馬渕 浩司 瀬能 宏 武島 弘彦 中井 克樹 西田 睦
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010 (Released:2014-03-05)

A recent mitochondrial (mt) DNA survey revealed that the native Japanese population of the common carp has been endangered by the introduction of non-native domesticated strains: more than half of the haplotypes detected so far in Japanese waters originated from Eurasian strains. In expectation that Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater body in Japan, contains a relatively pure native population, we conducted a survey of mtDNA haplotypes in the lake, collecting 856 common carp from 40 localities in the lake. Of these, 606 specimens were caught by various nets (gill net, set net, net trap, etc.) used at depths from 1 to 5 m, 148 specimens were caught by a trawl net used at depths from 30-70 m, and 102 specimens that had washed ashore during mass mortality caused by Koi herpes virus (KHV) in 2004 were collected by hand. For each of the specimens, the mitochondria- encoded cytochrome b gene was genotyped (Japanese native or non-native haplotypes) by PCR using allele-specific primers. Analysis of haplotype frequencies showed that the native Japanese haplotype was significantly more frequent in deep off-shore waters and waters along the steep northern coast of the North Basin (about 80% on average), than in shallow coastal waters in the South Basin and waters along the eastern coast of the North Basin (less than 50% on average). These results indicate that the deep waters of the lake may contain a relatively pure native population that is of prime importance for conserving the native Japanese common carp. Among the results, it is notable that more than 90% of the KHV-killed specimens had native Japanese haplotypes.
吉田 誠 馬渕 浩司 佐藤 克文
Pro Natura Foundation Japan
自然保護助成基金助成成果報告書 (ISSN:24320943)
vol.29, pp.150-161, 2020 (Released:2020-09-29)

馬渕 浩司 西田 一也 吉田 誠
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-012, (Released:2019-08-10)

A total of 351 eggs from 12 egg populations was collected in June 2018 from a revetmented tributary of the Chounogi River, ca. 2 km upstream from Lake Biwa. Analysis of 95 of these eggs (sampled about equally from all populations) by a 2 or 3-step DNA identification process resulted in 71 being successfully sorted into the following five taxa: Gnathopogon caerulescens (25 eggs), Carassius buergeri grandoculis (22), triploid Carassius (4), and Japanese (8) and Eurasian (12) species of Cyprinus. Of these five taxa, G. caerulescens, C. buergeri grandoculis, and Japanese Cyprinus sp. are thought to migrate upstream to spawn, as they are more commonly found in the lake. Notably, 60% of the collected eggs were attached to the substrata provided by riverside trees (the remaining 40% were attached to vegetation hanging into the stream). Unfortunately, these trees were removed during a river renovation procedure conducted just after this study.
馬渕 浩司 林 公義 Thomas H. Fraser
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.62, no.1, pp.29-49, 2015-04-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

A recent revision of the systematics of the family Apogonidae recognized four (two being new), 14 tribes (all new) and 38 genera, one of which was new. Apogon or Rhabdamia, Apogonichthyoides, Nectamia sensu stricto Zoramia. All apogonid subfamilies, tribes and genera occurring in Japanese waters are given fixed standard Japanese names. Based on the rules operationally proposed twenty-five new standard Japanese names were given to three subfamilies, 13 tribes Japanese name (at generic level for , subfamily and tribe level taxa, and a specific level for genera) being designated Additionally, a new standard Japanese Senou-hikari-ishimochi, was proposed for a Japanese species, Siphamia senoui,
山野上 祐介 馬渕 浩司 澤井 悦郎 坂井 陽一 橋本 博明 西田 睦
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.27-34, 2010 (Released:2014-03-05)

