本杉 省三
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.92-107, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Dieser Aufsatz zeigt als Fortsetzung des letzten Berichtes die grundsatzliche Denkweise der Verfasser liber die Btlhnenplanung fUr reibungslose Opernauffuhrungen. Im letzten Aufsatz wurden zunachst die MaBe der Haupt-blihnenflache im Zusammenhang mit den MaBen der Portalsffnung, die bei der Bilhnenplanung als ein wichtiges Element betrachtet wird, und der Dekorationsflache der Bllhnendekoration behandelt und die grtlndsatzlichen MaBe der Hauptbtihnenflache dargestellt. Damals habe ich die Btlhnendekoration als statische Konstruktion analysiert, aber jetzt habe ich versucht, den inszenierten Raum als kontinuierliche Konstruktion, die sich mit der Entwicklung der Szene Sndert, zu verstehen. In diesem Aufsatz habe ich mit der Berlicksichtigung der tatsachlichen Anwendungen der Bilhnenwagen, Versenkungen und Drehscheiben bei der Konstruktion oder des Wechsels der einzelhen Szenen liber (1) Konstruktion und Blihnenwechsel der Blihnendekoration (2) Art und Weise des Blihnenwechsels eine Analyse durchgeftihrt und dazu Betrachtungen angestellt. Und daraus habe ich zu den folgenden Punkten ftir die Nebenblihnen, die die Hauptblihne unterstlitzt, und dem Blihnenwechselsystem mein Gedanke dargestellt I (1) Blihnenwagen als Blihnenwechselsystem (2) MaBe der Offnung zwischen der Hauptblihne und Seitenbtihne (3) Mb'glichkeiten nach der VergroBerung des Seitenbtihnenwagens (4) Teilung und Antrieb des Blihnenwagens
高橋 康夫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.282, pp.169-176, 1979-08-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This paper, taking over the preceding papers, will deal with the problem of the formative period by investigating the stage of Cho and Machigumi grawing. Contents of this is as follows. 1. Disputed point. 2. Analysis of the affair in the seventh year of Daiei Period. 3. Toward the establishment of the Rokucho Organization.
横仙 勝樹 高橋 鷹志
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.395, pp.19-30, 1989
4 3

In order to clarify man-environment interaction, the paper focuses on the mental system in which we recognize the spatial relationship of the environment. This system, which is based on our usual experience, is named 'spatial schemata' here and considered as consist of the recognized 'places' and some rules which combine these 'places'. The word 'places' was defined first, after careful consideration given to the relationships between human behavior and physical settings. A model of 'spatial schemata' was hypothesized with reference to Minsky's Frame Theory. Four frames were chosen to represent 'spatial schemata' here '. 'KOKO (here)' frame, 'ASOKO (over there)' frame, which represent mentally near and far places respectively, 'connected' frame and 'separated' frame, which represent the spatial relationship between two 'places'. Finally, an analysis on subjects' sketch-maps were made to examine validity of this model. In conclusion, the differences between each types of sketch-maps were clearly described using the four frames. As a result: of this experimental investigation the proposed model of 'spatial schemata' was proved to be an effectual system to describe man-environment interaction.
西村 幸夫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.340, pp.101-110, 1984-06-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

There are two ways of approach to make clear the generation process of the concept of 'historic environment' in Japan. One is to trace back the administrative movements on conservation of cultural properties, the other to make clear the process how the concept of 'environment' got the historical point of view. In this first part, it is intended to clarify how the theory of conservation reached the architectual perservation by the end of the 19th century from the former point of view. Here in this paper, the conflict between the conservetion of 'constitution' of old shrines and temples and the conservation of 'entity' of their properties is related, so as to enable to understand the back ground of the concept of 'historic environment'.
鈴木 亘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.337, pp.124-131, 1984-03-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

On this paper, Part 6, we have investigated Daigoku-den, Chodo and Zen-den in Nagaoka-kyu and Heiankyu. Main contents of this paper are as follows : 1) Both Daigoku-den of Nagaoka-kyu and Heian-kyu are supposed respectively to have been the halls of state at Gaicho, or Chodoin, located in the central precinct of the Palace grounds separated from the imperial residential area, Kinsho. 2) Both the supreme halls of Nagaoka and Heian Dairi are described as Zen-den in the texts prepared in the early Heian period. It makes a striking contrast to the fact that the supreme hall of Heijo Dairi is described as Naian-den in the Shoku-nihongi. Judging from the functions of the supreme halls of Nagaoka and Heian Dairi in Kinsho, it is presumed that these supreme halls had a close resemblance in character to Daian-den of Heijo-kyu, the state chamber of Kinsho, in the reign of the Emperor Shomu.
伊藤 誠 河口 豊 中山 茂樹
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.309, pp.137-147, 1981
3 2

