大津 定美
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.7, no.3, pp.437-454, 2006-06-30

After long and heated debates in Russia, new pension laws with the so-called funded part were put into effect in 2002. The realization process in 2003 faced many unexpected difficulties and barriers, such as 1) mailing balance sheets to individual insurants, 2) extremely weak response from the insurants. Amendments were also made to the new pension laws such as, 1) reduction in tariff rates of the so-called uniform social tax (UST) from 28% to 20% of the wage bill, 2) exclusion of the middle-aged cohorts from the obligatory funded part. These amendments caused serious concern among specialists about a possible budget deficit in the Pension Fund of Russia, which could endanger the very core of the reform scheme. Against mounting worries among the population over the new pension system, the government adopted yet another radical welfare reform of "Monetization" which aims to replace various privileges for pensioners with monetary compensation, This policy angered elderly pensioners, who tried to resist through violent demonstrations and sit-ins by disrupting traffic. Furious babushka (elderly female pensioners) held demonstrations, which finally compelled concessions and rewriting of the laws on the part of the government. This failure will make the intended welfare reform even more difficult, and represents serious political damage to the Putin government, whose stable power base rested on popular support, particularly among elderly citizens.
本山 美彦
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.11, no.2, pp.199-218, 2010-02
吉村 昌之 大川 俊隆 小寺 裕 角谷 常子 田村 誠 馬場 理惠子 張替 俊夫
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.28, pp.29-53, 2016-10

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-fourth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 16 to 20 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足)."The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-fourth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 16 to 20 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足).
入江 満
大阪産業大学論集. 自然科学編 (ISSN:02871394)
vol.126, pp.53-63, 2016-02

In the era of digital big data, the users demand a stable preservation method of a huge digital information data. Today, we have three digital data storage media-type; Solid state (semiconductor,SRAM etc.), Magnetic (HDD, Tape) and Optical discs (CD, DVD, BD). Otherwise, in the today's carbon-conscious society, the optical disc technology be refocused on archiving solution for digital data information. Then, Recordable optical disc in professional use would be the most promising one in those digital storage media. This paper reports discussion of the life expectancy evaluation method of optical disk for data archiving based on the ISO/IEC standard.In the era of digital big data, the users demand a stable preservation method of a huge digital information data. Today, we have three digital data storage media-type; Solid state (semiconductor,SRAM etc.), Magnetic (HDD, Tape) and Optical discs (CD, DVD, BD). Otherwise, in the today's carbon-conscious society, the optical disc technology be refocused on archiving solution for digital data information. Then, Recordable optical disc in professional use would be the most promising one in those digital storage media. This paper reports discussion of the life expectancy evaluation method of optical disk for data archiving based on the ISO/IEC standard.
伊藤 誠
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-27, 2006-10-30

Number Place is a puzzle which buries the 9×9 squares by the number of 1-9 according to the rules. The solution of Number Place is explained by various homepages and books. It seems that however, what explained the algorithm of solution concretely is not found. Then, in this paper, the algorithm of Number Place solution devised uniquely is introduced. Furthermore, the program which actually created the algorithm using Fortran which is one of the programming languages is also introduced. The logical type array of 9×9×9 of Fortran (it is called a logical cube in this paper) is used for expressing the 9×9 squares of Number Place. When this 3-dimensional logical type array was used together with the functions for array offered after Fortran9O, it turns out that the processing which had to use many do loops in Fortran77 becomes unnecessary, and we can program algorithm of Number Place solution very simply
植田 政孝
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.5, no.3, pp.9-26, 2004-06-30
井上 仁志
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.17, no.3, pp.179-193, 2016-06

