宮本 祐子
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.69, no.4, pp.271-278, 1998

In this study, development of young children's understandings of masked facial expression was examined from the perspective of the development of "theory of mind". In Experiment 1, short stories in which one character masks facial expressions to make another character have false beliefs were presented to 3-, 4-, and 6-year-old. They were asked questions to assess their judgements on various mental states (desire, belief, and intention) of story characters. And, to assess children's "representational theory of mind", they performed a "Smaties Task". The results showed that recognition of masked facial expression was developed from 3 to 4 years. Scores on "Smaties Task" was also improved duing the same period. An additional analysis showed that the major determinant of to determine the understanding of masked facial expression was not the age but the possession of "representational theory of mind". In Experiment 2 more sophisticated but similar type of procedures were presented to 3- and 4-year-old children. Results replicated the results in Experiment 1 and the understanding of the intention of characters was also found to develop from 3 to 4 years.
飯塚 雄一 三島 勝正 松本 卓三
Japanese Psychological Research (ISSN:00215368)
vol.31, no.3, pp.127-136, 1989

This study was undertaken to test Patterson's arousal model of nonverbal intimacy. The model proposes that the evaluation of the individual's state of arousal determines the reciprocation or compensation of nonverbal intimacy. Sixty-four male students served as subjects and two male students served as confederates. The confederate attempted to induce in the subject a more or less favorable feeling for him by agreeing or disagreeing with the subject's view on an issue. Subsequently, the confederate increased or maintained the same level of nonverbal immediacy as he did in an earlier session. Hypotheses were as follows:(1) An increase in the confederate's immediacy would effect an increase in the subjects' arousal which, in turn, (2) would lead to either reciprocal or compensatory nonverbal adjustments by subjects, depending on whether they viewed the confederate more or less favorably, respectively. The results provide some limited support for both hypothesis 1 and 2.
束村 康文
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.63, no.9, pp.577-592, 1990

岩野 祥子 福田 洋一 石山 達也
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.1, pp.44-57, 2001
1 2

In order to evaluate the capability of one-dimensional microgravity investigations, we carried out two test surveys across the Katagihara fault in the southwest of Kyoto basin and the Fumotomura fault at the foothills of Suzuka Range. Since seismic reflection survey had already been carried out in these faults, the Bouguer anomaly due to the fault structures was expected in advance at an order of 0.1 mgal across the Katagihara fault and less than 0.1 mgal across the Fumotomura fault. It was also estimated that the spacing of the gravity points should be less than 50 meter to reveal the structures. We therefore conducted precise gravity measurements using a LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter (G-type) at about a 50 meter interval, and also carried out leveling surveys on the same points using a Wild NA3000 digital level. Moreover, we paid much attention for terrain corrections using the 50 meter DEM (Digital Elevation Model) provided by Geographical Survey Institute and partially using a 10 meter DEM compiled by ourselves. Consequently, we achieved 0.1 mgal level precisions for almost all the survey points. Using the gravity anomaly data, density structures in both survey areas were estimated and compared with the structures obtained from seismic reflection survey. The main results are as follows ; (1) comparatively simple structures are obtained to explain the gravity anomaly in the Katagihara fault, (2) the density contrast between the basement and the sedimentary layer is 0.58 g/cm3 in the Katagihara fault, (3) no gravity anomaly due to the displacement on the fault plain is observed in the Fumotomora fault, and (4) possibility of a high density layer is observed beneath the Tokai Group. Although the gravity survey has some limitations and drawbacks, it certainly gives us useful information about the density contrasts. Moreover, one-dimensional gravity survey is quite easy to conduct with very low cost. We therefore recommend that this kind of gravity surveys should be carried out whenever seismic reflection survey is conducted.
小田 宏信
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.9, pp.555-576, 1997

ME(マイクロエレクトロニクス)技術革新が中小企業にもたらした影響として,再集中化が進行したとする説と大都市工業の地位が低下したとする説とが提起されている.こうした見解の矛盾を止揚すべく,本研究は,技術革新下における大都市機械工業の変容の実態を京浜地域のプラスチック金型製造業を事例にして解明したものである.その結果,技術革新が経営体の階層分化とそれに応じた立地対応を惹起し,そのもとで連関構造も再編されるという一貫した機構が明ちかになった. ME化の受容の形態には資金力や熟練技'能の蓄積状況に応じて違いがある.資金力の大きな業者(資本集約型)はその内部経済性を高め立地分散が顕著であるのに対し,熟練技術者に恵まれた業者(技能集約型)は既存集積地域に留まりそこでの外部経済を活用した経営を継続した.一方,この二つの経営基盤がともに弱い中間的階層の業者群(中間型)は,ある程度のME機器と外部経済を活用し,既存集積地の外延部において日本工業の多品種小量生産化に対応した生産を行うようになった.かくして集積地は外延的に拡大し,その中での階層的な連関秩序・集積構造のもと,既存集積地と外延部で異なった技術体系・地域的連関構造が生じている.本研究から指摘できることは, ME技術革新がマーシャル流の「産業地域」への再集中をもたらしたわけではなく,むしろ,集積を基調としつつも階層的・重層的な連関秩序を内包したより広域化した中小企業ネットワークを作り出したということである.
山本 健兒
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.3, pp.131-155, 1997

