山原 浩
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.165, pp.53-59, 1969-11-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Not a few reinforced concrete buildings were heavily damaged in Tokachi-oki earthquake in 1968, Japan. But the ratio of heavily damaged to total buildings was fairly small in spite of their structural strength being thought to be nearly coordinate. At the beginning of this investigation, a sort of resonance phenomenon between the predominant period of ground and the natural period of building was thought to be one of the most important element which caused to structural damages. As the results of our investigations, it cannot but be concluded that the damages could not be explained only from the resonance phenomenon between structure and ground. A more important factor which is the frequency density of predominant peak included in an original ground motion was found through the investigating works, and the factor is called frequency selectivity in this paper. From many observed data obtained from micro-tremor and after shocks, it was proved that the frequency selectivity had a close relation with the earthquake damages of building in Hachinohe and its suburbs.
鈴木 亘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.348, pp.77-83, 1985-02-28 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper intends to survey the functions and the formations of Qian-dian (前殿) of Imperial Palace in China from the Han to the Sui and Tang ages, and to show the histories of Zen-den (前殿) of ancient Imperial Palace in Japan, as well as its architectural characteristics, by comparing the functions and the formations of Zen-den with those of Qian-dian in China.
佐藤 考一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.18, no.39, pp.673-678, 2012-06-20 (Released:2012-06-20)

This paper is a study on renovation to make a new skin on building envelope by dry method. The discussion about countermeasures how to fix fall troubles of external finishing which covers GRANDSHIP in Shizuoka City is examined as a case study, the followings are pointed out: firstly scope of consideration to add a new skin to existing envelope is clarified. Secondary the risks of modifying works to envelope are categorized to two types: one can avoid them by modifying design, the other can’t. Finally the process model to compare means of renovating building envelope is proposed.
鳥山 香織 月舘 敏栄
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.16, no.32, pp.241-244, 2010-02-20 (Released:2010-02-19)

This study has conducted a questionnaire with field work in Aomori, Hirosaki and Hachinohe city to find out common space’s utilization and snow measures of public housing during winter.As a result, five follows: 1) Corridor is effective as the place to keep Snow processing tool and to put the plant. 2) Garbage box at common space of outside is to keep away snow by residents. 3) Snow removal place is necessary to put snow and snow shoveling tools. 4) The problems of snow for the senior resident is the physical fatigue to clear snow.
上野 正也 山家 京子
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.26, no.64, pp.1173-1178, 2020-10-20 (Released:2020-10-20)

This study aims to report the pilot program carried out to examine the future utilization of private open space and to verify its process. First, we set three themes and four verification items. Through the three experimental efforts and questionnaire surveys, it was clarified that eating and drinking function such as cafe and local exchange programs were required, and that the spatial structure was desirable to allow local exchanges and regular events. As a result, it became possible to raise the interest of local residents, to build a network of collaborators, and to verify feasible program.
井上 涼 森 拓郎 田中 圭 瀧 裕 五十田 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.26, no.64, pp.917-922, 2020-10-20 (Released:2020-10-20)

In order to continue using wooden houses after the earthquake, it is necessary to accurately judge the damage level and make appropriate repairs. Therefore, an evaluation index for estimating the experience deformation from the damage situation of interior and exterior finishes is proposed. When evaluating the finish damage level of the static resisting wall test and the shaking table test, it was found that internal finish damage was more accurately estimated than external ones. When the cloth was torn along the gypsum board joint, the deformation was classified as D2 level damage.
寺澤 友貴 周磨 幸一 岩永 将信 前原 智 竹内 徹
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.26, no.64, pp.899-904, 2020-10-20 (Released:2020-10-20)

Grid-purlin system composed of RHS members are known to be effective to prevent buckling of the welded beams. In this paper, lattice dome composed of radial beams and welded grid purlins (Grid purlin shell dome) are studied. The linear, elastic, and elasto-plastic buckling strength of Grid purlin shell domes are analyzed using detailed FEM analyses. Their results are compared with the shell theory with continuum analogy and easy design approaches are investigated.
讃井 純一郎 乾 正雄
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.367, pp.15-22, 1986-09-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
12 34

