林田 治男
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.11, no.1, pp.19-70, 2009-09

Edmund Morel, the first Engineer-in-Chief of Imperial Railways of Japan, has been respected in Japan. At the beginning of the Meiji era, he proposed to Hirobumi Ito, the Second Assistant Minister of Finance, to establish a ministry for public works, a institution of higher education, and to use domestic products. His propositions were adopted by the Japanese Government immediately and contributed to development of Japanese society. Unfortunately he died 30 years before the opening of the Railway. He was engaged in his duty for only 19 months. Therefore, almost all Japanese has appreciated his accomplishments and felt saddened by his early death. Many Japanese writers make reference to his career, such as when and where he was born, what he studied at college, how he practiced as an engineer before coming to Japan, why he came to Meiji Japan, and who his wife was. It is very curious that almost all of them have provided incorrect accounts with scarce sources or no evidence. On the contrary, Mr. Yoshihiko Morita traces his career using the original documents and succeeds in correcting previous accounts. I corroborate Mr. Morita's assertions and further augment his findings on Morel's career, specifically regarding family environment, school record, and practical engineering. In this article I refer to the preceding writings on Morel's career chronologically by field, and point out the wrong descriptions. I investigate why they failed to explain his career correctly and followed incorrect versions without questioning their veracity. We must utilize and verify the relevant original records and make references definitely.
出水 力
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.11, no.2, pp.229-268, 2010-02

The production philosophy of Soichiro Honda who is the founder of HONDA has been succeeded to today's HONDA manufacturing system. It is HONDA Engineering that has been most strongly influenced by the Soichiro Honda's manufacturing know-how. Soichiro Honda's production philosophy is based on his experience of repairing cars and working experience at his piston ring factory during prewar days, and his various devices to the process of the motorcycle production after the war. In this paper, how the production philosophy has been succeeded and the difference between Honda and Toyota manufacturing system is discussed.
角谷 常子 大川 俊隆 岡山 茂彦 小寺 裕 田村 三郎 田村 誠 張替 俊夫 馬 彪 吉村 昌之
大阪産業大学論集 人文科学編 (ISSN:02871378)
no.115, pp.1-13, 2005

今回,本訳注稿において発表するのは,『九章算術』の算題とは直接的な関連が不明である算題のうち,「増減分」「分当半者」「分半者」「伝馬」「羽矢」「繪幅」「漆銭」「飲漆」「程竹」である。The unearthed book "Suanshu-shu (算数書)" is the oldest book of mathematics in China. In order to report this book's proper collation, translation, and annotation, the very first procedure was to decipher the letters from photographs with the following investigation of the results with the mathematical and historical viewpoints. This is the sixth released article based on our research and results in which we studied 9 sections named "Zengjianfen (増減分)", "Fendangbanzhe (分当半者)", "Fenbanzhe (分半者)", Chuanma(伝馬)", "Yushi (羽矢)", "Zengfu (繪幅)", "Qiqian (漆銭)", "Yinqi (飲漆)", and "Chengzhu (程竹)".
小泉 修平
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.16, no.2, pp.91-116, 2015-06

Daniel Kahneman established a new discipline called behavioral economics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. It was "Prospect theory" and "Heuristics" that he proposed with Amos Tversky, a coworker, and they attempted a proof using the "only one question method", a psychological experimental technique. This report analyzes the results of the confirmatory study that I carried out for students of the Osaka Sangyo University business administration department on May 27, 2014 (158 subjects), June 3(121 subjects), and September 30(168 subjects), using the same experimental technique as Kahneman and others. There were 26 questions, 11genres, and a total of 447 students. Regarding this confirmatory study of Prospect theory, which applies also to the field of Finance, the results conformed to the theory for the most part, but they were not as remarkable as those of Kahneman's experiment, probably because students' senses of values regarding money were not uniform. On the other hand, regarding Heuristics theory, which applies also to the field of marketing, as for me, there was concern that a difference in economic knowledge, such as Bayesian estimate and statistical cause and effect rates, might appear, but those were ground less fears. At the point of intuition, results showed that differences in knowledge and academic ability were irrelevant. Furthermore, regarding the issue of concern over influence from difference in ethnic culture I compared Chinese foreign students with Japanese students, and the results were as follows: regarding the basic problems. both Japanese and Chinese students showed roughly the same tendency as European and American students, but regarding the correction problems, improvement in correct answer rate for the Chinese foreign students was more remarkable than the rise in correct answer rate of European and American students.Daniel Kahneman established a new discipline called behavioral economics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. It was "Prospect theory" and "Heuristics" that he proposed with Amos Tversky, a coworker, and they attempted a proof using the "only one question method", a psychological experimental technique. This report analyzes the results of the confirmatory study that I carried out for students of the Osaka Sangyo University business administration department on May 27, 2014 (158 subjects), June 3(121 subjects), and September 30(168 subjects), using the same experimental technique as Kahneman and others. There were 26 questions, 11genres, and a total of 447 students. Regarding this confirmatory study of Prospect theory, which applies also to the field of Finance, the results conformed to the theory for the most part, but they were not as remarkable as those of Kahneman's experiment, probably because students' senses of values regarding money were not uniform. On the other hand, regarding Heuristics theory, which applies also to the field of marketing, as for me, there was concern that a difference in economic knowledge, such as Bayesian estimate and statistical cause and effect rates, might appear, but those were ground less fears. At the point of intuition, results showed that differences in knowledge and academic ability were irrelevant. Furthermore, regarding the issue of concern over influence from difference in ethnic culture I compared Chinese foreign students with Japanese students, and the results were as follows: regarding the basic problems. both Japanese and Chinese students showed roughly the same tendency as European and American students, but regarding the correction problems, improvement in correct answer rate for the Chinese foreign students was more remarkable than the rise in correct answer rate of European and American students.
加藤 道也
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.9, no.1, pp.37-60, 2007-10