Morphological identification of two ocean sunfish species (genus Mola) is not an easy task due to the giant body size and poor understanding of their intraspecific variation. A rapid, reliable method of identifying mitochondrial DNA from two Mola species in Japanese waters was designed for PCR-based genotyping of the mitochondrial control region. Two allele-specific primers were developed for the mitochondrial control region of each species: CRMolaAL and CRMolaBL for Mola spp. A and B, respectively. Using the same reverse primer (H884-12S), specific primers for Mola spp. A and B were designed to amplify ca. 400- and 500-bp fragments, respectively. A pair of fish universal primers (L1969- 16S and H2582-16S) amplifying ca. 700 bp was used as an internal control. Multiplex PCR reactions including these five primers produced a species-specific fragment for either Mola sp. A or B with an internal control. This approach has major advantages over other molecular species-identification methods in speed and costefficiency, and greatly helps in determining Mola species.
馬渕 浩司
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.50, no.2, pp.103-113, 2003-11-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

Abstract The geographical distribution patterns of two closely-related wrasses, Pseudolabrus eoethinus and P sieboldi, on the Pacific and Sea of Japan coasts of southern Japan were examined. Relative frequencies of the two species were sur-veyed in 53 localities (six bordering the Sea of Japan), based on 586 specimens, 91 photographs and a total of 724 minutes of diving observations. Although the distri-butions of the two species broadly overlapped, P. eoethinus was exclusively distrib-uted along the southernmost parts of the peninsulas projecting into the Pacific Ocean, such as Kii Peninsula and Izu Peninsula, except in some protected areas (e.g. around the Koza River mouth near southernmost Kii Peninsula and within the Shimoda City harbor, southernmost Izu Peninsula). On the other hand, P. sieboldi was exclusively distributed in the innermost parts of bays opening to the Pacific (e.g. Sagami and Osaka Bays), and in the Seto Inland Sea and Sea of Japan. These geographical distribution patterns of the two species suggested that P. eoethinus preferred relatively warm, saline waters strongly influenced by the Kuroshio Cur-rent, whereas P. sieboldi preferred relatively cold, less saline waters not or only weakly influenced by the current. It was inferred that the two closely-related wrasses were able to coexist partly by differences in their preferred habitats.
馬渕 浩司

坂井 陽一 越智 雄一郎 坪井 美由紀 門田 立 清水 則雄 小路 淳 松本 一範 馬渕 浩司 国吉 久人 大塚 攻 橋本 博明
生物圏科学 : 広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13481371)
vol.49, pp.7-20, 2010-12-24

