1新種を加えて北西太平洋には, テングエイ亜属5, オカメエイ亜属6, 計11種のガンギエイ属魚類が分布することになった.この11種に北東太平洋産テングエイ亜属の2種, <I>R.(D.) binoculata</I> Girardと<I>R.(D.) rhina</I> Jordan et Gilbertを加えた13種の検索表を作成した.
遠藤 広光 北川 大二
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.53, no.1, pp.95-99, 2006

A single merlucciid specimen (BSKU 70615, 472 mm in standard length), trawled off Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, was identified as <I>Merluccius productus</I> (Ayres, 1855) based on the following combination of counts: number of anal-fin rays (41), gill rakers on first arch (20/19), vertebrae (23+31=54), ribs (3), and lateral line scales (135). All other characters are consistent with those of the species previously described. Merluccius productus is distributed widely on the Pacific coast off North America from California to the Gulf of Alaska. It is also known from three records from Tatar Strait (the Sea of Okhotsk), Bering Sea, and Attu Island (west end of Aleutian Islands). The specimen is therefore the first recorded from Japan, and the western North Pacifc. This occurrence from outside of the normal distribution may be the result of some biological traits of the species such as strong swimming ability and offshore migration.
平嶋 健太郎 中村 和矢
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.61, no.2, pp.53-57, 2014

シマヒレヨシノボリRhinogobius sp. BFは,鈴木ほか(2010)によって近年認められたヨシノボリ属魚類である。しかし,これまで他のヨシノボリ類と混同されていたこと(明仁ほか,2013)や認識されて間もないことから基礎的な資料は少ない。本種の分布域は,瀬戸内海東岸を中心とした地域である。これは,シマヨシノボリR. nagouaeやカワヨシノボリR. flumineusなど同属のヨシノボリ類の分布域と比較して狭く(明仁ほか,2013),また,その生息環境は平野部の野池や河川下流域,わんどなどであり(鈴木・向井,2010; 平嶋,2011),人為による環境改変の影響を受けやすいと考えられる。加えて,環境省レッドリストで準絶滅危惧(環境省,2013),和歌山県版レッドデータブックで学術重要(中谷ほか,2012),愛媛県版レッドデータブックで地域個体群に指定(高橋,2003)されていることから,本種の生息地の保全が望まれる。その一方で,本種が他地域へもち込まれた場合に他種との交雑(向井ほか,2012)や競合など大きな撹乱の元となることが危惧される(鈴木ほか,2010; 鈴木・向井,2010)。また,本種個体群の分散や交流に大きく影響する仔稚魚期の生活史に関して,Tsunagawa et al. (2010)は耳石のSr/Ca比により本種が河川陸封性であることを明らかにしているが,仔稚魚が実際に沿岸や海域で生残可能かどうかは明らかでない。
伴 和幸 福井 篤
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.59, no.1, pp.45-48, 2012

著者らは,房総半島沖,小笠原北東沖および九州南東沖から採集され,千葉県立中央博物館(CBM)および国立科学博物館(NSMT)に所蔵されていたトゲボウズギス属の4標本を精査した結果,これらはDysalotus oligoscolusに同定された。本報告では,これらの標本の形態を記載し,新標準和名を提唱する。
黒田 長禮
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.1, no.1, pp.57-61, 1950-08-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