Environmentel design can be taken as the cumulation of decision making. To make these decisions more successful and efficient, the goals of a design ought to be identified at each stage. We regard that the role of place evaluation research is to provide the knowledge of user's evaluation of a place for designers so that they can explore the optimum solution in a more systematic way. From the viewpoint of cognitive psychology, place evaluation can be taken as the degree to which a person sees a place as helping to achieve that person's goals on his/her cognitive system. Therefore, the goal of this research can be said as to provide a viable model of people's cognitive system associated with place evaluation. To achieve this goal, two requirements were set up. 1) The model should be of phenomenological knowledge of place evaluation, i.e. individual differences should not be disregarded. 2) The model should be a statistically condensed and tested representation of place evaluation. Based on G. A. Kelly's personal construct theory, the evaluation grid method was elaborated to satisfy the first requirement. In this paper, theoretical basis and implications of the method are discussed together with an example of the method applied on the living room evaluation.
佐藤 正彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.221, pp.51-60,64, 1974-07-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Table of Contents Introduction-Outline of Small Shrines Chapter I : On the Small Shrines belonging to the Four Main Shrines of the "Naiin"(around the four Main Shrines in the three "Onro" of the north, west and east corridor). Chapter I-1 : Small Tachikaro Shrine Chapter I-2 : The Other Six Small Shrines Chapter II : About the Small Shrines of Wakamiya's "Naiin" Chapter III : About the Small Shrines belonging to the Four Main Shrines of the "Chuin" (It is surrounded with a corridor and three "Onro"). Chapter IV : About the Small Shrines belonging to the Four Main Shrines of the "Gaiin"(outside the corridor). Chapter IV-1 : Enomoto Shrine Chapter IV-2 : Mizuya Shrine Chapter IV-3 : Sanjuhassho Shrine Chapter IV-4 : Kii Shrine Chapter IV-5 : The Other Eight Small Shrines Conclusion This paper describes the history and the method of the reconstruction of small shrines in the Kasuga Shrine, Nara as well as the style of small shrines in general. Furthermore, the age when the original style of the temporary shrines of Enomoto and Mizuya were built is covered. 1) The reconstruction of the small shrines occurred at the same time as the rebuilding of the four Main Shrines, at the time of ceremony of "Sengushiki" in Middle Ages. 2) When the Enomoto and Mizuya Shrines are to be built, the godly presence contained within them must be transferred to another temporary shrine called the "Kariden". Then these two shrines are newly built adjacent to their former locations and the godly presence is again transferred to the new shrines. After this the "Kariden" is destroyed and the old Enomoto and Mizuya Shrine buildings are removed to another place. In the case of the Tachikarao Shrine, it is moved aside and a new building is constructed on its original site. After this the old building is demolished. Another method is that the Tachikarao Shrine belonging to the Nai-in of the Wakamiya Shrine remains while a new shrine is built close by. When completed, the old building is dismantled. This method is not used now but was carried out at the Kamigamo Shrine in 1305 A. D. for the Sengu Festival. 3) The old small shrines are placed in the order Kannushi of the priests position such as first and second Shoyo (the Shinto priest of Nakatomi family). Within the old building of the Enomoto Shrine is housed the local tutely deity to Hoko-in in and Kangaku-in the Kofuku-ji, nd within the old building of Tachikarao is enshrined the tutelary deity of Tatsuichi-Jingu. 4) Of the temporary buildings the most important is the Enomoto Shrine which I think existed before the four main shrines were established. It is important to note that the temporary building of the Enomoto Shrine was built in the direction of the west and in the Nagare Style in spite of the fact that the permanent Enomoto Shrine building faces south and is in the Kasuga-misedana Style. Furthermore at the ridge of Mt. Mikasa, the Motomiya Shrine faces west but is built in the Kasuga-misedana Style. In the Mandara dated between 1075 and 1127 of the Nezu Art Museum the Enomoto Shrine can be seen sketched in the Kasuga-misedana Style. Also in the Mandara of the Kasuga Shrine, the landscape of the Kasuga Shrine is shown as it appeared between 1143 to 1179. In these Mandara as well as at the present time, the Kariden of Enomoto Shrine does not exist, so the simple symbols of the godly presence in any of the shrines are transferred to any of the other small shrines while they are being rebuilt. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the Enomoto Shrine was not only extremely important but very likely existed prior to the Kasuga Shrine.
鳴海 大典 井原 智彦 福田 早苗
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.52, pp.1045-1048, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)
3 4

