船曵 悦子 片山 一郎
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.71, pp.352-356, 2023-02-20 (Released:2023-02-20)

The basic infectious disease countermeasure against the COVID-19 in public spaces, “ensuring a physical distance,” was quantitatively analyzed through an observational survey conducted in JR Osaka Station Atrium Square. The results showed that the density of holiday visitors increased due to the repetition of the issuance and lifting of four emergency declarations. The density decreased slightly after once increasing. Weekday visitors showed a tendency to keep their distance from passersby.
一ノ瀬 彩 扇谷 匠
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.73, pp.1552-1557, 2023-10-20 (Released:2023-10-20)

Over a decade, Sake breweries are attracting significant attention as tourism resources in Japan. Therefore, it is important to understand sake breweries to utilize them for tourism resources. We report a survey of the brewery’s layout and how to open to the public in Ibaraki Prefecture. We also investigate the location of the breweries and their surrounding environments. From the results of the survey, we categorize 34 Sake breweries into four broad types according to their characteristics of layouts and surroundings.
宮沢 智士
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.81, pp.46-51, 1963 (Released:2017-08-30)

This report forms a part of the studies on the farmhouses in Fukui-prefecture. We invastigated 34 farmhouses in various parts of Fukui prefecture. The date of farmhouses we invastigated extends from the 17th century to the 19th century. The first step to our investigation on the farmhouses is to know their original plan and constraction when they were first built. Next we tried comparing the plan and constraction in one place with them the other places. As the result of these studies we have found that the farmhouses in Fukui prefecture are grouped five types in style and form. The farmhouses that belong to first group are widely distributed in the Eehizen plains, the mountainaus district of Niu and these conected valley. The plan of these farmhouses are "Hiroma" style. The farmhouses that belong to the other four groups are distributed in the mountianaus distrct (Ohno-sanchi, Imadate-sanchi and East and West Wakasa district). The farmhouses that belong to the other four groups have their own features.
田中 俊彦 村上 周三 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.314, pp.121-130, 1982-04-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

(1)換気量が一定のとき, 天井・壁の結露量と乾燥時間の関係は直線的である。(2)天井・壁の結露量が140g(入浴時間約15分)で一定のとき, 乾燥時間y(min)は, 換気量x(m^3/h)の関数としてy=1920/x+25で近似される。(3)図4.6より, 換気量が100m^3/hのときは, 2〜3人の入浴(シャワー出湯時間10分〜15分)を想定すると, 床に残る水の影響を考慮して, 換気扇を90〜120分運転する必要がある。(4)給気口形状, 浴室外温度が乾燥時間に及ぼす影響は非常に小さい。
鈴木 麻純 松元 良枝 木村 悟隆 長谷川 兼一 中谷 岳史
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.28, no.69, pp.1066-1071, 2022-06-20 (Released:2022-06-20)
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This study investigates the actual conditions of houses flooded by the 2020 Kyushu floods, and reports on the recovery procedures. The recovery procedures were organized in the chronological order based on the records of the technical guidance provided by the authors. The recovery process chart clarified the work process and the number of people required. In addition, the authors interviewed the victims and summarized the recovery work and period of one year after the disaster. It was found that it was difficult for residents to work alone immediately after the disaster and that it was necessary to secure personnel.
藤野 高志 小野田 泰明 佃 悠
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.67, pp.1419-1423, 2021-10-20 (Released:2021-10-20)

In Japan, the Accounting Law has had a strong influence on public procurements including architect selection, and the proposal method has just begun to spread. However, its implementation has been supported by the personal efforts of the person in charge. In this paper, with the interview to the key person who has been struggling for good architect-selection and analyzed the process on practice. As a result, we confirmed the importance of the following three points: requirement-briefing, selection-committee, and creating opportunities for proposals. On the other hand, this know-how was based on his experience in many departments as a prefectural official.
豊川 斎赫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.72, pp.1098-1103, 2023-06-20 (Released:2023-06-20)