Growing and managing a company requires the senior management to accurately grasp changes in the economic and political settings. Successfully navigating these economic and political changes requires the combined efforts of the company president and his employees. Successful communication between a president and the employees most closely associated with the on-the-ground business environment is essential to create positive change within an organization. Consequently, when employees are endowed with a sense of importance, or belonging, as a result of communication and support from their president, they are increasingly motivated to perform well. Through an analysis of " president-employee(s) communication " in an organization referred to as" Company D," this paper highlights and summarizes the performance of employees, found to be the resulting outcome of the communication they received from their company's leadership.Growing and managing a company requires the senior management to accurately grasp changes in the economic and political settings. Successfully navigating these economic and political changes requires the combined efforts of the company president and his employees. Successful communication between a president and the employees most closely associated with the on-the-ground business environment is essential to create positive change within an organization. Consequently, when employees are endowed with a sense of importance, or belonging, as a result of communication and support from their president, they are increasingly motivated to perform well. Through an analysis of " president-employee(s) communication " in an organization referred to as" Company D," this paper highlights and summarizes the performance of employees, found to be the resulting outcome of the communication they received from their company's leadership.
佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.9, pp.81-106, 2010-06

In almost all modern states, anti-terror legislation was concerned with domestic public order except for police action by the armed forces. However, after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States and United Kingdom created a permanent anti-terrorist legislation. The UK has had a long history of temporary anti-terror legislation, e.g., the Prevention of Violence (Temporary Provisions) Act 1939, and the Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act 1922 (Northern Ireland). However the UK recently created permanent legislation. Especially from 2000 to 2008, the UK has created considerable amount of legislation, e.g., the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (c.2), the Terrorism Act 2006 (c.11), and the Counter Terrorism Act 2008. International security experts have pointed out repeatedly in anti-terror legislation that military power is not appropriate. In light of this problem, we must consider that UK has used the derogation clause, Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, usually called the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). I discuss Article 15 case laws of the ECHR, and of the UK domestic courts. From this point of view, Legislation for emergency situation (yuji-hosei) in Japan has the same problem. Many commentators argue that contingency legislation in Japan violates Article 9 of the constitution. In recent years, Japan has transformed the legislation regarding the Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF). In this context, counter-terrorism measures are gradually shifting from police control to that of the JSDF. The Japanese government seems to be justified with the interference with all the human rights, and to which corresponded the constitution by the "public welfare" stipulated in Article 13 of the constitution. Moreover, could have the "public welfare" provided therein justified the JSDF? On this point, we must consider the derogation clause, Article 4 of the International Covenant of the Civil and Political Rights. The government may create contingency legislation for the purpose of national security, but almost all such legislation would interfere with human rights.
壇 須寿雄
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.9, pp.325-335, 2010

近年の「中国のエネルギーと環境問題」について,日本へのインパクトを中心に解題する。考察の背景には,中国はその目覚ましい経済発展とともに世界第二位のエネルギー消費国であり,間もなく世界最大のエネルギー消費国になることが確実であり,海をはさんで隣り合う日本への環境影響,経済影響には計り知れないものがあるということが挙げられる。日本の国産エネルギーはわずかに4%であり,エネルギーをほとんど外国へ依存している。日本は,中国の旺盛なエネルギー消費による国際的なエネルギー価格や量の影響をもろに受けることになろう。また,日本と中国は,海を挟んで国境を接していることから東シナ海の石油,天然ガスなどの資源の争奪戦も起こっている。黄砂やNOx, SOx等の飛来に見られる大気汚染は中国の環境が日本の環境と直結していることを示す。さらに,地球温暖化の問題である。国際的には中国は新興国扱いで,これまで削減義務を負っていない。しかし,CO_2の排出量は統計上世界で二番目となり,実質的にはアメリカを追い抜いている。エネルギー全体の使用量はアメリカより少ないが,世界最大の石炭大国である。石炭由来のCO_2は石油の2倍近くあり,近年の電力需要の急増にともない石炭の消費も急激に伸びている。さらに中国は,新エネルギーである風力,太陽光エネルギーとともに,2020年頃には世界有数の原子力発電国になるという。が,そうなると,万が一の事故の場合,影響を直接被るのは風下の日本である。中国の環境問題は,このように日本と抜き差しならない関係にあると考えねばならない。以上の内容を最新の資料に基づいて記述している。
岩田 浩
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.14, no.2, pp.181-210, 2013-03

