西山 哲郎
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.86, pp.3-17, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper aims to study the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic games in order to examine how these events will influence the future of Japanese society and mass media. If one includes the 1940 games that were never actually held due to World War II, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are the third Olympic Games scheduled to be held in Tokyo. The 1964 Tokyo Olympics provided an opportunity to show the world that Japan had recovered from its defeat in World War II and returned as a member of the international community. Today, parties inside and outside Japan expect the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to promote recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. In reality, however, there is a risk that the Olympic Games will be used as a means to help Tokyo survive as a global city while seriously jeopardizing the interests of other regions of Japan. Unlike in 1964, it may be difficult to organize the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games as a national event actively supported by all Japanese people. The only possibility for a national event is nationwide development of facilities for the Paralympic games. At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, advances in ICT technology will likely enable individuals to broadcast videos that will compete with broadcasting by mass media. Considering that broadcasting fees provided by TV stations and advertising agencies constitute a major financial source for the present over-sized Olympic Games, the risk that these fees may not be obtained may prove lethal to the event in 2020. At the same time, such a crisis would also place the mass media at a crossroads in which it must ensure the survival of its business in the face of an overflow of network technologies.
桶田 敦
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.96, pp.15-32, 2020-01-31 (Released:2020-06-17)

Regarding the number one reason for trusting television, although the results of studies have shown that people trust television to provide accurateinformation when their lives or livelihoods are at risk during disasters and accidents, questions have been raised regarding whether this trust in disasterreporting is wavering. It has been demonstrated that distrust in television reporting in disaster-hit areas is growing due to the disparities between localstations and leading stations based in Tokyo, as exemplified by the differences in the results of television reporting during the Kumamoto earthquakes thatoccurred in April 2016 between local stations based in Kumamoto Prefecture and leading Tokyo stations, as well as the differences in discussion topics in thereports covering the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that occurred in March 2011 between local stations based in Fukushima Prefecture and the leading Tokyo stations.
宮﨑 悠二
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.98, pp.107-124, 2021

<p>This article focuses on how the term kuchi komi (meaning "word of</p><p>mouth") came to be used in advertising theory in Japan in the early 1960s from</p><p>a view of conceptual analysis.</p><p> So far, little attention has been given to kuchi komi in media history and</p><p>advertising history. This is because kuchi komi is a medium that leaves no</p><p>material or institutional traces. This article aims to provide a history of kuchi</p><p>komi by focusing on it as a concept, and analyzes how it came to be presented</p><p>as an advertising tool. We mainly analyze textual data that presented kuchi</p><p>komi as an advertising tool in the early 1960s.</p><p> As a result, we revealed:( 1) the Reading Social Survey conducted during</p><p>1956 played an important role in the spread of the "opinion leader" concept in</p><p>the advertising industry, and( 2) the term kuchi komi was newly presented as</p><p>an advertising tool in the early 1960s in relation to the "opinion leader" concept.</p>
佐々木 悠亮
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.82, pp.193-210, 2013-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The notion of "gatekeeping" introduced by D. M. White in 1950 refers to the process of selecting news for people in society. People in society mainly depend on information selected by media to understand what happens in broader society. In this sense, media is important to our understandings of the social reality. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the status of the gatekeeping theory and to then suggest strategies for empirical research in the future. To evaluate the status of this theory, a historical review is conducted. There are five areas of the research, which constitute five levels of the gate-keeping factors. These areas have been divided into five levels of analysis: individual, media routine, organizational, social institutional and social system. In this article, the former four levels are discussed individually. The last level, social system, however, is so deeply and widely rooted in the whole of society that it is not explicitly discussed as it is too complex to model effectively. After the classification of gatekeeping, two issues are suggested for the future. The first is empirical research methods. At each research level, models of analysis are discussed. Out of all of the four levels, the routine analysis level is the first to be researched because routines are traditions that journalists use in daily activities. The second issue is the inclusion of new media such as social media. Traditional gatekeeping studies have focus less on new media and more on mass media. But now new media have the power to influence people in their selections of news to be examined.
小川 有希子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.54, pp.96-112,249, 1999-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this study was to propose a method of 'qualitative' content anlysis, and to examine its methodological usefulness by relating its results to the viewers' reactions. A televised drama, in which a committed teacher dealt with the problem of bullying the classroom was analyzed, and viewers' reactions to the drama were collected by a questionnaire and summarized. The content analysis was done in the following manner: First, the development of the drama was analyzed and then segmented into units. Second, the units were categorized into three negative stages and two positive stages in terms of the characters' mental state. It was found that this method of content analysis was quite informative for identifying the segments of the problem that probably induced each reaction of the viewers.
水野 剛也
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.65, pp.116-132, 2004-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

During World War II, the U.S. government uprooted more than 110,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast and put them into inland camps. This incident has been examined from various aspects by a number of scholars. But very little has been written about how the federal government treated the press of Japanese Americans. This study analyzes how the Office of Facts and Figures (OFF) and Office of War Information (OWI) made use of the Japanese “enemy language” newspapers for information dissemination during the earliest phase of war. It also investigates how these agencies elicited voluntary cooperation, which was de facto self-censorship, from Japanese newspapers.
松本 恭幸
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.68, pp.22-41, 2006-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The citizen's participation in journalism has faced a big change due to the spread of the digital media after the 90s. This paper presents many concrete examples and analyzes the various aspects of the so-called "citizen journalism, " such as the Internet newspapers and the Internet broadcast, as well as the recent trend of the "blog journalism" in Japan. The relationship between this new kind of journalism and the existing mass media is also discussed. This paper also discusses the role of the NGO and NPO, which are increasingly taking the lead in the civic journalism.
李 錬
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
vol.37, pp.143-152,315-31, 1988

