山崎 義弘 鈴木 滉哉 松田 和浩 坂田 弘安
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.65, pp.202-206, 2021-02-20 (Released:2021-02-20)

Seismic performance of timber shear walls is generally confirmed through experiment which is provided in the standard. However, the strength and deformation capacities are clearly related to the loading protocol, and such a fatigue behavior is not well-understood so far. In this paper, plywood sheathing wall having 12mm thickness of plywood is tested, and the fatigue behaviors coming up on force-deformation relation and equivalent damping ratio are evaluated.
長井 厚 八木 真爾 上野 淳
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.16, no.32, pp.285-290, 2010-02-20 (Released:2010-02-19)

In recent years, the integrated compulsory education school that aims at a unified primary and secondary school education system is becoming more popular. However, there is very little architectural knowledge or models for such schools. It seems that the planning and design process is in the undeveloped situation. This report presents a study on planning and design process of the integrated compulsory education school which is designed by the architect and the researcher cooperated with the education board of Shinagawa city, and a document that contributes to development of the integrated compulsory education school planning.
木村 幸一郎 伊藤 毅
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.60.2, pp.41-44, 1958-10-05 (Released:2017-08-30)

早稲田大学理工学部音響研究室に新しく造られた無響室及び残響室の音響特性がほぼ明らかになったので、ここに報告する。この音響測定室は、早大理工学部の建築学科及び電気通信学科の共同管理の下に、主として建築音響に関する測定を行う目的で建造されたものであつて、一つの隔壁を境とした残響室と無響室とから成り、隔壁には窓が設けられている。この測定室の附属設備は、デンマークのBruel & Kjaer会社製の音響測定装置一式より構成されており,その内容は次の通りである。[table]以上の設備によつて、建築材料の吸音率や透過損失は勿論、電気音響機器の特性測定、音場の騒音レベルの測定、消音器の音響減衰度の測定、送風ダクトの音響減衰度の測定等各種の音響測定が可能である。尚本測定装置の費用の一部は昭和31年度の文部省、私学設備助成金によるものである。
本間 俊雄 友清 貴和
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.14, no.27, pp.297-302, 2008-06-20 (Released:2009-02-13)

We have already proposed the cellular automata (CA) with the approach of the cohort-component method and the quantitative geography. The population fluctuation estimate system has been developed based on this method. In this report, a model on our CA with the geographic information system for the population fluctuation estimation is presented. Especially, the population change is processed by primary unit data on the geography that sticks to not the modeled mesh data but life. This system applies to three local municipality where the element components of a geography condition and a demographic structure are different. As a result, it is shown that information of each regional population change can be adequately offered.
石井 宏一 久保 隆太郎 柴田 斉宜 酒井 孝司 石原 修
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.12, no.24, pp.213-218, 2006-12-20 (Released:2017-04-14)

Authors have so far experimented to indoor air flowing in into a wall. As a result, it has reported that indoor air flows in into a wall even from openings with a slight wall socket. In this report, filling-up thermal insulation wall model using inorganic fiber insulating materials packed in polyethylene bag which has spread most in the warm area was used. The wall socket assumed to be openings was installed on the interior wall, and the experiment was conducted using house wrapping sheet and plywood for structures as wall composition material. As a result, the dew condensation situation in a wall was confirmed. In addition, by making a hole in plywood for structures, vapor resistance of a wall was reduced and the method of construction which decreases the quantity of dew condensation in a wall was examined. Furthermore, even if indoor wet air flows in into a wall, a measure method of construction with the effect which controls generating of dew condensation is proposed. Morevoer, comparison examination of the conventional method of construction and the new measure method of construction is carried out.
奥田 章子 斉藤 俊 後藤 善光
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.65, pp.42-47, 2021