In the interwar years, Japan shared a concern common to many Western industrialized nations to seek balance of payments and employment stability on the basis of a gold standard system at the pre-war parity. In order to do so, governments introduced a mild deflationary policy but only to be suffered from stagnation of economy and employment. After Japan returned to the gold standard in 1930, exchange rate began to rise and it threatened a decrease of export level. Domestic demand declined and job losses spread to the chemical and heavy industries and to the mining industry. But with the government determined to continue fiscal and monetary restriction, merely awaiting a recovery from depression, both firms and farms lost their trading strength and unemployment grew. The combination of the Manchurian Incident and the Britain's decision to abandon the gold standard convinced Japan that maintaining the pre-war gold par was impossible and in December 1931, the Japanese gold standard was abandoned. After 1932, military expenditure was increased and it effected on employment of the skilled workers. But the improvement of employment was limited to the casual workers as the relatively poor recovery of agricultural production reversed the shock absorber effect of the agricultural sector pushing casual workers into industrial cities.
粟谷 佳司
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.6, no.2, pp.105-116, 2005-02

This paper argues the question of 'space' on Media and Cultural Studies especially from Jody Berland's reconsideration to Toronto Communication School like Marshall McLuhan or Harold AJnnis. In addition, we consider her insight into the problem of Globalization between the USA and Canada. McLuhan was criticized as technological determinism from Raymond Williams. Berland, However, reconsiders McLuhan's media theory and Innis's communication theory in terms of her "cultural technologies" and "social space" . The concept of "cultural technologies" means the combination culture with technology that derived from dialogue with McLuhan. She called "social space" from reading of Henri Lefebvre's 'the production of space'. From this point of view, we discuss the emergency of Canadian culture by the impact on global American hegemony.
林田 治男
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.7, no.2, pp.181-213, 2006-02-28

佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.12, pp.129-172, 2011-06

From 1990's, theories of Japanese Constitutional Law had been radically changed. The constitutional law is discussed by many books and articles of the political theory, history of law, and the philosophical theory. Constitutional theory is influenced by these theories. In this lecture note, I try to reconsider the theories of constitution interpretation, especially the historical aspects and comparative study about the constitutional theory of common law countries, e.g., U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
塚本 直幸 林 良一
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.8, pp.83-93, 2009-06

藤永 壯 伊地知 紀子 高 正子 村上 尚子 福本 拓 金 京子

山ノ内 敏隆
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.6, no.1, pp.93-107, 2004-10-30

There were two routes that the beer brewing technology had been spread over Japan. One was the genealogy of Copeland. Yokoyama and Kubo played the biggest role in this genealogy. They contributed the rise of the beer industry in Japan. The oter was the govermmental route. Nakagawa contributed to establish Kaitakushi Brewery. He is the most important person who transplanted the Germany beer brewing technology in Japan.
石川 實
大阪産業大学論集 人文科学編 (ISSN:02871378)
no.116, pp.27-47, 2005
佐藤 真治 横井 豊彦 都竹 茂樹 大槻 伸吾

林田 治男
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.5, no.2, pp.159-177, 2004-02-28