Hansung Sunbo was the first modern Newspaper in Korea. The first edition was written and published by Kakugoro Inoue in 1883. Hansung Sunbo's importance in the history of the press is its emphasis on Korean modernization and ideology which was popular among the readers. Its publication became a turning point in the history of the Korean press. Inoue did not put emphasis on research and made little progress. The Korean people perceived Kakugoro Inoue as an instrument of the MEIJI government and did not acknowledge his great contribution to the Korean press. The Korean harbor became an open port after the Kang Wha Do (treaty)in 1876. As part of the treaty of Kang Wha Do, a third diplomatic mission was sent by Korea to Japan When Ock Kyun Kim and Dongin Lee, members of that mission, lived in Asakusabetsusou, they had a deep relationship with Ukichi Fukuzawa. During their stay in Japan they had the opportunity to view Japan, its political world and civilization system. At that time, Young Ho Park and Ock Kyun Kim established the Bark Mun Guk, and by recomendation of Fukuzawa, were introduced to 6 people beside Inoue. They purchased a printing machine in Nagasaki and started publishing a newspaper・At that time, Inoue was appointed as an associate editor and he was mainly responsible for collecting materials, serving as the redactor, and supervising translation and printing. Finally on October 31, 1883, the first edition was published (Hansung Sunbo). Yun Sik Kim and Inoue also published the Han Sung Junbo and changed the name on January 25, 1886. The Han Sung Sunbo was the first newspaper written in the Korean language in the history of the press, and which also used the Korean literary style. Inoue was a very famous journalist and he was a pioneer in the history of Korean speech (press). Although Han Sung Sunbo was published 104 years ago, nobody knows much about him in Korea and he has not been a subject of research. As he made an important contribution, we have to reassess his place in the history of the Korean press.
清水 瑞久
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.63, pp.130-143, 2003

This paper considers the problem of Art and its use as a medium in the Meiji period, so I take the texts of Masakazu Toyama, who was an ideologue of the Japanese Government of the time. He was very interested in Art. But he saw Art as a mean of propagating the governmental conception to the nation. For him, a medium must be natural without noise. It must be self-evident. And this natural medium was a tool to make the people into a nation. I take his texts about Art to show what his thoughts about this medium were.
水出 幸輝
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.93, pp.117-135, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-10-13)

This study aims to clarify the transition of collective memory and recognitionabout the Great Kanto Earthquake through the exploration of the narrativesof an academic figure. In a time when the collective memory of this past disasterhas been fading, this report made it clear how the opinion of the intellectual haschanged and why. The intellectual in question is Ikutaro Shimizu, who experiencedthe Great Kanto Earthquake. Known as a prominent writer, he continuedto express his opinion on the Great Kanto Earthquake. He described himself an“après un tremblement de terre”( post-earthquake) writer, playing on words ofthe après guerre( post-war) generation. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquakeand its aftermath, Shimizu’s opinion on the disaster has drawn publicattention again. The aim of this report is to trace the manner in which Shimizutalked about the disaster and how it changed. Before the end of the Second World War, Shimizu rarely discussed theGreat Kanto Earthquake. In the days after the Second World War, he began towrite essays on the huge earthquake. In other words, he developed his owninterpretation of the earthquake in contrast with his war experience. As he recognizedthat the Great Kanto Earthquake had been downplayed by society atthat time, he wrote about the Earthquake over and over as one of his importantpersonal experiences. Although he attempted to evoke collective remembranceof the Earthquake in 1960, he quit writing about the Earthquake after all. It is in and after 1970 that his narrative seemed to change. He came to dealwith the Great Kanto Earthquake as a matter of society or the nation, not as anunforgettable personal event. He modified his opinion on the Earthquake in linewith the collective memory shared with people of the same period. This reportexamines Shimizu’s argument on the Earthquake and its changes, and pointsout the connection between personal memories and collective memory.
茂木 崇
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.58, pp.142-153,222, 2001

The New York Times has been under the control of the Oches and Sulzbergers since 1896.What all the publishers have in common is their belief that the main mission of the paper is to report the news without fear or favor.But The Times introduced a signed column in 1933 and the Op-Ed page in 1970.We analyze the role of this opinion page and contend that the Op-Ed page is an attempt to adapt to the diversification of American politics and society at its best.
岡本 直美 田中 東子 原 由美子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.83, pp.47-63, 2013-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

In this interview, we asked Ms. Naomi Okamoto, who has been Chairperson of the Federation of All-NHK Labour Unions since 2005 and Deputy President of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation since 2009, about women working in mass media from the 1970s to the present day. She made it clear that there have been significant changes to the working conditions for such women and their attitudes toward work and life, and that there have been several trends regarding the presence of women in media workers since before World War II. She also mentioned that although movements to demand women's rights are gradually decreasing, labor and gender issues still exist and that it is now important for both male and female workers to achieve a proper balance in their work and private lives.