西 和夫 荒井 朝江
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.377, pp.140-147, 1987-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The Katsura villa is very famous in Japan as one of the most excellent Sukiya architecture. It was the villa of Katsurano-miya Household. Katsurano-miya had four villas. One of them was ofcourse the Katsura villa. Other three of them were the Takagamine villa (Kita-ku, Kyoto City) , the Misasagi villa (Nishigyo-ku, Kyoto City) , the Kaiden villa (Nagaokakyo City). These three villas are now not in existence. This is the study on the Takagamine villa (Takagamine-oyashiki). The Takagamine villa was situated in Takagamine-dotenjo-cho, Kita-ku and Kinugasa-kagamiishi-cho, Kita-ku. There were five graceful and simple Chaya (small pavilion) , Getsuro, Kan-un, Machibito, Shunju, Kairaku.
清水 擴
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.136-142, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear the genealogy of the interior decoration of "Amidado" in Heian era. The conclusions are as follows. (1) The sourse of the interior decoration of "Amidado" exists in halls of Hojoji temple. (2) The method of interior decoration was completed in Hoodo, and the other "Amidado" took Hoodo for a model. (3) "Kuhon-ojo-zu" and "Gokuraku-jodo-zu" were the main themes of the interior painting, and several "Hiten", sculpture or painting, were arranged of the upper walls. (4) The first example of the use of "Raden" (mother-of-pearl-work) existed in "Amidado" of Hojoji, and of "Makie" (lacquer) in Tohokuin of Hojoji. (5) Introduction of the painting of "Ryokai-mandara" on the columns is due to belief in "Komyo shingon".
上野 邦一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.125-135, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

There are two drawings of great fires at 1832 in Takayama local museum. In two drawings, I can get many informations on Takayama at 1832, for example, a shape of the town, a site of house, a distribution of "Kashiya" (houses of rent) and its owners. Three south-north roads were main streets and there were some esat-west paths that connected them. Along even three main street, there were "Kashiya" s over fifty percent, and "Kashiya" s made a row in both sides of east-west paths. There were fields on the west side of Katahara-machi, however they were not found in the map at 1873. There were seven merchants who had more than ten "Kashiya"s. There were some "Kashiya" owners who lived outside of Takayama. Some "Kashiya" owners employed "Yamori", the person who managed lands and building instead of the owner. I can not find "Yamori" in two drawings, however, I can find "Yamori" in a kinds of cencus register contemporary with drawings. After the great fire, it is often found the case that the renter rebuilt the houses. The big fire was the opportunity that owners disposed of lands and houses. Almost part of Takayama was destroyed again by the great fire at 1876. After twice great fires, Takayama kept the former road pattern and the former shape of house. This had maken Takayama into the traditional town. I think that Takayama kept the shape of the town till the end of the second War.
内藤 昌 大野 耕嗣 中村 利則
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.180, pp.61-71,76, 1971

On this part of the paper, the Jurakutei-Castle has been studied from the viewpoint of the history of Japanese architecture by the use of the Folding-Screen Picture of the Jurakutei-Castle and the Rakuchu-Ezu (A.D. 1637, the oldest measured map of Kyoto) that has been discovered recently. And the contents are the following : Chap. 1 A short history of the Jurakutei-Castle from the construction to the ruin; Chap. 2 The planning on the Jurakutei-Castle; Chap. 3 The buildings in the Jurakutei-Castle; that is, Tenshu-kaku (donjon), Hiroma (main hall), Ohte-mon (main gate), and Buke-yashiki (Samurai's residence). As the result of this study, on the one hand the Shoin-style had been completed in this Jurakutei-Castle, and on the other hand the planning of this Jurakutei-Castle built on flat land seems to have been the model of another castle-town. The Jurakutei-Castle was exactly the symbol of the age.
谷口 瑞生 山田 あすか 古賀 政好
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.24, no.56, pp.307-312, 2018 (Released:2018-02-20)

In this paper, we review the support system, status of facility improvement, and issues for disabled students at Japanese universities based on literature and interview surveys. The analysis shows that the development of basic facilities such as elevators and ramps has progressed considerably. However, the support system is biased or not in place at some universities. Responding to diverse types and degrees of disabilities is a major task for the future, requiring correspondence such as designing and introducing the necessary equipment ahead of time and assuming students’ needs.
角 幸博 石本 正明 井澗 裕 松本 浩二 角 哲
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.8, no.15, pp.335-338, 2002-06-20 (Released:2017-04-14)