The influence of American magazines is one of the factors behind the global rise of Japanese architecture’s reputation after World War II. In this report, we examine various letters exchanged between American magazine editors and architect Kenzo Tange, from the 1950s through to the early 1960s. This analysis examines the process by which Tange’s works were published in magazines, along with how his interactions with American magazine editors affected his overseas activities and broader international reputation. Time, Architectural Forum, and Architectural Record are the magazines covered in this report.
趙 賢株 髙田 光雄 生川 慶一郎 河野 学 伊丹 絵美子 中西 眞弓 式 王美子
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.60, pp.807-812, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)
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This paper identifies residential preference of child-rearing households based on questionnaire and interview survey. The results of this paper are as follows : 1) Child-rearing households tend to move in the same area, and in area well-known; 2) Single parent households tend to value the education environment and local community; 3) Working single parent households tend to value the proximity of housing, a school and a workplace to improve efficiency of commuting and taking their children to school; 4) Child-rearing households with children aged 0to2, 3to5, and schoolchildren tend to value housing performance, educational environment, and children’s school and friendship, respect.
伊丹 弘美 末森 雅大 若林 直子 小島 隆矢
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.59, pp.205-209, 2019-02-20 (Released:2019-02-20)
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The research identified issues in communication in the customized house planning process: while professionals ensure that client’s needs are incorporated into the plan, customers felt that needs and tastes were not sufficiently reflected. Factors that affect customer’s general satisfaction are final building, entire process, the interaction with the sales representative, and how the building is placed, as well as the precision of the design drawings/plans. In addition to the tools to share images that reflect needs and taste, an involvement of an interior decorator is found to improve customer satisfaction and reduce the burden of professional in meeting client’s needs.
永野 正行 大川 出 小山 信
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.18, no.38, pp.73-77, 2012-02-20 (Released:2012-02-20)

Strong ground motions have been observed at Tokyo University of Science, Noda campus, in Chiba Prefecture for more than 16 years. A velocity seismograph is installed and low trigger level enabled us to obtain a number of long period ground motions with long duration. This report describes outline of observation system and recorded motions, focusing on the recorded time. Site amplification characteristics of recorded motions are also discussed in terms of site amplification and group delay time. Long duration of the recorded motions is indispensable to evaluate long period characteristics of the ground motions more precisely.
吉野 博 村上 周三 赤林 伸一 倉渕 隆 加藤 信介 田辺 新一 池田 耕一 大澤 元毅 澤地 孝男 福島 明 足立 真弓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.10, no.19, pp.189-192, 2004-06-20 (Released:2017-04-14)
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The purpose of this survey is to clarify the status of standards on ventilation requirements for residential buildings in European and North American countries. This paper reports the minimum ventilation rate for the residential buildings in eleven countries which are described in the literatures. The airflow rate and air change rate are calculated for a model house proposed by The Architectural Institute of Japan. As a result, the values of air change rate is around 0.5 ACH in almost all countries.
河東 義之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.359, pp.115-123, 1986-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Josiah Conder was an English architect who first taught the orthodox European archiecture to Japanese as a foreign employee in Japanese Government, and he left all his works in Japan. The pupose of this study is to make the method of his design clear by his extant drawings. In this paper, as the first step, the dimensional system of planning was examined. Conclusions are as follows : 1) The dimension in the plans and the foundation plans etc Is based on "inside measurement", "outside measurement" and "center to center measurement" Besides, "inside measurement" dimension is used in many of his plans, while "center to center measurement" in most of his foundation plans. 2) We are able to infer the dimensional system of planning by examining each dimensions and the thickness of wall. The consequence was that all drawings were designed on the basis of "inside mesurement" with a few exceptions. 3) We find 13 works with matted room. Many of the matted room was designed in itself on the basis of "center to center" by 3.0 (shaku) of mesurement unit.
白井 秀和
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.333, pp.137-143, 1983-11-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Le terme de bienseance employe en tant que traduction en francais de decor de Vitruve a deja ete un des principes celebres dans les theories theatrales au 17^e siecle en France. Ce concept qu'on peut appeler la loi habituelle en architecture est le reflet de la societe de la cour en France, et on pourrait dire que la parfaite correspondance entre la structure des maisons particulieres et celle de la societe de la cour, que ce concept exprime bien, est une des empreintes du classicisme francais. Des la premiere moitie du 18^e siecle, au lieu de terme de bienseance, celui de convenance est paru. C'est-adire, ces deux mots qui doivent exprimer a peu pres le meme concept issu du ancien terme decor ou decorum, etaient bien employes a l'age classique. D'abord, a l'epoque de Louis XIV, on se servait du mot de bienseance generalement, et des le commencement du 18^e siecle, graduellement, le mot de convenance en etait venu a etre employe preferablement. Historiquement, J.-L. de Cordemoy et M.-A. Laugier ont traite de la bienseance en architecture ou a l'art de batir. Parallerement a eux, M. de Fremin et J.-F. Blondel ont traite de la convenance en architecture. Surtout, Blondel a expose beaucoup de traites sur la convenance dans ses nombreux ouvrages. Ainsi, ces deux concepts sont conduits a la theorie de caractere, qui etait l'element tres important chez les theoriciens dans la seconde moitie du 18^e siecle. Enfin, la bienseance et la convenance sont les signes de la societe de la cour en France, c'est-a-dire, l'esprit francais a l'age classique.
佐藤 正彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.235, pp.103-110, 1975-09-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The three Kumano shirines are Kumano-niimatsu Shrine (also called Hongu), Kumano-hayatama Shrine (also called Shingu) and Kumano-Nachi Shrine (also called Nachi). Of these shrines, "Hongu" contains the god, Ketsumiko, Hayatamashin is the god of Shingu and the Nachi waterfall is the god of the Nachi Shrine. The existence of the Hongu and Shingu Shrines is described in the records of the Nara Period. However, there is no mention of the Nachi Shrine. In my opinion there was probably a shrine at the foot of the waterfall. Ketsumiko was certainly the god of Hongu untill the middle of the tenth century, but it was not until the latter half of eleventh century that the god, Hayatamashin and the goddess, Musubishin were also enshrined in the Hongu. By the early half of the twelfth century the Shrines, "Goshogu", "Yonshogu", along with corridors, pagodas, the hall of the Buddha etc. were added within the sacred precincts. Hayatamashin was the god of "Shingu" untill the middle of the tenth century, but since then it seems that this shrine added the goddess, Musubishin, and the god, Ketsumiko along with others. As a result of this, this shrine was sacred to eight gods and a goddess by the early half of the twelfth century. In the early twelfth century "Nachi" Shrine was situated on the slopes of Mt. Nachi. This shrine also became as sacred a precinct as "Hong" and "Shingu". The two shrines, "Hongu" and "Shingu" acted in union until the middle of the eleventh century, but "Hongu", "Shingu" and "Nachi" had united their administrations by the latter of the twelfth century. Contents of this thesis are as follows : I. The Condition of the Three Kumano Shrines as Described in the Records of the Nara And the Early Half of the Heian Periods. II. The Condition of the Three Kumano Shrines as Described in the Records of the Middle And Latter Half of the Heian Period. II-1. The Condition of the Kumano-niimasu Shrine (Hongu). II-2. The Condition of the Kumano-hayatama Shrine (Shingu). II-3. The Condition of the Kumano-nachi Shrine (Nachi). III. Conclusion.
長澤 康弘 近藤 靖史
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.71, pp.239-244, 2023-02-20 (Released:2023-02-20)