Most of the Japanese ichthyologists consider that Bembrops caudimacula is confined to the near coasts of Honsiu, Shikoku, Kiusiu and Formosa. As already pointed out by Alcock (1902). B. caudimacuta has wide but isolate distribution from the seas of Japan, the Bay of Bengal, the Gulf of Mexico and to off the Atlantic coasts of North America.The present author has examined and sketched an adult specimen (total length 245 mm.) taken near Heda, Suruga Bay, and compared it with figures of specimens of Goode & Bean (1895) and Alcock (1902). From the result of the comparison the author finds that two figures used by the above gentlemen are no doubt junenile examples with short first dorsal spine and with a fine eye-like dark spot on the upper side near the base of the caudal fin. The adult specimen from Suruga Bay, however, has a rather elongate and curved first dorsal spine, and has no eye-like spot on the upper side near the base of the caudal, while it has a dark longitudinal band on the lower margin of the caudal.Moreover, the author points out the individual variation concerning the number, of dorsal spines and number of scales on lateral line.The two scientific names: Hypeicometes gobioides Goode (1880) and Bathypercis platyrhynchus Alcock have thus become pure synonyms of Bembrops caudimacula of Steindachner (1876).
馬渕 浩司 新井 良一 西田 睦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.49, no.2, pp.87-95, 2002-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of Pseudolabrus eoethinus and P. sieboldi were studied. Until a recent revision, the two species had been consid-ered a single species (Pseudolabrus japonicus), although two clearly distinct kary-otypes had been reported on several occasions. The karyotype of P. eoethinus was confirmed as 2M+2SM+44ST-A (2n=48, NF=52) and that of P. sieboldi, as 20M+8SM+14ST-A (2n=42, NF=70). Nuclear DNA content in the two Pseudolabrus species and 4 other labrid species from Japan was measured by flow cytometry, and provisionally expressed relative to that of a puffer fish, Canthigaster rivulata, used as an internal standard. The relative nuclear DNA content of P. eoethinus was 2.91±0.03 (n=5), that of P. sieboldi being 3.00±0.05 (n=6). Al-though the two values differed significantly (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.01, Ucal=0.5), the very small difference between them (average value of latter 103% of former) together with karyotype comparisons suggested that both pericentric inver-sions and Robertsonian fusion had played a major role in the establishment of the more derived karyotype of P sieboldi.
保科 利一 早栗 操
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.2, no.2, pp.76-80, 1952-04-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

鳥取縣、多稔池に産するワカサギの体腔に寄生する線虫類の一種に就て調査し、次の結果を得た。1. 本虫はFlhilometra opsaliohthydis YAMAGUTI, 1935に同定される。2. 本虫は肝臓、腸間膜、生殖腺等の表面に寄生し、多数寄生せる場合は集團をなして居り、從って腹部に多少異常な膨出があり、外部から寄生を察知される。3. 寄生率は1才魚より2~3才魚に於て著しく大である。又1尾當りに寄生せる虫体數に於ても同様である。然し性別による寄生率及び1尾當りに寄生せる虫体數に有意義な差異はない。4 調査時期 (1951年2月及び3月) に於ては感染魚と非感染魚とで肥満度に有意義な差異を認めなかつた。5.調査時期 (1951年3月5日) に於ては寄生虫の大多数は未熟虫であつて、子宮丙に幼虫を形成せるものは174個体中3個体槻察されたに過ぎなかつた。又魚体腔中に發見された極く幼少な虫体は体長7~10mm程度のものであつて、この大きさのものでは♀虫に陰門の開在が認められ、其の位置は尾端より体長の大約I/3附近である。6.上記の材料中に♂虫は發見されなかつた。
中山 耕至 木下 泉 青海 忠久 中坊 徹次 田中 克
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.43, no.1, pp.13-20, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

Two geographical forms of the temperate bass, Lateolabrax japonicus, from the coasts of China and Japan, are described and compared based on early stage morphological characteristics. Both forms were laboratory-reared under the same conditions. Larvae derived from the Chinese population differed from those from the Japanese population in chromatophore patterns and snout length. Melanophores and xanthophores on the body formed vertical bands in the former, but were scattered in the latter. Larvae and juveniles of the former also had a significantly shorter snout length. Such morphological differences in early ontogenetic characters suggested that the Chinese and Japanese temperate bass represent distinct species.
尼岡 邦夫
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.3, pp.153-157, 1974

種子島近海 (30°51'N, 129°01'E) の中層で, 水深32mから採集された1個体のダルマガレイ科 (Bothidae) の後期仔魚 (体長21.6mm) を調査した.この仔魚は体が長だ円形で, 短い背鰭第1棘と伸長した第2棘をもち, 尾舌骨と腰骨の腹縁に鋸歯を欠くなど明らかにナガダルマガレイ属 (<I>Arnoglossus</I>) の特徴をもっている.日本近海には本属の4種, ニホンダルマガレイ, ハナトゴダルマ, ナンヨウダルマ, ナガダルマガレイが生息している.この仔魚はすでに知られているニホンダルマガレイの仔魚によく似ているが, 背鰭条数 (II, 92), 臀鰭条数 (73) および脊椎骨数 (10+30=40) が少ない.これらの体節的形質に基づいて, この仔魚は南日本から南シナ海に広く分布するナガダルマガレイに同定される.また, この仔魚と同じ発育段階にあるニホンダルマガレイの仔魚と比較した結果, これらの体節的形質以外に, ナガダルマガレイの仔魚は体が高く, 吻・眼径・下顎・背鰭軟条・臀鰭軟条が短く, 吻突起がほとんど発達しないなどの相違のあることが判明した.
久保田 正 上野 輝弥
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.19, no.2, pp.125-128, 1972-09-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