This report is the result of investigation of buildings which remain on the east and west parts in Southern Sakhalin during the Japanese colonial period (1905-45) in 2000 and 2001. We point out that there are about 260 buildings in existence and explain on the main 8 constructions during the Japanese colonial period. We report on the main facilities of six old paper mills, the hospital of the Karafuto garrison, the Toyohara carbonization factory which was first government-managed factory in Japanese colonial period, Oji paper company houses and Hoan-den shrines etc.
栗原 嘉一郎 冨江 伸治 植松 貞夫 門谷 眞一郎
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.311, pp.93-100, 1982

本論文では, 研究者の研究活動における雑誌利用について, 雑誌1タイトル当りの利用者数, 研究者一人当りの和洋別利用種数, ならびに研究者の研究領域と雑誌の主題部門との関係などを, 設定したA, B 2種類の利用形態とともに明らかにした。もとより, 本調査研究は調査対象を筑波大学の教官に限定しているため, 研究領域別にみた場合, 調査母数およびその中でのさらに細かい研究内容という点で, 部分的には片寄りがあるものと思われ, ここに示した結果が, ただちに充分な一般性をもっているとは言えない。しかし, 同種調査をさらに多数の大学等で実施するにしても全研究領域について片寄りなく調査対象者を選定することはかなり困難であること, 研究者の研究情報に大きな比重を占める雑誌の利用の状況について, 今迄その実態が限定つきにせよ明らかになっていないことから, 本論文に示した結果は, 雑誌利用の面からみた研究領域相互の近接性の傾向を知る上で有効であり, 従ってキャンパス内ならびに図書館内での学術雑誌の配置のあり方や, 雑誌の共同購入の可能性などについて考究するための一つの検討資料として利用することには有効であろうと考える。なお, 本論文の骨子は文-3, 文-4において既に発表している。本論文はそれらを一つにまとめたものであるが, その際, 人文社会系の研究領域を細分化しすぎていた点等の研究者の研究領域・雑誌主題部門のグルーピングの方法や, 表の表現方法等について再検討を行ない, 一部を変更し, それにともなう再集計を行なった上でまとめたものである。
小寺 武久
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.427, pp.149-157, 1991-09-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The hydraulic power stations, as going up the valleys in early 20th century, were confronted with a scenic problem and were obliged to be suitable to the scenary. Shiro SATO, an architect, was invited to design these buildings on Kiso River. The building of Momoyama power station (1923) was i built in Neo-Gothic style in reinforced concrete, but the outer surfaces of which were remained to be bare concrete as cast. This somewhat curious feature is supposed to have been an attempt by the architect, aiming to establish a style of modern architecture. It also seems to symbolize the situation of Japanese architecture in 1920s.
宮本 雅明
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.297, pp.131-138, 1980-11-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This paper is a study on the actual state of the architects' and engineers' organization in the Ministry of Education, which showed a large scale of activity as an architectural design organization for higher educational facilities. Here, paying a special attention to activity system of the organization which mainly means architectural design and construction management, I make clear the functional side of the organization in the Meiji Era. And at last, I try to clarify the responsible architect or engineer in charge of each main construction work. Contents of this paper are as follows; 1. Activity system in the Mid-Meiji Era 2. Activity system in the Late-Meiji Era 3. Activity system of the organization in imperial universities 4. Conclusion
小松 智之 蟹澤 宏剛
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.26, no.63, pp.725-728, 2020-06-20 (Released:2020-06-20)

The construction industry is a unique industry which the labor supply and demand rate of change is inevitable. Also the construction industry’s labor intensive is very depends on human power, so the labor supply and demand in accordance with a busy period and a slack period must be adjusted. This paper aims to organize the mechanism of construction workforce supply and demand, and make the problem manifest. Based on the literature survey, we will organize the mechanism of labor supply and demand. Then, the unknown points that emerged and current facts were clarified through a hearing survey to construction companies.
大渕 正博 藤井 中 鈴木 理恵 吉澤 睦博 近藤 正芳 尾崎 文宣 森 保宏
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.73, pp.1215-1220, 2023-10-20 (Released:2023-10-20)

