佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
no.1, pp.1-30, 2007

We have not yet analyzed the right to receive an education of Japanese as a second language(JSL) from the perspectives of constitutional law and the International Human Rights Law. In this article, I will analyze the right to receive an education of JSL. In this article, I will discuss the following 1. Do the Constitution of Japan and the International Covenant guarantee the right to receive an education of JSL? 2. What does "multicultural symbiosis" mean in the right to receive an education of JSL? 3. What is the mutual relationship between the "multicultural symbiosis" and "Constitutionalism"?
王 京濱 湊 照宏
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.17, no.1, pp.51-83, 2015-10

原田 一美
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.6, pp.1-21, 2007-06

Die Verwendung farbiger und schwarzer Truppen aus den franzosischen Kolonien im Rheinland wahrend der Besatzungszeit erregte nicht nur in der deutschen Offentlichkeit die Gemuter. Auf dem Hohepunkt der Kampagne in den fruhen zwanziger Jahren brachte das Thema auch hunderte von Artikeln in der internationalen Presse hervor. Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der "Entwicklung des Rassismus in Deutschland" behandelt die vorliegende Arbeit die Kampagne gegen die Verwendung der Kolonialtruppen in Deutschland, die man die "Schwarze Schmach" nannte. Dadurch mochte ich zeigen, dass die "Schwarze Schmach"-Kampagne sozusagen die "racialisation of the postwar situation"(T.M.Campt) veranlasste und den Weg zum Nationalsozialismus bahnte.
前迫 ゆり 名波 哲 鈴木 亮

尾崎 博明 山田 修 菅原 正孝 濱崎 竜英 林 新太郎

本研究では、新機能を有するナノセラミックスを微量有害有機物の処理に適用するための新規水処理技術の開発を行った。まず、TiCあるいはTiCにイリジウム(Ir)を分散させた粉末を原料として、燃焼合成法により透水性を有する多孔質セラミックスを合成した。同セラミックスは導電性と溶質吸着能を有することから、これを電極として微量有害有機物の分離(吸着)と分解を同時に行う処理法について検討した。医薬品類18種類の混合溶液について試験したところ、12種類については5分から120分の処理時間で分解し、本法が医薬品類のような難分解性物質の分解に有効であることが明らかになった。超難分解な有機フッ素化合物(PFOA:Perfluorooctanoic AcidとPFOS:Perflu-orooctane Sulfonate)に対して同法を適用したところ、各々84%と99%の除去率が得られた。排水中のこれらの物質について既報分解例はほとんど無く、本法がPFOAおよびPFOSの除去に有力な新手法となりうる重要な知見を得た。また、同セラミック多孔体をフィルター状に加工し、微量有害有機物の分離・分解同時処理を行う「ろ過型電気分解装置」を初めて開発し、医薬品類について処理試験を行った。その結果、溶質の約20%がセラミックスに吸着しながら電気分解が進行し、多くの医薬品類について高除去率が得られことがわかった。さらに、ナノセラミックスが有する光触媒機能に着目し、高強度光触媒繊維による微量有害有機物分解特性について考究し、2,4-ジクロロフェノキシ酢酸(2,4-D)についてCO_2までにいたる分解機序を明らかにするとともに、医薬品類の分解にも適用可能であることを明らかにした。上述した成果の内、とくにろ過型電気分解装置に関する研究は特許申請にもつながり、新しい水処理技術の開発に道を拓くものとして特筆できる。
平尾 昌宏
大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
no.10, pp.49-67, 2010

Hamann is distinguished from some thinkers in his generation of "Sturm und Drang", such as Goethe and Herder. It is obvious that he was not a spinozist, indeed, Spinoza was a deadly foe for Hamann. Hamann wrote no book on Spinoza, however, he expressed his sentiment about Spinoza in his letters to Jacobi during Pantheism Controversy. They show us one of the most interesting examples of reactions against Spinozism in those days. Hamann honestly admits the difficulty of reading Spinoza's "Ethics". He challenges and challenges Spinoza and Jacobi's "Spinoza-letters", but they repel him. Spinoza's style and method in "Ethics" turndown Hamann. They are considered obvious trickeries for Hamann. Indeed we can not say that this kind of sentiment in Hamann's letters to Jacobi is "philosophical" statement, but, at the same time, it is nothing but expression of his own "philosophy". At first, for Hamann, Spinoza's philosophy is a false construction because it is a system and every system is rootless. Hamann says that everything is local and individual, and arises from "History". Secondly, the form of "Ethics" is a sign of "Purism of Reason", which is applied to the philosophy of Kant by Hamann in his "Metakritik". In this sense, Spinozism and Kantianism are both his targets. The next generation, like Schelling and Hegel, belongs to a kind of Spinozist and tries to integrate the realism of Spinoza and the idealism of Fichte. They think within the framework of <Spinoza and Fichte>. But the framework of <Spinoza and Kant> appears only in Hamann (and Maimon). It goes without saying that Jacobi was a bitter critic of Spinozism. But he formed an estimate of its charm. Spinozism as a system was typical of all philosophical systems for Jacobi. Therefore he made a strong influence on German idealists, whose model was Spinoza's system of philosophy. On the contrary, Hamann did not have any respects to Spinoza. Therefore Hamann's criticism on Spinoza had no influences. This absence of influence over German idealists is a very result of Hamann's own thought of uniqueness, and also belongs to one scene in the history of Spinozism in Germany.
藤永 壯