(1)病院全体の面積についての最近数年間における水準向上は極めて目ざましく, 今や公的な病院では1床当り50〜60m^2が一般的な値となった。(2)病棟の病院全体に占める面積比率の低下はいちじるしく, 大半が30%台になった。1床当りで見ると大体が20m^2前後である。(3)外来部はほとんどが10〜15%の中に入っている。このうち救急部は, 大部分が1%以下である。(4)診療部門には明らかな比率の増大が認められ, 総体で15%から25%近くになっている。各部別の分布は次の通りである。(1)検体検査室 3.5〜5.0% (2)生理検査室 1.0〜2.3% (3)X線診断室 3.0〜4.5% (4)放射線治療室 0.6〜1.2%(比較的大きな病院のみ)(5)核医学検査室 0.6〜1.8%(中規模以上の病院のみ)(6)手術部 2.6〜6.6% (7)分娩部 0.5〜1.0% (8)リハビリテーション部 1.0〜2.5% (5)供給部門の割合は15%弱から25%近くになっている。その内訳は以下の通りである。(1)薬局 2.0〜3.0% (2)中央材料室 1.0〜1.7% (3)輸血部(部門をおいていない例が多い)(4)給食部 2.0〜4.0% (5)洗濯室 0.2〜1.4% (6)中央倉庫 高々1%強 (7)機械室 大略7〜11% (6)管理部門の割合は, 運営関係が7.0〜12.0%, 厚生関係が2.5〜5.0%であった。最後に, この分析のために図面や資料を提供して下さった各設計者の方々, ならびに面積計算にご協力いただいた宝田昌秀氏に対し厚く感謝の意を表する次第である。なお, この論文の一部は本学会近畿大会において発表した。
遠藤 明久
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.179, pp.79-85,99, 1971-01-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This report as the continuation of the last one gives a description of a wainscoting, a parquet floor, a stair, fittings, a curtain box, a furniture and a luminaire in the interior decoration of the Sale and Reception Room of the KAITAKUSHI. Similarly to the previous papers in this paper the designer, J. CONDER'S view for the interior decoration and his connection with the architects on the part of the KAITAKUSHI are studied concretly.
遠藤 明久
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.175, pp.91-97,105, 1970-09-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

It is well-known that the interior decoration of the Sale and Reception Room tof the KAITAKUSHI was designed in a Japanesque style by J. Conder. But the concrete figures remain unexplained. This report as the part of the Study of the Sale and Reception Room of the KAITAKUSHI gives a description of the Japanized taste for textile goods in the interior decoration of the building from materials owned by Hokkaido prefectual Government.
福川 裕一 西村 幸夫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.349, pp.56-68, 1985-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

In Japanese historic towns, samurai as well as merchant districts play an important role in urban conservation. The current problems of the two districts, however, are so different from each other that we cannot discuss them in the same phrase. Up to the present day, generally we have not engaged in conservation studies of samurai districts. The absence of the samurai class and the resemblance between samurai houses and the detached houses in modern suburbs, are the main reasons we have not made adequate analysis' of samurai districts in the context of urban conservation. From the case study of the samurai district of MATSUSHIRO castle town, NAGANO Prefecture, this paper will clarify the prototype of the plan of samurai houses, their zonl allocation and the system of aggregating samurai districts. As well, through the discussion of historical transformation, this paper will provide a direction towards the conservation of samurai districts. Contents of the paper are as follows : 1. Historic context of the samurai district of MATSUSHIRO. 2. Spacial constitution of samurai districts : * Prototype plan of a samurai house * Water system of a samurai district * Aggregation system of a samurai district 3. Historic transformation of the samurai district in MATSUSHIRO. 4. Conclusion.
山本 輝雄
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.143-149, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

There are two methods of the lay-out of the main buildings of Obakushu Buddhist temples in Kyushu district. The one is the lay-out in Kara-dera (Buddhist temples for the Chinese in Nagasaki). In this lay-out the main buildings face to the small courtyard paved by stone. The other is the lay-out in Buddhist temples which have a building for the priests to sit in meditation and were founded after A. D. 1661, when Manpuku-ji was established as one of branches of Buddhism schools in Japan. This lay-out takes triangular position with Daiyuhoden (the building for the priests to worship Buddha), Senbut-sujo (the building for the priests to sit in meditation) and Zen'etsudo (the building for the priests to eat together).
丸山 純
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.350, pp.86-94, 1985

J. V. Andreae is known as a priest whose thought played an important role for the construction of the modern educational and the social systems. He described his thought clearly in his utopia "Christianopolis". The relation between the shapes of the ideal city, Christianopolis, and his thought is pointed out in this essay. The essay consists of the following parts : Preface 1. Andreae's life and thought. 2. The relation to the ideal cities in the Italian Renaissance. 3. The relation to the new conception of astronomy. 4. The relation to the images of the "Heavenly Jerusalem". 5. The relation to Andreae's Rosicrucian ideas. Conclusion
藤岡 洋保 深谷 康生
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.419, pp.99-106, 1991-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The Japanese government built twenty-two pavilions for seventeen international expositions before World War II. All the pavilions but one had Japanese-style elevations : motifs of traditional architecture were applied. Such designs were based on either specific building types in specific eras or famous old edifices, but such models were not accurately traced on the elevations of the pavilions, but modified applying motifs in different eras freely. This suggests what the architects thought: they tried to make a "modern Japanese-style," although their way belonged to eclecticism of the 19th century.
内藤 昌 大野 耕嗣 中村 利則
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.180, pp.61-71,76, 1971-02-28 (Released:2017-08-22)

On this part of the paper, the Jurakutei-Castle has been studied from the viewpoint of the history of Japanese architecture by the use of the Folding-Screen Picture of the Jurakutei-Castle and the Rakuchu-Ezu (A.D. 1637, the oldest measured map of Kyoto) that has been discovered recently. And the contents are the following : Chap. 1 A short history of the Jurakutei-Castle from the construction to the ruin; Chap. 2 The planning on the Jurakutei-Castle; Chap. 3 The buildings in the Jurakutei-Castle; that is, Tenshu-kaku (donjon), Hiroma (main hall), Ohte-mon (main gate), and Buke-yashiki (Samurai's residence). As the result of this study, on the one hand the Shoin-style had been completed in this Jurakutei-Castle, and on the other hand the planning of this Jurakutei-Castle built on flat land seems to have been the model of another castle-town. The Jurakutei-Castle was exactly the symbol of the age.