This paper focused on the effects of outdoor temperature upon the sleep disturbance due to temperature changing in the urban area. We conducted the questionnaire survey at Osaka Prefecture in 2010 through all four seasons. As a result, the positive correlation to sleep quality against outdoor temperature in only summer were found. And the statistical significance were found in the score of SQIDS between the case of using air conditioner and not.
村上 周三 出口 清孝 後藤 剛史 上原 清
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.287, pp.99-109, 1980-01-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
1 1

Experiments concerned with wind effects on pedestrians are described. The experiments consisted three parts. In Part I (1975) walking tests were conducted in a large wind tunnel. In Part II (1976) walking tests were held in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. Part III (1978) consisted of observations of pedestrians again in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. In Rart I and Part II, 5 to 10 persons were used as subjects and movie records of their footsteps were analysed. In Part III, movie records taken by video camera of over 2000 pedestrians were analysed, as to footstep-irregularity and body-balance. Based on these three-part experiments, the following criteria are proposed for evaluating wind effects on pedestrians : u<5m/s no effect 5<u<10 some effect 10<u<15 serious effect 15<u extremely serious effect here u=instantaneous wind speed averaged over 3 seconds. These criteria are the same with or a little more severe than the one proposed by Hunt et al., and are considerably more severe than others.
日向 進
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.396, pp.55-66, 1989-02-28 (Released:2017-12-25)

Although religious architectures in Tamba and Tango had stayed in conservative style, from the middle of modern period onward they turned to decoration oriented style. At this time, Nakai family in Tamba Kaibara (Kaibara-cho, Hikami-gun, Hyogo) commenced their career as an engraving carpenter. At the same time, the influx of Banshu carpenters to this area increased. This research aims at consideration on the chief subject which brought this transition to the architecture in Tamba and Tango of modern period, and on their role in modern architectural scene.
初田 亨 中森 勉
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.379, pp.102-111, 1987-09-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
1 1

This study intends to clarify the historical changes and characteristics of the building ordinances for the fire prevention of the cities in Toyama Prefecture in Meiji Era. The summary of this paper follows : 1) The first building ordinance for the fire prevention of cities in Toyama Prefecture was enacted as the prefecture ordinance number 48 in 1887. 2) After several times of amended of the building ordinance for the fire prevention of cities in Toyama Prefecture, then the almost completed prefecture ordinance was enacted as the ordinance number 51 in 1899. 3) As the results of the ordinance number 51 in 1899, the streets with Dozo-Zukuri houses with fire protection construction were built in Toyama-shi, Takaoka-shi and Fushiki-machi.
川道 麟太郎
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.414, pp.125-132, 1990-08-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Le Corbusier employs metaphorical expression in many places in his writing and speech. This paper focuses, on his well-known metaphorical statements in the 'VERS UNE ARCHITECTURE', namely, "La maison est une machine a habiter", "Les ingenieurs font de l'architecture", and "Le Parthenon. Voici la machine a emouvoir", which are here referred to as metaphors of the machine. The ambiguity of them is analyzed in relation to the character of metaphorical expression itself and Le Corbusier's discourses on architecture and the machine. The initial two statements each imply ironycal meaning at the back of the stated affirmatives. This double meanings make them effective and significant. The last statement is enhanced by the ambiguous meaning of the 'machine'. In the analogy between the Parthenon and cars, Le Corbusier emphasizes their similarity, but it is clear he recognizes their disparity at the same time. It can therefore be concluded that each of these statements is ambiguous.
紀谷 文樹 市川 憲良
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.359, pp.24-30, 1986-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Many research works were carried out for the estimation of the number of fixtures. However, the method on t:he layout of the sanitary fixtures have not been clear theoretically. The results of the investigations for 6 buildings have shown that the frequency of usage of the sanitary fixtures were changed by the types of the layout. The results are shown as follows ; 1. There are many cases that the water closet and urinals are installed in the depth direction from the entrance. And the fixtures being near the entrance are generally used more than the others. 2. There are few difference of the frequency of usage for the fixtures being same distance from the entrance. 3. The case of the wash basin are installed in the same plane with the water closet and urinals, the wash basin being near those fixtures are used more than the others. 4. The case of the wash basin are installed in the rectangular or counter position of the water closet and urinals, there are a few difference of the frequency of usage, and the fixtures being near the exit are used some more than the others. Finally the authors discussed that those results infulenced for not only the layout of the fixtures but also planning of piping and maintenance.
藤岡 洋保
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.291, pp.111-119, 1980-05-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This paper points out the expansion and systematization of the Architectural Section of Tokyo Municipal Office for the reconstruction of buildings destroyed or burned by the Kanto Earthquake, showing names and careers of its members called "Gishi" as well as the changes of its system and the amount of its work.
富山 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.216, pp.37-48,65, 1974-02-28 (Released:2017-08-22)