安元 培 田中 武雄 福田 和悟
大阪産業大学論集. 自然科学編 (ISSN:02871394)
vol.124, pp.21-30, 2013-03

The thermoluminescence (TL) of Ca_5(PO_4)_3Cl doped with Pr ions has been studied for use as a thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) material. The TL glow spectra of Ca_5(PO_4)_3Cl:Pr irradiated with UV ray show a liner relation between TL glow intensity and irradiation time. In the case of X ray irradiation, the TL spectra also show a same relation but show a different shape of spectrum. These results suggest that the TLD consisting of Ca_5(PO_4)_3Cl:Pr may be possible to discriminate between UV and X rays. It was found that with Ca_5(PO_4)_3Cl:Pr, the shape of the TL glow curve for UV radiation is different from that of the TL glow curve for X ray radiation. It seemed interesting to investigate the mixed radiation field, and TL and thermally stimulated exoelectron emission (TSEE) measured simultaneously for X ray irradiation. However, TSEE was not observed.
三野 耕 大賀 康宏 仲田 秀臣
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.11, pp.53-63, 2012-03

本研究の目的は,高校駅伝に出場予定の長距離選手の走スピードを加味したパワーの評価についてである。対象とした選手は,男子第61回および女子第22回全国高校駅伝に出場予定の47都道府県の代表校で男子454名および女子345名である。各選手の身長,体重および男子では5,000m走の記録,女子では3,000m走の記録を資料とした。体表面積は,身長と体重から藤本の方法で求めた。比体表面積は,体重に対する体表面積の割合で求めた。その結果,男子で power/s=22.3s^-3.11 ,女子で power/s=28.4s^-2.76 が得られた。また,男子では, log (power)= -1.1428・logS+1.5372・logW, 女子では, log (power)= -0.8285・logS+1.2434・logW が得られた。高校長距離選手の理論式を用いて得られた走スピードを加味したパワーの理論値は,実測値のパワーを評価できることが示唆された。
玉野 富雄 金岡 正信
大阪産業大学論集. 自然科学編 (ISSN:02871394)
vol.125, pp.1-22, 2015-03

Considering Japanese construction culture before the Meiji era, the castle masonry walls in the modern age are without equal in the world. The Osaka Castle masonry wall in the Tokugawa period represents an extremely excellent and unparalleled construction culture in the world from the point of view of the beauty of the structure observed in the corner wall profile curve, as well as the wall curved surface, and the mechanical rationality as the structural form. That is a magnificent and graceful construction culture which was uniquely developed and accomplished in Japan. This paper presents the technical history of the Osaka Castle masonry walls, discussing the historical and scientific studies on the masonry walls in the Toyotomi period and in the Tokugawa period.
田村 誠 吉村 昌之
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.13, pp.1-19, 2011-10

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twelfth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 23 and 24 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
角谷 常子 大川 俊隆 小寺 裕 武田 時昌 田村 誠 馬場 理惠子 張替 俊夫 吉村 昌之
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.24, pp.85-105, 2015-06

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the nineteenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 15 to 21 of Chapter 6, Junshu(均輸)."The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the nineteenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 15 to 21 of Chapter 6, Junshu(均輸).
横山 直子
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.17, no.2, pp.109-125, 2016-03

Tax consciousness has a huge influence on tax compliance costs. Tax compliance costs have a large influence on tax consciousness. That is to say, tax consciousness and tax compliance costs influence each other. As tax consciousness get higher are more likely to be large tax compliance costs, and also characteristics of tax compliance costs become clear because of a specific character of tax consciousness to be clarified. Characteristics of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are significant and profound. The features of this paper are to clarify characteristics of tax compliance costs and tax consciousness for income tax and local income tax and consider what influence tax consciousness and tax compliance costs. Tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are closely and deeply related to each other, furthermore this paper clarifies factors of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs, and in addition, considers the process of clarification of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs from various angles.Tax consciousness has a huge influence on tax compliance costs. Tax compliance costs have a large influence on tax consciousness. That is to say, tax consciousness and tax compliance costs influence each other. As tax consciousness get higher are more likely to be large tax compliance costs, and also characteristics of tax compliance costs become clear because of a specific character of tax consciousness to be clarified. Characteristics of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are significant and profound. The features of this paper are to clarify characteristics of tax compliance costs and tax consciousness for income tax and local income tax and consider what influence tax consciousness and tax compliance costs. Tax consciousness and tax compliance costs are closely and deeply related to each other, furthermore this paper clarifies factors of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs, and in addition, considers the process of clarification of tax consciousness and tax compliance costs from various angles.
田中 みさ子
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
no.12, pp.131-160, 2013

Community participation is required when creating a master city plan under local governance, because the City Planning Law was amended in 1992. This paper presents questionnaire survey results on citizen participation. Administrative urban planners in Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture were asked question regarding the actual conditions of community participation in development district planning and master city plans.