The authors conducted a questionnaire survey for the purpose of analyzing how severe the disasters are assumed in BCP and which measures are being taken. We have analyzed priority of risk countermeasures and content of countermeasures. In this paper, ratio of cumulative number of respondents to the questionnaire to the total number of respondents is regarded as subjective probabilities of restoration periods or frequencies of assumed disasters. In this way, we regard the recovery performance of facilities or the frequency of assumed disasters as a subjective probability that quantitatively evaluates how people think, and propose them as assumed curves.
吉村 東 石坂 公一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.18, no.40, pp.1121-1124, 2012-10-20 (Released:2012-10-20)
1 1

The meeting place in residential area, that is not a designation place of refuge, became the information source of neighborhood inhabitants at the time of disaster, and it played a role as the place of “themeal” and a place of the information exchange through “carry-on food” “support supplies” “distribution of boiled rice” even other than a person knowing each other by sight.However, the consciousness of the meeting place user varied by the nature and age. Generally speaking, evaluation of the meeting place which was old and small was relatively low.Conversely it may be said that the functional role of meeting place at time of emergency can be improved by seismic strengthening and the management in the normal time.
徳尾野 徹 横山 俊祐
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.26, no.62, pp.209-214, 2020-02-20 (Released:2020-02-20)

‘Open type preservation and maintenance’ means the situation that maintained soundly by utilizations of the privately-owned houses as tangible cultural property. The purpose of this study is investigating the possibility of it. By the analysis results of interviews to twenty owners, it was cleared as follows.1) By opening the houses, the connections that substance utilizations are made at inside and outside.2) The owners place visitors as outside evaluations and motivation of continuous actions.3) Workshops that develop participants to supporters are effective as utilizing technics for preservations.This shows accelerations of utilizations are one of important preserving measures.
福山 夏映 山本 幸子
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.28, no.68, pp.380-384, 2022-02-20 (Released:2022-02-20)

Thatching, which is steadily declining in Japan, can be one of the most sustainable constructing methods for today’s architectures. This study focuses on thatched small architectures, walls, or interiors constructed by the contemporary thatching method, and analysis how to introduce the thatching into contemporary architectures.According to case studies, we cleared out that the thatch often plays artistic or decorative roles in contemporary buildings. And to enable various shape and downscaling of thatched architectures, the traditional thatching method is updated through introducing the European constructing method, selecting the appropriate type of the thatch, or ingenious preparation of materials.
山本 健史 保井 美敏 永野 正行 肥田 剛典 田沼 毅彦 渡辺 一弘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, no.42, pp.447-452, 2013-06-20 (Released:2013-06-20)
8 6

During the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, strong motion wave observed at the 30-story reinforced concrete super high-rise building located on poor ground in the Kanto region. By response simulation analysis, a particular response behavior of the building during this earthquake were explored, and then the relationship between damage to building interior and response simulation analysis results were carried out.
谷口 賛 大井 隆弘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.71, pp.465-470, 2023-02-20 (Released:2023-02-20)

This report examines the roof styles and materials used for the ridge and roof surface of minka houses with thatched roofs covered with metal sheets in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, and Koka City, Shiga Prefecture. The results confirmed the diversity of exterior designs of minka with thatched roofs covered with metal sheets and the regional characteristics of each area.
申 易澈 野秋 政希 大宮 喜文 林 吉彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.20, no.44, pp.159-164, 2014-02-20 (Released:2014-02-20)

In this study, with the aim of collecting the quantitative knowledge about radiant heat controlled by trees, the experiment was conducted using the ICAL radiant panel that can reproduce the radiant heating of constant intensity. By using this experiment, we considered the correlation of the shape of the tree and the shielding effect of the radiant heat of trees. As a result, shielding effect of radiant heat by camellia was confirmed by experiments. That effect was especially observed to have large tendency near the trees. Transmittance of heat flux and the shielding ratio(1-φy) have almost the same value, it was confirmed by the correlation of transmittance of heat flux and the shielding ratio(1-φy). Therefore, trees shielding ratio is one simple indicator that assesses the incident of heat shielding effect of the trees.