A purpose of this paper is to examine John Dewey's political thought in order to search for a democratic business management style in the coming civilized society. First, I grasp Dewey's view on the "eclipse of the public" in the great industrial society by reviewing shortly his most important political philosophical work, The Public and Its Problems. Next, I search for a significance of the relationship between democracy as a social idea and community by investigating the democratic way to rebuild the lost public Dewey proposed. Finally, I examine some significant viewpoints Dewey's political thought will give to the modern business management under the trend of "the politicization of CSR".
藤川 陽子 菅原 正孝 濱崎 竜英 米田 大輔 南 淳志 杉本 裕亮 岩崎 元
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.9, pp.261-276, 2010-03

定金 浩一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.27, pp.17-33, 2016-06

Here a practical method to reduce the workload of school instructors is proposed, and an outline of a "seven minute interview" model is provided. This model is the result of actual trial and error casework. The interview model has been developed on the basis of the solution-oriented approach. This model is divided into 4 steps, which facilitate actions leading to a solution. I examine the usefulness of the "seven minute interview" for high school education counseling by considering 2 sample interviews that were conducted using this model.Here a practical method to reduce the workload of school instructors is proposed, and an outline of a "seven minute interview" model is provided. This model is the result of actual trial and error casework. The interview model has been developed on the basis of the solution-oriented approach. This model is divided into 4 steps, which facilitate actions leading to a solution. I examine the usefulness of the "seven minute interview" for high school education counseling by considering 2 sample interviews that were conducted using this model.
原田 良雄
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-26, 2013-10

The expected decrease of the domestic market, combined with limited growth, has caused leading EC operators in Japan to accelerate their expansion of business overseas. Since EC sales channels can overcome geographic limitations, effective utilization of these facilitate store development without committing large investment capital giving opportunity to EC to secure their own target market within the broadening market. Against this background, in recent years, EC related companies in Japan have tried to advance and develop the Chinese market, and results are beginning to appear. What has distinguished those that are successful and those that are not? To clarify the factors, we discuss the development of cross-border EC in the China market. In addition, we propose the features of cross-border e-commerce conceptual model, and examined its usefulness and proposed function.
本田 雅子
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.17, no.1, pp.85-108, 2015-10

Since the Euro Crisis in 2008, the labour market conditions of the Southern European EU member states have severely deteriorated, and their rate of unemployment has risen to over 25%. In contrast, Germany shows good economic performance and a low unemployment rate. This article examines how labour migration from the Southern European EU member states to Germany occurs in such an economic situation, and confirms the fact that the migration is not as large as expected for a single currency zone, compared with that from the new Central-Eastern EU member states. In relation to the context, this article also introduces an experimental effort by a city office to create a labour migration network between a German city and a Spanish city, and considers the importance of such an effort for EU integration.Since the Euro Crisis in 2008, the labour market conditions of the Southern European EU member states have severely deteriorated, and their rate of unemployment has risen to over 25%. In contrast, Germany shows good economic performance and a low unemployment rate. This article examines how labour migration from the Southern European EU member states to Germany occurs in such an economic situation, and confirms the fact that the migration is not as large as expected for a single currency zone, compared with that from the new Central-Eastern EU member states. In relation to the context, this article also introduces an experimental effort by a city office to create a labour migration network between a German city and a Spanish city, and considers the importance of such an effort for EU integration.
曽我 千亜紀
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.13, pp.13-24, 2014-04

How does the actual information-oriented society face the issues of resources limitation or ethics while protecting its advantages, such as freedom and diversity? We will try to resolve these issues through a positive thinking process in which we will analyze the concept of information. It is important to analyze nowadays communication as a gift rather than as a well-balanced exchange. Indeed, seeing communication as a gift, and knowing what is given in return, is a process that will show us its new value and its rethought meaning, both ideas that cannot be reduced to necessity or the money economy.