Syoso classified the four important structures, Maruki-kura Ko-kura Ita-kura Do-kura in the Kodai Period. Maruki-kura meant log-type storehouse, Ko-kura shaved log-type to the heaxgonal section (Ko-Azekura, Azekura), Ita-kura plank-type used Otoshihame-system, Do-kura clay-type. Oku, Kurashita, Kurashiro, they were applied correspondingly to Syoso. In the Yayoi period, there were the storehouses for rice-ear looked like barn-style, made by the thin timber. Next the Kofun period, the storehouses appeared that made by the big timber and the plank between the posts. The beginning of the Kodai period, Azekura-system came over the sea from the continent. In seven century, the Japanese government requested to make the big granary for rough rice, so Ko-kura (Ko-Azekura) were borned for the granary like the silo. Because Ko-Azegi were firm and made easy like log-style. But by the shortage the big timbers and the limitation of the planning, so Ko-Azekuura were reduced to change the Ita-kura soon, and Ko-Azekura became used to the Treasure. Ita-kura, plank-system, were spreabed, and became the tradion of Wahu (Japanese style). In nine-ten century, the government not intended to much storage the rice. But the fire-proof structure were very important, and there were spread the Tawara (straw bag). So Do-kura made much popular in place of Ita-kura.
杉江 夏呼 成原 弘之 野口 憲一 中村 洋祐
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.16, no.33, pp.761-766, 2010-06-20 (Released:2010-06-18)

Yokohama Raw Silk Inspection warehouses, completed in 1926 to keep all raw silks which had gathered to Yokohama. This summary reports on some observations identified during the dismantling. The followings were turned out; the ways of creation and installation, and the designs.The way of creation of RC canopy beam was also identified. Wood piles were used for improvement of the foundation. The joint parts of reinforced bars welded together were found from the basement. Moreover, the survey shows that warehouse D had a high quality of the way of welding compared to that of warehouse B; as for warehouse B, the parts were joined together with electric power, so-called flash-butt welding. As for warehouse D, the parts were joined together with electric power and compression, so-called upset-butt welding.
伊藤 敦 石坂 公一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, no.43, pp.1095-1098, 2013-10-20 (Released:2013-10-20)

In this study, the general relationship between Japanese speech sound and architecture constructive style is examined. In knowing what kind of constructive style the architecture name reminds with the approach developed in this study, the judgment that real architect name concordant with real constructive style became almost possible.Moreover, from the result of the questionnaire using the model, Grounds to be related to a sound and a visual impression were almost discovered in the case also showing models or its photographs.