1971~2年に駿河湾で9尾のダルマハダカが採集された.体長は78.7~90.5mmであって, これまでに報告されている最大のものよりさらに大きい。ダルマハダカは東および中部大西洋, 地中海, インド洋, 北および南太平洋東部海域に分布することがわかっていたが, 今回の日本の個体により北太平洋西部にも分布していることが判明した.
Randall John E. 清水 長
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.41, no.2, pp.109-115, 1994

モーリシャスで採集した新種<I>Plectranthias pelicieri</I>を記載した.本種は他の種から, 前鯛蓋骨下縁に3本の前向棘があることで区別できる (外見で見にくい場合には触れると分かる).その他に背鰭はX, 16-17で細長い皮弁が数本の中程の長い棘の後端にある, 胸鰭は13軟条で全て不分枝, 側線は完全で側線鱗は29, 赤と黄の地に青から白の横縞の入る体色などの特徴がある.<BR>また生時の色彩が特徴なので, <I>P. gardineri</I> (Regan, 1908) のカラー写真を初掲載した.
塩垣 優
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.29, no.4, pp.446-455, 1983-03-10 (Released:2011-07-04)

Chirolophis japonicus is known from as far north as Peter the Great Bay and Hokkaido south to southern Korea and Tsintao, northern China, and grows over 50cm TL.In Mutsu Bay, they inhabit rocky shallow coastal waters.They show strong cryptic habits and are almost impossible to ob-serve by SCUBA diving observations.They mainly feed on the sea cucumber Sticopus japonicus and the gastropod Neptunea arthritica by snapping them off with the aid of the sharp continuous cutting edge of both jaws.The digestive tract is very long, being 0.7-1.5 times of its total length.The stomach is provided with 5-7 well-developed pyloric caeca.They attain sexual maturity at over ca.25cm TL in males and 30cm TL in females.In Mutsu Bay, the spawning period extends from late November to December, when the water temperature falls below 10°C.The ovary is of the two-lobed type and deeply separated basally.Secondary sexual characters are recognized in the elevation of the nape backward to the origin of dorsal fin, the elongation of the anterior four dorsal spines and the darkening of body coloration in males.In spawning experiments in the aquarium, female parents guarded egg masses in all two cases.Eggs were attached to each other but did not adhere to other substrata.Spawnings took place in a tube-like hollow of a concrete block.Eggs were pressed on the wall of the hollow.Female parents guarded eggs in the hollow, but did not coil their body on the eggs.Egg membranes are spherical, light milky white, and measure 2.50±0.06mm (n=30) in diameter.They do not form any adhesive process, and are attached to each other at adhesive points or small faces.Yolk is light yellow, containing a large light yellow oil globule but without white cloudy material.Time for the hatching is estimated to be about two months under water temperatures of 3.5-10°C.Newly hatched prolarvae are 12.2-13.5mm TL, and are very slender and compressed.The distance from the tip of the snout to the anal opening is 35 % of TL.Myomere counts are 62 64 (15-16+46-47).Rearing experiments of larvae show that yolk is consumed in two weeks after hatching.Larvae reached 16.5 19.3mm TL two weeks after hatching, and 20.4-24.2mm TL in 39 days, attaining the early juvenile stage.In Mutsu Bay, planktonic juveniles of 29.2 34.0mm TL were collected with fish lamps at Moura in March and April.Early benthonic juveniles, 29.2-34.0mm TL, were collected from baskets for scallop culture in April and May.The present species is characterized by scaled cheeks, but in smaller specimens less than ca.20cm TL scales cannot be detected by naked eyes, because of their small size and the fact that they are imbedded in the skin.Examination of the development of dentition in cleared and stained.specimens shows that primary small teeth develop in the planktonic stage, arranged in two alternating rows.They are replaced by secondary developed incisors at ca.10cm TL.These incisors form a continuous cutting edge composed of two accurately alternating rows.On the basis of the development of squamation on the cheeks and coloration of C.japonicus, Bryostemma otohime Jordan et Snyder, 1902, which was described from the 82mm TL holotype collected from Hakodate, southern Hokkaido, is considered to be the young form of C.japonicus.Azuma emmnion Jordan et Snyder, 1902 is considered to be a male of C.japonicus.