<p>Basic physical properties and weatherability were evaluated in order to evaluate the practicality of the fluororesin powder coating. As a result, the basic physical properties of various powder coatings were almost the same as those of solvent-based fluororesin coatings (PVDF). As a result of the accelerated weather resistance test and outdoor exposure test in Okinawa, a difference in weatherability was observed depending on the type of powder coating, and a fluororesin powder coating with the same performance as PVDF was confirmed. One of the causes of deterioration of the powder coating was presumed to be photocatalytic reaction.</p>
橘高 義典
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会構造系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108025)
vol.404, pp.15-24, 1989-10-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper describes the accelerating test method for the soiling caused by flowing rain containing dirt. 1) The color changes of materials caused by flowing rain containing dirt were observed by rainy day exposure test. And the influence of flowing rain on soiling was clarified. 2) An apparatus for accelerating the soiling process caused by flowing rain containing dirt was developed and appropriate testing conditions of the apparatus were clarified based on the similarity of the results to the exposed materials. 3) The relation between accelerating test cycles and the environmental factors became clear. 4) The color difference between soiled material and unsoiled initial material had a correlation with the psychological scale obtained from a sensory test about soiling.
水谷 晃啓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.23, no.53, pp.309-312, 2017 (Released:2017-02-20)

Towards the development of the new urban design system, this paper shows the development of an interactive design support system. Starting with an introduction of several cases in other fields, the paper discusses the significance and the specificity of the design method using the tool and clarifies its potential. Furthermore, it evaluates the use of the program developed in this study, depending on impressions of users and specifies the direction of further development. As the result, it is proved that the program is opened to communicate with designer’s intention and also is able to continue developing by the communication itself.
山田 真澄 羽田 浩二 山田 雅行 藤野 義範 福田 由惟
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, no.41, pp.357-362, 2013-02-20 (Released:2013-02-20)

We conducted a damage survey of wooden houses in Sakae village, Nagano prefecture, and Tsunan town in Niigata prefecture for the 2011 Northern Nagano earthquake. Percentages of totally-collapsed and partially-collapsed buildings in local districts are computed based on the observations. Using different criteria, local governments also conducted damage surveys for purposes of emergency response and recovery plans. We compared results from both types of surveys, and found that the damage percentages in each district were consistent. This indicates that the results of damage surveys conducted by local governments may be used as a complement to surveys carried out for research purposes.
足立 孝 紙野 桂人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.107, pp.54-59,88, 1965-01-30 (Released:2017-08-30)

Frome drawings of children abowt their own home spaces, three casic types of the figurative charater are distinguished. They are follows; (1) connection type (or unit type) (2) envelopment type (or out line type) (3) division type (or pattern type) Mainly, connection type is seen among drawings of 2nd grades (of school age) children. It have a relation with attitude to apprehend spaces immediatly with his action itself. Out line type and pattern type are seen among drawings of higher school age children. Both respond to apprehension with basic constitution of the space. The outline type reveales an early stage of the tendency. At the next stage whole space is devided schematically, subject to the basic constitusion.
飯田 雅史 菊地 弘明
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.425, pp.47-53, 1991-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the percentage of the water content of the wooden frames and the airtightness of the house which was built by the construction method with vaporproof/airtightness and thermal insulation from the outside of the wooden frames. The results of this study were as follows : 1) The percentage of the water content of the wooden frames fell rapidly in about one year after moving-in. It was less than 15 % at all measurement points, which means that there was little danger of rotting. 2) The effective open area of the house was 346 cm2 after two years. But that fell to 315 cm2 after the windows were sealed. This means that the windows were the cause of the decline in airtightness.
阿久井 康平 籔谷 祐介 沼 俊之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.65, pp.440-445, 2021-02-20 (Released:2021-02-20)

In this paper, it was shown the role, design process and effects through the design and production of “Machinaka-Tent” for the purpose of developing street furniture that contributes to landscape formation of street space.Also, it was reported the concept and design details of the model. In addition, as a result of verifying the effect using “Machinaka-Tent” at transit mall, it was clarified that effects of improving the visibility of the store, impression of the streetscape and creating accessibility and variety of communication.
五島 利兵衛
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.411, pp.147-164, 1990-05-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This study employs the grid method to examine the design procedure used in the Temple of Parthenon (built 447-432 B.C). The grid method is a new point of view : it has recently been applied in analyzing the design by J. J. Coulton, R. Tobin and K. Horiuchi. This study started by regarding the grid in round number 15 doric feet proposed by Horiuchi as a 1st plan grid (7×15 units) and the grid in intercolumnar units proposed by Coulton as a 2nd plan grid (8×18 units, each unit measures 13 1/8 doric feet). Both grids were also employed to analyze the facade design.
桑原 稔
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.196, pp.83-91,95, 1972-06-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The southern foot of Mt. Akagi points administrative districts of Vil. Fujimi, City Maebashi, Town Ougo, Vil. Niisato, Vil. Kasukawa, Town Oumama Town Tamamura, and City Isesaki. In this study I will give an outline the main point of the farm houses in these districts and seek after the relation to the plane and the structure with change of the times and consider the process of the gradual development, besides classify the forms of farm houses in these stricts and account for a cause coming into existence of these forms.
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.60, pp.971-975, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)
1 1