本稿の目的は,内藤 (1996) とSen and Goldberg (1994) の主張を,さまざまな文献に照らし合せて再検討し,移民問題研究のための基礎的視角を提示することにある.両者に共通する主張は,差別されるがゆえに在独トルコ人の間でイスラム主義が広がる,というものである.しかし,イスラム諸組織の性格把握と差別の内容について,無視しえない差が両者の間に認められる.本稿では,イスラム諸組織の多様性と性格の不透明性を示すとともに,在独トルコ人に占めるイスラム諸組織参加者の比率を推計した.さらに,差別がイスラム主義への傾斜をもたらすという論理に,より踏み込んだ議論を展開している内藤 (1996) の論拠を検討した.また, Sen and Goldberg (1994) は国籍が移民問題の鍵になるとみているので,在独トルコ人のドイツ国籍取得に関する動向も分析した.以上の検討から明らかなことは,在独トルコ人社会の中に多元性が認められる,ということである.他方,ドイツ社会も多元的である.それゆえ,ドイツ人と在独トルコ人との関係を分析する際には,二つの多元性に注意する必要がある.
内藤 正典
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.11, pp.749-766, 1997-11

林 温
国華 (ISSN:00232785)
no.1176, pp.p12-26, 1993-11
大島 規江
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.109, no.5, pp.661-679, 2000
1 1

In this paper I analyze the social space of Muslim inhabitants in Amsterdam, paying particular attention to differences of residential area around the city center and its suburbs. This study is based on my fieldwork carried out from February to March 1997 in Amsterdam. The materials were collected through personal interviews.<BR>The result of the analysis showed that the residential pattern of Amsterdam experienced great change between 1990 and 1995. Since 1990, the Dutch have tended to concentrate in the northern and southern suburbs and inflow into the area. On the other hand, Moroccan and Turkish inhabitants have concentrated in eastern and western part around the city center. It is pointed out minorities concentrate in CBD and inner city, which often have low-wage jobs and low-rent housings. Lobar and housing market in Amsterdam also affected residential pattern. Ethnic clusters are located around the city center where the ratio of private let and deteriorated housing are relatively high. However, the concentrated area of ethnic minorities has gradually expanded into the suburbs in recent years.<BR>According to past studies, it is interpreted that the expansion of ethnic clusters comes from on upgrading of social and economic status. To consider whether or not the same factors also operate on or not in Amsterdam, it is necessary to look at the social space of Muslim inhabitants in two areas around the city center and the suburbs. From the responses to questions, Muslim inhabitants were classified into four types. For the sake of brevity, the members of cluster one can be labeled 'Inhabitants of the first generation live in around the city center'. Cluster two identifies 'Inhabitants of the first generation live in the suburbs'. In contrast, members falling into cluster three could be representing 'Inhabitants of the second generation live in the suburbs'. And, cluster four might be express 'Inhabitants of the second generation live in all areas of the city'.<BR>The result of the analysis clearly shows that the expansion of Muslim clusters does not originate from social and economic factors in the Dutch welfare state. More than half of the housing is managed by housing associations in Amsterdam. Because Amsterdam is situated on former marshland, building poses special problems. As Amsterdam developed concentrically, the suburban area has great number of social housing. But, most of the Muslim ingabitants have to lie in private lets around the city center. However, they have opportunities to move into social housing, due to decreas of the Dutch population from 1990 to 1995. For this reason, ethnic clusters have expanded into the suburbs in recent years. The differences between the environs of the city center and the suburbs are family constitution and years residing in Amsterdam. Muslim inhabitants live in suburban areas together with the first generation and the second generation. However, research reveals that social space in two areas consisted of similar social and economic conditions.
常木 晃
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.31, no.1, pp.87-115, 1988

<i>Spondylus gaederopus</i> Linné is a large and durable marine bivalve, and Neolithic people in Europe used to make various shell objects, especially ornaments like bracelets, pendants and beads, from this species. <i>Spondylus</i> shells and shell objects were transported from the eastern Mediterranean far into inland Europe, and they are one of the most spectacular indicators of large scale trade in Neolithic Europe. In order to discuss <i>Spondylus</i> trade, the study of <i>Spondylus</i> shells and shell objects in the Aegean region, which is now assumed to have been the principal resource area, is indispensable. But the study in this region has just begun. In this article, the author begins with an analysis of the shell assemblage found in the new excavations at Dimini, then refers to the <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects of the other Greek Neolithic sites. Trade routes are also discussed.<br>The main characteristics of <i>Spondylus</i> in the shell assemblage of Dimini are as follows; 1. <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects form a high percentage of the entire shell object assemblage, compared with a relatively low percentage in the entire shell assemblage (Fig. 3); 2. There is a high percentage of shell objects within this species despite its relatively large quantity (Fig. 4). A lot of unfinished <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects are included in the samples; 3. The production technique for making <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects is quite sophisticated, and a variety of object types are produced from <i>Spondylus</i> shells; 4. Significant accumulations of <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects are recognized in two find spots of the settlement, and these spots are workshops for <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects (Fig. 5). These characteristics indicate the special position of <i>Spondylus</i> in the shell assemblage, and prove that large scale manufacture of <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects took place within the settlement of Dimini. The important part which the manufacture of <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects played in the society of Dimini is also recognized.<br>Now it is clear that there were at least two principal manufacturing and transporting centers of <i>Spondylus</i> shells and shell objects in Neolithic Greece. One was eastern Macedonia as has already been proved, and the other was south-eastern Thessaly, which included the settlement of Dimini. Based on the comparative studies among the <i>Spondylus</i> shell objects in Greek Neolithic sites and their geographical distributions, it is supposed that the <i>Spondylus</i> shells and shell objects of the former center were transported into eastern Balkan and those of the latter center were transported into western Balkan through central Thessaly and western Macedonia.