It is known that the thermal conductivity of insulation foams increases with time due to the emission of the blowing agents from foams and the transfer of the air into them. In this paper, the aging of thermal conductivity in phenolic foam is discussed with measured data and numerical analysis. Measurement of specimens with different thicknesses and surface material conditions are conducted and the aging characteristics are examined. Using the estimation equations of thermal conductivity change, the effective diffusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient of the blowing agents is obtained by comparing the simulation results and the measured value.
三宅 博史 藤賀 雅人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.66, pp.883-886, 2021-06-20 (Released:2021-06-20)

This paper studied the enacting process of the Application fee for Building confirmation. Conclusion of this study is as follows; 1) In the process of enacting the Building Standards Law, the maximum amount and the maximum amount above a certain scale were added to the article after the legal examination. 2) In the process of enacting the Enforcement Order, detailed provisions were established with eight levels of area classification. 3) In order to make the maximum upper limit equal to the conventional amount, the area scale of the corresponding category was set too small as a standard for the future.
村川 真紀 山田 あすか
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.66, pp.841-846, 2021-06-20 (Released:2021-06-20)
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This case report was conducted in an acute care unit with a distinctive plan to examined the relationships between: 1) amount of nurses’ activity and nurses’ burden-feeling, and 2) plan characteristics and nursing burden. The survey consisted of a questionnaire and three-day-activity survey using a general pedometer. Results showed that the amount of activity in the nursing hall type tended to be lower than that in the middle corridor type. Furthermore, no clear relationship was found between amount of nurses’ activity and the nurses’ burden-feeling. These results suggest that nurses’ burden-feeling is an independent indicator.
中村 航 山田 宮土理 村本 真 畑中 久美子
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.60, pp.875-880, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)
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In Japan, the cob construction is often used for fences, but is rarely used for buildings. These buildings are being dismantled by aging and change of owner. We conducted measurement on the warehouse and the wall built with the cob construction method around the Yamanobe road in Nara prefecture. As a result, it is found that there is relationship between the structure of the warehouse, the area and the application. Furthermore, it was possible to estimate the construction method from the states of the mud wall.
重永 真理子 中川 純 勝又 英明
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.72, pp.964-969, 2023-06-20 (Released:2023-06-20)

The purpose of this paper is to propose a tool to verify the results of workshops and to make consensus by citizens. Analyze of the citizens’ comments of the workshop of the public facility from the viewpoints of characters, images of space, rules and consciousness proved importance of variety, multi-purpose, flexibility and of citizens’ interest in participation. Based on these results, the proposal of verify-sheet is framed. The requirements of the public facility are systematized from the point of building condition and citizens’ behavior, and judgment point for citizens are added. Participation of professionals is necessary for this process.