瀬戸内海安芸灘に位置する大崎上島の沿岸魚類相について,餌釣りと潜水観察による調査を実施した。ガラモ場の存在する桟橋を中心に調査定点を島の南部北部それぞれに設定し,オキアミ類とゴカイ類を餌に約10名が1時間釣りを行う作業を2007年5月から2008年3月まで隔月で実施し,出現魚類の季節変化を検討した。また,2007年5月から7月にかけて,屋代島から竹原までの安芸灘広域に9ゾーン26調査点を設け,同様の調査を実施し,出現魚類の水域ゾーン間の相違を検討した。本調査により総計29科63魚種を記録した。そのうち高水温期にのみ出現する南方系魚種は4種のみであった。記録した魚種の76%(48種)は伊予灘で記録されているものであった。一方,宇和海での魚類相データとの魚種共通率は30%前後に留まり,安芸灘を含む伊予灘以北の水域が生物地理学的に中間温帯区(西村,1981)と定義されていることの妥当性が裏付けられた。大崎上島において周年および冬期を除き常時記録されたのは,カサゴ,メバル,ハオコゼ,クジメ,アサヒアナハゼ,マダイ,ウミタナゴ,スズメダイ,メジナ,コブダイ,ホシササノハベラ,キュウセン,ホンベラ,クラカケトラギス,ホシノハゼ,イトヒキハゼ,ヒガンフグ,コモンフグであった。これら18魚種の多くは安芸灘広域調査においても広く出現が認められ,安芸灘の浅海魚類群集の基本構成種と考えられた。ホシササノハベラは愛媛県中島周辺水域での出現頻度が極めて高く,同種の安芸灘における主要な個体群が安芸灘南西エリアに存在する可能性が示唆された。また,過去に瀬戸内海での記録のないホシノハゼが安芸灘広くに確認され,急速に分布拡大を進めていることが示唆された。We surveyed fish fauna at shallow waters of Aki Nada, Seto Inland Sea by the line fishing census, using small hooks attaching clamworms or krills as baits, during May 2007 - March 2008. We set up survey points at piers with Sargassum belt in Osaki-Kami Shima Island, and conducted the census (ca. 10 person x 60 min at each) bimonthly to analyze seasonal differences of fish fauna. In order to evaluate geographic variation of fish fauna, we also held the census at 26 survey points of nine zones situated a wide area in Aki Nada during May-July, 2007. A total of 63 species of 29 families were recorded. Of 63 species, 76 % were commonly recorded in Iyo Nada region. In contrast, the common species ratio fell to ca. 30% in comparison with data recorded in Uwa Sea region, which strongly supports the validity of the border of biogeographical regions between "Warm temperate region" including Uwa Sea and "intermediate temperate region" including Iyo Nada and Aki Nada (Nishimura, 1981). The almost year-round occurrences in the Osaki-Kami Shima were admitted in the following 18 species, Sebastiscus marmoratus, Sebastes inermis, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Hexagrammos agrammus, Pseudoblennius cottoides, Pagrus major, Ditrema temmincki, Chromis notata notata, Girella punctata, Semicossyphus reticulatus, Pseudolabrus sieboldi, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Halichoeres tenuispinnus, Parapercis sexfasciata, Istigobius hoshinonis, Cryptocentrus filifer, Takifugu pardalis, Takifugu poecilonotus. Most of these species commonly occurred in the survey zones in Aki Nada waters, suggesting that these are core components of fish fauna in shallow waters of Aki Nada.
馬渕 浩司 新井 良一 西田 睦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.49, no.2, pp.87-95, 2002-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of Pseudolabrus eoethinus and P. sieboldi were studied. Until a recent revision, the two species had been consid-ered a single species (Pseudolabrus japonicus), although two clearly distinct kary-otypes had been reported on several occasions. The karyotype of P. eoethinus was confirmed as 2M+2SM+44ST-A (2n=48, NF=52) and that of P. sieboldi, as 20M+8SM+14ST-A (2n=42, NF=70). Nuclear DNA content in the two Pseudolabrus species and 4 other labrid species from Japan was measured by flow cytometry, and provisionally expressed relative to that of a puffer fish, Canthigaster rivulata, used as an internal standard. The relative nuclear DNA content of P. eoethinus was 2.91±0.03 (n=5), that of P. sieboldi being 3.00±0.05 (n=6). Al-though the two values differed significantly (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.01, Ucal=0.5), the very small difference between them (average value of latter 103% of former) together with karyotype comparisons suggested that both pericentric inver-sions and Robertsonian fusion had played a major role in the establishment of the more derived karyotype of P sieboldi.
渡辺 勝敏 馬渕 浩司 小北 智之 武島 弘彦

馬渕 浩司 瀬能 宏 武島 弘彦 中井 克樹 西田 睦
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010-04-26

琵琶湖に生息するコイの中には、ユーラシア大陸のコイとはミトコンドリア(mt)DNAの塩基配列で明瞭に異なる個体が存在することが、2005年に明らかにされた。これらの個体が保有するmtDNAは、当初は琵琶湖固有のハプロタイプと考えられたが、その後の研究で、近縁あるいは同じハプロタイプが国内の他の水域からも発見され、現在では、日本在来のハプロタイプ(在来型ハプロタイプ)の一つであると考えられている。在来型ハプロタイプの存在は、「日本のコイはすべて中国から移殖したものである」としたJordan and Fowlerへの強力な反証であり、古琵琶湖層からの咽頭歯化石の発見や、縄文遺跡からの咽頭歯の出土と併せて、日本には有史以前から在来のコイが分布し、現在もそれに由来するコイが生息することの明白な証拠となっている。本研究では、琵琶湖内における在来系統の分布状況を知る第一歩として、湖内の各所から採集された750個体以上のコイについてmtDNAの型判別を行い、各生息場所における在来型、導入型ハプロタイプの出現頻度を調べた。また、2004年に猛威をふるったKHVの在来系統への影響を評価するため、蔓延時に湖岸で斃死していた100個体を超えるコイのmtDNA型判別も行い、上の結果と比較した。