The centrality of Tenrikyo and its axial position relative to the urban grid is a unique feature to distinguish Tenrikyo churches from other religious structures in the country. This was not a code originally demanded by the headquarters, but was later insisted in 1934, nearly 100 years after the inception of this religion. Through this research, the process of this code along with the actual implementation was found using the examples of all 159 Grand Churches across the country.
太田 静六
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.307, pp.135-141, 1981-09-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This is a study on the Kayanoin Palace of the Heian noble "Yorimichi Fujiwara" and refered to the relation between Kayanoin Palace and Uji Howodo Temple.
野崎 淳夫 吉澤 晋 小峯 裕己
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.411, pp.9-16, 1990-05-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
1 1

It is important ot clarify the air pollutant emission rates from the appliances in residences in order to protect indoor air from polluting. Traditionally, the unvented portable kerosene heaters have been one of the most popular heaters in Japan. These unvented kerosene fired space heaters, as well known, produce accumulation of contaminants indoors, of which concentration depends on the room's ventilation characteristics as well as the appliance'. Especially the emission rates from the devices have the characteristics that change in the residence with low ventilation rate where slight decrease of oxygen concentration is caused by usage of combustion appliances in a room itself. We conducted laboratory tests on their air pollutant's emission rates under lower or higher ventilation rates to determine the relationships between indoor concentration of oxygen and the emission rates of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide from two popular types of heaters in Japan. One type is of radiant kerosene space heater, the other is of kerosene fueled "fan heater" which are widely utilized in throughout Japan. We found that, with O_2 depression, CO generation rate gradually increased and NO_x generation gradually decreased.
藤岡 洋保 黒岩 卓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.409, pp.161-168, 1990-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Hosin Kuroda (1885-1967) offered a few criticisms on various kinds of buildings in downtown Tokyo in the Tokyo Asahi Newspaper from November 25th through December 4th, 1910. On December 5th two architects wrote in the same newspaper that he was the first to try to openly review new buildings. Since the authors can find several architectural criticisms in other papers and magazines which were ahead of Kuroda's, what the architects said was not true. But if we define the word on 'an architectural critic' as the one who has been offering criticisms on newly-built buildings and on architectural trends for some time, we can say Kuroda was the first architectural critic in modern Japan ; he had written many articles to review new buildings in the 1910s and the 1920s. He studied esthetics at the Tokyo Imperial University where he found an interest in architecture. He had been asserting that in architecture 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty' should have come together. In his theory, 'truth' meant that real structure and material should not have been covered by others, and 'good' did that function should have been made much of. These two suggest that he was influenced by the European Medeavalists in the late 19th century. And in his thoughts 'beauty' should have come from several esthetic theories at that time. Among them 'unity in multiplicity' was the most important to him. In his criticisms on buildings, the authors can see some coincidence with his architectural idea, but he was apt to review buildings chiefly through the point of 'unity in multiplicity,' which means that 'beauty' was the most important to him, although he had kept declaring for a happy coincidence of 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty.'
植田 有美 赤澤 聡 南 一誠
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.16, no.32, pp.273-277, 2010-02-20 (Released:2010-02-19)

Japan has been reached the real aged society with fewer children, and the number of school students is decreasing. As the society grows mature, the consolidation and the integration of the public schools are promoted, and the number of the closed school facilities is increasing. The authors investigated the planning process of reusing and utilizing closed school facilities, and the actual conditions of the facilities in the 23 wards in Tokyo. In this paper, the planning processes are classified and the effects of the different planning processes are analyzed. It was found from the result of the analysis that the planning processes had a variety of effects on reusing and utilizing closed school facilities.